After coming to the mission pavilion, Li Zedao spent ten credits in exchange for the so-called public-loss Rubik's Cube. Isn't this so-called public-loss Rubik's Cube the third-order Rubik's Cube that many elementary school students can recover? Not only that, but there are also Tier 2, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6... everything, and their recovery formulas can be searched freely on the Internet.

If you have to say something is different, it is naturally the material.

In the mortal domain, the Rubik’s Cube is basically made of plastic, but the Rubik’s Cube is made of wood. What’s more luxurious is that each side is inlaid with things like crystal gems of different colors, so that the whole Rubik’s cube looks golden. Sparkle, like an extremely delicate artwork.

Nangong Wan'er couldn't wait to take the Rubik's Cube in Li Zedao's hand, and looked at it with wide eyes, looking like a curious baby.

I want to try to turn it, but I'm afraid of disturbing the restored color.

"Two classmates, are you interested in participating in an event?" The staff of the Sacred Tool Pavilion looked at Li Zedao and said to Nangong Wan'er with a smile, giving Li Zedao the impression that he looked like a profiteer.

"What activity?" Nangong Wan'er asked curiously.

"That's it." The staff pointed to the Rubik's Cube in Gong Wan'er's hand and said, "If the Rubik's Cube is completely disrupted by the public loss, we will restore it. Within a stick of incense, if we can restore two or three sides, we The Artifact Pavilion will give a low-grade third-grade weapon free of credits, and a middle-grade third-grade weapon if the four or five sides are restored.

"Of course, every time you play, you need to pay 30 credits!" The staff looks like you have earned it. "In other words, if you have confidence in yourself, you only need to spend 30 credits. Get a sword of the lower third grade or even the third grade! After the launch of the event, many students have recovered two or four sides for the first time."

Li Zedao curled his lips, and was almost powerless to spit out, a lie!

As far as God's Domain is concerned, they know the so-called Tianjiao who kills, kills, and kills. Most of them don’t have that spatial thinking ability at all, and they can’t find the recovery formula online. How could they play Rubik’s Cube for the first time? The downward change can restore more than two sides within a short incense stick?

Li Zedao thought for a while, the arrogances of Fanyu couldn't play Rubik's Cube for the first time, right? People who are new to this thing will simply be confused.

Li Zedao's heart was full of indignation. In order to squeeze the credits of the students, the academy's actions were really shameless to a heinous level.

This staff member deliberately said, must not let these self-righteous arrogances be itchy? Others can restore three-sided or even four-sided colors at once, so why can't you?

I am afraid that many students have already consumed the thirty credits or even more of their hard-earned credits? After all, this is not much different from gambling.

Sure enough, Nangong Wan'er's heart is itchy, and other students can play both sides the first time they play, and naturally it's fine for me!

She looked at Li Ze with glowing eyes: "Play it once?"

Even Nangong Wan'er herself didn't realize that she had already become dependent on Li Zedao. If in the past, she would play as she wanted to play, and would never ask others what they meant.

Li Zedao smiled and nodded. He didn't stop him, but he didn't plan to help Nangong Wan'er.

On the one hand, he didn't want to disturb Nangong Wan'er's interest; on the other hand, he would just use credits to buy a lesson.

"Well, what if I restore six sides?" When Nangong Wan'er handed the jade card to the staff, she asked with bright eyes, "Reward the weapons of the third rank?"

"Except for the inventor of this Rubik's Cube to lose Miss Linglong, no one can recover the six sides." The staff took the Yuka and crossed out thirty credits from it.

That's why, he just didn't mention the reward for restoring the six sides.

After all, the establishment of this reward has no meaning at all, and it has not been established. Even setting up a reward for the third grade is meaningless. Those students who can successfully take away a lower third grade sword will be pretty good.

"What if?" Nangong Wan'er was very upset, why should she look down on people so much? What if I am too smart and my character breaks out and I just restore the Rubik's Cube?

"This...nothing in case." The staff smiled, but the tone was contemptuous. It's not that he wants to underestimate people, but that apart from public defeat, there is no one who can turn six sides... at least, he has never seen it.

"Who said that?" Nangong Wan'er raised her brows, she was unhappy, she looked down on people, right?

Before the staff had time to say anything, a sound that seemed so clear, like a dingdong of spring water, came.

"If you can really restore the six sides within a stick of incense, I will give you a self-defense weapon. Although this weapon is not among the ninth-rank, its value will not be lower than the third-rank weapon."

Nangong Wan'er looked back, only to see that the public loser she had just played before Linglong did not know when she had already appeared there.

