I remembered that my good brother was almost choked to death by her hand before. Li Ze Dao trembles as if a stray wind blows under his crotch. He hurriedly said: "That little brother thinks we might be able to take advantage of the weakness of the fire scorpion. To deal with it..."

Li Zedao is very guilty, saying this is the same as not saying it.

Concubine Shui Ling glanced at Li Zedao and said with a smile: "So little brother, do you have a way to cover up the breath of you and me?"

"This..." Li Zedao showed cold sweat on his forehead, and he couldn't help it.

I was able to sneak into the fire scorpion’s nest for the first time, thanks to the blood of the blood bat all over the body, where is the blood bat in this cave now? And there are no other animal poisonous insects.

The most terrible thing is that the fire scorpion's IQ is also quite high. After eating blood bats once, you will naturally learn to be smart. I am afraid that no matter what beasts get out of this cave, they will be attacked the most violently while breathing. Right?

"Sister, there is a good way." Concubine Shui Ling blinked her eyes.

"Sister Shui, say it quickly." Li Zedao was shocked.

"Little brother, go out and distract those fire scorpions, so that elder sister will naturally have time to escape. How do you think elder sister does this?" Shui Fei Ling's big eyes are watery, full of style, and she is not paying for her life.

"...The younger brother thinks that sister's method...is feasible." Li Zedao said very hard.

No way, who told me to speak so faithfully for the table before? Compared with the fire scorpion being opened in a mere way, it is really insignificant.

Li Zedao wanted to cry, this woman was too much, didn't she know that this was a rather beastly behavior?

"Heh, really cute little brother, how could my sister be willing to let you go to death?" Shui Feiling chuckled, like a green jade finger raised, and hooked Li Zedao's chin very provocatively.

Li Zedao only felt that his mouth was even more dry, and secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, unexpectedly had an urge to hold her jade finger.

It seems that after two days of daydreaming, his mentality has changed a lot, and he is not so disgusted with this fox anymore.

But I really blame this woman, it's so evil, every inch of her body makes men crazy, including the white sage white tail.

"Little brother, you are waiting here. When my sister goes out to kill all the **** fire scorpions, we will leave this ghost place." Shui Feiling's complexion sank and became murderous.

The inflammation and poison in the body has been cleaned up, and the internal injuries suffered are no longer affected by the healing of the pill. It is time to settle accounts with that **** fire scorpion!

In Shui Feiling’s eyes, the fire scorpion suffered a lot of damage, and the poisonous needle on its tail was broken, and her strength was greatly reduced. She was no longer her opponent. As for the dozen or so small fire scorpions, Shui Feiling would Not to mention it, it is not too difficult to kill it.

Of course, there are a lot of small fire scorpions, and their defenses are extremely strong. They can't do it for a while, and even though the fire scorpions are injured, they are not vegetarian after all, so naturally it is a fierce battle.

Li Zedao immediately understood the key, and he secretly scolded this woman for being too cunning. It was obvious that the situation was not that bad, but he deliberately said that the situation was so tragic.

"Sister Shui is mighty! My younger brother is waiting for you to return triumphantly." Li Zedao nodded and said, the expression on his face must be worshipped and worshipped, as if he wanted to lie down and worship.

His expression was grandiose and full of falsehood, but a little touch in his heart was true.

Although this woman is not a human being, she treats herself as a slave, and always likes to tease herself* without helping to solve the problem, but it is undeniable that she is still very particular and did not let herself go out as cannon fodder.

In addition, don’t even think about it, maybe the price she paid to save herself was not small, right? But she took it lightly and did not mention it.

Concubine Shui Ling seemed to be smiling and not smiling, and she was too lazy to reveal this hypocritical and shameless guy, she was afraid that she could not help but slap him to death and then threw it out.

"Little brother, wait for my sister to come back."

After Shui Fei Ling hooked Li Zedao's chin with her fingers teasingly, she untied the bag around her waist and threw it to him.

Twisting that slender waist, walked towards the entrance, leaving Li Zedao with a beautiful back.

Inexplicably, Li Zedao felt that her back was so holy, and it was no longer the lustful taste of the past.

Concubine Shui Ling stopped and turned her head, and a glamorous eye that was so charming was thrown at Li Zedao: "Little brother, sister, do you look good?"

"..." Li Zedao swallowed wildly, cursing the evildoer secretly.


Shui Feiling laughed like a silver bell, "Swish!" All of a sudden, her graceful figure went out of the cave and disappeared in front of Li Zedao.

