The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2077: Master Uncle

"Brother Yao, this...oh, Tianjiao is your...disciple?" Li Zedao's eyes fell on Taishu Wuji, his eyes full of ridicule, and he really sneered in his heart.

"Hey, what kind of arrogant is my disciple? Brother Li, you are a veritable arrogant." Yao Lao said sincerely.

Looking back at the uncle Wuji with a stiff expression, he said, "Wuji, come here, and Master will introduce you to him. This is your Uncle Li."

"Uncle Master..." Tai Shu Wuji's face was completely pale, his chest pained severely, his throat began to feel sweet, and his eyes became scarlet all of a sudden.

He thought that Li Zedao came to the Pill Medicine Pavilion to help him serve tea and pour water, but who thought it was the uncle who came? He couldn't accept this huge gap.

"Wuji, why don't you hurry up to say hello to your uncle Li?" Seeing Taishu Wuji didn't greet Li Zedao quickly, Yao Lao rebuked.

However, seeing Tai Shu Wuji's expression strange and his body trembling, Yao Lao naturally wondered why his apprentice's emotions suddenly became so abnormal.

Yao Lao has been obsessed with the technique of pill medicine for many years, and has not even left the pill pavilion for a long time. Naturally, he does not know the grudge between Tai Shu Wuji and Li Zedao.

"Senior nephew, hello..." Li Zedao looked at Taishu Wuji and blinked, and his heart was really happy. This kind of "slap, slap!" The feeling of hitting a person in the face is really cool.

"" Uncle Wuji simply exploded, and the whole person was hysterical and excited.

He raised his finger and pointed at Li Zedao, his bloodshot eyes were full of humiliation!

"Wuji, what are you doing?" Yao Lao saw that his uncle Wuji looked like an enemy, and he was dumbfounded. He really didn't understand what had happened.

"Li Zedao!" Taishu Wuji ignored Yao Lao, and shouted at Li Zedao like a dead person, "Dare you humiliate me?"

Li Zedao looked aggrieved and eagerly wanted to explain something: "Nephew, is there any misunderstanding between you and me? Master Shu, just like your Master, how can you humiliate you if it is too late to hurt you..."

"Li Zedao, you shut up! Shut up..."

Hearing the teacher-nephew and uncle's endless, Taishu Wuji felt that he was about to collapse, his voice was full of grief and collapse, and there was also a trace of resentment.

He has never collapsed like he is now, never, even if he was rejected for the first time when he mustered up the courage to confess Linglong to the public, he did not collapse like this, but instead aroused his fighting spirit.

But now, uncle Wuji can't inspire any fighting spirit, because the identity is there!

Even if Li Zedao is shameless, even if he is only a first-rank alchemist, but what about it? He is Uncle Master...unless, Tai Uncle Wuji no longer admits that Yao is always his master!

But this kind of deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors and beasts is not as good as the unscrupulous behavior. If he really did it, he wouldn't have a foothold in God's Domain afterwards.

In the next second, a mouthful of old blood squirted out of his mouth. Then, Tai Shu Wuji's eyes turned white, and his body fell heavily to the ground, fainting completely.

Yao Lao's mouth twitched wildly, and he couldn't react for a while.

"Ah, nephew, what's the matter with you? Why did you faint?" Li Zedao was concerned and anxious, "Is it because I was so excited to learn that I had such an excellent and handsome uncle? Just passed out?"

Li Zedao blames himself. He feels that he is too much. Even if he is excellent, he is still so handsome. Can he faint with the real stimulation?


One day later, the sober Tai Uncle Wuji proposed to resign to the college. After that, it took less than an hour to pack his luggage, and walked down the mountain with a lonely back and left the college.

He was unwilling to face all this, unwilling to call Li Zedao a master uncle, so he could only escape far away.

Because he left too suddenly and too low-key, so many of his fans still didn't know that he had left the Academy.

Li Zedao didn't know about the matter of Tai Shu Wuji leaving Fuzhou Academy.

In the two and a half days, he did not leave the pill pavilion for a moment, until the early morning of the third day, he stepped out of the pill pavilion.

At this time, Li Zedao looked so embarrassed.

His hair was scattered, his eyes were bloody, and his complexion was tired. The originally white face was even covered with black soot. The robe on his body was also dirty, and the whole body was filled with an extremely pungent smell. .

In the two and a half days, Li Zedao began to experiment with alchemy, but because he had just started to learn alchemy, he was not guided by others to lead him to the beginning, and everything went to his own enlightenment. Therefore, several frying incidents occurred in the middle.

The power of the explosion is not too great for someone like Li Zedao who has been really* baptized several times, but it is enough to make him feel embarrassed. It is enough to make the alchemists around the alchemy room panic and worry about this pill. Ge will not be blown up like this.

