The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2055: Pill Medicine Pavilion

They killed them and never expected that the reason why Li Zedao, who was against the sky in these two assessments, could not be selected as the apprentice of the third-rank soul master Xuan Ming was because he thought he was not qualified to be Li Zedao's master...

They clearly knew in their hearts that they were not at the same level as Li Zedao, and knew that there was a huge gap between them and Li Zedao, but they did not expect that the gap would deprive them of despair.

Nangong Meili's face once again showed a touch of movement, and even her spirit was in a trance.

She thought that as long as she was given time, she would definitely be able to keep up with Li Zedao, but who would think that Li Zedao had reached a height beyond her reach.

Are you really that Li Zedao? If you are not him, who are you?

In fact, Nangong Meili once met Li Zedao more than a year ago. At that time, Li Zedao seemed so dull. When he saw her, his eyes were straight and his face became red and the whole person became so at a loss. Where is it?

At that time, Li Zedao was no more than the low-grade cultivation level of Lingshan Realm.

However, Li Zedao now seems to have changed his personality, and the whole person's behavior and temperament have become completely different from before!

Even with his **** bare in front of so many people, he didn't show much embarrassment.

When confronted with her again, Wei Wei Nuo was not very at a loss, and even ridiculed her, acting seemingly exaggerated but decent.

In just over a year, his cultivation level has changed from a low-grade Lingshan realm to a high-grade Lingyun realm. This cultivation speed can't catch up with even the Goshawk.

"Well, classmate Nangong Meili stayed with classmate Li Zedao, and the remaining three classmates can leave first." said the old man.

Seeing Sikong, Xu Changsheng and Xuanyuan Lin'er both stood up from their seats and left the teaching room with a desperate look. Even Xuanyuan Lin'er was so shocked that he didn't recover and hit the wall with his head. .

After the three students left, another boy with a baby face came in and watched the old man bow and greet him respectfully: "Pharmacy."

The old man nodded and looked back at Nangong Meili, pointing to the boy and said, "Classmate Nangong Meili, follow Xiaobao to see the real Xuanming."

Xiaobao looked at Nangong Meili with a smile, turned sideways slightly, and made a "please" gesture and said, "Nangong classmate, please here."

Nangong Meili nodded, glanced at Li Zedao, stood up and followed Xiaobao out of the teaching room.

Only the old man and Li Zedao were left in Noda's teaching room, and the atmosphere fell into an inexplicable silence.

The eyes of the two looked at each other, and the old man's eyes showed that he couldn't believe it. As for Li Zedao, he was calm and calm without any discomfort.

No way, good habits.

The old man couldn't help but admire in his heart. Not to mention the defying results he achieved in these two assessments, he said that his calmness and the powerful aura released from his body were enough to be impressive.

This son is really good! No wonder the real person Xuan Ming praised it so highly.

"Student Li Zedao, maybe you don't know how good you are. Your kind of excellence makes the pavilion master think that he is not worthy of being your master." The old man said, with a very polite tone.

True person Xuan Ming said that this classmate Li Zedao can teach himself and become a talent without other people's teaching, and even the guidance of others is an obstacle to him.

The old man feels that his mind is a little bit nasty. Before Master Xuan Ming stated that he was not qualified to be the master of this son, he still thought that this Li Zedao was the illegitimate son of Master Xuan Ming. Master Xuan Ming was here to highlight him. The son deliberately devalued himself.

Now it seems that True Person Xuan Ming naturally did not joking with him, so during the holidays, this Li Zedao will definitely become a big figure known throughout the Gods Realm, so the old man dare not be polite.

"Students understand." Li Ze said so, but he didn't agree with the old man's words in his heart. He still knew how good he was.

Precisely because of this, he stood silently in front of the window and looked at the blood-red moon in the sky on many dark and windy nights, and sighed with extreme helplessness: "I am so good, what should I do?"

"Princess Xuan Ming also ordered that in the future, classmate Li Zedao will be an alchemist in the pill pavilion. You can use all the resources of the pill pavilion at will." The old man said again.

"Huh?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, his expression stunned, "I'm from the Pill Pavilion... Alchemist?"

The old man nodded affirmatively: "Yes, your current identity is the same as that of the old man, you are the alchemist of the pill pavilion."

It was naturally weird in my heart that a student who had just entered the Fuzhou Academy for less than two months turned out to be an alchemist in the Pill Pavilion for the first time. This kind of thing was simply unheard of.

Had it not been for the number of herbs that Li Zedao had put together in these two assessments, he would be ashamed and want to die, the old man would think he was seriously insulted.

