The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2200: Cold mountain

Concubine Shui Ling's voice fell low, her expression sullen.

She once didn't care about her own life and death, but now she feels more and more afraid of death, and even regrets it. Why should she forcibly expel the Mysterious Fox bloodline at the cost of consuming the remaining life?

Li Zedao's breathing stopped, and he called the evildoer. Why does this woman with such an expression give people a feeling of seduce people into crime?

In addition, what does this woman say like life and death? I went up the mountain to find out, and I didn't even want to provoke the bird.

Worried to worry, desperate to despair, just don't know why, he always felt that Nangong Meili had not been eaten by the strange bird, nor was she cooked, she was still alive.

Li Zedao plucked up his courage, stretched out his hand, and hugged the soft body tightly in his arms.

Concubine Shui Ling's body paused, and immediately softened, letting him take advantage of him... Anyway, this is not the first time he has taken advantage of it, and he has already taken advantage of even the more excessive advantage.

Li Zedao whispered in her ear: "Sister Shui, who doesn't know, I have really found a way to extend your life. After I find the god, I will go to another place to find something that can extend your life. ."

Concubine Shui Ling took a rest again, her heart was already filled with an unprecedented emotion, her nose was sour, she wanted to cry inexplicably, and she whispered, "Yeah."

The body tightened again, and Qiao's face climbed into a blush, and couldn't help shouting angrily: "Damn brother, where do you put your hand?"

Li Zedao was taken aback, and quickly retracted his hand that he didn't know when he actually put on Shui Feiling's hips, and said in a rather embarrassing manner: "That..."

"I know I know, you want to say that you don't know why your hand is placed there, right?" Shui Feiling's big eyes flickered.

Li Zedao nodded wildly, he really didn't know how his hand slipped down unconsciously.

"Sister tells you, this is an instinct, just like a ghost dog not only likes to eat human flesh, but also likes to eat shit." Shui Concubine said with a smile.

"..." Li Zedao's heart seemed to be trampled by a large group of Cao Nima, messy.

In other words, this woman would die if she didn't humiliate people like this, just because she felt that she was a confidant big sister.

"Isn't it very soft, do you want to... let you touch it?" Concubine Shui Ling's eyes filled with water, charming and charming, beautiful to the extreme.

"Can you?" Li Zedao couldn't help swallowing.

"Get out!" Shui Feiling cursed in an angry voice.

Immediately there was another charming smile: "Little brother, after you leave this ghost place, my sister allows you to do whatever you want with your sister."

"Gudong!" Li Zedao clearly heard his own drool.

"I'm a little thirsty." Seeing Shui Feiling staring at herself with a smile, Li Zedao quickly explained.

"Would you like my sister to give you...water?" Concubine Shui had a peach blossom, and gently licked her attractive red lips.

"Gudong!" Li Zedao swallowed again, feeling even more thirsty.

Concubine Shui Ling glanced at Li Zedao with water in her eyes, and said, "Okay, hurry up, she is waiting for you."

Concubine Shui knew that even though the little brother was squinting now, it was just to make herself happy. She could see that he was distraught.

Concubine Shui Ling sighed slightly in her heart. What she actually wanted to say is that her corpse is waiting for you, and maybe even the bones are gone. Unless the strange bird's stomach is cut open, there might be something else she can find.

"Sister Shui, pay attention to your own safety." Li Zedao nodded.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zedao once again swept toward the volcano that was leaning in front of him.

Soon, he came to the molten zone, and there was nowhere to stay.

Li Zedao thought, and the golden cover appeared again, wrapping his whole body in it, then supporting him through the molten zone in front of him, and then began to climb the mountain.

Although he was protected by the golden cover, Li Zedao did not dare to take the slightest carelessness. He was highly concentrated and vigilant for movements in all directions.

Except for the sounds of volcanic eruption, molten lava, and fire burning, there were no other sounds from poisonous insects and animals.

It is no wonder that this place is an active volcano after all, and other poisonous insects and beasts respect this ghost place.

Until reaching the top of the mountain, Li Zedao still didn't hear the howling of the strange bird and the howling wolf, and he didn't know if it was sleeping or went for a walk elsewhere.

Another stick of incense time passed, and the golden cover successfully carried Li Zedao to the top of the mountain.

Seeing the situation on the top of the mountain, Li Zedao's little heart trembled and couldn't help swallowing a few saliva.

However, in front of him, there was a huge hole where molten molten was continuously sprayed, surrounded by molten molten, a vivid hellish image of horror.

If it weren't for the golden cover to protect him, I'm afraid he has been roasted to charcoal by the terrifying heat.

