The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2092: Miss Wangchen

Of course, they are all skin injuries, and Li Zedao also has a sense of measure, so naturally he will not kill Li Daoze, but that kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people, let alone Li Daoze, who has been carefully cared for from small to large. The second generation is rich, and he almost faints from the pain, and in the end he can't even scream.

Throwing the whip casually, Li Zedao walked over and picked up a fruit knife placed in the fruit plate on the table. Looking back at Li Daoze with a grin, he looked no different from neurosis.

"The second thing is to shave your annoying hair, oh, if there is still a piece of hair left on it, then again, I am your grandson!"

"..." Li Daoze's body trembled violently a few times, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was like looking at a devil.

Li Zedao is not the art director of hair styles, so naturally he does not design any hair styles, but he can still shave his head.

Regardless of Li Daoze's disagreement, he grabbed Li Daoze's long hair and cut off a large section of his hair directly.

Li Daoze was frightened and painful. He couldn't even make a scream, let alone resist or something...Of course, he couldn't resist.

Large tears full of horror and humiliation kept rolling down from the corner of his eye.

The only thing he can do is to swear in his heart over and over again that waiting for this young master will make you pay a painful price...

Oh, because there was a shining knife on his head slashing over there, so his crotch was still hot and scared to pee!

Li Zedao threw away the hair in his hand, which was quite disgusting, and continued to help Li Daoze get a haircut, but he was an amateur, and he was not so careful, and the tools of haircut were wrong, so it was inevitable that Li Daoze's scalp was also cut off in the end. The blood was flowing and painful. Li Daoze's body trembled even more severely.

"Well, my craftsmanship is still good." Standing up, Li Zedao admired his masterpiece very seriously and was quite satisfied.

"Mad, this crazy!"

Li Daoze screamed in his heart, wanting to yell that you killed me and you have the ability to kill me... But what if this lunatic really cuts him off?

"The third thing is to cut the caterpillar under your crotch! Oh, if I can put it back later, I lose." Li Zedao grinned, revealing his gloomy white teeth.

"..." Li Daoze's body halted violently, almost fainting.

The handsome guy on the bed had the same meal, only feeling chilly under his crotch.

"You... I'll give you how much you want... How about 200 million? How about 500 million? One billion?" Li Daoze's tears in his eyes grew even more.

He took him with a belt, and he endured it and cut off his long flowing hair. He endured it too, but now he was about to cut his good brother. He couldn't bear anything.

"Give you all what I have to the head office..."

The blood-red knife light flashed.


This time Li Daoze didn't hold back, and fainted directly.

Li Zedao had a nervous smile on his face. The whole person looked no different from the insane murderous madman. He lifted the knife and cut it directly into several pieces without disgusting. He grabbed it and then abruptly. Put it into Li Daoze's mouth.

"Oh..." The handsome man who was stunned and witnessed this scene changed a lot, and he couldn't help but opened his mouth and threw up wildly.

Li Zedao threw the knife casually, walked into the bathroom and cleaned the blood on his hands, but never looked up at the mirror in front of him.

He knew that his face must be very strange now, he was afraid to scare himself.

After walking out of the bathroom, Li Zedao walked to the window, lit a cigarette, stared at the dark sea for a while, then looked back at the handsome guy on the bed.

The handsome guy turned blue, his body trembled, and he was scared to pee.

"Go and call in the bodyguards and send people to the hospital. If you are too late, you will die." Li Zedao said, his expression looked so calm, as if nothing had happened.

The handsome man swallowed his saliva and nodded his head, then rolled out of the bed and opened the door to call the bodyguard.

When the bodyguards rushed in, the assailant in the room had already disappeared, as if he had never been in this room before.


Some things are the same as Li Zedao's previous memories. Gan Lu'an is located in the suburbs northwest of Phoenix. It is small in scale, in disrepair for a long time, and its appearance is dilapidated.

Because the reputation of the temple is not obvious, and it is not a historical site, the incense is not so strong at ordinary times. Except for a few loyal believers who will come to burn incense before the Buddha's birthday, almost no one spends most of the year.

Of course, the space has changed, so the old abbot in the nunnery is not an extinct Shitai, but Wumei Shitai.

This Wumei Master is an ordinary old nun, not a master of returning to innocence, and several of her nuns who look so terrible to see are also ordinary people... At least Li Zedao, who easily sneaked into the nun's nunnery and hid in the dark, did not feel anything. The breath of the strong.

When he saw the handsome little nun sitting on the futon and knocking on Buddhist scriptures in a pious manner, looking at the familiar face, the familiar eyes, the familiar nose, the numerical mouth and the unfamiliar big bald head, Li Zedao's nose was simply Sore, my eyes were wet.

