Li Zedao strolled to Nangong Meili and looked at the beautiful clouds ahead.

He glanced at Nangong Meili's side with the corner of his eye again, and involuntarily admired the beauty, but the people are more beautiful.

"Morning." Nangong Meili's clear eyes glanced at Li Zedao. Seeing that he was wearing a teacher's costume, he said more, "Congratulations."

"Student Wan'er, call Master Li to listen." Li Zedao joked with a smile.

"Master Li." Nangong Meili changed her mouth, her expression, tone and attitude were the same as when she faced Liu Qingfeng. Not perfunctory, but indifferent.

"...Well, let's call my name." Li Zedao didn't want his image in Nangong Meili's heart to be the same as Liu Qingfeng.

"Okay, Master Li."

"..." The cold woman started to adorable again.

"Wait, why do I think the aura on your body has changed? You have entered the Quasi-Spirit Divine Realm?" Li Zedao asked in surprise. Really deserved to be the arrogant second only to himself, really deserved to be his fiancée, and his comprehension is really not low.

Nangong Meili nodded.

After becoming the disciple of True Person Xuan Ming, True Person Xuan Ming began to instruct her, not only in the practice of alchemy but also in practice, and he gave her a few pills in a generous amount.

The words of a famous teacher and a high disciple weren't casually said, so in just a few days, Nangong Meili broke through that shackle and became a powerhouse in the quasi-spirit divine realm.

"Congratulations." Li Zedao said sincerely, very happy for Nangong Meili.

Entering the quasi-spirit divine realm means that the door to the spiritual divine realm has been completely opened for you. You only need to take a small step forward to become a true spiritual divine realm powerhouse.

More importantly, it is not difficult to take that small step forward, ranging from a few days to as many as a few years, and then the step will pass. To put it bluntly, when the time comes, it will be a matter of course.

In addition, don't think that a few years are very long. You must know that most people spend their entire lives until they die, and they still stay at the peak of Lingyun realm.

Nangong Meili nodded lightly without saying anything, looking at the clouds in the distance.

Li Zedao was not talking either, he had long been used to the silence of Nangong Meili.

It has been several early mornings, and they are all staring side by side silently at the cloud and mist ahead, and when the sun rises, they leave separately.

"My master has promised to help me refine the spirit **** pill, which can be refined for as long as a month or as few as twenty days." Nangong Wan'er suddenly spoke, breaking the silence around me.

Nangong Meili didn't know why she wanted to tell Li Zedao about this, she just wanted someone to tell it? Or do you unknowingly regard him as a very important person or even... rely on?

"Ling Shen Dan?" Li Zedao raised his brow slightly.

The spirit **** pill, as the name suggests, can speed up your entry into the spirit **** realm, but this kind of medicine is only effective for those with strong spiritual spirit realm cultivation. Other people eat it for nothing.

Moreover, this is an eight-level pill that requires a large amount of heavenly materials and earth treasures, which is extremely difficult to refine.

"Why take Lingshen Pill? Are you in a hurry?" Li Zedao asked with some incomprehension.

You should know that when refining the Spirit God Pill, you need to use a herbal medicine called "Heart-Chewing Grass". Therefore, after taking this medicine, you will experience heart-chewing pain for three days and three nights. The pain is not ordinary people If you can bear it, then you can reincarnate and become a real spiritual powerhouse.

Therefore, even if those strong people with quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base have a spiritual divine pill in their hands, few people take it, but let it go and make breakthroughs.

Unless something happens, you have to break through quickly.

"Yes." Nangong Meili looked into the distance, the worry in her eyes flashed by.

"What happened?" Li Zedao asked.

He clearly caught the sadness in her eyes, but he knew what had happened, and it was still a major issue, and she needed to solve it quickly, otherwise Nangong Meili would not be so anxious to break through to become a spiritual god. The strong.

It's just that I didn't hear Wan'er say something serious happened to the Nangong family.

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao and was silent.

"Student Meili, tell the teacher if you have any difficulties, if the teacher can help you will definitely help you." Li Zedao said in an elder's tone.

Nangong Meili's eyes looked at Li Zedao as if she was looking at an idiot: "Do you have my master as good?"

"...I am also your nominal fiancé. You should always tell me what happened?" Li Zedao felt helpless. Why doesn't this woman know to save herself some face?

"You can't help much." Nangong Meili looked away from Li Zedao's face and looked forward.

Even she herself couldn't figure out why she didn't refute his words, even when he said this, she still had this kind of sweet feeling in her heart.

Although the feeling is not strong, it is true and real, just like moisturizing things silently.

"Student Meili, if you deny me so at once, then it's your fault. Maybe you tell it, maybe I can really help." Li Zedao said, "I really flatter me in alchemy. It’s not as good as your master. In terms of cultivation, your master can slap me to death with a wave of his hand, but he really doesn’t know what I know."

