The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2039: Deduct credits

It's just that the laughter was too loud, too deceptive, too devilish, and a little arrogant, and naturally caused the students who entered and exited the Yanwu Pavilion to look sideways, and their expressions were all confused.

"This idiot... crazy?"

"As far as I can see, he should have been bitten by the dish moth. You and I know that anyone who is bitten by the dish moth will make such a...oh, neurotic noise."

"No, no, no, it's definitely not bitten by a disc moth. Although it does make you laugh more than if you are bitten by a disc moth, the laughter is not so proud..."

"Only Lingyun Realm, the lower grade cultivation base dare to refute me? I want to challenge you..."

"Isn't this the Li Zedao who defeated Dongfang Xingchen with a sword a few days ago?"

"Ah, he is him... Brother Zedao is so handsome with a smile."

"I don't know if Brother Li was moved by the love letter that others wrote all night long?"


"Oh, I have to say, the most useless credits in the college." Li Zedao triumphantly came to such a conclusion.

Li Zedao felt that the most useful thing in this college is character. For example, his character is so good, so those excellent teachers want to get themselves.

It is said that there is a master teacher, as the name implies, there is a master teacher first and then a famous teacher!

So Li Zedao knows very clearly that their own excellence is the key for them to become outstanding teachers in Fuzhou College, so they all want to get themselves, and even almost start to do it.

Because of his good character, the old Jian Pidian gave him the eighth-rank sword, the Dragon Yinfeng Dance, and even taught him the high-rank spiritual skills.

Because of his good character, Yang Canghai gave him the **** silk armor, eight hundred credits and these dozen precious pills.

Because of her good character, Nangong Wan'er took the initiative to put on her fragrant lips.

I have to say that Wan'er's lips are really too tempting. Her lips are sweet, q-like, and extremely delicious...

Li Zedao was sad, what should I do if he is so good? But he didn't pay attention to the eyes of the people around him looking at him as if they were looking at an idiot, and he didn't expect to cause trouble because of his smile.

"This classmate, it is forbidden to make loud noises in Fuzhou College." A serious voice sounded in his ears.

"Uh..." Li Zedao smiled and looked up, only to see a man who was wearing an imperfect college uniform like himself was staring at him with a serious expression. At the same time, he noticed that the surroundings were projecting a lot of things. Such a surprised look.

"Cough cough..." Li Zedao's face blushed, how embarrassing and embarrassing he was before he realized that he was too smug, and even laughed like that in front of so many people.

"Is that right, I'm sorry..." Li Zedao smiled awkwardly and politely, and wanted to leave first.

Thinking that such a wise and martial artist would do such a shameful thing, Li Zedao wanted to find a gap to get in.

"Wait." The man looked extremely serious and stretched out his hand to block Li Zedao's path.

"Is there anything else?" Li Zedao asked, looking at this face that looked so sophisticated. From this face that looks three points older than Yang Canghai, Li Zedao can easily draw a conclusion.

This person may have been enrolled for ten or twenty years, but he has been unable to break through the spiritual cloud realm and enter the spiritual **** realm. However, he did not have to have the easy life of Zhou Academy and free meals, so he did not voluntarily drop out.

"I'm Shangguan Bowen, a member of the Supervision Group of the Fuzhou Academy." Shangguan Bowen pointed to a silver badge pinned on his chest.

The badge is in the shape of a mountain, with the word "Wu Zhou" on it. There is nothing special, and it even looks a bit low-end and cheap.

"Uh... the supervision team?" Li Zedao's eyes fell on the badge, and he remembered. On the day when he entered the school, Liu Qingfeng did mention this so-called supervision team, but at that time Li Zedao first came to this realm. , It is inevitable that he was in a state of panic, and he was digesting what Liu Qingfeng said about Nuwa, and he ignored the so-called supervision team.

Unexpectedly, now I met.

This so-called supervision group is similar to the so-called student union in the school. The members are all students. To put it more accurately, it is the old students who have been in the college for some years.

The main responsibility of the supervision group is to assist the college to maintain the order of the irregular college and play a role in supervising other students.

For example, if there is a private fight between two students, the first thing to know is that it is often not the teachers of the college, but the members of the supervision team who usually hang around in every corner of the college.

For example, Li Zedao made such arrogant laughter over there like a neurosis, seriously disrupting the order of the academy and discrediting the academy’s face. In this case, the members of the supervision team do have the right to do it. stop.

