Until the afterglow of the sun disappeared in the sky, Shui Feiling said with satisfaction that she could leave. Before leaving, she said that she would report to her courtyard on time every morning, and she could not leave until noon.

I can't come if something happens... I'm sorry, but I can only leave after coming here and asking for leave.

Of course, you don’t need to come, you can resist, but you are at your own risk if you cause any consequences!

This is a threat! The naked-naked threat, but Li Zedao was really threatened.

Shui Feiling also said that she won't need to come over in the next three days, because she has something to leave the school.

"Little brother, I just became sister's assistant and got a three-day vacation. Isn't my sister kind to you?" Shui Fei Ling said with a smile.

Li Zedao almost couldn't hold back the curse.

"Oh, by the way, if you dare to spit in sister's tea in the future, be careful that sister cut your tongue." Shui Fei smiled.

As soon as the voice fell, the wind and sorrow on his body suddenly changed.

gloomy! cunning! vicious! terror! It gives people the feeling that this is not a coquettish peerless beauty at all, but a viper, a viper that has become a spirit.

Li Zedao's body suddenly stiffened, and cold sweat appeared on his back. He thought that his spitting movement was so vague, but he did not expect it to fall into the eyes of Concubine Shui Ling.

Be too careless and be more cautious in the future.

While breathing, Shui Feiling was all charming and her red lips lightly opened: "Go!"

Li Zedao's attitude was respectful, and then he turned and left.

After walking out of this charming courtyard, Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the hands hidden in his sleeves were already clenched into fists.

After walking a distance away from the courtyard, Li Zedao pulled out the Dragon Yin Sword.

Looking at the black sword body and smelling the extremely faint **** smell emanating from the sword body, Li Zedao's eyes showed thoughtfulness.


After returning to her courtyard, Nangong Wan'er had been waiting in that courtyard for most of the day.

"What's the result?" Nangong Wan'er asked impatiently. She thought that Li Zedao was being assessed at the assessment office, and the assessment has not ended until now.

"Don't worry, I can stay, but because of lack of experience, I temporarily act as a teacher's assistant." Li Zedao smiled.

I thought about being a slave of Concubine Shui Ling, don't talk to Nangong Wan'er, after all, this is not a glorious thing at all.

Nangong Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a flowery smile: "That's good, I'm so worried."

She was worried that Li Zedao was the illegitimate son of the dean, so the dean made other arrangements for him, so that she could not continue to stay in this college, or even if she stayed in the college, it would be difficult to see him again in the future.

"Come on, classmate Wan'er, I'm your teacher from now on, come and call Master Li to listen." Li Zedao laughed, and put his arms around Nangong Wan'er's slender waist.

"Get out!" Nangong Wan'er gave Li Zedao a white smile, her little head buried in Li Zedao's arms, "Then are you moving out of this new student living area?"

I want to go to the area where the teacher lives every day to find him? Will it be pointed? How embarrassed?

"Still live here." Li Zedao said.

Nangong Wan'er was completely relieved: "That's good."

The body suddenly stiffened, raised his head, his eyes crossed Li Zedao with shame, and said: "Oh, you are a disciple, where do you put your hands...Ah... you still stretch it in... hate, don't move... …"

The door of the courtyard knocked.

Just like a scared rabbit, Nangong Wan'er pushed Li Zedao away. She glared at Li Zedao with a full look, and cursed softly, "Deng disciple, why don't you open the door?"

Li Zedao chuckled, he really hated the person who was knocking on the door, and he was just about to feel the touch.

Reluctantly, he went to open the door, but saw a servant in a gray coat standing there.

"Brother Firewood..." Li Zedao's eyes lit up slightly, and his face showed joy. Isn't this the servant firewood who led him to report after passing the test of the academy that day?

At that time, Firewood said, if you have any questions, you can go to the servant area to find him.

However, in the following days, Li Zedao did not suffer any trouble because of his excellent character and good character, so he naturally did not find firewood.

Li Zedao, who has already become a teacher of the Fuzhou Academy, called him elder brother, which really made Muchai feel flattered, and quickly said: "Don't dare to be or not, just call the younger Master Li."

He never expected that the last one among the freshmen in the past would enter the Spiritual God Realm and become a teacher of the Academy of Di Zhou after just over two months. If the facts are right in front of him, he would have to think whether he is right or wrong. Dreaming.

"I will be the eldest brother for one day, and the eldest brother for life." Li Zedao smiled.

"I dare not dare, I really make a small one." Muchai said with a panic expression, "The little one is here to help Master Li send you the teacher's costume."

As he said, Firewood passed a bag in his hand.

"Brother Lao Muchai." Li Zedao nodded in gratitude, and reached out to accept the bag.

According to the regulations of the academy, servants have clothes for servants, students have clothes for students, teachers have clothes for teachers, and those who are higher than servants and lower than teachers also have their own clothes.

