The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2072: assistant Manager

"Do you want to stay in Buzhou Academy?" Chang Sheng Zhen asked.

"Exactly." Li Zedao said modestly, "Although the students have already entered the spiritual realm, they are lucky, and the spiritual realm is just the beginning. There is still a long way to go in the future, so students I want to continue to stay in Buzhou Academy to learn all kinds of knowledge and climb the higher mountain. I hope the dean will agree."

"If you want to stay, stay." Changsheng real person laughed.

Li Zedao was overjoyed and quickly put down his fishing rod and got up and said, "Thank you, Dean."

"The academy will make arrangements for you, go." The real Changsheng waved his hand and said.

"Uh... the student retires." Li Zedao respectfully again, turned and left. Why did you fall asleep with this regret in my heart? Look, the dean is dissatisfied, and the benefits that he was supposed to give are gone.

After passing through the quiet bamboo forest, a charming and sweet voice came: "Little brother, I really make my sister a good wait. I haven't seen you for more than an hour, and people want you to die."

Li Zedao only felt that his bones were going to be sweet and crisp and looked up, his eyes were already facing Shui Feiling's eye-catching foxes, and he quickly greeted him: "Sister Shui."

"That old man who likes to pretend didn't bully you, right?" Concubine Shui Ling walked to Li Zedao, and the hand that was cutting the onion roots provocatively stroked Li Zedao's cheek.

Li Zedao only felt that his face was slippery for a while, and there was a strong smell of scent. When the face was embarrassing, he stepped back, avoiding her salty pigsman, and said, "The dean is very kind to the students."

In my heart, I couldn't agree with Shui Feiling's evaluation of the dean any more. The old man really liked to pretend.

Obviously it is a bamboo pole without hooks and bait, but it is said to be used for fishing dragon pythons...

The upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked! With such a dean, it's no wonder that the teachers and students of Fuzhou College are so impetuous and impractical.

Li Zedao felt that he was just a clear stream in this impetuous academy.

"Little brother, sister, here is a piece of good news related to you, do you want to listen." Shui Feiling licked her lips and squinted her eyes.

"Uh... Sister Shui, please say." Li Zedao swallowed and said with difficulty. This woman is really a monster. Fortunately, my self-control ability is not covered, otherwise I am afraid that my legs will be weak at this time.

"The academy agrees that you stay and become a teacher at Fuzhou Academy, but although you are excellent, your qualifications are too low, so you are temporarily arranged for your little brother to be my sister and my assistant."

"Huh?" The expression on Li Zedao's face simply solidified, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard. Although the dean said that the college had its own arrangements, Li Zedao never expected it to be such an arrangement.

Li Zedao thought that the academy would let him stay in that medicine pavilion.

Could it be that this is the...benefit obtained by fishing with the dean?

"Hearing this news, do you have a feeling that you are about to die of happiness, little brother?" Shui Feiling's big eyes flickered, and asked delicately.

"...Yes." Li Zedao nodded heavily. He couldn't tell lies without his conscience. I'm afraid it is a man who wants to kneel and lick this woman in his dreams? Let alone become this woman's assistant.

More importantly, Li Zedao knows very clearly that he can’t afford to offend this seemingly coquettish but extremely terrifying woman, let alone becoming his assistant, even if she wants her chastity, Li Zedao only I can grit my teeth.

"For the sake of your honesty, let's go with my sister now. My sister invites you to eat delicious food." Shui Fei Ling chuckled.

"This... the little brother dare not disturb Sister Shui." Li Zedao was very difficult to decline.

"Little brother, no one has ever refused my sister's request. Are you sure you want to be the first person?" Shui Fei Ling cast an eyebrow at Li Zedao. He even took out a delicate bronze mirror and illuminated her delicate little face.

At the bronze mirror, her big watery eyes blinked, her cheeks bulging **** and cute.

Concubine Shui Ling was in a good mood, and felt that she was so **** that she was crying. That exquisite public loser, and the freshman named Nangong Meili who just entered school, their beauty is really inferior to one ten thousandth of their own, and they are not qualified to be personal servants.

"Uh... what the younger brother meant is, then I will disturb Sister Shui." Li Zedao sweated coldly on his forehead.

Although it seemed like a beauty who liked to look in the mirror over there, Li Zedao felt chilly.

If you refuse this woman's request, the end may be tragic.

"Good-looking little brother, what should I do if my sister likes you so much?" Shui Fei Ling made a kiss to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao lowered his head as if he hadn't seen it.

Feeling a little nervous, following Concubine Shui Ling's back, Li Zedao left the fairy pavilion and came to a courtyard not far from the fairy pavilion.

The door of the courtyard has not been opened yet, Li Zedao has already smelled a faint fragrance wafting from the courtyard. This fragrance is the same as the fragrance of the water concubine spirit, strong but not unpleasant, even giving people a kind of obsessive ecstasy feel.

