The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2046: Rubik's Cube

As early as when she first entered school, Nangong Wan'er had heard that the leader of the supervision team was named Gong Yu Linglong. She was a very beautiful girl, extremely powerful, and proficient in organs, which was popular throughout the college. She invented the Rubik's Cube that made those who have played it despair.

Nangong Wan'er also wanted to say that she would find time to go to Magic Pavilion and spend ten credits in exchange for a Rubik's Cube to play with. See how amazing and desperate it is.

"It turned out to be the leader of the supervision group. I don't know which rule of the academy we violated. Excuse me for deducting your credits." Nangong Waner didn't smile.

Thinking that the **** Shangguan Bowen had made things difficult for Li Zedao in front of so many students, he deducted 700 credits, and even after he fell ill, he framed Li Zedao and said that he was given the medicine...

Nangong Wan'er thought for a while. Although Li Zedao has repeatedly emphasized that this matter has nothing to do with him, his suspicion is still very high.

"You misunderstood, I came here to apologize to classmate Li Ze." Public Shu Linglong said.

"Huh?" Nangong Wan'er was taken aback, the situation seemed completely different from what she had imagined.

"After our investigation, Shangguan Bowen took advantage of a classmate named Dongfang Xingchen, which deliberately made things difficult for classmate Li Zedao."

Nangong Wan'er frowned, she felt upset, it turned out to be the **** Dongfang Xingchen! Find a time the next day for Li Zedao to challenge him!

Public losses Linglong said: "Now, our supervision team has expelled Shangguan Bowen, and Shangguan Bowen has also voluntarily dropped out of school. Unfortunately, according to the relevant regulations of the college, the punishment cannot be changed, so we failed to help. Classmate Li Zedao recovered the 700 deducted credits."

"So the only thing I can do at the moment is to personally come over to classmate Li Zedao to express the most genuine apology of our supervisory team." Linglong said.

Nangong Wan'er looked at the public loser with a weird look.

According to what she had learned before, the members of the supervision team walked sideways in the academy, and there was no one in their eyes. As the leader of the supervision team and the famous public defeat in this academy, shouldn’t they be more proud? The tail is up to the sky?

Such a proud girl came to apologize? She obviously can send a representative here.

So, there is a ghost!

That bastard, wouldn't be shameless to release the overlord's air, and then let this public loser Linglong upset, so now I found such an excuse to come to show love, right?

In Nangong Wan'er's view, this possibility is too great. After all, even a girl like herself who coexists with such an excellent and beautiful appearance has fallen, so why shouldn’t she fall into the trap?

"I know, I will tell him." Nangong Wan'er said.

"I want to express our supervision team's apologies in front of Li Zedao," said Linglong.

"This is not necessary, I will convey it." Nangong Wan'er said, she didn't want such a dangerous woman to enter this courtyard.

"What? Classmate Li Zedao isn't there?" The public loser's beautiful eyes swept behind Nangong Wan'er and smiled.

"Uh..." Nangong Wan'er, who is not good at lying, bulged her cheeks, thinking that this woman was really annoying.

"No? That's okay. I'll wait for him to come back here," said Linglong. She is a very proud woman, and a proud woman will naturally not let another woman go away in a few words.

It's even more funny in my heart. I don't know what is so nervous about this girl. Perhaps in your eyes, that Li Zedao is a treasure, but in my eyes, he is just a piece of grass.

Therefore, in the opinion of Linglong, this girl is hostile to herself, which is insulting her own taste.

"Wan'er, someone looking for me?"

Nangong Wan'er just wanted to go back fiercely, and Li Zedao's voice came from behind.

"Well, it's the supervising team leader." Nangong Wan'er said as she looked back at Li Zedao who had come by.

There was a bit of resentment in my heart. I originally wanted to say "Then you wait" to the public loser and Linglong, then turned around and closed the door.

This bastard!

Had it not been for an outsider to give him some face, Nangong Wan'er wanted to draw her sword again.

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the handsome face of Linglong, his pupils shrank suddenly, his expression turned slightly weird, and a feeling of sorrow and grief suddenly surged in his heart.

This girl looks like her!

"Hello, classmate Li Zedao, I'm the leader of the supervision team, Yu Linglong." The public loss was exquisite and generous, his eyes filled with smiles and Li Zedao met Li Zedao's eyes, and even his little hands were carved out of Haoyu. Stretched over.

I thought, the look in his eyes seemed strange. As for how weird it was, Linglong couldn't say it.

"Hello." Li Zedao's expression has been restored as before. The hand stretched over and gently held this soft little hand. After all, it is extremely impolite to keep a beautiful girl holding her hand like this.

