"Really?" Linglong nodded without comment.

"Linglong, why do I feel that you don't seem to have confidence in me?" Tai Shu Wuji felt a little uncomfortable.

There were rumors that the courtyard of Li Zedao, who went to Li Zedao, was "twisting and squeezing" in public transport before, and then it was leaving "swimming and rushing". Whether it was "twisting and rushing", it was unavoidable that it was imaginative. .

Could it be that there is really something between her and him?

Tai Shu Wuji felt as if he had been stabbed with a knife in his chest. The pain was so severe that even his breathing was not smooth.

"No." Linglong denied the public loss. "I just have faith in him."

"..." There really is!

Uncle Wuji opened his mouth, but he didn't know what he should say, and then left in despair.

After walking a few steps forward, he turned his head and shouted unwillingly: "Linglong, I will easily defeat..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and the muscles on his face twitched wildly.

Because, Linglong had already closed the gate of the courtyard.

"Li Zedao..." Uncle Wuji gritted his teeth and his eyes were red. He has never been so jealous of a man like he is now, never.

When he pressed hard, the cup in his hand shattered, and for a time, the rich-smelling soup splashed all over, and because of too much force, the sharp crisp slice pierced his palm, and the blood flowed for a while.

An exclamation came: "Ah, brother Wuji, what's wrong with you?"

Tai Shu Wuji looked back at the handsome beauty who had given him more than a dozen love letters before and after. She already had a smile on her face and said in a magnetic voice, "Oh, it's okay, but suddenly I remembered a move. God."

Faced with such a smile and such a voice, the girl's eyes simply became heart-shaped. Mom, there are handsome guys!

"I'm a bit hungry all of a sudden, can I trouble you to come to my courtyard to help me make some food?" Uncle Wuji asked again. I glanced at the closed courtyard door from the corner of my eye, thinking that if you don't love me, then I will love myself.

"Well, I do, of course I do." The girl nodded frantically, almost fainting with happiness.

Then the happiness on his face turned into astonishment, and he shouted out: "Ah, brother Wuji, what's wrong with you?"

But seeing the uncle Wuji as if he had been struck by lightning, his body trembled quickly.


After the meal, the things like cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks were naturally done by Li Zedao. Nangong Wan'er went into the house to rest because of her injury, and soon fell asleep. As for Nangong Meili, she left in a hurry, with no expression on her face. Watching Li Zedao clean up there.

After Li Zedao finished cleaning up, she said, "I have something to ask you."

Li Zedao glanced at the nominal fiancée, lowered his head shyly, and said embarrassingly: "Go to your courtyard or to my courtyard."

"Look at you." Nangong Meili seemed to have not heard Li Zedao's ridicule, or rather, simply ignored it.

"Then walk around." Li Ze said. Being alone in a small space with this woman, he doesn't have much sense of security. If this woman intends to plot against herself, it will be a bad idea every day.

At the moment, the two of them left Courtyard 41 and strolled forward side by side.

Nangong Meili greeted Li Zedao, but at this time she remained silent and did not speak.

Li Zedao also didn't know what to say, of course, he also probably knew what Nangong Meili wanted to ask himself.

The two walked forward in silence like this, without a destination.

When some girls saw Li Zedao walking with Nangong Meili together, their expressions changed drastically, and they drew their chests and feet, completely feeling that they were useless and could not get Brother Li's heart.

When some boys saw Nangong Meili walking with Li Zedao, their expressions became ugly, and they really wanted to kill Li Zedao and take his place.

Nangong Meili stopped until she walked out of the gate of the academy and passed the Cangying Pavilion to a cliff, and her shining eyes looked at the towering mountains in the distance.

Li Zedao's eyes fell into the distance, feeling the majestic and majestic mountains, but he didn't have a sense of heroism. On the contrary, an extremely lonely emotion emerged. He only felt that although the world was big, there was no place for me.

He suddenly wanted to smoke, but unfortunately, God's Domain did not have such a thing as cigarettes.

Possibly, tobacco grows in a certain corner, but the people here do not know its value and do not know how to process it into shredded tobacco.

There is no tobacco, and alcohol is fine, but unfortunately, you can't drink alcohol in this place.

Fuzhou College has regulations that no one can drink on unsuitable venues. Obviously, this place is exactly the unsuitable venue.

In the realm, Li Zedao can't get drunk no matter how he drinks, but in this realm, Li Zedao is still drunk after drinking too much, maybe because the wine in the two places is different.

