The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2093: Antarctica

Thinking that he had just sang such an affectionate love song to such an absolutely safe-looking nun, Li Zedao felt that he had just hit the tofu to death.

So, because time and space have completely changed, this is not an Antarctic room at all, is this little nun's?

Li Zedao wanted to slap himself. Before he sneaked in, Yanhuang wanted to tell him the specific location of the Antarctic Nunnery. He immediately said that he knew it a long time ago, and Yanhuang nodded with satisfaction. Even if you have a conscience to sneak into the nun An visit to Antarctica...

Li Zedao forcefully endured a disgusting step forward: "Um, little teacher..."

"What do you want to do?" Little Master Wangchen was too frightened as a little rabbit, and simply stepped back two steps, her small eyes were full of panic.

Li Zedao twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that you would take a good look at yourself in the mirror anyway. Just what you look like. I am so hungry, thirsty, bold, and tasteless. What can I do to you? I am a lost lamb and want to ask a way, OK?

"Little teacher, that..."

"There is a flower picker, help..." Little Master Wangchen clasped his chest with both hands, screaming and ran out, as if being assaulted.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched even more severely. This little nun is sick. Even if she doesn't believe in her character, she should have confidence in her looks.

There were noisy footsteps, and a dozen aggressive nuns appeared in front of Li Zedao.

"How can there be a flower picker?"

"Where is the flower picking thief? Really brave enough to go to the nun's nunnery to pick flowers? He is not afraid that the Bodhisattva's sin will cause a thunder to kill him?"

"Sister Wangchen, don't be afraid, hiding behind the senior sister, Amitabha, even if there is a flower picker, the senior sister is willing to feed the wolf with her body and protect you."

"This is the flower-picking thief? He looks pretty handsome, but unfortunately, he seems to be a blind man..."

These nuns were chattering as soon as they came up. The eyeballs rolled over Li Zedao whose face muscles were twitching wildly. The heat in many nuns' eyes made Li Zedao's back chill and his small heart trembled. I think this place is terrible.

Li Zedao's eyes quickly scanned the group of nuns, but he didn't see the Antarctic figure. He sighed softly in his heart. Li Zedao's **** had done too much and hurt the woman seriously. No wonder she didn't want to show up.

"Sisters, be careful, this flower picker seems to have a mental problem." Little Master Wangchen patted his shriveled chest with too little hands, and said in fear.

It's Li Zedao who has a good temper and almost couldn't hold back his cursing. When a monk is compassionate, he can't slurs. Why do you hurt me with bad words?

Is it because I am handsome?

A middle-aged nun nodded and stepped forward, staring at Li Zedao with an unkind expression, and asked: "Amitabha, is the donor neurotic?"

The probability that this flower picking thief is neurotic is too great. If it is not neurotic, how could he come to this nun's nunnery to pick flowers? And the flower that I picked was Wangchen... Will this eye be too blind? Even if he is already old and yellow, he is a hundred times stronger than her.

No, there is a flower hidden in the nun's house. Could it be because of forgetfulness?

"...I'm not a lunatic, nor a flower picker." Li Ze Daoqiang resisted the impulse to light up the nunnery, "I'm here to find Antarctica...

The space has changed, and the name of Antarctica is no longer Wangchen, it has become Wangqing.

"The donor's surname is Li Mingzedao?" The middle-aged nun frowned.

"Exactly." Li Zedao nodded.

It seems that this middle-aged nun knows something...oh no, what do these nuns know.

Time and space have changed, and Antarctic temperament has also changed? It's no longer the kind of coldness before but has become a little nagging? Otherwise, why do all these nuns know?

Well, if Li Zedao knew that when Yanhuang sent the Antarctic to this Ganluan to accept the gradient, he would cry with the group of nuns about the various crimes of the beast named Li Zedao, how to hurt his daughter and cause her woman to think about becoming a monk. If so, I'm afraid Li Zedao will go over and fight Yanhuang desperately now.

Li Zedao felt sour, because the cold and cruel Antarctic was only for herself, and she was so gentle to him.

"Amitabha Buddha, go back, I will never see you." The middle-aged nun's expression has become quite disgusting. The monk is compassionate, but when she sees this surnamed Li, she really wants to beat him up to help Wangqing breathe out a bad breath.

You said there are such scumbags in this world? How could such a cheap person still have such a good skin? Bodhisattva really doesn't open his eyes. Such a **** should make his nose sore, so that people will know that he is a wicked person at first sight, so as not to be confused by him.

In addition, the eyes of her nuns looking at Li Zedao became uncomfortable. It turned out that it was the scumbag who killed his unborn child by messing around with other women while his wife was pregnant!