Of course, it doesn't mean to take advantage of the slightest hold and release.

"I'm really sorry, I was just taking a shower and changing clothes, and I didn't come out to meet the leader of the public transport team the first time." Li Zedao smiled and said politely.

"It's Linglong who should apologize. It's because I didn't manage the members of the supervision team well, so that I was deducted 700 credits for you." The public loser Linglong said sincerely, "I'm really sorry."

I thought, this boy is really different. In the past, when faced with him, which men used to be inferior, or pretending to be calm, there was an unconcealable desire in his eyes.

However, apart from the weirdness at the beginning of this Li Zedao, his eyes were so calm afterwards.

Or is he better at hiding himself than the countless men he had been in contact with before?

Linglong prefers the latter in public losses, after all, she is quite confident about her charm.

"The leader of the public sports team is polite. In my opinion, this matter has passed. The sky has eyes. The **** who pitted me has taken the blame and suffered extremely severe punishment." Li Zedao said with a faint smile, "So there is really no need for the leader of the public sports team. Run this time...Oh, I'm really sorry, I still have something to do with Wan'er, then we'll leave first."

"...Okay." The public loser said in a daze. The other party dismissed her so easily, which really made Linglong a little uncomfortable with the public defeat.

"Let's go, Wan'er, didn't you say you want to stroll around?" Li Zedao said, looking back at Nangong Wan'er.

"Yeah." Nangong Wan'er smiled like a flower, and her heart was extremely sweet, even if it wasn't for the public defeat, she wanted to pounce on him fiercely and leave her own kiss on his face.

Regarding Li Zedao's performance, Nangong Wan'er was too satisfied with it.

Closing the door, Li Zedao turned his head and nodded Linglong at the public defender, and then walked away with Nangong Wan'er.

From the beginning to the end, the expression on Linglong's face did not change at all, but she was naturally a little uncomfortable in her heart. It was the first time that she was so ignored when she grew up so big.

"Li Zedao? Interesting." The corner of Nangong Wan'er's mouth was slightly tilted for an inexplicable extent, and she turned and wandered away.


"I thought your eyes were going to be straight." Nangong Wan'er followed Li Zedao briskly.

"You think too much." Li Zedao said angrily. Although this public loser Linglong is indeed a big beauty, but Li Zedao has not seen any woman? Not to mention that he once built a super huge harem, so no beautiful girl can make Li Zedao feel extra thoughts.

Unless, Li Zedao himself is willing to have any ideas.

"My eyes were not straight when I saw you. Can I be straight when I see her?" Li Ze said with an expression that you really underestimated me.

"That's true." Nangong Wan'er said with a smile, even more so happy.

Immediately thinking of something, he pulled his face, and said uncomfortably: "Why didn't your eyes straight when you saw me? Am I not good-looking?"

Li Zedao looked at Nangong Wan'er's small face very seriously, and commented quite pertinently: "It's normal...Hey, why did you draw your sword again...Help..."

"Don't run if you are a man, bastard, dare you say that this young lady is so-so? I will kill you!"

"Let's go, go to the Divine Artifact Pavilion." After violently kicking Li Zedao's calf, Nangong Wan'er raised her proud head and said.

"What do you go to the Divine Tool Pavilion?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

Li Zedao probably knows how many credits Nangong Wan'er has. Then a few credits are simply not enough to exchange for some magical weapon, even if his credits are added, it is not enough.

Besides, Nangong Wan'er didn't need to go to the Divine Weapon Pavilion to select weapons. The sword in her current hand had already reached the level of the third rank.

"Suddenly I was very interested in one thing." Nangong Wan'er said.


"Public lose Rubik's Cube."

Public lose Rubik's Cube? A big question mark appeared in Li Zedao's head, what is that? Is it the Rubik's Cube?

Through a brief introduction by Nangong Wan'er, Li Zedao knew that the public defeat was exquisite and proficient in organs, and that the public defeat Rubik's Cube was invented by her, and it was very popular in this school.

In addition, judging from this surname, she should come from the Kan tribe's public loser family. This family is well-known throughout the gods for all kinds of amazing organ skills.

Legend has it that the public losers used the so-called mechanical principles to create five organ beasts with great lethality.

The five organ beasts are Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu, and the last one is called Potu Langjun!

The power of the five major organ beasts is said to be comparable to that of the top ten fierce beasts in China. Therefore, the public loser family is also considered to be one of the most unprovoked forces in the entire God's Domain.

The vast Divine Realm is divided into nine tribes according to the area. Each tribe has countless large and small forces. Some of them even hide their tracks completely. They usually do not show the mountains or leak the water, which seems so mysterious. But when necessary, extremely terrifying energy burst out.

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