The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2071: Don't like killing

"Roar!" The blood red eyes of the dragon python showed fierce fierce bursts, and even opened his mouth, roaring.

The sound was so terrifying that Li Zedao's ears were buzzing.

However, compared with the previous time, Li Zedao's cultivation level has been improved, with qualitative changes, so the uncomfortable and uncomfortable is not like the last time, almost fainting.

In addition, Li Zedao still sat there motionless, and did not escape as quickly as possible. With the dean, he was naturally safe.

More importantly, if the dean intends to think about him, it will be useless for him to escape!

Li Zedao glanced at the dean from the corner of his eyes, but saw that his old man was looking at the dragon python with deep eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this moment, the dragon python uttered an extremely low muffled roar again, and the water splashed all over again, and immediately, the dragon python's whole body simply jumped out of the pool and rose into the air.

Under the shining of the sun, I saw its body that was more than 20 meters long with scales glowing strangely, and it had four legs, and each leg had sharp claws shining with cold light.

In coordination with its ugly big head...

Li Zedao thought of the dragon again.

I thought this thing wasn't the result of a dragon hybridizing with something, right? This has some characteristics of dragons.

At the same time, its sharp, blood-red storm circle appeared, circle after circle, ring after ring.

Li Zedao knew that this dragon python was going to make a big move.

"Roar!" The dragon python roared again, the sharp claws carrying the blood-red aperture, from top to bottom, severely photographed the real Changsheng who was still sitting there calmly.

The real Changsheng put down his fishing rod danglingly, and his dry hand slowly stretched out.

At this moment, the scene that made Li Zedao stunned, saw a big hand flashing blue light appear out of thin air above the dragon python!

In the next second, the big hand gently shook it, and it caught the dragon python like an eagle's sharp claws grabbing a little chicken!

At that moment, Li Zedao felt that his breathing was simply frozen, his whole body was extremely dull, his mind roared abnormally, and a huge wave tens of thousands of times stronger than when he encountered dragon pythons before, he couldn't believe him. What your eyes see.

The dragon python, who was so afraid of even a strong man like Yang Canghai, was so understated and controlled by this not surprising old man!

This is the method of the strong spirit mirror?


The controlled dragon python seemed impatient and painful. It roared frantically and twisted its huge body frantically, but it was useless, saying that it could not break away from the giant hand that appeared out of thin air.

I don't know why, watching the dragon python struggle desperately over there, Li Zedao suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable.

This uncomfortable emotion came suddenly, and came in inexplicably.

This kind of uncomfortable emotion is also somewhat familiar, that is to say, Li Zedao has experienced this emotion before.

Li Zedao thought and thought, when did he have such emotions? Suddenly a flash of light flashed through his mind.

It was in elementary school, when the school organized watching patriotic movies.

That movie truly showed the inhumane aggression of the island nation against China back then, wantonly massacring unarmed people.

At that time, Li Zedao had such a bad feeling in his heart. It was also at that time that a seed of extreme resentment towards the island nation was planted in his young heart, and he really wanted to take a knife into the screen. I'm fighting against the island country devils who deserve to be cut!

As for why he has such bad emotions in his heart now, Li Zedao can't understand it. It is not that this dragon python is his compatriot, right? He has the same bloodline as the dragon python?

How can this be?

Or is it that this dragon python actually comes from the mortal domain?

As the dragon python continued to roar and struggle wildly, Li Zedao's heart became more uncomfortable, his eyes became more and more sore, and he almost cried, and the whole person was so depressed.

"Child, kill this beast." The real Changsheng said, looking at Li Zedao with gentle eyes.

"Huh?" Changsheng's words were so sudden that Li Zedao couldn't react for a while, and the whole person was simply dumbfounded.

"Kill it." The real Changsheng said with a gentle face.


Li Zedao looked hesitant and his thoughts turned sharply. Is this the real purpose of the dean to find himself in the courtyard where he lives?

He wants to kill this dragon python?

But why is this? Why did he kill the dragon python himself? He can easily make this dragon python into a meatloaf, right?

Also, why do you have such emotions with dragon pythons?

All kinds of doubts followed one after another, causing Li Zedao's head to become extremely painful, and there was a trace of pain in his eyes.

"President, why... why?" Li Zedao asked with some difficulty.

"I don't like killing lives." The dean gently gave such a reason why Li Zedao felt that he was hurt.

"Students... don't like killing animals... Or, let them go?" Li Zedao said cautiously.