"For example, cooking? For example to make girls happy? For example, sarcastic and persecuting people? For example... medicine?" Nangong Meili glanced at Li Ze.

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and there was a feeling of being seriously despised. I really wanted to use my hand to smoke this girl's ass. When she deeply realized how much despising herself was serious.

Seeing Li Zedao's swelling look like a child, Nangong Meili's mouth was slightly pulled off, wanting to laugh inexplicably, and she said, "Mama Zhang has a letter."

"Mother Zhang is my future mother-in-law?" Li Zedao looked at Nangong Meili's pretty face and said vindictively. Dare to despise me? See how I take advantage of you! However, this woman is so pretty!

The few women he had contacted after coming to God's Domain appeared in his mind.

When it comes to youth, Nangong Wan'er is the first; when it comes to temperament, this woman is invincible; when it comes to self-righteousness, there is no rival for public defeat... Li Zedao is a little wondering, why is she included?

In terms of coquettish charm, Shui Fei Ling is enough to throw her thousands of miles away.

Thinking of the charming smile on Concubine Shui Ling's face, Li Zedao's body couldn't help but shudder.

Now think about it, the fragrance on that woman is very strong, and that strong smell is not annoying but makes people intoxicated.

It's just that Li Zedao's nose is sensitive. He also smelled a different smell from this strong fragrance. The smell was extremely difficult to describe, but it seemed a bit familiar, as if he had smelled it somewhere.

In addition, when she helped Shui Feiling wash the clothes, her clothes also had that indescribable smell.

Li Zedao suddenly thought that the reason Shui Feiling used such a strong perfume was not to cover up the strange smell, right?

So, she has body odor?

As if he had discovered the New World, Li Zedao's eyes brightened and he felt that his guess was correct. Shui Fei Ling had body odor!

Do you want to threaten her with this handle? Maybe you can turn over and sing.

Another face of Concubine Shui appeared in his mind, which looked so gloomy, vicious and terrifying... Li Zedao shuddered and determined that he could be a slave temporarily, if he really angered that terrifying woman, he might die no matter what. do not know.

While Li Zedao's mind was running fast, Nangong Meili said, "Mama Zhang is the maid serving my mother."

As he said, there was a strong worry in his eyes again: "She said in the letter that her mother's illness has returned."

"What's the disease?" Li Zedao reacted and asked.

"It's not so much a disease as a curse." Nangong Meili's teeth lightly bit her lower lip.

"Curse? What curse?" Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

As an intellectual from Fanyu who has received higher education, it is naturally difficult for Li Zedao to understand the word "curse".

Of course it is difficult to understand, Li Zedao is still willing to believe that there is a curse. For example, the so-called head drop technique is a kind of curse.

"I don't know the specifics too much." Nangong Meili's small face was full of worries, her teeth bit her lip gently, "I only know that once this curse strikes, the whole person will suffer as if from the soul. The pain in the place, the pain that tortures you all the time, makes you want to die right away. When I was little, I witnessed my mother had an illness with my own eyes, that kind of scene..."

Nangong Meili's face was pale and did not continue, obviously she did not want to recall that scene.

"So, you are eager to become a strong spiritual **** to leave the Fuzhou Academy as soon as possible to help your mother... Oh, my mother-in-law is looking for some kind of medicine that can break the curse?" Li Zedao frowned and nodded.

If you want to walk in the realm of the gods without breaking through the realm of the spirits, it is indeed not that safe in terms of safety. Of course, it doesn't mean that you can walk sideways in the gods when you become a strong person in the spirit **** realm.

When the power of the spiritual skills being practiced is about the same, those who are strong in the lower grade of the spirit and gods will naturally be beaten by those who are strong in the spirit and gods.

Nangong Meili nodded and said, "Only Gu God can break the curse on my mother. I want to find that Gu God as soon as possible so that the curse on my mother can be lifted."

"Gu god? What is that?" Li Ze thought to himself, isn't it a so-called Gu worm?

"That is a kind of Gu worm, known as the King of Ten Thousand Gus, and is the spiritual symbol of the most mysterious of the nine tribes of the earthquake tribe. The people of the tribe worship the Gu **** as a god." Nangong Meili said simply.

"Why doesn't your father send someone to find the Gu God?" Li Zedao asked again.

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao and said, "Everyone knows that there is a Gu worm like the Gu God, but no one has seen its true face. No one knows where it is located in the earthquake tribe. Moreover, the earthquake tribe is away from the center. The tribe is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and there is a land of evil mountains and waters. The major forces there are extremely repulsive of the people of other tribes, and if they look wrong, they immediately drew their swords. In addition, the forces around the family are all against the Nangong family. Looking at him, my father really couldn't send a strong man to the Zhen tribe to find the Gu God."

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