Li Zedao has now become a teacher in Fuzhou College, and he naturally has to wear teacher clothes that reflect his identity.

"Master Li, you will have to wear this costume from tomorrow on, and I will bother you to replace this student costume and hand it over to the younger one to take it away." Firewood arched his hands and said.

Take away the old clothes? Li Zedao thought to himself that the academy attaches great importance to identity, probably because he is worried that he might wear it wrong in a hurry? Nodded and smiled: "Brother Woodwood, please come in and wait a while, I'll change my clothes now."

"The younger one can just wait for Master Li here."

Regardless of what Li Zedao said, the firewood was always the promise and did not dare to enter the courtyard of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao knew that servants had the lowest status in Fuzhou College. That distinction of respect and inferiority had flowed into their blood and penetrated into their bones. They were so restrained when facing students, let alone facing teachers.

At the moment, he was not reluctant, let him wait outside for a while, and asked Wan'er to bring tea to him. The firewood only said no, and Li Zedao didn’t say anything anymore. His politeness would only be for the servant. Bring more panic.

After a while, Li Zedao took away the firewood along with another set of school uniforms that had been washed before he changed his clothes.

Li Zedao sighed softly when looking at the back of the firewood who was slightly curled up and dared not walk straight.

Everywhere, people have distinctions of inferiority and inferiority, but in most places in God's Domain, that distinction of superiority and inferiority is put on a coat of civilization. When this coat is stripped off, they are exposed to the sun. That ugliness would only be more disgusting than God's Domain.

"What are you thinking about?" Nangong Wan'er asked Li Zedao with ambiguous eyes.

"After I was worried, I seemed to be more handsome after putting on the teacher's uniform, and I will definitely receive more in the future... Classmate Wan'er, the habit of pulling the sword at every turn is too bad." Li Zedao hurriedly forced his masterful pretense His words swallowed back.

"Although you put on the teacher's uniform, you don't look like a teacher at all." Nangong Wan'er looked up and down Li Ze and said.

What a bastard, why are you so handsome? Forget about being handsome, whether it's cultivation or alchemy, it's so talented, is this much sought-after?

"What does it look like?" Li Ze asked with a smile. Looking at it, I'm quite satisfied with this teacher's uniform, whether it is fabric, style, or workmanship, it is several grades higher than student clothes.

Even though Li Zedao felt that he was too handsome, he still felt that he was handsome again by three points for no reason.

"Clothed beast." Nangong Wan'er pursed her lips and smiled.

"...Student Wan'er, stay with the teacher tonight, the teacher will let you see what a beast in clothing is." Li Zedao had an evil smile on his face.

"Deng's disciple..." Nangong Wan'er's pretty face flushed, her heart was upset, and her voice sounded like mosquitoes and flies.

"Oh, I have to write a note and stick it on the door first, saying,'Master Li is resting, please don't knock on the door to disturb'. What do you think of Wan'er?" Li Zedao felt that he was too **** witty. Don't worry about being disturbed.

"...Deng disciple." Nangong Wan'er was too shy.


As usual, Li Zedao opened his eyes early.

In her arms, Nangong Wan'er curled up like a little cat, sleeping soundly, and even a trace of liquid was flowing at the corner of her mouth, and her little red face was full of contented smiles.

For Li Zedao, last night was an absolutely memorable day.

Just last night, he was threw down by Nangong Wan'er, and since then took off the hat of "virgin"... In God's Domain, Li Zedao is indeed a little virgin.

Li Zedao gently kissed Nangong Wan'er's little cheek, got up quietly, put on the teacher's costume that showed his identity, and took the Dragon Yin Sword to the courtyard.

At this time, the surroundings were quiet and dark, and there was still some time before dawn.

Li Zedao first meditated and felt the mysterious aura between heaven and earth, trying to improve his cultivation.

For Li Zedao, the lower grade in the spirits and gods is just the starting point, and the spirit mirror is just the process, and his ultimate goal is the spirits!

The Lingyu Realm is a realm above the Lingxian Mirror, but it only exists in legends. It seems that from ancient times to the present, no one has successfully broken through the Lingxian Mirror and entered the Lingyu Realm.

"What kind of realm is that? What kind of sky-reaching power is there? You can destroy the sky and the earth with your hands? Can you freely travel through various spaces?" Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the blood-red waning moon on the horizon, feeling extremely Yearning.

And once you really become a strong person in the Lingyu Realm, you can basically become the creator of the rules of the God's Domain.

After meditating, Li Zedao began to practice the Leiqi Sword Art again.

At the beginning of the day, he pushed open the door of the courtyard, walked forward, and came to the cliff where he had seen Nicholas many times before.

As Li Zedao had expected, that familiar and beautiful back figure had already arrived here earlier.

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