He didn't know why he was so depressed, he hesitated, he couldn't do anything, and he still had plans to save it.

He obviously wanted to kill this cruel beast, didn't he?

The real Changsheng had a gentle face and said again: "If you let it go, one day in the future, maybe another student will become its belly meal. For the safety of the college students, kill it."

Li Zedao tried to conceal the inexplicable sorrow in his heart and said, "But students...really don't like killing."

He felt that the dean was forcing him to hold a butcher knife to slaughter those close to him.

"Really don't like it? Or is it...reluctant to give up?" Changsheng real person asked, his eyes were so deep.

Inexplicably, Li Zedao was so guilty that he felt that this old man seemed to be able to penetrate his own heart and he knew his origin.

"" Li Zedao tried to control his emotions, "Students really don't like killing."

"So, that's all." said the real Changsheng.

As soon as the voice fell, the real person Changsheng waved lightly, and a breeze blew his face.

Li Zedao's eyes suddenly became apathetic and empty, without the slightest focus, or in other words, without any human emotions, just like those dead eyes.

"Kill this dragon python." The real Changsheng made this request again.

"Yes, master!" Li Zedao said as if talking to himself.

"Hey!" He pulled out the Dragon Yin Sword presented by the old sword at his waist, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place and appeared in front of the dragon python in the office.

The dragon python was no longer struggling, and the brutality in its big scary blood-red eyes disappeared.

Then, its blood basin opened its mouth wide, giving the impression that it was laughing! It actually grinned at Li Zedao, and it gave people the feeling that it was like the joy of meeting Guzhi in a foreign country.

Li Zedao stared blankly at the dragon python, and then swiped his sword towards the dragon python's neck without hesitation.

"Roar!" Feeling the danger, the dragon python roared again, and its big eyes showed palpitating sadness. The huge body continued to struggle desperately, but there was no way to break away from the giant hand.

"Roar..." It roared up to the sky, and there was a bit of sadness in the **** eyes.

A flash of blood!



Two dull loud noises sounded one after the other, as if something heavy was thrown into the water.

For a while, the water splashed everywhere, and the water splash was blood red!

At the same time, a light wall gleaming with strange blue light appeared in front of the real person of Changsheng. The light wall blocked the blood-red water splashes, so that it would not pollute the body of the person who always sat there.

After a few breaths, the surface of the water calmed down, the surface of the pool was still misty, and the surroundings returned to the previous silence again, as if nothing had happened.

Li Zedao stood floating behind the real person Changsheng, his eyes blank and without any focus. Looking at the Dragon Yin sword in his hand, a drop of dazzling red blood was dripping from the blade.

A fragrant scent hits, and Shui Feiling's body that is enough to make all men enchanted appears in front of the real person Changsheng. Her peach blossom eyes fell on Li Zedao who was on the side, and her charming face was moved.

"This kid, really is the descendant of Nuwa?" Shui Feiling said.

"Exactly." The real Changsheng stared at the mist in front of him deeply, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Li Zedao's head tilted, and the whole person opened the closed eyes cleverly, and the dim sleepy eyes swept around in a slightly dazed circle.

But when he saw the dean, his old man still looked deeply at the fishing rod in his hand, it looked like a fish might be hooked at any time.

Fell asleep?

Li Zedao hurriedly sat up straight and wiped off the transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth with his hand, feeling really regretful in his heart.

The dean allowed himself to fish with such a fishing rod without hooks and bait. Obviously, he had to test his patience. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep inexplicably. It is very likely that he would not be able to pass the test. .

"This old man with me has been here for so long, it's hard for you." The long-lived real person glanced at Li Zedao with a gentle smile.

Li Zedao smirked and said, "Where is the dean? It is an honor for the students to go fishing with the dean."

This was entirely from the bottom of my heart, without the slightest flattery in it. In Li Zedao's opinion, I am afraid that most of the students and even teachers of the college dream of wanting to accompany the dean on fishing, right?

"I'm not catching fish." The real Changsheng smiled and said.

"This...the student is dull, I don't know what the dean you are fishing for." Li Zedao probably knows that this old man is about to start pretending to be coerced, probably to say something like "I'm fishing for loneliness"?

"I'm fishing for dragon pythons," said the real Changsheng.

"..." Li Zedao felt that the dean's words were both pretending and awesome, and he had an urge to kneel down and worship. I really want to ask the dean if you caught it, but I was afraid of hitting the dean in the face.

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