This kind of smell is naturally not a body fragrance, but should come from a strong fragrance. Shui Feiling's use of such a perfume is also in line with her feminine style.

"Little brother, you are the first man to enter the courtyard of my sister." Shui Feiling smiled while pushing open the courtyard door.

Li Zedao lowered his head and smiled shyly, but he didn't doubt what the Concubine Shui Ling said. Such an enchanting vision is naturally very high. Looking at the entire Academy, who else can enter her magic eye?

Anyway, Li Zedao couldn't think of the second one.

Li Zedao was sad again, Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy him, so I don’t need to mention that he is so excellent, so he has become the so-called assistant of Concubine Shui Ling. If this spreads out, it will not cause the entire college to all The envy, jealousy and hatred of male animals?

After entering the courtyard, the scent became even stronger, and Li Zedao almost fell asleep.

Compared with the fairy pavilion where the Changsheng real person lives, the courtyard is naturally much smaller and looks quiet and elegant. There are a lot of potted plants around, and almost every pot of flowers has been carefully trimmed. It is conceivable that this water Feiling's hobbies are quite mixed, but they are all extremely high-level.

At this moment, a black shadow of rapid lightning rushed towards Shui Feiling.


Li Zedao was about to rush over to stage a scene of heroes saving the United States, but saw Shui Feiling hugged the black shadow, and said in love with his face: "Yuqiu, you are not behaved."

Only then did Li Zedao discover that it was a civet with black hair like briquettes.

The appearance and size of this civet is similar to the Persian cat that Li Zedao is familiar with, but in terms of speed, the Persian cat can't keep up with the civet.

It is said that this civet can catch up with the speed of Pegasus with full acceleration, and the speed of Pegasus exceeds one hundred and fifty miles...

"This is the civet raised by my sister, whose name is Qiuqiu, cute?" Shui Feiling looked at Li Zedao and smiled.

"Cute." Li Zedao nodded, watching the civet lying lazily in Shui Feiling's arms, with one paw pressed against the extremely full chest, Li Zedao suddenly admired this happiness. s cat.

"Yes." Shui Feiling handed the civet to Li Zedao.

"Give it to me?" Li Zedao was taken aback, and had to reach out his hand to catch the civet that he obviously didn't want to hold.

Li Zedao understood this cat very much. He was himself, and he was unwilling to leave that gentle town and put him in the arms of another smelly man.

"Little brother, you want to be beautiful. The ball is my sister's favorite pet, how could it be given to you?" Shui Fei Ling gave Li Zedao a charmingly white look, and said with a smile, "You only just asked my sister, brother What do I need to do to become my sister’s assistant? It’s actually very simple. When my sister is thirsty, she will help her to pour water, when she is hungry, she will help her to cook. Cleaning the yard, taking care of these flowers and plants, and taking care of the balls, these are your job, my little brother."

"..." Li Zedao's expression changed. He almost strangled the struggling civet in his hand and turned to leave.

Where is this assistant? This is simply a, a slave! Whoever wants to be this **** assistant.

If this spreads out... How many male animals do you have to envy? I'm afraid those male animals are not to say that they are slaves of Shui Fei Ling, even if they are allowed to drink Shui Fei Ling's footwashing water, they will probably drink it as a syrup?

"That is to say, you can touch your sister's body, little brother, such as that bellyband... Do you feel very happy?" Shui Feiling's little lilac tongue licked her red lips and flirted with her face.

"..." Li Zedao wanted to tell her with extreme contempt what's so good about the bellyband?

Li Zedao, who has long been standing at the top of the **** fun, said his bellyband is too low, and now the mainstream of **** fun is student uniforms, teacher uniforms, nurse uniforms, and ol clothes...

My heart is even more secretly slander, Ma Dan, when this handsome guy surpasses you and surrenders your enchanting evil one day, if you feel good, let you help this handsome guy pour the footwash every day.

In this way, there is no time to overdo it, and even the clothes that show his identity have not changed. Li Zedao's identity has changed. From a student of the Fuzhou College to a teacher of the Fuzhou College, more accurately, she became a waterman Feiling's assistant, and immediately began his career.

In the next half of the day, he was driven by Concubine Shui Ling to wash his clothes... Liar, there was no belly at all! I cleaned the entire yard, took a pair of big scissors to build the flowers and plants outside, and ran outside to help the civet grab its favorite food...a kind of civet about the size of a mouse.

In addition, she also helped Shui Feiling serve tea and cooked her a big meal. What was even more exaggerated was that Shui Feiling unexpectedly let Li Zedao wait on her side while eating, and he could only eat the leftovers she had left after she had eaten.

Li Zedao said with a spine that I am not hungry!

The only thing that made Li Zedao feel a little more comfortable was that he secretly spit in the tea while Concubine Shui Ling was not paying attention.

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