The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2040: Lose your mind

"How dare I threaten Big Brother Shangguan? Big Brother Shangguan dedicated himself to a better academy and devoted himself to it. He was even more unselfish and acted in business. I admire such a spirit of fear of provocation and threat." Li Zedao's smile on his face converged, very Said seriously.

Shangguan Bowen sneered, and was too lazy to respond. He didn't even believe the punctuation marks what the other party said! Needless to think about it, this guy can't wait to beat himself up.

"Then seven hundred credits will be deducted. Anyway, I don't value the credits that much." Li Zedao said with a shrug.

Shangguan's blog continued to sneer. People who said that they didn't care tended to care about it in their hearts. I'm afraid they are bleeding in their hearts now?

However, I have to admire this guy a little bit. In Shangguan Bowen's opinion, the best result is that he punches himself. Then he will seriously violate the regulations of the college and will naturally be punished extremely severely by the college.

Unexpectedly, he held it back, without any intention of doing it.

"Can I go now?" Li Zedao asked, his mouth grinning even more, revealing his white teeth, smiling so brightly.

"Of course." Shangguan Bowen closed the book in his hand and walked away.

Li Zedao smiled, stretched out his hand, patted Shangguan Bowen's shoulder in a friendly way and said, "I bought a watch last year."

Shangguan Bowen sneered and nodded, but a huge question mark appeared in his heart, what is the meaning of watch? What does he mean by repeating this?

Threatening yourself vaguely?

"I really bought a watch last year." Li Zedao smiled and said, leaving in a big stride.

Shangguan's blog glanced at Li Zedao's leaving back, and patted his shoulder that was patted by Li Zedao, as if there was some dust on it, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted up with an extreme disdain.

The number one among freshmen? Those teachers almost got a fight with this student? Defeat Dongfang Xingchen with one sword? Received several love letters from female students?

so what? In front of Lao Tzu, don't you have to lie on your stomach?

Thinking that Shangguan Bowen had put the book away, when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt an unusual scorching sensation in his abdomen, like a fire burning there, and quickly , The feeling of burning in the dark quickly spread throughout the body.

"What's the matter with me? Why did it suddenly become so hot?" Shangguan Bowen was shocked, knowing that Zhoushan is a cold winter for many years, and there is no warm time at all, let alone hot... Of course, Zhu Jian Except for that ghost place.

Looking up, it looked the same as the sun in the sky, as usual, making it impossible for people to look directly at them, but they couldn't bring much temperature to them.

Forget it, go back and talk about it.

Taking a step forward, the muscles on Shangguan Bowen's face suddenly stiffened, because he clearly felt that a certain part of his body was not stimulated, and his brain did not have any imagination. Under the circumstances, he was about to move.

"This...what's going on?" Shangguan's blog was simply taken aback, swallowed, and found that his mouth was very dry.

"No, this situation is too wrong, isn't it..." Shangguan Bowen's face changed violently after thinking of something. At the same time, he only felt warmer, and there was a mass of desire in his chest-the fire was burning there, making his eyes redden little by little, and his brain almost lost consciousness.

Shangguan Bowen was frightened. He probably knew what he would do if he lost his mind. Right now he bit his tongue fiercely, and the pain made him a little more sane.

After that, his hand hurriedly stretched into his arms to take out the Baijie Pill. As long as the Baijie Pill was taken, it would definitely detoxify and suppress the desire.

Soon, Shangguan Bowen's trembling hand took out a jade bottle from his arms, opened the cork and poured a Baijie Pill contained in it into his mouth, swallowing it in one go.

Then, the tight profound in his mind suddenly loosened, and he was saved now.

But while breathing, the string in his head tightened again, and his eyes showed a look of extreme shock!

Because, he suddenly discovered that after taking Baijie Pill, his body was not cool, on the contrary, it became extremely hot.

And thinking about it carefully, the pill that I just poured into my mouth seems to have something wrong with it. Baijie Pill is cool, but the medicine seems to be hot in the mouth...

At this moment, desire rushed like a flood, making Shangguan's blog almost irrational.

He bit his tongue desperately, resisting such a terrible desire, and even blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

He staggered, and his mind was extremely chaotic, and he was almost at a loss.

"How could this be? How could it be poisoned? Could it be... him?"

More ferocious desires are coming!

"Li Zedao, I will never end with you..." Shangguan Bowen's scarlet eyes fell in the direction where Li Zedao left, and his voice was full of panic, as if something terrible had happened.