Even the college gave the members of the supervision group the right to "issue a ticket", that is to say, the members of the supervision group are eligible to deduct student credits according to the students' violations!

Therefore, it can be said that the members of the supervision group in Buzhou College are extremely unattainable for the students. When encountering the members of the supervision group, they basically take a detour carefully, not allowing them to seize any of their own handles. .

At the moment, many people around you are already gloating when looking at Li Zedao, which makes you laugh so wretched. Now you are caught by the members of the supervision team? Deserve it!

"It turned out to be the eldest brother Shangguan in the supervision team, disrespectful and disrespectful." Li Zedao said quickly.

"I'm not your brother, so don't try to please me to escape punishment... it's useless." Shangguan Bowen looked selfless.

"..." Li Zedao was a little helpless, this handsome guy was out of politeness, OK? Who is in favor of you? Do you think you are Lao Jian and Li Canghai?

"What's your name, who is your teacher?" Shangguan Bowen took out a book, took out a writing brush, and licked it with his tongue.

"It's disgusting." Li Zedao's mouth twitched, but he had to say, "My name is Li Zedao, and my teacher is Liu Qingfeng Liushi."

"Master Liu Qingfeng...Li Zedao..."

Shangguan's blog opened the book, turned a few pages, scanned the content, then looked up, looked at Li Zedao expressionlessly, and said: "Li Zedao, there is an extremely discordant sound from the public, which has seriously disturbed other students. In normal life, these presumptuous behaviors severely discredited the college's face. Later, they tried to please bribe members of the supervision team to escape punishment. The behavior was really bad, so 500 credits were deducted as a punishment. Of course, you may not have 500 credits to deduct right now, and that’s okay. Once you earn credits, they will be automatically deducted."

"Five hundred?" When the surrounding students gloating and watching the crowd heard the five hundred credits, they all gasped and became confused, seriously wondering if their ears had misheard.

You must know that although the credits in the college are not omnipotent, you cannot do without credits! If you want good resources, you have to have credits!

Five hundred credits is an astronomical number for many students, especially those who are weak.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, that face was already dark.

To be honest, Li Zedao doesn't really value the credits so much now. When he was too proud of himself, he felt that the credits were the most useless thing in the college.

But this guy treated him as a stupid bullying in broad daylight, and Li Zedao was naturally quite unhappy.

No matter how you look at this guy, he is suspected of himself!

Because he is handsome and has excellent aptitude, he is envious and jealous, so he can't make it to himself? Or maybe someone greeted him and asked him to help disgusting myself?

Li Zedao felt that there were both.

"Are you sure you are not joking with me?" Li Zedao's attitude was not so friendly anymore, and his tone was a little cold.

"Threat and intimidate the members of the supervision team, deduct one hundred more credits!" Shangguan Bowen said tit-for-tatly, even more like an official and honest official.

Li Zedao's face became darker, and he said word by word: "I, want to challenge you!"

Damn, after you get to the martial arts stage, see if I will beat you out of green shit!

"The college stipulates that no one can challenge the members of the supervision team, and offenders will be deducted 100 credits." Shangguan Bowen said lightly, "Now, you have deducted 700 credits in total!"

"Seven hundred?" When many students heard this number, they trembled in a real sense, and their eyes looked at Li Zedao full of compassion.

A few girls who admired Li Zedao almost couldn't resist drawing their swords to kill.

Good bastard, dare to bully our brother Li like this...

However, the members of the supervision group do have some privileges given by the college, and they really have no guts to provoke them.

Li Zedao's face was as black as ink, and he almost sprayed out a mouthful of old blood.

If this were in the mortal domain, Li Zedao would have beaten him so long that he didn't even recognize his mother. But this is God's Domain, it is not Zhou Academy, Li Zedao really can't do it casually.

Moreover, this is not a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy, a naked conspiracy, a conspiracy that people have nothing to say and cannot resist.

He is indeed making a loud noise, and the words just said are indeed threatening in it. Therefore, they are issuing such tickets in accordance with the regulations of the college, so they are right.

So, Li Ze said with a cracked mouth, he smiled and said, "I bought a watch last year."

"What is the watch?" Shangguan Bowen's expression was a little dazed. What is a table? food? Wear? Or what kind of daily necessities? weapon?

"Oh, nothing, I just said it casually." The smile on Li Zedao's face became even hotter, "If I continue to threaten you now, will I still be deducted credits?"

"The academy stipulates that at the same time and at the same place, threats are counted as once." Shangguan Bowen sneered, "So, you can start threatening me."

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