A few even rolled up their sleeves, and only waited for the senior sister to give an order before they started beating.

"I know she doesn't want to see me, but I want to see her." Li Zedao said with a serious face, "and I have to see her."

The frost on the face of the middle-aged nun was even more intense, and she couldn't help but let her lovely group of sisters be brutal to Li Zedao and shouted coldly: "Sister Li, please leave, our Ganluan does not welcome you."

Li Zedao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Master, I didn't make a joke with you. Not only do I want to see her today, I have to take her away! Whoever dares to stop me, I will be anxious!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like igniting a hornet's nest, and the nuns each rolled their sleeves and went to beat Li Ze.

"What a big tone, do you really think that our group of nuns are easy to bully?"

"Don't you know that our master was born in Emei and has the Nine Sun Gong of Emei? Her elder is still the vice president of the China Wushu Association?"

"Look at your thin arms and legs, the poor nun can be beaten to death with one hand!"

"Senior Sister, don't let him disturb our Buddhism Holy Land. Hurry up and blast him out."

"Amitabha Buddha, ladies and gentlemen, invite Li Shizhu out." The middle-aged nun put her hand on her back, looking like a supernatural nun.

More than a dozen nuns immediately moved forward with murderous aura, they were about to beat Li Zedao violently and then picked them up and threw them out.

Dao Li Ze shook his hand, and an extra pistol appeared in his hand.

"Wow!" These murderous nuns were all taken aback, and they retreated like frightened birds, where there is the kind of aggressiveness just now!

"A group of **** have to force them to be prostitutes, and they have forced such a handsome and handsome young man to draw a gun." Li Zedao cursed in his heart.

The face of the middle-aged nun became even more ugly, and even if Buddhism was disturbed, he even dared to shoot?

Are you ashamed of a big man shooting a gun at our weak women?

"I said, whoever dares to stop me, I will be anxious!" Li Zedao said murderously.

"Presumptuous!" The middle-aged nun shouted angrily. In her opinion, Li Zedao would be more aggressive and would never actually shoot.

Now he took a step forward and glared at Li Ze, "Who are you scaring? If you have the ability, you would shoot... Ah..."

The middle-aged nun let out a bitter scream, her body trembled, and a cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Because the cold muzzle hit her forehead all at once.

"As you wish." Li Zedao's expression turned gloomy, he made a hideous voice, his eyes were scarlet, and he looked a little nervous. Before taking the Antarctic away and being stopped, the Antarctic was finally killed by extinction.

Now, God is giving him another chance to take away the Antarctic, so whoever dares to stop, he really dares to be rude to anyone, even if he kills all the nuns in this nun's nunnery.

Coming to this space inexplicably, Li Zedao was really not afraid of being afraid, and he was dying once.

"Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless you."

"Ah... let go of my senior sister, let me die..."

"I said he was crazy..."

"Quickly, call the police..."

"Hurry up and find Wang Qing, you have to carry her too..."


Seeing Li Zedao's murderous aura, these nuns seemed to be about to kill Senior Sister with a single shot, and each of them trembled in fear.

"What do you want to do?" An extremely corrupt voice came, and a thin figure appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Antarctica has appeared!

She naturally heard the movement a long time ago, but forced herself not to show up. She didn't want to see this man, because when she saw it, she was worried that she would feel soft and chose to forgive him.

But now, she had to show up.

She knows him too well, he said that he wanted to shoot, not just talking about it!

In addition, his feelings are really right, even if he does such an excessive thing, he can't hate him.

Even how much she wants to rush into his arms now, telling him how much she misses him, how much he thinks of his embrace, his kind of skinless and faceless sweet words, how much she misses his cooking, and wants to be with him. In those passionate nights, the one who fought without shame until the middle of the night came and knocked on the door and said that his voice was quieter...

Li Zedao looked at this sickly but so handsome face, the sadness and resentment in her eyes, and the hatred in her eyes. His heart was mixed, extremely distressed but happy.

In another space, she has no love for him. All her love is just acting on the spot, and she is stunned by her superb acting skills. She is like the extremely dedicated artist who can give everything for art, including her body.

In other words, she loves him so much, for her, she can use her body to cater to another man.

After that, she only had hatred for him, wishing to skin, drink blood, eat meat and gnaw the bones, the kind of hatred that left no room for it!

But now, she has hatred for herself, but it is a kind of hate born of love, not to mention that there is still love in her eyes at this time.

Her love belongs to her, her whole person belongs to her, and only to herself!

Li Zedao was satisfied, extremely satisfied, quite satisfied.

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