Seeing this woman's face was different, Li Zedao thoughtfully said: "I'm afraid it's not that there is no way, but that I didn't think about it at all?"

The charm of Nangong glazed a glance at Li Zedao and said faintly: "For you men, a woman is just an embellishment of merit, a symbol of power, and the red flower added to the brocade. This woman is dead, There is another woman..."

"Who said that?" Li Zedao rolled his eyes and said without annoyance, "I'm not that kind of person! My women are extremely important to me, even more important than my life. The so-called power and wealth even They can't match a single strand of hair."

"So you have a lot of women?" Nangong Meili immediately caught the point of Li Zedao's words.

"Uh...that, it's just one and a half here." Li Zedao cleared his throat and said vaguely, "You count that half."

"..." Nangong Meili opened her mouth, and after all she did not respond to Li Zedao's molesting, and the sweet feeling came again in her heart.

At least, in his heart, although he is not as good as Wan'er, he still has some weight. This is enough.

And I don’t know why, Nangong Meili is willing to believe Li Zedao’s words, believe that he, his father, and those of the major tribes and major forces who have made contributions and made power, are not the same kind of people, and he will not do it for his own power. A woman who chooses to ignore her because of her money status will let her suffer the indescribable pain, even at the expense of their brows without blinking.

But my guess is correct, there are still women waiting for him elsewhere! In this way, the seemingly lonely and grotesque emotions on him can be explained.

"Don't worry, I will accompany you to find the Gu God then!" Li Zedao looked at Nangong Meili's eyes that resembled the world's most precious gem, and said firmly.

After seeing the sadness in this woman's eyes, Li Zedao decisively couldn't stand it anymore, really wishing to go up and down the fire for her...

I thought, according to the basic scenes of the movie, although the female pig's feet were expressionless at this time, she must be too touched in her heart.

But when facing this woman, Li Zedao couldn't do such a thing.

Looking at the cliff close at hand, and then at the long sword in Nangong Meili's hand, Li Zedao understood that he was worried about being killed by Nangong Meili.

She is not Nangong Wan'er. When she was taken advantage of, she was really happy when she scolded Deng's disciple. She would really kill.

"You?" There was no expression on Nangong Meili's face, but the fluctuation in her heart was huge, as if the softest part of her heart was hit hard.

The nose began to sore, and this feeling of wanting to cry has not passed for a long, long time.

"I." Li Zedao nodded his head heavily, "Don't be moved, and don't need to thank me, it's my future mother-in-law anyhow, I can't just watch her accidentally."

"...Thank you." Nangong Meili looked at Li Zedao and nodded and said, turning and leaving. If she is not leaving, she is afraid that she will draw a sword and hurt others.

"Wait." Li Zedao shouted.

Nangong Meili stopped and looked back at Li Zedao.

"Are you sure what Gu **** can break the curse on your mother?" Li Zedao asked.

"Father once took his mother and a lot of money to the Fire Ant Valley to see the first-class soulsmith Shentuo. This was said by Shentuo himself after the diagnosis and treatment. It must be true." Nangong Meili said, "In addition, I told me about my mother the day before yesterday. Master, his old man also said that it was indeed a sign of a curse. The specific curse can only be known by seeing my mother, but the Gu God can break all the curses in the world."

"Then it's okay. Tell me when you are about to leave." Li Zedao nodded. He was worried that the Gu God couldn't break the curse on Nangong Wan'er's mother at all, and even if he found the Gu God by then, it would only be a waste of work.

Now both soulsmiths said that Gu God could break the curse, they couldn't be wrong.

Nangong Meili nodded and turned to leave.

Looking back from her beautiful back, Li Zedao suddenly wanted to sing as he looked at the sun that had already stuck his head.

"You are always too soft-hearted and too soft-hearted to carry all the problems yourself..."

After returning to the courtyard, Nangong Wan'er had already got up at this time, and simply prepared some early morning.

Qiao blushed and looked at Li Zedao's eyes with shyness and strong love, like a newly married young wife.

Of course, the two broke through that relationship last night, so they can indeed be regarded as newly married.

"Ze Dao..." Feeling the heat in Li Zedao's eyes, Nangong Wan'er was very shy, and she didn't dare to face Li Zedao too much.

"Wan'er, are we going to change the name?" Li Zedao smiled and held Nangong Wan'er tightly in his arms.

"Change the name?" Nangong Wan'er's face turned red, and she took a sip, "I'm not calling you teacher."

How could this disciple be so disgusted? Partially but not angry, likes it tightly.