On the side of those students from the academy who hadn't arrived in a hurry to leave, they saw that Shangguan Bowen, who was one of the supervisors, "knows the law and violated the law." It was so harsh and vicious, it was a little dazed for a while, I don't know what happened.

Looking at his face, it was flushed red, his eyes scarred scarlet, and bursts of white mist sprayed out of his big mouth and nostrils. The whole person looked so restless, as if he was in It's like a beast in an extremely irritable state.

"What's wrong with him? Poisoned?"

"As far as I can see, he should be an insidious offender. I have read in medical books that this is the case when an insidious disease called'mental illness' comes on."

"Fart, look at him with red ears, bloodshot eyes, smoke in his mouth and nose, and irritable mood... I remember that male ghost dog I raised was like this in spring, so he must be taking some aphrodisiac."



After all, unable to resist the desire, Shangguan Bowen, who was completely irrational, suddenly let out a muffled roar like an animal, and then rushed towards the nearest boy.

The action was so nasty, as if the extremely wretched foot-scraping man couldn't wait to rush towards a beautiful woman.

When he looked at that expression, his face was blood-red, his mouth and nose were smoky, his eyes were bloodshot, but his face had an extremely wretched smile.

"Fuck!" The boy turned pale with fright, his figure flashed, and he ran away quickly.

As he stepped back, he reminded loudly: "Everyone stay away, especially girls, this person... is in love!"


After an unsuccessful attempt, Shangguan Bowen let out a muffled roar again. This sound was truly earth-shaking, and even attracted the students and staff in Yanwu Pavilion.

Then, a scene that made them dumbfounded appeared.

I saw that Shangguan Bowen started to tear his robe frantically, and soon the robe was torn to pieces by him, followed by underwear...

Soon, Shangguan's blog appeared in front of them with no strands of body, and under his crotch...Although it is not big, but with his head held high, it is quite spectacular.

"Ah, I hate... the apprentice..."

"Ah, it's over, my eyes are going to be blind..."

"It turns out that the man's place looks like that, what a delicate little mushroom..."


None of the girls and students around was red, their minds roared, and they screamed again and again, hiding their faces and fleeing. Some felt that they had been seriously insulted, and they were almost dead.

As for the male students, the reaction was not as big as that of the female students, but their eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief.

Not far from a big rock, Li Zedao leaned back comfortably on the rock, looking at the scene happening in the distance, his face was innocent and unbearable.

"Don't bully me, otherwise, once I take revenge, I will even be afraid of myself." Li Zedao muttered.

In fact, he didn't do anything. He just took the opportunity to puncture a certain acupuncture point of Xia Shangguan Bowen with the silver needle hidden in his hand while patting the official blog on the shoulder. Of course, the silver needle naturally tempered something extremely powerful The aphrodisiac.

As I said before, Li Zedao has no sense of security as an undercover agent in such a place, so his life is safe, Li Zedao can say that he has made a lot of preparations in secret.

At the same time, he quietly stuffed a bottle containing an aphrodisiac medicine into Shangguan Bowen's arms, because Li Ze believed that he would definitely try to find the medicine pill soon afterwards.

Originally, Li Zedao had not succeeded so easily. How can this Shangguan blog only relied on being one of the members of the supervision team to appear so arrogant, it is inevitable to be careless.

In addition, compared with Li Zedao, his cultivation level is not so small, and he has been in school for more than ten years, but it is only a middle-grade cultivation level in the Lingyun realm.

More importantly, Li Zedao's phrase "I bought a watch last year" directly attracted most of the appeal of Shangguan's blog.

Therefore, Shangguan Bowen is sadly reminded!

First, he was pierced with the silver needle from which the aphrodisiac was extracted, and then he took the next aphrodisiac by himself. He really couldn't help being irrational.

"What's the matter?" Yang Canghai, who heard the movement, walked out of the Yanwu Pavilion and took a look, the muscles on his face twitched simply.

As the person in charge of Yanwu Pavilion, Yang Canghai naturally cannot tolerate students doing such abusive things at the entrance of Yanwu Pavilion.

If you are hungry and thirsty, you can find a female student who agrees with you for help, or you can leave the college for another task and find a brothel to solve it yourself. How can you behave so shamelessly in Fuzhou Academy?

The most important thing is that you are too embarrassed to show off when you are so young? The talented Yang Canghai feels ashamed for him!

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