The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2095: Situation

Li Zedao looked down and saw that the clothes on his body were well dressed, but it was covered with dried blood, which was blood of a blood bat.

There is no discomfort in the body, and he secretly relieved.

It seems that Shui Feiling didn't take advantage of her unconsciousness to move her hands or feet.

Li Zedao couldn't help but want to despise Concubine Shui Ling, and there is a tail, what a beast!

In addition, the bag containing the fire pill that was tied to his waist before disappeared, now it is tied to the waist of Concubine Shui Ling.

"Are you embarrassed to say?" Shui Feiling's charming and unusual eyes glared at Li Zedao fiercely, and said angrily, "Do you know that you were almost stunned by the fire scorpion for two days?"

"Two days?" Li Ze said, the corner of his mouth twitched. It seems that as soon as he fainted, he entered a dream, and then daydreamed for two consecutive days.

However, this dream can be regarded as making up for his many regrets, or in other words, it can be regarded as a more open view of the Antarctic matter.

From now on, this woman will no longer be his nightmare, no longer the thorn in his softest position.

He can treat that experience as a not-so-good memory, which he has completely let go of.

"My elder sister has reminded you to run away quickly, why do you have to face the fire scorpion head-on? Shui Feiling once again glared at Li Zedao and Li Zedao groaned.

"Do you want to fight side by side with Sister Shui, and help Sister Shui defeat the fire scorpion?" Li Zedao shivered slightly, and was electrocuted by Shui Feiling's charming eyes.

This woman, really enchanting, if not for her own way, she would have eaten so much bones and scum.

"Come on, you, your little ability will only pull the hind legs of my sister." Shui Feiling sneered.

Li Zedao was ashamed and lowered his head, and then said gratefully: "Thank you Sister Shui for your life-saving grace."

I want to know that after I was shot by the big tongs of the fire scorpion, Shui Fei Ling must have rescued herself and brought herself to this place, dragging herself such a burden to escape the chase of the angry fire scorpion, presumably this The price paid by women is not small, right?

Li Zedao's heart was warm, and the "thank you" was quite sincere.

"It's just a verbal thank you, not something practical?" Concubine Shui Ling's big eyes rolled around Li Zedao's body, her face full of teasing color, especially, the eyeballs were still rolling twice under Li Zedao's crotch. His eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had discovered some new world.

Li Ze Dao's crotch was suddenly cold, and he swallowed and said, "Sister Shui, but according to the instructions, the younger brother can do everything."

Li Ze thought to himself that even if you ask me to lie down naked, I dare not fail...I can't beat you again!

Concubine Shui Ling has a charming smile again, her soft fingers gently lifted Li Zedao's chin, her red lips lightly opened, and her breath was blue: "Little brother, are you having any nasty thoughts about your sister? Up?"

"No no..." Li Zedao quickly shook his head and denied.

Concubine Shui Ling's expression has already turned gloomy: "Nothing is insulting the charm of my sister."

"Yes!" Li Zedao quickly changed his words, his expression almost crying.

Concubine Shui Ling had a charming smile again, and even her tongue was still sticking out. She touched Li Zedao’s earlobe lightly like a reward, causing Li Zedao’s body to shiver again, exhaling like blue: "My sister is the most happy The honest little brother, what do you think? Let me tell my sister..."

"Think... what's the matter..." Li Zedao was so embarrassed, wasn't it just the mess between men and women? The most is to imagine a few more poses, what's to say?

This woman is so bad that she even tried to induce herself to talk about the yellow part.

"Heh...what a cute little brother." Shui Feiling's big eyes flickered, but she didn't continue to force Li Zedao to say any shameful scenes. She asked with interest, "Little brother, tell your sister, that Who the **** is Antarctica, isn't it your first love?"

"Uh..." Li Ze said the corner of his mouth twitched. It seemed that during this period of unconsciousness, he called this name frequently.

"Don't tell your sister that you don't know what Antarctica is." Shui Feiling smiled inexplicably, "You have called this name at least a hundred times during the two days you were in a coma...the unscrupulous little brother, actually in front of her sister. When she called other women’s names, my sister was almost sour."

"...That she is a girl that the little brother once knew, the little brother liked her very much, but in the end she ran away with another...powerful man." Li Zedao's brains turned quickly, and he said nonsense, of course. It's not all nonsense.

"That's it?" The corner of Shui Concubine's mouth curled up with an inexplicable range. Damn little brother, he started to treat his sister as a fool again.

But she is not a curious woman, she has no interest in other people's past, so she is too lazy to ask.

Li Zedao nodded quickly, in a posture that if I lied, I would thunder and strike: "That's it."

"That Antarctic kick kicking you away is really a wise move, little brother, your unscrupulous apprentice will only ruin other girls." Shui Fei Ling said with a smile.