The only place to stay was that the lava did not cover the big rocks on top, but the big rocks had already burnt red, and it was estimated that they might explode at any time.

Here, there is nothing like the cave where the strange bird lives...At least Li Zedao didn't find it.

Can't, the strange bird lives in the volcanic crater that is constantly erupting molten lava, right? Or is it just under the molten lava pouring down?

At this moment, something on one of the big red rocks caught Li Zedao's attention. It was a sword, a sword burned red by the terrifying heat.

This sword is familiar to Li Zedao, isn't it the third-tier sword of Nangong Meili?

So, Nangong Meili was indeed brought to the top of this mountain by that strange bird, and now, she has no bones left?

Li Zedao felt as if his heart was stabbed fiercely by a sword, and the pain was almost suffocated.

In fact, he had long thought about the worst possible, but when the facts were before him, he still had a feeling that he was about to collapse and was too lazy.

Controlling the golden cover to come to the big stone, Li Zedao took out the Tianshan ice silk bag that Shui Fei Ling gave her to hold the fire scorpion inner alchemy and put it in his hand. Then he stretched his hand and picked up the one. A sword that has been burnt red.

Looking at this sword, the heart felt like a big hole was pierced by the sword, and the pain was extremely severe.

Take a few deep breaths and work hard to stabilize your mood.

Looking up, the scarlet eyes scanned the surroundings.

Li Zedao was looking for the trace of the strange bird, and in any case, he must pay a painful price!

At this moment, Li Zedao suddenly thought that even if the strange bird is quite resistant to high temperatures, it seems impossible to live in a place where the bird does not shit, right? Otherwise, he has already run to its door now, why didn't it come out immediately?

Then I remembered, when I was halfway up the mountain before, when he threw the big idiot and started to retreat, why did the strange bird not chase but turn around and leave?

Fear of the power of the idiot?

Or... its owner greeted it to go back?

Li Zedao took a breath and felt more and more that his speculation was correct.

That strange bird may not be some kind of beast that was born and grew up in the country, but something with a master, someone is raising it.

So the reason why it flew to this mountain with Nangong Charm, it is very likely that it wants to cross this mountain and reach the place where its owner lives?

As for this sword, Nangong Meili, who was caught by the strange bird, accidentally left it here.

Li Zedao looked up and looked at another mountain in front of him that was filled with poisonous miasma and looked lifeless. He thought that if his guess was correct, then the strange bird and its owner’s nest should be on that mountain. Correct.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zedao overpowered the golden cover and lowered the volcano.

After leaving the lava zone, Li Zedao withdrew the golden cover, swallowed an elixir, and spent some time adjusting his breath before swiping towards the completely different mountain that was blocked by the volcano. .

Before coming to be in front of him, Li Zedao smelled a decadent and icy breath, as if he had come to hell, people couldn't help but get goose bumps.

The little heart trembled a few times, what the **** is this?

The two mountains are so close, why one keeps spraying molten lava, while the other is so gloomy and cold, it seems that the heat of the volcano cannot be transferred.

This situation is undoubtedly extremely weird, and it is impossible to explain this phenomenon from a scientific perspective.

"Go up and have a look before talking."

Li Zedao took a deep breath, and was ready to show the golden cover at any time. With a flash of figure, he swept up this strange mountain.


The sound of crackling firewood kept coming from my ears.

Nangong Meili actually woke up early, but kept her eyes closed.

It was not because she was afraid to see the surroundings that she did not dare to open her eyes, but because she was completely dark in front of her. Even though she had opened her eyes to a great extent, there was endless darkness in her eyes. She couldn't see anything at all, as if she was in an absolutely dark space at this time.

But by the way, there is still the sound of firewood around, so her eyes...

Nangong Meili's face turned pale, and she didn't dare to continue to imagine.

At the same time, her body seemed to be frozen, unable to move.

Nangong Meili was a little relieved that although she could not see anything and couldn't move, but the other party obviously didn't intend to hurt her, otherwise she would have died now.

Nangong Meili also smelled the strong scent of roasted meat. She didn't know what meat it was, or what seasoning it was, it would give out such an irresistible scent.

"Is there anyone?" Nangong Meili could not hold back after all, and shouted.

She didn't know what was going on, she only remembered that on the canoe, she was locked in the body by a powerful breath, then she rose into the sky, and suddenly lost consciousness. When she woke up, She is here. I can't see anything, nor can I move.

Her response was the sound of crackling firewood and the unbearable smell in the air.

Nangong Meili felt that her stomach was a little hungry.

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