The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2029: ambiguous

Nangong Wan'er, with a large bag of ingredients in her hand, walked to the entrance of the Li Zedao Courtyard. She curled her mouth and stretched her hand over, and picked up a love letter that was trapped in the gap, then crumpled it into a ball and threw it. Just knocked on the wooden door.

"This bastard, there are girls who send him love letters every day, he must be quite proud now?" Nangong Wan'er bit her lip lightly, feeling a super uncomfortable feeling that her beloved toy was missed.

Li Zedao, who was studying the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" on campus, opened the courtyard door after hearing the knock on the door.

"Why are you here?" Li Zedao asked Nangong Wan'er in surprise.

When we went to the dining hall together for dinner in the morning, Nangong Wan'er pointed to Li Zedao’s nose sternly and said that she was going to lock herself in the courtyard for the next two days and let Li Ze say goodbye to her. She Study the "Outline of Plants and Trees" carefully so that you can get a good result in the selected examination two days later.

Nangong Wan'er didn't feel that she could pass the screening test. After all, she knew very well that she had no talent for pill medicine and couldn't raise any interest, but if her grades were too bad, she would be embarrassed, right?

"What? I'm afraid that I will influence you and those girls to scowl me and me?" Nangong Wan'er didn't even notice that there was a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Li Zedao gave an inexplicable smile: "You think too much."

Just kidding, are you such a casual person? Just those crooked melon cracked dates that are qualified to flirt with yourself?

In fact, those girls are not ugly. They should be convex, and they should be warped. I have to say that the quality of students in the College is still very high. After all, they are all talents from major tribes.

However, Li Zedao sees more beautiful women, so the taste is naturally high.

For example, you usually eat exquisite and delicious pastries, and suddenly a steamed bun is delivered one day. No matter how white the steamed bun is, you have no good appetite.

Of course, in the case of extreme hunger and thirst, it is naturally another matter.

It's just that with Li Zedao's self-control ability, naturally there will be no such hunger and thirst.

"They don't have classmate Wan'er. You look good." Li Zedao's face was shy, like a virgin with a new love.

"That is!" Nangong Wan'er spoke proudly, her heartbeat speeding up, it was a very sweet feeling.

Li Zedao took the initiative to take the ingredients in her hand, stepped aside and let her in.

When receiving the ingredients, Li Zedao's fingers inevitably touched Nangong Wan'er's small hand. Inexplicably, Nangong Wan'er felt an electric shock, and her heart beat faster.

"Um... how did you learn?" Nangong Wan'er quickly shifted her thoughts, she pointed to the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" that Li Zedao was holding in her hand and asked.

"It's alright." Li Zedao smiled. In fact, he has memorized all the content in this book, and even has a very subtle understanding.

Nangong Wan'er said with a bitter face: "Anyway, I can't do it anymore. Now as soon as I open this book, I feel that my head has suddenly grown bigger, and the things I remembered hard before are almost forgotten. ... Am I stupid?"

Li Zedao would naturally not stupidly say that you are indeed stupid. Whoever dares to say that you are not stupid, I will be anxious... When a girl is self-deprecating, I hope you can praise her.

"Who said you are stupid?" Li Zedao retorted Nangong Wan'er loudly.

"Then why can't I remember? I'm already working hard." Nangong Wan'er stared at Li Ze with her eyes flickering.

"There is a saying that the one who knows is not as good as the good, and the good is not as good as the happy." Li Zedao said.

"What do you mean?" Nangong Wan'er had never heard such a slurred sentence.

"The meaning of this is that those who understand it are not as good as those who love it; those who love it are not as good as those who enjoy it." Li Zedao explained.

Nangong Wan'er nodded thoughtfully: "I see, you mean, the reason why I can't remember is not because I'm stupid, but because I'm not interested in medicine."

"This is the case. The so-called interest is the best teacher. This is the truth. When you have a strong interest in a subject, you will naturally learn better than others." Li Zedao said, "So, you can't remember You live not because you are stupid, but because you are not interested at all."

Nangong Wan'er nodded, quite satisfied with Li Zedao's answer.

"Of course, there is one exception." Li Zedao said again.

"what's the situation?"

"I'm not really interested in the refining of pill, but I still remember a lot. At this time, it has nothing to do with interest, but I am really too smart and excellent." Li Zedao was sad. , "Look, that love letter is the best proof of my excellence..."

"Go to hell!" Nangong Wan'er's small face turned black, she drew her sword and slashed at Li Zedao fiercely.


After eating, Nangong Wan'er said that since you are so good at Li Zedao, you don't need to learn anymore, so I want to drag Li Zedao out and plan to play around the academy.

