Li Zedao was so worried, you deserved to be so handsome, otherwise, why didn't Shui Feiling flirt with others but wanted to flirt with you?

After waiting for a while, no one came to open the door.

"Sister Shui, are you there?" Li Zedao shouted after knocking on the door a few more times.

Still no one responded, as if there was really no one in this courtyard, but Li Zedao heard a slight movement from inside.

Obviously, Shui Fei Ling should be in it.

I can't help muttering in my heart now, isn't this woman deliberately not opening the door? After a while, I'll be late, so I can make trouble for myself. This intention can be described as vicious.

Li Zedao naturally wouldn't let her conspiracy succeed. He rolled his eyes and muttered to himself: "Sister Shui doesn't seem to be at home. Forget it, I'll go first to clean the courtyard and water the flowers and plants."

Naturally, Li Zedao would not sillyly break in. His figure flashed, and people had already crossed the fence of the courtyard on the side and appeared in the scented courtyard.

I saw a few fallen leaves and a few withered petals on the ground of this secluded courtyard.

After half a day of contact, Li Zedao knew that Shui Fei Ling is a person who loves cleanliness very much. Naturally, this courtyard is not allowed to have such broken flowers and leaves. It is conceivable that Shui Fei Ling has indeed gone out these days. Came back early.

Li Zedao moved his eyes away from the fallen leaves on the ground and landed on the room in front, but his brows wrinkled slightly.

There was a smell in the air that was not there before.

The smell of blood! Rich smell of blood!

So, Shui Feiling was injured? If that's the case... Li Zedao felt that he should be returning to the pill pavilion for alchemy, and then deliberately exploded several pill furnaces as a celebration.

In the room, Concubine Shui Ling's eyes were slightly drunk, and a strong murderous aura filled her.

This **** little brother is so courageous to enter his own incense pavilion without his consent? Really do not live or die!

I was even more worried about whether he would just break in and see what he shouldn't see. I wanted to make him get out, but his anger was heavily blocked in his throat. Her chest was so dull as if she was being weighed heavily by a big rock, and she was suffocated because of the pain, and she couldn't make a sound anyway. come out.

At the moment, I can only struggle hard, intending to hide my own body which is no longer a piece in the wooden barrel in front.

However, I finally got up, but my eyes turned black and my legs became soft. The whole person fell heavily to the ground. The two plump and exaggerated soft and heavy **** on his chest came into close contact with the ground, even more so. There was a dull sound, as if a big water ball hit the ground heavily.


pain! Unprecedented pain! The pain caused Shui Feiling's spirit to be in a trance, and she was suspicious of life, and she wanted to cut off the weapon she had always been proud of and give away.

She had never thought that such an intimate contact with the ground in her chest would cause such intense pain. It seems that the poison of a fire scorpion a day ago was not so unbearable, right?

However, Shui Feiling knows very clearly that now is not the time to doubt life, she has to get up and hide her body in the ice water of the wooden bucket, otherwise if it is that cunning, she is obviously a erotic, but she likes to pretend to be pure. When his little brother came in and saw what he shouldn't see, he might have to kill others.

So, she gritted her teeth and tried very hard to get up from the floor, but she found that the fall directly drained her strength.

Concubine Shui Ling wanted to cry without tears, so she could only pray that the **** fellow would not come in in a daze.

Outside the house, Li Zedao was shocked when he heard the movement from inside. How could it feel like a large mass of flesh slamming on the ground?

Li Zedao suddenly remembered that there is a civet in this room that he dislikes and is very lustful, and at the same time makes him very envious, jealous, and hate. It would not be that **** cat that was too naughty to get something out of it. Fell to the ground, right?

The movement before, this **** smell was also caused by the civet? The civet will not get hurt, will it?

No wonder, this **** smell in the air smells less like human blood, it seems to be more stench than human blood.

Li Zedao was anxious. If the civet was really injured, he could not kill himself for the civet and avenge his civet?

"Sister Shui, your civet seems to be injured, I have to come in and have a look." Li Zedao was very clever and muttered to himself.

Although this kind of cleverness is quite stupid, Li Zedao still feels it is necessary to do it... it is self-comforting.

In the room, Shui Feiling, who was lying on the ground, couldn't move, his face instantly became extremely ugly, his eyes became scarlet and vicious, and the inside was full of murderous aura.

Damn this kid!

"Qiuqiu, don't have anything to do with you. Sister Shui will be very sad if something happens to you." Li Zedao murmured again, then opened the door and walked in.