This made Nangong Wan'er couldn't help muttering in her heart, this woman wouldn't have been secretly following their **** all the way, right?

My heart is even more vigilant, this woman really wants to steal a man from herself!

"Miss the public loser is here?" The staff hurriedly greeted the past, slightly polite. Obviously, Linglong is not an ordinary student, otherwise the attitude of the staff does not need to be so good.

The public loser smiled and nodded, then set her eyes on Nangong Wan'er, and continued: "However, if you fail to recover the six sides within a stick of incense, you have to apologize to me! Because I think you just said that. I look down on the Rubik’s Cube and blaspheme the fruits of my labor!"

Li Zedao on the side was a little helpless. How come these women are more proud than the other? Especially this public loser Linglong, if she had a tail, she would definitely be leaning in the sky now.

"How?" The public loser smiled Linglong.

"Of course no problem!" Nangong Wan'er bit her lip. How could she not know that this public loser Linglong has the thought of seeing her own jokes in it?

But if you lose, you don’t lose, Nangong Wan'er is going to fight!

At the moment Nangong Wan'er handed the Rubik's Cube in her hand to the staff, and the staff turned around randomly, and soon the entire Rubik's Cube was completely messed up.

Nangong Wan'er simply dumbfounded.

Just now, her eyes have been staring at the Rubik's Cube that was turned by the staff. Naturally, she wanted to remember the good news of his turning. Wouldn't it be enough to return step by step in that order?

However, she too valued her eyesight and memory, or that she underestimated the Rubik's Cube.

"Yes, you can give it a try first." The staff put the completely messed up Rubik's cube into Nangong Wan'er's hands, and smiled, "If I'm ready, then I will light the cigarette."

Nangong Wan'er looked at the Rubik's Cube in her hand, tried to turn a few times, swallowed, and continued to be dumbfounded. Not to mention restoring the six sides, even one side, she can never do it.

A powerful hand suddenly stretched out and took the Rubik's Cube held by Nan Gong Wan'er.

"Suddenly, I was also very interested in this Rubik's Cube. Let me try it first." Li Zedao smiled.

"Huh?" Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao, stunned, and her nose was sore. She was very moved. Of course she understood that Li Zedao didn't want to see her embarrassed in front of Linglong.

"No, I'll come." Nangong Wan'er wanted to get back the Rubik's Cube. Men need face even more, and shame can do it on their own.

Don't you just apologize? Anyway, there will be no less meat.

"It's me, good, obedient." Li Zedao said softly with a smile, and even patted Nangong Wan'er on the head.

Nangong Wan'er had a halt, her head dizzy.

He actually patted his head and said to himself, obedient...I hate it, how can he pat someone's head, doesn't he know that patting his head will make him dumb?

This feeling of being pampered made Nangong Wan'er's little heart crunchy and numb, and the whole person was too sweet. Even if there were no outsiders present, she wanted to rush into his arms and deliver her own. Kissed.

"No problem? The leader of the public defeat." Li Zedao looked back at the public loss and smiled exquisitely.

"Naturally, if classmate Li Zedao can recover the six sides within one stick of incense, I will still gift that self-defense weapon to this female classmate." The public defender smiled Linglong.

I don't know why, seeing such a confident smile on Li Zedao's face, the self-confidence of public defeat seems to collapse a little.

Immediately he felt that he was worrying too much, how could he recover all six sides within a stick of incense? Even the father, the elders in the family who are proficient in organ arts, can't do it.

"If I fail to recover, I will apologize to you instead of Wan'er." Li Zedao said again.

"No, I'll just apologize." Nangong Wan'er's tone was beyond doubt, she didn't want to see Li Zedao bow her head to this woman.

Li Zedao looked at Nangong Wan'er and smiled: "Then you come to apologize, but I won't let you apologize."

"You...really okay?" Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao, her eyes were obsessive and apologetic. After all, if she wasn't stunned, Li Zedao wouldn't have to lose face in front of Linglong.

"Classmate Wan'er, when did I fail?" Li Zedao blinked.

Nangong Wan'er was stunned, yeah, it seems that since I knew him, there seems to be nothing he can't do, and every time she has won a crushing victory.

And he seemed to think that he was pretending to be quite shameless every time.

For a while, Nangong Wan'er was full of confidence in Li Zedao and firmly believed that Li Zedao could easily restore the Rubik's Cube.

"Well, I believe you!" Nangong Wan'er nodded heavily.

The staff on the side curled their lips, very disdainful. It's better for young people to be more steadfast. People who like to pretend are usually struck by lightning.

Sweeping a Rubik's Cube in his hand, Li Zedao's eyes showed an inexplicable gloom.

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