"It's not a teacher, I'm calling you lady, your husband." Li Zedao smiled, "Come on, lady, call your husband to listen."

"...Fuck! You a disciple, where did you put your hands? Don't allow you to mess it up..." Nangong Wan'er was already panting, her body weakened and she was unusually charming.

"Lady, call your husband to listen." Li Zedao smiled.

Despite Li Zedao, Nangong Wan'er could only replied shyly and said, "Husband..."

The sound was waxy and sweet, and it really made Li Zedao's spirit numb, his body started to get hot, and he was about to move somewhere.



Li Zedao's body became even hotter, and he hugged Nangong Wan'er and said, "Lady, your voice called your husband is so nice, and you look so cute... Let's double repair!"


The good morning begins!

After the two woke up again, it was already noon.

Li Zedao went to the dining hall to buy some ingredients, and came back to simply cook a few dishes, and wanted to call Nangong Meili over to have a meal, but Nangong Meili was not in her courtyard.

Li Ze knew that she would stay with True Person Xuan Ming in the next few days and try to improve her cultivation.

While eating, Li Zedao asked Nangong Wan'er about the curse of Nangong Meili's mother.

Nangong Wan'er heard the words, her small face was full of worries and trepidation, and said: "When the curse happened, it was even terrifying. At that time, I saw the big aunt rolling on the ground in pain, her eyes bleeding and her mouth whispering. Mo, still scratched her body with **** wounds. Moreover, she not only hurt herself, she also attacked others. That time I saw the eldest mother bit a servant in the throat and killed him directly. After that, the uncle locked the uncle in a room and handcuffed her hands and feet, just because she was worried that her illness might hurt herself and others."

Li Zedao frowned and said, "Then do you know what the curse is about?"

"I don't know." Nangong Wan'er shook her head, "I asked my mother, but she didn't know it."

Li Zedao nodded. It seems that if he wants to get more information about this curse, he can only ask Nangong Meili's father face to face. He must know something.

"Wan'er, after a while when your cousin enters the Spirit God Realm, I will leave the Fuzhou Academy with her and go to the Zhen Tribe to find the Gu God." Li Zedao said.

"I see, you must pay attention to safety." Nangong Wan'er nodded. Although she was reluctant to leave Li Zedao, she was very moved that Li Zedao was able to accompany her cousin there.

I want to accompany it, but it's a pity that the cultivation base is not enough, so I can only pull the hind legs.

As for the rest of the family, don't expect it, they will not send a master to the shaking tribe full of evil mountains and waters for a woman with great fanfare.

Moreover, looking for something like Gu God does not mean that the more people the better, it requires great luck and fortune.

In recent years, if the cousin is not so good, she is the leader of the younger generation, I am afraid that their mother and daughter's situation in the family will only be more difficult, and they may even be swept out.

You know, when the eldest mother became ill for the first time, there was a voice in the family saying that she would expel her from the Nangong family. Leaving such a woman in the Nangong family would only lose the face of the Nangong family, and even say it was impossible. Kill her to avoid hurting others by mistake!

At that time, Nangong Meili, who was only nine years old, used her smaller body to protect her mother behind her. Her two small hands tightly held the long sword that was taller than her, and she was expressionless with the family. The others confronted each other.

After that, the ancestors of the Nangong family spoke, and the matter came to an end.

Listening to Nangong Wan'er talking about what happened to Nangong Meili and her mother and daughter, Li Zedao couldn't help but sigh. If he lived in such a cold-blooded family, he would have patted his **** and left.

If Nangong Meili's father was his own father, Li Zedao would have severed his father-son relationship with him long ago.

After lunch, Li Zedao lingered with Nangong Wan'er for a while, then got up and walked out of the courtyard to go to the Pill Medicine Pavilion to continue learning how to make alchemy.

For the next two and a half days, he planned to spend the pill pavilion and began to study how to refine the pill.

Alchemists are divided into nine ranks. Nine rank alchemists are the culmination of the profession of alchemy, but it is the beginning of the profession of soul artisan.

In other words, if you want to be a soulsmith, you must first possess the body of soul, which is needless to say, and you also have to be a nine-tier alchemist!

That's because before you want to incorporate the soul into the pill, you have to refine the soul-ongoing pill, and the soul-ongoing pill is a nine-tier pill, and only the nine-tier pill master can refine it.

This is why, the profession of Soulsmith is so scarce in God's Domain, and the status is so detached.

I met a few students along the way. After seeing Li Zedao, all these freshmen hurriedly said respectfully: "Meet Master Li."

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