The bizarre color in Skeleton's eyes was even more powerful. The power of this sword was greater than he had imagined. The general high-grade peak cultivation of spiritual gods might suffer from this sword.

But he didn't dodge or dodge, but raised his skull and slapped at the sword energy that was about to strike him at will.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound.

That sword aura was slapped away by the skull, and disappeared without a trace. At the same time, the body of the skull just paused, and did not move back half a step.

Seeing this, Li Zedao paused his breathing. Sure enough, this skeleton was as powerful as he had imagined. Even if his strength was not as good as that of the strange bird, he was a little more powerful than the water concubine zero.

This is not to say that his cultivation base is higher than that of Concubine Shui Ling. From the perspective of his cultivation, his cultivation base is the same as Concubine Shui Ling's top-grade peak cultivation level of the Spirit God Realm.

It's just that although they are both the highest level of spiritual gods, the spiritual energy in the body is also strong and weak. In addition, under the premise of the same spiritual energy, the strength and weakness are naturally the mastery and understanding of spiritual skills.

"No...not too good." Skeleton said.

Li Zedao was silent. Such a strong person is indeed qualified to say that he is weak, just as a little turtle is qualified to call him rubbish.

Whatever the strong say is right, everything the weak says is bullshit, this truth remains the same.

", at a young have...this...this kind of cultivation base is...very terrifying, future achievements...I dare not imagine, no...unlimited..."

Immediately, Skeleton said this again, and his gray eyes showed a strong sense of appreciation.

To evaluate a person's evildoer is not an evildoer, you have to look at his age.

For example, Fang Zhongyong, who was extremely talented when he was young, had no teacher to learn, write poems, shake the village, compared with children of the same age, it can not be more awesome.

But when I grow up, my poetry level is the same as when I was a child, so I'm naturally obliterated.

What made Skeleton even more amazed was Li Zedao's mentality and insight.

Skeleton knew that before this child threw out the golden cover, he had already seen that he was testing him.

Skeleton knew even more that even if he didn't see that he was testing him, he would definitely hand over the golden cover without hesitation.

This son has such a terrible cultivation base at such an age, not to mention that he is still carrying the gold cover of the Ninth-Rank Horcrux. Although he thinks he is a third-rate swordsman, the power behind it must be quite terrifying.

What is even more rare is that he dared to chase this place under the premise of knowing that there is a huge danger, which is even more difficult for ordinary people to do.

"The predecessors are ridiculously praised, and the younger ones are ashamed to be." Li Ze said in a contemptuous way.


Although she couldn't see with her eyes, speak with her mouth, and couldn't move her body, Nangong Meili's ear power was normal, so she could clearly hear Li Zedao's voice.

At the same time she breathed a sigh of relief, her face already burst into a smile that was enough to eclipse everyone around her, and her heart was quite sweet.

Li Zedao actually risked his life to chase this place for him, which moved her very much.

"You are fine." She said in her heart.

At this moment, as if the sunlight pierced the dark curtain, Nangong Meili felt that everything around her suddenly became clear.

He breathed a sigh of relief again, and his eyes really didn't hurt.

But I saw that I was in a cave at this time, the cave was very high and very big.

In the distance is the entrance of the cave, but it is gray and there is no light pouring in.

There is also a naturally formed pool in this cave with water dripping continuously above the pool.

Next to the pool, there is a firewood pile, and a shelf is placed on the fire. On the shelf is a leg of a poisonous insect and beast that is roasting over there. The strong smell of barbecue is from that leg. Exudes.

And Li Zedao's voice came from the entrance of the cave.

At the moment, Nangong Meili plans to walk out of this cave and meet Li Zedao.

"Touch!" With a muffled sound, Nangong Meili's body came into close contact with a "wall".

Nangong Meili was stunned, stretched out her hand and stroked it, then raised her brows, and couldn't believe it was true.

There was nothing in front of it... At least Nangong Meili was very sure, she hadn't seen anything, but when she reached out her hand, she could clearly feel something cold and biting.

It seems that it is a wall, an invisible and colorless wall that seems to be vague but real.

Immediately, Nangong Meili stretched her hand to the left hand side, then the right hand side, immediately behind her, and then above her head...