Then, Li Zedao's gaze was immediately attracted by the scene in front of him, and his eyes widened, almost rolling out of his eye sockets. There was a violent roar in his mind, and a huge wave was set off in the sky. I couldn't believe what my eyes saw.

It seems that the situation is completely different from what I imagined! Where's the civet? What about that **** civet?

The most important thing is, what is the ketone body of Shuifeiling exposed to the air? Why is a piece of blood red like that cooked shrimp?

More importantly, she can sit on her hips so that she can sit down...what is that furry thing? Fox tail? Dog tail? Shui Feiling likes to play this tune by herself?

Huh? It seems to be alive, it seems to be still moving...

An extremely terrifying murderous intent swept over, and directly enveloped Li Zedao in it.

Li Zedao's heart trembled wildly, his back was cold as if he had fallen into an ice store, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

At the moment, I didn't dare to look at Shui Feiling's horrible eyes, but I regretted it to the extreme in my heart. Why did he break in like this stupidly?

"Huh? Where's the ball? The ball? Are you there? I don't seem to be in this room. I have to look for it..." Li Zedao said in a puzzled voice and turned around and wanted to leave.

"Come back, otherwise I will kill your family..." Shui Feiling's lips squirmed hard.

She couldn't make a sound, so these words were made out of breath. It was very light and light, but it was enough for Li Zedao to hear.

Li Zedao's body that was about to escape was abruptly fixed there, and his little heart trembled again, and his cold air was cold.

Seeing this situation, Shui Feiling could not move, otherwise she would not kill with only her eyes, and she would have been in a different place long ago. So now maybe there is a chance to escape from Fuzhou Academy, and then find a place where no one can hide. This terrifying woman may not find herself.

But what about Nangong Wan'er? What about Nangong Meili?

Take them away? After explaining it to them, I am afraid that Concubine Shui Ling has already been killed!

I'm talking about it, this woman will kill your whole family if she says to kill your whole family! She will surely anger the Nangong family, and I am afraid that it will burn the Nangong family!

The brain quickly turned and weighed the pros and cons, Li Zedao smiled wryly, why bother?

I came to be an undercover agent, to be the savior of the mortal domain, and to slaughter the invaders of the gods domain. What's the harm in using all kinds of despicable means to achieve the goal?

Even though he is a treacherous villain in God's Domain, when he returns to Mortal Domain, he is the guardian of the whole people, an absolute hero!

But, how come the love for children grows up?

Li Zedao could only bite the bullet and turn around, looking at Shui Feiling's eyes, his heart trembled again, and almost stopped beating.

This woman, this look is terrible!

I'm really wronged in my heart, it's not my fault, but I came to your report on time according to your request, who knew that you have this kind of habit and play this kind of tune? And looking at this posture, this is a spring-taking too much medicine and playing with fire, causing loss of strength?

Li Zedao really wanted to persuade her that this is impossible. If you think about it, you can find a man, like me, you draw a sword on my neck, and I don’t dare not take off my clothes. It’s going to be annihilated. what……

"Put me in that wooden barrel!" Shui Feiling's lips opened again, and a scorching breath came out.


Between her breath, another hot, smelly blood was sprayed out of her mouth.

"Sister Shui, are you injured?" Li Ze was shocked. The situation seems to be different from what I imagined. He thought that Shui Feiling had played with fire, and that she had taken too much spring medicine to cause fatigue. He did not expect that she was actually injured, and the injury to this posture was not light.

Concubine Shui was really too lazy to respond to this seemingly idiotic question, of course she didn't have the strength to speak, and she didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

Li Zedao frowned, and hurriedly hugged Concubine Shui Ling, but his hands were so hot, as if he was not holding a beautiful body that would make all men crazy, but a large piece of burning coal. , Li Zedao felt that his hand would also be ignited.

With the corner of her eye, she swept the furry stuff on her hips a few more times, and her little heart was cold again.

This doesn't seem to be Taobao's kind of fox tail dog tail with a few dollars or a few hundred dollars high-end, but real! So Shuifeiling is...

Li Zedao was in a cold sweat, and he couldn't imagine it anymore.

Feeling that the clothes on his body were burning, Li Zedao threw the hot body into the wooden bucket full of ice water, and extinguished the flame that appeared on his body.

I was trembling, what happened to her body? How could it be so hot? It's no different from a stove! And that tail...what tail? Did you see the tail?

Li Zedao shook his head decisively, I didn't see anything, I really didn't see anything.

Li Zedao wanted to cry, Shui Feiling might not believe that he really didn't see anything?

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