"But, I don't know how to do alchemy." Li Zedao felt that this old man wouldn't be joking with himself, right? Although I am very good, I must hate myself when I am good, but it doesn't seem to be so good that it is earth-shattering.

He didn't even know how to refine pills, so why did he become the alchemist of the Pill Pavilion somehow?

"It's okay." The old man smiled, "Just put a name, you don't need to refine any pill, you can go in and out of the pill pavilion freely, you can check any single prescription in the pill pavilion, and you can use it at will. Any pill furnace and all kinds of herbs, beast inner pill and other things in the collection."

Li Zedao stared at the old man, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Then... can I take away those sixth-grade or seventh-grade or even eight-grade pill at any time?"

"This... of course it's not allowed." The old man looked weird and shook his head and said: "All the medicines in the medicine pavilion belong to the academy. Even the elixir cannot take those medicines at will, but Li Zedao What kind of medicine do your classmates need? Find the old man. The old man can help you refine it in private. Don't be polite with the old man."

"Thank you Pharmacist." Li Zedao said quickly, how could he be polite to this old man? He is a qualified young man who knows how to respect the elderly. If you are polite with them, it will not give them face.

Of course, Li Zedao also understood what the old man meant. He was just the kind of alchemist who was named as an alchemist in the pill pavilion, he was paid, and he had all the necessary benefits, but he didn't need to do anything.

Li Zedao remembered that there are many such people in many departments of China.

They go to work when they want to go to work, they can just find an excuse to be cool outside even if they don't want to go to work, even if they go to work, they listen to music, play and chat on their mobile phones, and then a relaxing and beautiful day is over.

Li Zedao used to hate such people so much, but he never expected that one day in the future, he would become one of them... ashamed, ashamed!

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be." The old man hurriedly waved his hand and said, thinking that even Real Person Xuan Ming is not qualified to be your teacher. How can I let you call me teacher, old man? Really shame the old man.

"How old are you, classmate Li Zedao, I will call you old brother from now on. You only need to call me old brother Yao, you don't need to be so polite and formal." Yao Lao said, but his expression was slightly weird.

The eighth grade alchemy master of his own dignity, but now he is arguing with a student who has just enrolled in school, and he is naturally uncomfortable.

But when I think of the real person Xuan Ming, I think of the importance of this student by the Fuzhou Academy, and the talent of this child is so amazing, in the future, his fame will shake the entire gods, and the old man Yao feels that he is too **** wise to call him a brother. Now, I silently praised myself in my heart.

Li Zedao looked at Yao Lao's wrinkled old face with a slightly weird expression. It was really hard for him to understand how this old man was so embarrassed to say "how old are you crazy".

Of course, Li Zedao is a good and polite boy, so naturally he won't say anything embarrassing.

"Brother Yao..."

He gave the old man a lot of face, and he directly praised his brothers and sisters. He even felt that the old man looked so young, right? No, it is only sixty-nine at most, no more.

Although such a result seems so strange, Li Zedao's heart is naturally beautiful.

The ancients said that many skills do not press down.

Li Zedao said that there are too many eldest brothers to be bullied by bullies.

Li Ze thought, if anyone dares to bully himself or see who is not pleasing to the eye in the future, he just needs to wave his hand and shout, "Brothers, go!"

Then, a super legion composed of many of his big brothers quickly rushed up, like a ruin, crushing the enemy to a powder... Even if the big brothers are not the enemy's opponents, wouldn't there be a "daddy"?

Li Zedao once again doubted that Li Zedao would really be the illegitimate son of the dean who seemed so mysterious?

"Brother Li, I will take you around here and get familiar with the Pill Pavilion." Yao Lao said.

"I have a labor medicine brother." Li Zedao responded politely.

"Brother Li, don't be polite."

"Okay, I don't know if Brother Yao can help the younger brother refine a few soul condensing pills?"

"..." Old Yao's mouth twitched. This kid really didn't know what politeness meant.

"It's easy to talk, and when I turn around, I'll open the furnace to help you refining, Brother Li."

"It's time for me to work." Li Zedao said politely.

Old Yao's mouth opened, and after all he did not dare to say something like "you are welcome".

Following Yao Lao's buttocks in a big circle, Li Zedao found that the area of ​​the Pill Medicine Pavilion was larger than he had imagined.

The whole pill pavilion has three floors in total, of which the second floor is where the alchemy masters refine the alchemy.

When Li Zedao came to the second floor, he couldn't help his nose and tears flowing wildly, and his throat was itchy and coughing violently.

Because the entire second floor can be said to be billowing with smoke, there is even an extremely pungent smell in the air.

Yao Lao took out a Baijie Pill and let Li Zedao take it, and Li Zedao felt that the physical discomfort was relieved.

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