The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2054: Amazing results

"Second." said Linglong. A figure so small appeared in his mind for an instant, and his eyes showed a hint of astonishment.

Mo Tianya, the number one superpower on the cloud list, has never been down since he was ranked number one on the cloud list.

These students Li, Mo Tianya in Buzhou College can be regarded as an alternative.

If Tai Shu Wuji is the most handsome student in Fuzhou Academy, then Mo Tianya is the ugliest student.

Anyone’s first impression of him is that this guy is too ugly, right?

His head is short and his eyes are sunken, as if he was punched into the eye socket, but his mouth is protruding. It feels like he is a savage who has not fully evolved.

In addition, he has a hump back, and his natural legs are long and short, so he walks very strangely.

However, such a strangely ugly person has a horribly high talent in cultivation.

Public defeat Linglong once wanted to replace it and become the number one on the cloud list, but the result was a defeat!

Yes, with just one move, Mo Tianya's neck was pinched by Mo Tianya's dry hand. At that moment, Linglong felt that her neck was about to be chopped off!

I even heard that Mo Tianya once defeated the powerhouse of the Spirit God Realm with the cultivation base of the Spirit Cloud Realm!

Of course, Linglong didn't feel that Mo Tianya had trampled on her pride. After all, her pride was not in cultivation, but in organ skills.

"Tai Shu Wuji is the cousin of Shangguan's blog. What you did to Shangguan's blog has severely discredited the Taishu family, so Taishu Wuji will not let you go." said Gongzu Linglong, " Personally, I suggest that you give up as soon as you get on stage to avoid injury."

In Linglong's opinion, admitting defeat on stage is a shame, but it is better than injury.

Of course, suggesting that Li Zedao admit defeat also has her own careful thoughts in it. Naturally, she is not worried that Li Zedao will be injured. It is best for him to die!

She wanted to make Li Zedao a good shame.

"Yeah, why didn't I expect it? It's okay to admit defeat as soon as I get on stage?" Li Zedao suddenly realized, "In this way, Taishu Wuji can't beat me, and his expression must be wonderful by then?"

"..." I don't know why, he said so, but Linglong wanted to despise him again, and he still despised him to death.

"I have a few questions……"

"You should go back to sleep." Li Zedao simply interrupted Linglong's public loss.

The public transport Linglong stomped slightly and turned to leave the courtyard rather depressed.


Li Zedao once again came to the entrance of the Medicine Pavilion, preparing to take the second round of examinations.

Although they all believed in their hearts that the person who was finally accepted as the disciple of the third-rank soul master Xuan Ming in the Pill Medicine Pavilion must be Li Zedao undoubtedly, but Nangong Meili, Xuanyuan Lin'er, Si Kongjian and Xu Changsheng all came to participate in the second. No one abstained in the round of examinations.

As always, Nangong Meili watched her nose and nose, and showed no interest in the things around her.

Xuanyuan Lin'er, Sikong Jian, and Xu Changsheng kept their eyes on Li Zedao who was standing there from time to time, with expressions of awe in their eyes.

In their eyes, this Li Zedao is not a person at all, and he is not in the same world as them!

Li Zedao looked at Nangong Meili with great interest, and had to say that his fiancée was so good-looking, but his temper was too cold.

Her indifference is not pretended, but by nature.

Not to mention helping the old woman cross the road. Even if someone stumbles and falls into the water, she only needs to reach out and save the person who fell into the water. She also looks cold and cold as if she hadn't seen it.

Li Zedao thought of Bei, and then imagined the scene of Xia Nangong Meili wearing a black leather jacket and leather pants throwing a wink at herself...

Li Zedao hurriedly raised his head to let the nosebleeds that were spraying back flow back.

Soon, the Eight-Rank Pill Master from the Pill Medicine Pavilion walked out of the Pill Medicine Pavilion, and his gentle eyes swept over the five people one by one.

When the gaze fell on Li Zedao, the old man's eyes revealed a look that seemed so moved.

"Everyone, please come in with the old man." The old man said.

Soon, the old man took these five people to the teaching room of Nanoda again. Of course, because there were only five students left, it seemed undoubtedly more empty.

"Still according to the number of the courtyard, check the seats." The old man said again.

After the five students were seated, the old man said: "The test method is the same as the last time, putting together herbs, and time is a stick of incense."

Li Ze knows it well. In his opinion, the reason why the same exam is coming again is naturally to test how much progress the five of them have made after three days of adjustment and preparation.