Seeing that her face was pale and bloodless, her lips were chapped, she was obviously very ill, and Li Zedao's heart was hurting even more.

Yan Huang said that the Antarctic disease was very sick and was a very rare blood disease, but he was unwilling to take a step outside the nun's nunnery and go to the hospital for treatment.

Yanhuang said that Antarctica is waiting for death, and he is ready to die. If there is any unfulfilled wish, then he probably wants to kill you with a shot.

This is why Li Zedao intends to forcibly take Antarctica away from the nun's nun for treatment.

Seeing that the morning class was about to end, Li Zedao's figure flashed, and he left the Guanyin Hall and sneaked into the nunnery of the handsome little nun.

It is not impossible to forcibly take her away, but it is naturally not easy to disturb these nuns, so Li Zedao intends to sneak into the Antarctic nunnery first, then knock her out and take her away.

This scene is so familiar, he used to do so, intending to forcibly take the Antarctic away, but was stopped by the Exterminator Tai.

Li Zedao once hated himself so much, he shouldn't let go at that time. He was determined not to let go. The Exterminator was too natural to dare to mess around casually, after all, he was not easy to provoke.

And if you don't let go, Antarctica will not die.

So this time, he will not let go anyway!

God blocks and kills gods, Buddha blocks*!

As before, Little Master Wangchen returned to her room after finishing the morning class with Master and the other sisters in the Guanyin Hall.

But what she didn't know was that there was already a man waiting for her in the nunnery at this time, and he was still a man who might not have seen her for many years!

For the nun's nunnery, men are definitely a rare thing. Even if believers come to burn incense and pay homage to the Buddha on the birthday of the Buddha, those believers are basically all old ladies.

At the moment, Little Master Wangchen's eyes widened, and the calm heart that seemed so peaceful after reciting the Buddhist scriptures simply rippled violently, as if someone had thrown a big stone on the water.

The man turned his back to Wangchen Xiaoshitai, kneeling on the futon where she chanted and prayed every day, and bowed down to the Buddhist priest in front of him.

His body is straight, his back is particularly strong and slender, and it looks very flavorful, so even if he can't see his face, it can be clearly felt that this should be a handsome and sunny man.

He was holding a "Heart Sutra" originally placed on the table in his hand, and he was muttering words...

He is not chanting, he is singing!

Yes, it is singing!

This is an extremely classic song called "Sorry Baby".

Holding the Buddhist scriptures, kneeling and sing in front of Avalokitesvara... This scene is too uncoordinated and uncoordinated. This is a blasphemy, a blasphemy of the Bodhisattva, and a blasphemy of faith. If the Bodhisattva really appears, he will definitely be stunned In the past, if those believers were to see the designation, they would pick up bricks and hit people.

But when the man sang so seriously and so full of emotion, it seemed that he hadn't noticed that there was a little nun behind him.

"You...who are you? How did you get in?" Little Master Wangchen asked with difficulty because his heartbeat was so fast.

My heart is really hairy, it's better to prepare to escape and cry for help.

I thought it was not which mental hospital ran out and then entered the nunnery by mistake? Or is it that the flower-picking thieves sneaked into this nun's nunnery to hunt for beauty?

It is said that in the turbulent years decades ago, a flower-picking thief sneaked into this nun's nunnery to hunt for beauty. On that dark and windy night, a nun was defiled.

Thinking back to the history of the nun's nunnery, Little Master Wangchen was even more nervous, she felt very dangerous.

"The different?"

Li Zedao, who continued to sing affectionately, was taken aback for a moment, and immediately relieved that even Nintendo and the others don’t recognize themselves. The ladyboy Dongfang Ming has become Li Daoze and a real pseudonymous. The voice of the South Pole has changed.

But you don't even recognize this handsome figure of yourself? Really should spank!

Continuing to hum and sing affectionately, Li Zedao stood up and turned his head: "I'm sorry, baby, it's not... uh... I rely on!"

The expression on Li Zedao's face simply solidified, his eyes were round, his mind roared so hard, he couldn't believe what his eyes saw.

It turned out that it was not the Antarctica that came in, but another little nun with a pocky face and exposed yellow buck teeth. When Li Zedao was lurking in the hall, this little nun was sitting behind the Antarctica. Li Zedao took a look and didn't have the courage to look. Second glance.

"This guy is handsome, but it's a pity..." Little Master Wangchen looked at Li Ze with fearful eyes in his small eyes.

Such eyes made the muscles on Li Zedao's face begin to twitch, and he felt insulted.

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