"Sister Shui..." Li Zedao's eyes were full of resentment, feeling that this woman really didn't understand herself. Which woman would be smoking from her ancestral grave when she was with her?

Worried that Concubine Shui was holding onto the South Pole, Li Zedao quickly turned off the topic: "Sister Shui, where are we? That **** fire scorpion has been killed by Sister Shui's great power, right?"

"What do you mean?" Shui Feiling looked like a smile. The little brother's effort to flatter looks so cute.

"Sister Shui is majestic." Li Zedao was so adored that he was almost holding his heart with both hands or lying down to worship.

"Fuck off!" Shui Feiling scolded with a smile, "If my sister accidentally discovered this cave, she might have been embarrassed, and even now it might have become fire scorpion food, mighty shit!"

Concubine Shui Ling pointed to the entrance of the cave, her expression already gloomy: "Little brother, see for yourself."

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the half-human hole.

"Hi..." A sharp and terrifying voice came from the entrance of the cave.

Li Zedao's complexion suddenly changed, and his scalp became numb.

Just after waking up, Li Zedao was in a state of perplexity. After that, he was molested by Concubine Shui. He really didn't notice the voice. Now when he listens carefully, the voice is so clear and close.

Obviously there is a fire scorpion outside the cave, and there is more than one!

"The fire scorpion is out there?" Li Zedao swallowed.

"What do you mean?" Shui Feiling looked at Li Zedao's eyes as if looking at an idiot. Isn't this nonsense?

At the moment, I briefly talked about the current situation.

It turned out that the fire scorpion was bounced back by that level of soul formation before. After falling from the entrance of the cave, it suffered serious injuries. Not to mention the cracks in the tail, the poison needle on the tail was brittle into two pieces.

But this injury was not enough to kill it.

After eating this big loss, Fire Scorpion knew that the cave was weird and could not force it to smash it. Instead, he wisely adopted the technique of trapping the beasts and called out all the little Fire Scorpions that had returned to normal, and waited near the entrance of the cave. Now!

I don’t believe this fire scorpion. You dead fox and your smelly blood bat will stay in that cave forever...Well, fire scorpion is a blood bat because of its high myopia. Secretly swear in my heart, and then he will not be at odds with the blood bat, see one kill one, see two kill one pair!

Concubine Shui also briefly introduced the location of the cave and the first-level defensive soul formation in the cave, but was too lazy to describe the thrills she encountered in order to save Li Zedao.

She doesn't need Li Zedao's gratitude, or even Li Zedao's sincerity, nor does she need Li Zedao's so-called loyalty.

For her, this is a more fun and cute toy that can be used to tease and relieve boredom.

She is responsible for improving his cultivation level, as far as possible to ensure his safety, he is responsible for helping her wash and cook, is responsible for pretending to be stupid and selling crazy, it's that simple.

If the dean gave her such a task, as long as Li Zedao broke into her Xiangge and saw the secret of her body, he would be cut off.

Li Zedao swallowed when he heard the words, his little heart was really trembling, and his heart was so sad, it turned out that they were trapped in a cave halfway up the mountain, and there were more than a dozen small fire scorpions and a terrifying fire scorpion outside. Keep guarding, doesn't it mean you are trapped here?

It’s okay to have no food or water for two days, how about three days? How about four days? How about a week? How about a month?

After taking a peek at Shui Feiling secretly, her little heart trembled again, when this woman was hungry and panicked, wouldn't she show her fangs and swallow herself?

"Little brother, you are tricky and shameless, what do you think we should do to get out of this predicament?" Shui Feiling asked with a smile.

"..." Li Zedao didn't feel that Concubine Shui Ling was complimenting him.

"This..." Li Zedao swallowed, and said cautiously, "Return the fire pill..."

Speaking, Li Zedao glanced at the bag made of Tianshan ice silk that was not on Shui Feiling's body. Naturally, the extremely high-temperature Huoyan Pill was in the bag.

This is the only way he can think of to get out of trouble at the moment, after returning the fire pill, the fire scorpion will not be desperate.

Concubine Shui Ling swept over with such an unkind look, and Li Zedao's scalp was numb and quickly changed his words: "This is naturally impossible! Besides, the fire scorpion suffered such a big loss before, even if the fire pill is returned, it must be. I won't let go...that..."

Li Ze said that for a long time, and that was coming, and he almost cried.

I am indeed quite smart, excellent, and handsome, but in the face of real hard power, those strategies are basically paper tigers, OK?

Concubine Shui Ling's face looked like a smile: "Little brother, what is that?"

Speaking of those fox eyes, they swept under Li Zedao's crotch, and then admired her jade hands that were carefully carved out of the finest jade by the best craftsmen in the world.

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