Immediately, a deafening neighing sound came, and then the air-blast sound of the cyclone containing terrifying energy collided. Obviously, Concubine Shui Ling had already fought with the fire scorpion, and it was an unreserved battle to the death from the beginning. The fighting conditions were extremely fierce.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled a few times, naturally he didn't dare to go out to find out. After being shot by the big tongs of the fire scorpion, he was clearly aware of how heavy he weighed.

Going out might distract Shui Feiling and drag Shui Feiling's hind legs... at least that was what Shui Feiling meant. Of course, Li Zedao himself thinks so.

More importantly, there is a first-level defensive soul formation at the entrance of the cave. If he goes out, without the help of Concubine Shui Ling, he will not be able to control this and that eye to enter the cave again.

Listening to the horrible air explosion, Li Zedao suddenly became irritable, really restless.

If she didn't go out, Shui Feiling would have to face the big fire scorpion and the dozens of small fire scorpions alone. If the dozens of fire scorpions were desperate, would Sister Shui really be able to resist it?

Is it okay to hold a few small fire scorpions because he is weak? In this way, it can also help Shui Feiling reduce some pressure.

For a moment, Li Zedao's heart was hesitating, and he kept shaking, not knowing whether to go out or not.

Gritting his teeth, Li Zedao finally made a decision!

Get out!

It's not that he goes out to hold back his legs, he won't be so stupid to go head-to-head with Fire Scorpion, he goes out to help Shui Feiling relieve some pressure! Even a small fire scorpion is enough!

Although it can be said that going out is no benefit to him, in fact, for him, the best ending seems to be that Fire Scorpion and Shui Fei Ling are both injured, and even in the end they are seriously injured! At that time, he does not need to continue to be oppressed by this woman, worrying that this woman will be in a bad mood and slap himself to death.

After he returned to the academy alone, the academy would not say much.

But before Shui Feiling hadn't left him, he naturally couldn't watch Shui Feiling face the danger alone, even if his life was gone, Li Zedao would not regret it.

This is morality and responsibility.

After making the decision, Li Zedao carefully placed the bag with the fire pill in his hand on the ground, his scarlet eyes swept the surrounding area and landed in the corner of the cave, and walked over quickly.

After waking up, he swept this small cave a few times, and seemed to see a sword abandoned in this corner.

Sure enough, there was a sword lying here quietly, and it was already covered with dust. It is estimated that it was left by the senior master who arranged this level of defense soul formation.

Li Zedao reached out and grabbed the sword. He didn't have time to wipe it down, and he didn't even bother to care that it was a sword of several grades.

He only knows that he needs a sword now... Even if it is just a piece of broken iron, holding it in his hand makes people feel more secure, right?

After taking a deep breath, Li Zedao flashed out of the cave.

The moment I left the cave, the air blast of the cyclone collided, and the neighing sound of the fire scorpion was even more deafening, which was really palpitating.

At this moment, Li Zedao's body stopped suddenly, his knees softened, and he knelt down at the entrance of the cave, his face pale and painful.

He felt an extremely fierce breath rushing wildly on his body, and then that breath began to swell, Li Zedao felt that his body was about to be burst by that inexplicable breath.

This situation in the body is so familiar, it happened once before, so...

Inside the body, the tearing pain surged like a flood, and Li Zedao almost fainted in pain, but his eyes showed ecstasy.

Immediately afterwards, the ecstasy was replaced by happiness. If it came out like this when fighting the fire scorpion, it would be blasted to pieces.

Soon, that happiness was replaced by loneliness.

After half a stick of incense, the pain disappeared without a trace.

Li Zedao stood up, clenched the sword in his hand, full of the demeanor of the world's master, quite a bit lonely.

"Hey, you said it is also nine-year compulsory education. Why am I so good?" Li Zedao shook his head with emotion.

Lonely, I feel that although the world is big, I can't find any opponent.

"Boom!" The sound of a terrifying cyclone collided.

Li Zedao looked condescendingly, but saw flying sand and rocks below, and the entire valley seemed to be shaking, as if the valley was being baptized one after another.

It can be clearly seen that the Shui Fei Ling holding the whip is hitting the fire scorpion head-on, but for a while, no one can do anything about it.

The fire scorpion is injured in its tail, so its weapons are those two big pliers, and of course the tyrannical strength cannot be underestimated.

At the same time, more than a dozen small fire scorpions scattered around, or one or several shots at the same time attacked Concubine Shui Ling from time to time. Naturally, this action would not hurt Concubine Shui Ling but it was enough to make her feel lost. In addition, he had to deal with the brutal impact of the two pliers of the fire scorpion, and he was in a hurry.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, there was no more fear in his clear eyes, his figure flashed, his body jumped down rapidly, he clenched the long sword in his hand, his mind moved, and the breath in his body surged wildly.

For a while, the long sword was even surrounded by circles of blue cyclones.

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