Nangong Meili looked back at Li Zedao's eyes, and suddenly a sense of loneliness that could not be described in words surged in her heart.

Of course, it was not that she was alone, but that she felt a kind of loneliness in Li Zedao's eyes that seemed to make her a little distressed.

A few days ago, Nangong Wan'er mentioned to her that Li Zedao had serious concerns hidden in his heart, and now it seems that it is true.

Nangong Meili frowned. She couldn't understand how she felt heartache.

Li Zedao also found that he was expressing too much emotion in front of this smart woman, so he quickly cleared up his mood, and said as if a master was lonely: "It's so lonely, classmate Meili, you say I'm so good, what should I do?"

"You are indeed excellent." Nangong Meili said, "I don't know what you should do."

There is no compliment and no contempt, but rather calmly telling a fact that is not too important.

Of course, she also knew that Li Zedao was hiding his true emotions.

Li Zedao lowered his head embarrassedly: "I think so too."

"Because you are excellent, you are not that Li Zedao." Nangong Meili said.

"I'm Li Zedao." Li Zedao's expression was equally serious, but there was a danger in his heart. When this woman offered to ask him out, Li Zedao knew that she was doubting her identity.

On the plain of Bu Zhou, she recognized herself at a glance, indicating that she had seen Li Zedao before.

I want to know that Li Zedao is a straw bag, and the only thing I can take out is probably this skin bag.

If you are in the mortal domain, being so handsome can easily become an internet celebrity, a little fresh meat who knows how to be handsome without acting skills and singing skills, and a group of oppas who don't have too many so-called mentality and values.

But in this realm where the strong is respected, there is only one good skin in the cultivation base, but it is nothing. It is undoubtedly a waste one. It can only live like an ant, spending all day in trembling, worrying about when to be taken. The foot was trampled to death.

And now that Li Zedao's temperament and talent have undergone earth-shaking changes, no wonder she is suspicious.

"You are not." Nangong Meili said confidently.

"I am." Li Zedao's tone was also determined. I think this woman is too annoying. I don't want to be your husband. I want to be your sister-in-law. Why are you so aggressive?

"If you are, you should remember what I told you when you and I met for the first time more than a year ago, and you said at that time, you will always remember what I said." Nangong Meili can speak. His eyes stared at Li Ze without blinking, "Then what did I say then?"

"Student Meili, I didn't expect you to ask such a boring question." Li Zedao said.

"That's because you don't know me well," Nangong Meili said, "and, I don't find this question boring."

Li Zedao avoided Nangong Meili's eyes with some guilty conscience and curled his lips.

"At that time, what did I say?" Nangong Meili still had this question.

"At that time, although I looked dull on the surface, I was really arrogant, and I didn't put you in the eyes of a tall woman, so I didn't even listen to a word of what you said." Li Ze said.

I want to know that Li Ze is a daddy, and seeing such a woman must be too inferior, and I am embarrassed that I can't even say anything.

"Really I didn't listen?" Nangong Meili's tone was quite aggressive.

Li Ze said that he wanted not to kill people.

"There is murderous in your eyes." Nangong Meili's big eyes looked at Li Zedao's eyes without blinking, "You want to kill me?"

"...If you think too much, how could I kill you? Nothing, I'll go back to sleep." Li Zedao wryly smiled, regretting in his heart, I would have never come out with this woman, holding Wan'er's fragrant body What a nice night's sleep.

"In fact, there was no dialogue between you and me at that time." Nangong Meili said again.

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched. He really didn't expect that this woman would even dig pits. This is really despicable!

"How do you deceive people?" Li Ze said angrily, but the accusation was not loud, as if he didn't have any confidence.

"I am a woman."

"..." Li Zedao was speechless. Does a woman have the right to deceive by nature?

Nangong Meili looked away from Li Zedao, turned around and looked into the distance: "You really are not Li Zedao, who are you?"

"Is this... important?" Li Zedao asked angrily. After asking, I decided that I was a stupid. How could you say such stupid things if you are not?

Her fiancé has changed individuals, how could this be unimportant?

"So, at first you told Wan'er that your head was attacked and you forgot a lot of things. That is also false. In this way, all the explanations will make sense." Nangong Meili seemed to mumble to herself. Open up.

Li Zedao was silent, and now, apart from silence, he really didn't know what to say.

"Some time ago, I revised a book and gave it to my father. When my father knew that you were also in Buzhou College, he was very surprised because he did not send you to Buzhou College in the name of the Nangong family."

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