Li Zedao agreed...No way, who made the sword in Nangong Waner's hand touch his neck?

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that Nangong Wan'er's move was suspected of declaring sovereignty. She wanted to let those girls who adore herself know that this watery Chinese cabbage has been reserved by a pig, and it will be a while later. It's going to be arched, so don't bother with it.

"Wait..." Nangong Wan'er stopped Li Zedao when she was about to go out.

"Why? Not going out?" Li Zedao asked.

"The clothes are not sorted out." Nangong Wan'er said as she walked up to her and stretched out her soft hand to help Li Zedao tidy up the collar that nestled on her chest.

"Thank you." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Li Zedao had experienced this kind of clothes that were helped by a girl at such a close distance too many times, so he didn't feel ashamed of his heartbeat speeding up.

He has long been not the little virgin who was in love, although he always likes to pretend to be pure.

It was the first time that Nangong Wan'er did such a thing, so she was very nervous.

Being so close, she could clearly hear Li Zedao’s powerful heartbeat, and the unpleasant smell released from him... Involuntarily, her heart was beating. It was so bad that his face became hot.

She tried her best to make her expression look like a trivial matter. After helping Li Zedao tidy up her clothes, she reached out and pulled out the hairpin on Li Zedao's head and said, "I have known you for so long, and my hair has been messy. It's embarrassing to be so old and not able to comb your hair..."

As she said, she gently combed Li Zedao's hair with her fingers.

"I really won't sort it out." Li Zedao said embarrassedly. He was not from God's Domain at all, and his hair was not so long at all, it was even longer than Sister Bei's.

If it weren't for the fear of being treated as a freak or an alternative, Li Zedao would want to cut this head off.

"That's because you are stupid." Nangong Wan'er combed Li Zedao's hair with her delicate voice, then skillfully rolled up her hair bun and inserted the wooden hairpin firmly.

"Okay." Nangong Wan'er said, taking a big step back, and if she continued to get so close, her heartbeat would jump out of her throat.

"It looks more pleasing to the eye. I'm so beautiful and noble. If you are too sloppy, I won't be embarrassed to walk with you." Nangong Wan'er raised her arrogant head, trying to explain something, but her eyes were not Too dare to confront Li Zedao.

"Wan'er, you blush." ​​Li Ze said, pointing to her little face.

"Oh, you..." Nangong Wan'er glared at Li Zedao in anger, and said angrily, "I'm hot, can't you? Alas, you are still laughing...I killed you... and laughing..."


Out of the gate of Fuzhou Academy, through the Goshawk Pavilion, Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er continued walking side by side.

Li Zedao didn't speak, and didn't know what she was thinking; Nangong Wan'er also didn't speak, she didn't know what she was thinking. The two of them walked forward step by step in silence.

The two occasionally looked at each other. Nangong Wan'er looked like she was frightened, and quickly moved her eyes away, but Li Zedao didn't move away, looking at her little red face with interest. Look.

Although the flashing waist of Zhoushan Mountain is not covered by thick ice and snow, there is no ice and snow on the top of the mountain, and there is even red and willow green everywhere, plus thin clouds and mist around it, as if in a fairyland.

The area of ​​the entire mountain top is actually very large, and Buzhou Academy only occupies one area. There are many places that have not been developed, and there are certain dangers. After all, no one knows that there are usually few people who have not been developed. What kind of beasts and poisonous insects exist in the nearby area.

Therefore, if you encounter any danger, solve it yourself, and take responsibility for any consequences.

If you die accidentally, let alone help you get revenge, the academy will be lazy even to collect your body.

But even so, the superpowers from all the major tribes want to send the outstanding children of their families to the Fuzhou Academy, just because there are the best conditions for cultivation, this mountain top has richer than other places. The breath of heaven and earth.

There are various spirit skills and spirit skills here, and heavenly rank spirit skills and spirit skills are very common here.

Don't say it is a six-pin pill here, it is seven-pin pill, eight-pin pill, and even nine-pin pill!

There are the best craftsmen here, they can create top three weapons at any time.

There are also rare soulsmiths here, they can create rare and mysterious soul products with extremely terrifying power!

The most important thing is that these things can be given to students of Fuzhou College for free...Of course, the premise is that you have enough credits!

So, here is full of competition. Everyone, even between teachers and teachers, are competitors!

On the other hand, with the acquiescence of the college, the so-called campus violence is not a problem in this poor college at all. Those strong can challenge the weak at any time and squeeze the poor credits in their hands. After that, the academy will laugh at the weak person for being too stupid. If you don't quickly improve your own strength, you will drop out of school automatically, don't lose the academy's face.

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