Fortunately, this horrible thing did not happen.

Dirty hands reached into his arms and took out a small bottle from it. Li Ze grinned and smiled evilly. This is a good thing that has been refined after a lot of hard work. In the future, it will come in handy when you encounter the stupid kind of Shangguan Bowen.

Li Zedao is confident that the medicinal properties of this medicine must be far more powerful than those previously purchased in Qingmu Town. After all, this has been meticulously improved by himself.

Of course, in order to be absolutely assured, Li Zedao felt that he should find an opportunity to verify it.

Let those fools of the Dongfang family try it out? Li Zedao felt that his idea was quite good.

Putting the medicine bottle back into his arms, Li Zedao took out another medicine bottle, the warping marks on the corner of his mouth even worse.

Powerful spirits and gods are powerful and physically stronger than ordinary people. The mediocre aphrodisiac is not enough to make them lose their minds, but this meticulously refined magic pill is different.

Even those who are strong in the spirits and gods, after taking this pill, have to be temporarily lost in some kind of illusion.

Li Zedao sighed heartily, thinking that these two medicinal herbs were really essential medicines for killing people when traveling at home.

"Li Zedao?" Just when Li Zedao felt infinitely feeling that he was too awesome, a surprised voice came.

Li Zedao looked up, but saw Linglong staring at him with wide-open eyes, and a strange expression was revealed in those wide-open eyes.

Li Zedao was somewhat embarrassed. He quickly reduced the wicked and evil smile on his face, put the medicine bottle in his hand, coughed lightly, put one hand on his back, and said solemnly, "Student Linglong, you You should call me...cough, Master Li."

Li Zedao knew that the image of his teacher was gone, but he still needed to have style.

"..." The muscles on Linglong's face twitched altogether, really wanting to refute him to say that you are like a teacher? How could a teacher not pay attention to his own image and appearance so much? How could such a wretched smile appear on the teacher's face? I knew at a glance what bad things I wanted to do.

However, seeing Li Zedao pretending to be such a calf, and wanting to laugh inexplicably at public defeat, I think he is so cute.

I wonder, shouldn't I hate him very much? I was cursing him in his dreams, but now I see him, but I don't hate him at all, but there is a bit of joy in my heart.

"Master Li..." The public loser pursed her lips with a squishy smile, and said in a decent way, "Is this down?"

"Oh, classmate Linglong is busy with you, the teacher will leave first if there is anything to do." Li Zedao waved his hand, turned around and left without muddling.

On the one hand, he was scared from the bottom of his heart that this public defeat Linglong, who had some acquaintance with the Antarctic, felt extremely uncomfortable when he remembered all the past when he saw her.

On the other hand, if you don't hurry to the courtyard of Shui Feiling, you will be late. God knows how that woman will torture herself after being late?

"Master Li, I haven't said anything yet...this bastard!" He stomped his feet in a hurry with his hurried back, with a grudge in his eyes.

Why does he not wait to see himself so much? Is it because I look so good and worry about being fascinated by myself?

Linglong became more and more convinced that her idea was right.

At the moment, the little hand was slightly clenched into a fist, and there was a firmness on the little face. I wanted to wait, you must not escape from my palm.


Xiangge, this is the name of the courtyard where Concubine Shui Ling lives.

In the Xiangge, Shui Feiling sat cross-legged, her eyes closed tightly, her hot face was a bit painful, and the mist above her head was rolling, and a lot of heat was being forced out of her body.

While breathing, the clothes on Shui Feiling's body began to emit a lot of white smoke, and then "swish" all of a sudden, a flashing red flame emerged, simply burning her clothes into ashes.

So Shui Feiling's insanely delicate torso was exposed to the air, but the skin on her body was not as white as before, but was red like that cooked shrimp.

At this moment, Shui Feiling’s eyes suddenly opened, and the amorous feelings in her eyes had long been replaced by pain. The next second she opened her mouth, and a mouthful of turbid blood spurted out of her mouth, and she immediately covered her chest. I gasped heavily.

"Damn fire scorpion! Damn inflammation poison!" Shui Fei Ling cursed inwardly with an extremely ugly expression, planning to get up and go to the tub, soak her hot body in the ice water, so that she can continue. He expelled the poison from his body, but suddenly he felt dizzy and couldn't raise the strength to say anything.

"Damn it, I still underestimate the fire scorpion!" She cursed inwardly.

At this moment, she heard a knock on the door from outside.


Li Zedao first went to a pool to clean up briefly, and then hurriedly came to the Xiangge, he was relieved, and finally he was not late.

Striding to the front of the courtyard, smelling the intoxicating fragrance in the air, Li Zedao reached out and knocked on the door, ready to be molested by Concubine Shui Ling.

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