The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2061: Why not sad

Nangong Meili said: "In this case, how did you get admitted to the Fuzhou Academy? So, I have to wonder if some forces that are hostile to the Nangong family used some means to make you pretend to be the real Li Zedao and try to What unfavorable things the Nangong family did."

Nangong Meili shook her head lightly and said, "However, I quickly denied my own thoughts, because I can feel that your concern for Wan'er is not pretentious. Besides, never Zhou Academy The kind of sparing effort to cultivate you can show that you have a close relationship with the Fuzhou Academy. In this way, the hostile force of the Nangong family becomes Fuzhou Academy. This obviously doesn't make sense. After all, if the Nangong family is true. If you offend Fuzhou Academy, Fuzhou Academy doesn't need to be as deliberate as this one, just send a strong person to beat the Nangong family."

Turning around, those big talking eyes fell on Li Zedao and said, "So, do you have anything to say?"

"I really want to block your mouth." Li Zedao gritted his teeth.

"It's up to you." Nangong Meili responded lightly.

"Block up with your lips!"


"...Really?" Li Zedao swallowed.

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao expressionlessly: "Fake."

"..." Li Zedao wanted to give himself a mouthful. Why did he forget that this woman is a liar after a few seconds?

Li Zedao sat down on the big rock beside him and said, "I can tell you something, but you have to keep it secret. You can't tell anyone without my consent."

"Natural." Nangong Meili nodded.

"You can't talk to Wan'er either."

"She had already doubted it."

"I'll find a time to explain it clearly to her."

"I see, I won't tell anyone about it." Nangong Meili said, "Now can you tell me?"

"Wait...You are a liar, I don't believe what you said, do you swear?" Li Zedao felt that he was too smart, and he could even think of this way.

"...I swear." Nangong Meili twitched.

"Well, then you swear that if you reveal half a word at will, you will be a virgin all your life."

"...I swear that if I confess half of a word at will, I will... be a virgin for the rest of my life."

Although I think this kind of thing is really boring, but Nangong Meili still took an oath. Even she herself couldn't understand why she had to do such a boring thing.

After a moment of silence, Li Zedao spoke: "As you said, I am indeed not the Li Zedao you knew before. That Li Zedao is dead, and I continue to live by his body. Coincidentally, my name is also Li Zedao. , So I didn't lie to you, I really am Li Zedao! In addition, the death of Li Zedao has nothing to do with me. I don't know how he died, let alone how I continued to live through this body. "

Li Zedao weighed his words and said: "In addition, I was really badly injured before, and I did forget some things, but I am not pretending to be stupid. As for my true identity, you don’t need to know, you just need to know , I don’t have the slightest malice towards you, Wan'er, and the Nangong family."

"Living by the flesh?" Nangong Meili raised her brows. She knew that Soulsmith could indeed resurrect the lost soul with the help of other people's body through some secret techniques. Presumably a certain Soulsmith used some kind of secret technique to make him resurrect with that Li Zedao's body.

As for why it was that Li Zedao, it must be because his body meets all the conditions for resurrecting the guy in front of him.

So this person, maybe, as Wan'er predicted, was the illegitimate child of the mysterious dean.

In this way, everything can be explained.

"I understand. According to the agreement, I will not disclose a word." Nangong Meili said, although there are still many questions, but she has no plans to continue to inquire.

After all, she is not too curious, as long as he is sure that he is not hostile to Nangong family, to Wan'er, or to himself.

As for his true identity, it is really not that important.

"You, it's still Li Zedao." Nangong Meili said.

"That Meili student, why don't you feel sad?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

"What's sad?" Nangong Meili was a little confused.

"Your fiance is dead, isn't it?"


The muscles on Nangong Meili's face twitched, and there was an urge to draw a sword and cut people.

She really wanted to ask him, why should I be sad when my fiance is dead? I never thought of him as my fiancé, at best, he was a stranger who passed by by chance.

"Oh, classmate Meili, I didn't expect you to be such a low-hearted person." Li Zedao shook his head, his face full of disappointment.

The muscles on Nangong Meili's face were twitching even more severely. She turned around and left. If she didn't leave, she was really worried that she could not help but draw her sword and kill people.

Li Zedao took his gaze back from her beautiful back, and continued to look into the distance, his eyes were already full of loneliness.