"Okay, take out your jade cards and place them in the card slot in the upper right corner of the **** monument, ready to start the next assessment." The old man said.

Li Zedao took out the jade card and put it into the card slot on the **** monument, and then the surrounding space changed magically again.

The disintegrated plants appeared densely in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, his eyes dimmed, his hands were raised and he started to piece it together.

He also wanted to know how many herbs he could piece together this time.

The time for a stick of incense quickly passed!

Li Zedao breathed lightly and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The bloodshot eyes were tired.

Compared with the last time, the spirit of this time is more concentrated, so the feeling of fatigue is even more intense, no less than a battle with a super strong.

The situation of the other four people is not good, the concentration of their minds makes their bodies a little overwhelming.

Soon, the old man appeared in front of them. His gentle eyes glanced at the unknown student underneath. He smiled slightly and said: "The performance of all the students is very good. Compared with the last exam, they have a bigger As for the number of herbs put together, the old man will not announce one by one."

Hearing what the old man said, Sagong saw that the eyes of Xu Changsheng and Xuanyuan Linger showed regret. They were all curious to know that Li Zedao, who put together 272 herbs last time, can put it together this time. A few strains came out.

"Through these two tests, the pavilion master of the Pill Medicine Pavilion, the third-rank soul master Xuan Ming, has also selected the disciple of his heart." The old man said again.

For a moment, except for Nangong Meili, the eyes of the other three people all fell on Li Zedao who was sitting in the corner, and their eyes showed envy.

They all know that the person the old man said must be this Li Zedao.

But at this moment, the old man cast his gaze on Nangong Meili and smiled: "Congratulations, classmate Nangong Meili, from now on, you will be the named disciple of True Person Xuanming."


Seeing Sagong, Xu Changsheng and Xuanyuan Lin'er's gaze suddenly turned from Li Zedao to Nangong Meili, their expressions were a bit sluggish, and they couldn't believe what their ears heard.

Shouldn't it be Li Zedao? Why became Nangong Meili?

Could it be that the amount of Nangong Meili's complete explosion is extremely terrifying? And this time, Li Zedao used the amount that he often put together is not satisfactory?

Or maybe, that real person Xuan Ming, the third-rank soulsmith, is actually a big pervert? Hunting in the name of accepting disciples?

Li Zedao was also simply stunned, saying, this result was quite surprising to him, is it that the truly outstanding talents of this year are so unwelcome?

Nangong Meili looked at the old man's brows slightly frowned, and said coldly, "Why?"

Her kind of accident is no less than anyone!

Although the number she put together this time is a lot more than the last time, it's just over a hundred. In other words, the number she put together in the two assessments is not as much as Li Zedao once. It is not a level at all.

The other people's eyes also moved away from Nangong Meili, looking at the old man with weird eyes, and they also wanted to know why this was the result.

Li Zedao smiled, thinking this Nangong Meili is quite cute. When most people heard such a result, they would have been crazy for a long time, but she was fine, and started to question directly.

Sure enough, people with good looks are more popular no matter where they are.

Li Zedao firmly believed that the reason why Nangong Meili questioned the result was that her appearance attracted her.

"I understand what you mean." The old man nodded and looked at Li Zedao's eyes so strange.

"There is no doubt that the best performers in these two assessments were classmate Li Zedao. The number he put together in the assessment just now was 322, which is 50 more than the last time!"

Such a result made the old man's heart full of powerlessness, and he felt that he was living with a dog at this age.

Everyone gasped, and couldn't believe what their ears were hearing. The look in Li Zedao's eyes was like seeing a ghost.

For example, if a student took a 60-point test before, you ask him to take another 20 points this time. This is not difficult, but you let a student who took a 99-point test before this time a 100-point test. It's hard.

The expression of Nangong Meili, who had always been incomparably indifferent, also moved slightly, but it quickly recovered as if nothing had happened.

After a long time, the old man coughed and broke the strange silence in the teaching room.

"Presumably everyone knows that in order to piece together this herb, in addition to being extremely familiar with the herb, it must also have a strong mental concentration." The old man added, "Student Li Zedao's familiarity with the herb and mental concentration have already It has reached a point beyond the old man's reach..."

The old man shook his head and said with a moved and weird expression: "Even the pavilion master Xuan Ming said that he is inferior to classmate Li Zedao. In other words, his old man thinks he is not qualified to be the master of classmate Li Zedao."


The air seemed to be smeared with super glue, and the atmosphere simply solidified.

Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths widened, and there was an unprecedented huge wave in their hearts. They really couldn't believe what their ears heard.

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