"Bang bang bang..."

Nangong Meili heard the sound of extremely heavy footsteps walking towards her, and she felt even more clearly that a gaze fell on her.

But Nangong Meili did not feel any dangerous aura, on the contrary, she also felt a warm feeling.

Although she couldn't see the other person's eyes, she seemed to be able to feel the complex emotion contained in the other person's eyes.

For Nangong Meili, this is undoubtedly a very unbelievable feeling, but it happens to be real.

But even if she felt that kind of feeling in her heart, because she couldn't see anything in the dark, so instinctively, her body wanted to move backward, but she couldn't move.

"... eat... eat?"

At this moment, a man's voice sounded.

The man's voice looked so weird, he stammered, and it was more like saying these two words. You have to think about how to pronounce these two words first.

He seemed to be very emotional, and his words choked in his throat.

In short, it is stuttering and vague. I don't know if it is because of the tongue problem or because it has been too long to speak so that I almost forget what to say?

But the voice was very soft, as if afraid to scare Nangong Meili.

Nangong Meili didn't speak, she felt a breath of heat and the rich aroma of barbecue.

She felt that the barbecue had reached her mouth, and she only needed to open her mouth to bite off a large bite of meat.

However, Nangong Meili's mouth was closed tightly.

She is not picky about what she eats, she is also very hungry now, but this does not mean that she will eat the barbecue that she does not know the origin.

What if... this is human flesh?

I heard that looking at the entire Divine Realm, human flesh is the most fragrant, more fragrant than any poisonous insects and beasts. That is why, those powerful poisonous beasts like to eat people.

"No... don't eat?" The stuttering voice rang in Nangong Meili's ear again.

Nangong Meili still closed her mouth tightly, and immediately, she felt the piece of barbecue far from her mouth, and then she heard the sound of gorging.

Nangong Meili couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, trying to think of the barbecue as human flesh, so that she could resist the irresistible fragrance.

However, it seemed that she had failed. Her stomach was even more hungry and she was eager for the meat.

What I wanted, the desire for meat was slightly suppressed.

"Am I... already blind?" Nangong Meili asked, "Otherwise, why can't I feel any light?"

The heart will almost sink to the bottom. If you are not blind, how can you not feel even a little bit of light when your eyes are not heavily wrapped in any black cloth?


"Yes, please tell me, am I already blind?" Nangong Meili said.

The other party was eating the fragrant meat hungrily, as if the starving ghost was reborn, so the voice was even more vague, "No... blind, it's... I... so you can't see... I'm so ugly, I'm afraid... I'm afraid you see me... scare... scare you... you... don't worry, you... you're not... not blind..."

Although it was difficult to hear clearly, Nangong Meili still understood.

Therefore, my eyes were not blind, and my vision did not know that it was sealed by this guy who was a man or a beast by some means, as if my body could not move at this time.

"That's good." Nangong Meili sighed in relief.

But I can't understand why this person said such strange things. It is obvious that he forcibly brought himself to this place, but he was worried that his ugly appearance would scare him?

When are bad guys so caring, knowing how to consider problems from the perspective of the victim?

Well, Nangong Meili didn't know that she was actually taken away by a strange bird.

"Can you let me go?" Nangong Meili asked, smelling the scent of meat in the air, she couldn't help swallowing again.

When I said this, I naturally held a glimmer of hope, even if I knew it clearly, the hope was actually quite small.

"I... I won't... can't let you go for the time being, no... But... don't worry, I... no... won't hurt you."

As if afraid that Nangong Meili would not believe it, the other party added: "Never... absolutely not, death... not even death."

Nangong Meili couldn't figure it out, since the other party didn't want to hurt herself, why did she arrest herself in this place? Didn't he know that forcibly bringing himself to this place was actually a kind of harm?

"Then...someone is coming...coming..."

The strange sound faded away, and at the same time, the smell of the barbecue also faded away.

Nangong Meili's heart trembled slightly, so did he come with her to save herself?

So she wanted to shout out a voice to let them know that she was here, but she was shocked to find that she couldn't even make a voice.


Li Zedao's body paused, his eyes rounded.

He was shocked to find that the bare tree in front of him was so familiar, as if he had seen it before, and everything around him was so familiar.

Thinking of an extremely terrible possibility, Li Zedao's little heart trembled wildly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He felt more and more that this place had just passed by himself, and now he is back to this place.