"Hey, if you are excellent and guilty, then I am at least life imprisoned! If you are handsome and guilty, then it is directly a death sentence." Li Zedao sighed heavily, this is worrying, I really don't know what to do.

However, he didn't rush back, but sat there cross-legged, and after cleaning up his mind, he felt the heaven and earth aura that did not know how many times stronger than the mortal domain.

He desperately needs to become stronger!

The law of the jungle, and the strong eating of the weak is even more vivid in God's Domain. In addition, it is from the mortal domain after all, and my heart will eventually become empty. Even if you step into the spiritual mirror, there is no way to bring Li Zedao too much sense of security, let alone At present, it is only the realm of Lingyun Realm.

I don't know how long it took, and the body trembled violently, even after the face showed pain.

He felt an extremely fierce breath rushing wildly on his body, and then that breath began to swell, Li Zedao felt that his body was about to be burst by the inexplicable breath.

It didn't take a long time, tearing pain came like a flood, and the pain made Li Zedao's eyes completely black, and his body immediately lost consciousness.

After a long time, Li Zedao slowly opened his eyes, and the place where he caught his eyes was the white clouds floating in the blue sky.

Cleverly, Li Zedao stood up.

Before he could think about it, a surprised voice came from behind him.

"It's you? Why are you here?"

Li Zedao stood up and looked back, only to see Linglong staring at herself with sullen expression on her face.

"Dare to ask the leader of the public loss team, is this the forbidden area of ​​the academy? I will also be punished for credits later here?" Li Zedao curled his lips, "If that is the case, then tell me, how many credits will be fined?"

Li Zedao was depressed at first, and Linglong put on a stinky face as soon as he arrived. His tone was so bad, so his tone was naturally not so friendly.

"You..." Linglong was quite depressed at the public loss. This guy is ill, and he didn't provoke him. Why is he so bad?

Biting his lip, I wanted to turn around and leave, but the ghost didn't leave. Instead, he stepped forward and said: "I have slept all day as agreed."

"Oh." Li Zedao nodded, turned around and continued to look into the distance, not paying attention to the woman.

There was even more doubt in his eyes, what happened to him just now? What happened to the inexplicable breath in the body?

Gradually, the doubt in Li Zedao's eyes turned into ecstasy.

If it weren't for that annoying woman who was behind him, worried that he would be deducted hundreds of credits, he would want to laugh up to the sky and start to worry that he was a genius.

"Asshole!" Linglong scolded while watching his back, but still did not leave.

She doesn't even know it, his attitude is so cold, why didn't he leave, why didn't he even kill people directly?

Immediately, a word that made her feel numb in the mind of the public loser: guilty!

Then she thought that this guy might have done it on purpose.

In the past, when those boys saw themselves, they were either respectful or fascinated...Of course, except for the freak like Mo Tianya who only had cultivation in his eyes.

In Mo Tianya's eyes, there were no men and women, only the people he wanted to defeat.

He is like a crazy ghost dog, biting at you frantically, not knowing what it means to shrink back.

In the opinion of Linglong, Li Zedao is doing the opposite. What he is playing is simply trying to get caught, deliberately trying to catch his appetite.

Men, really are hypocritical!

As a result, Linglong's originally rather bad mood immediately eased a lot.

Li Zedao naturally didn’t know that Linglong’s inner world was so rich. He even came out with "happiness and indulgence". He really didn’t want to pick her up, even because she was too domineering and looked too much like her, so don’t say it. I told her a few more words, and I wanted to stay away from her.

The public losers strolled forward, sat down on the big rock of Li Zedao, glanced at Li Zedao, looked into the distance and said, "I often come here, especially when I encounter problems or are in a bad mood. In those towering mountains, my heart will be calm."

This is naturally an explanation. I didn't come here because I saw you. I often come to this place, so you must not be passionate and fanciful.

Li Ze thought to myself why you are here to stop me.

But at this time, because I was in a good mood, I still responded: "Do you still have a bad mood?"

It is understandable to encounter problems. After all, this woman has studied the art of mechanism, and even the Rubik's Cube has been researched by her, so she naturally encountered problems.

But in a bad mood...Is such a woman who makes women envy and drives men crazy, will he be in a bad mood?

After thinking about it, Li Zedao, who was very smart, understood that women from God's Domain would also come to the aunt. It is estimated that she was in a bad mood in those few days.

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