In other words, he was completely lost, and he is now circling in place.

What made Li Zedao want to cry even more was that the iron wire and the small bowl used to make the simple compass were all in Shui Feiling.

Li Zedao took a few deep breaths, calmed his impetuous heart a little, distinguished the downward direction, and his figure flashed and continued to rush upward.

After a stick of incense, Li Zedao's eyes widened, the cold sweat on his face increased, and his small heart trembled more severely.

There is still the big bare tree ahead!

So, it can be said that the most terrible situation happened, and he really lost his way.

A deep sadness surged in Li Zedao's heart, thinking that when he was in the mortal domain, even if he walked with his eyes closed, he never lost his way. How could he completely become a road silly after coming to the gods?

Li Zedao gritted his teeth, he really didn't believe he would be trapped here.

At the moment, he tried to stabilize his mind for a while, and his eyes looked so sharp when he looked at the big tree, and the figure flashed past the big tree and continued forward.

Another stick of incense time passed.

Li Zedao looked at that familiar tree, his body trembled violently, his face became extremely pale, and his small heart fell completely to the bottom of the valley without seeing any sunlight.

"It's over, it's over!"

Crying without tears, Li Zedao almost sat down on the ground, for a while, he really didn't know what to do.

Encountering this situation is undoubtedly more terrifying than encountering a powerful enemy. After all, facing that enemy, there is still a golden cover, and a big fool, you can escape, and you can use various tricks. If it doesn't help, you can die with the other party.

But now, Li Zedao can't make any moves.

He is like the man lost in the desert, the only thing he can count on is God, Jesus, the Tathagata Buddha, the gods of all walks of life.

"Amen..." Li Zedao weakly drew a cross on his chest.

The only thing he can do now is to try to see if he can hug the feet of my Lord Jesus. If he can't, he will try to hug the feet of my Buddha.

In the next second, Li Zedao's eyes went round suddenly, and he was dull on the spot, looking at the black shadow that appeared like a ghost under the bare tree with a stunned face.

Li Zedao didn't expect anything, but he said quite ungodly Amen, and a dark shadow appeared under the big tree.

It was as if God heard his prayers, and then hurriedly sent messengers over to lead him.

In consternation, Li Zedao's heart was enveloped by an inexplicable emotion.

Thank God!

The black shadow seems to be covered by a black animal skin, even his face, only a pair of gray eyes of the dead are exposed, and the surrounding is full of poisonous miasma, so Li Zedao can’t help it. See the other person's face clearly.

Li Zedao is not afraid of terrible enemies appearing, he is afraid that enemies will not appear to play with Yin, and now this is... very good!

At the moment Li Zedao's calm eyes were looking at the gray dead man's eyes in front of him, there was already a big fool on the palm of his hand.

At this moment, the scalp-numbing female ghost cried: "Woo..."

Li Zedao's little heart trembled, and he saw the huge figure of the strange bird descend from the sky, standing in front of the dark shadow.

The insidious triangular eyes of the strange bird stared at Li Zedao, as if to be wary of Li Zedao's escape, and as if he was coveting Li Zedao's delicious flesh, and wanted to swallow it in one bite.

At the same time facing this weird bird and the guy who knew it was not easy to provoke at a glance, Li Zedao's little heart trembled, but there was hope in his heart.

Sure enough, my guess was correct. This strange bird should be the pet of the gloomy guy in front of it, so the strange bird probably didn't swallow Nangong Meili in one bite, but handed her over to this gloomy guy.

"Is my companion in your hands?" Li Zedao took a deep breath and said. He was really worried that the other party would say something like "She is dead" or "She has been eaten by me."

Once the other party dared to say such terrible things, Li Zedao would definitely throw out all the big idiots on him without hesitation.

Black Shadow's eyes still have no emotions, just like dead human eyes.

The strange bird made a whining sound, seemingly dissatisfied with Li Zedao, and seemed quite disdain to answer his question.

"It seems that I can only do it." Li Zedao thought, and the golden cover appeared, wrapping his whole person.

Just when Li Zedao was about to throw the big idiot out, the black shadow spoke, with a low voice but stuttering so hard that it was almost impossible to hear.

"She... she... is you... who are you?"

"My woman!" Li Zedao said without hesitation.

He didn't put any cruel words, if you don't let her go quickly, I will kill you or something.

In Li Zedao's view, this is a rather mentally retarded behavior.

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