Nangong Meili was shocked to discover that no matter which direction it was, there was an invisible but real wall, and she was firmly trapped in this wall, unable to escape.

"Li Zedao..." Nangong Charm shouted at the entrance of the cave.

Ear sounds kept reverberating in her ears, making her ears buzzing and uncomfortable.

Nangong Meili realized that this invisible space not only restricted her freedom, but also restricted her voice. Her voice could not reach the ears of Li Zedao who was outside the cave at this time.

However, outside voices can come in.


"You...your name is Li...Li Zedao?" Skeleton looked at Li Zedao, and his gray eyes were full of praise.

"Senior, do you know my name?" Li Zedao was taken aback, wondering if Nangong Meili told him?

"She... she... she is... calling your name now, it's just... but you... can't hear it." Skeleton said.

Li Zedao nodded. What the skeleton said she was naturally referring to Nangong Meili. It seems that she is now restricted by this skeleton using some means to restrict her freedom.

"She...she...what is her" Skeleton asked again.

"Nangong Meili." Li Zedao said.

Skeleton was silent, but there was great sadness in those gray eyes, thinking that she was not named Nangong.

He spoke again: "Is she...her mother's name is...Yang...Yang...Yangdai?"

When talking about the name "Yang Dai", Skull's gray eyes already showed a strange look, and they turned soft and soft.

"This... the younger generation doesn't know much." Li Zedao really didn't know the name of her future mother-in-law.

"We love each other, and the elders in her family still don't know." Li Zedao added.

But my mind was surging. Is my previous speculation wrong?

Before, Li Zedao thought that the skeleton came from the Nangong family, because the mother who had a crush on Nangong Meili really didn’t want to see her suffering from curses, so she ran to this Gu Territory and planned to find the Gu God, but she didn’t know why she stayed there. This place.

Now, listening to what he said, I didn't know the name of Nangong Meili at all. I didn't know that she was from the Nangong family.

But I asked Nangong Meili's mother's name again, could it be...

Li Zedao suddenly remembered that Nangong Meili had said before that her mother was from Gujiang and was a Gu.

Because Nangong Mili looks so similar to her mother, this skull did not hurt her assassin, but cared about her instead?

Skeleton was silent and said, "Come in...Come in."

With that, he turned and walked into the cave.

The triangular eyes of the strange bird swept Li Zedao a few times with a ferocious aura, and immediately opened its huge body to let Li Zedao in.

Li Zedao looked at this cruel strange bird, showed a harmless smile on his face, and then entered the cave.

The moment Li Zedao walked into the cave, Li Zedao's eyes immediately scanned his surroundings, and his gaze immediately faced the eyes of Nangong Meili who was trapped there.

While he was completely relieved, his nose was sour.

After encountering this kind of separation of life and death, Li Zedao knew even more clearly how much he cared about this fiancée.

Nangong Meili looked at Li Zedao quietly, her mouth curled up with an inexplicable range.

At this time, her heart was once again filled with some pretty sweet emotions. If it weren’t for being trapped in an invisible wall, she would have rushed towards him again and threw into his arms and blocked him fiercely. That mouth.

Only that kind of close contact can best express her mood at this moment.

"She... she was trapped in the Wu... colorless wall and couldn't get out, but...but I can see us and...heard us." Skeleton looked back at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao was taken aback and nodded.

He didn't know exactly what the colorless wall the skeleton was talking about, but he knew that if Nangong Meili's actions had not been blocked, she would have rushed towards him and blocked his mouth severely.

Li Ze said, this woman actually hides a rather unrestrained heart under this cold appearance, and knows that she is always thinking about her mouth.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't understand that this skeleton obviously didn't want to embarrass Nangong Meili, but he wanted to restrict her actions.

She gave Nangong Meili a look, indicating that she didn't need to worry, she was fine.

The touch at the corner of Nangong Meili's mouth was even worse, and she nodded gently.

In fact, at the moment she heard Li Zedao's voice, all the worries and worries in her heart had disappeared. He was so powerful that it could seriously affect her mood.

"Senior, why is this?" Li Ze asked, pointing to the guide Gong Meili.

"Protect her..." said the skeleton, and then walked towards Nangong Meili.

"Protection?" Li Ze raised his brow slightly and quickly followed.

When there was about two feet away from Nangong Meili, the skeleton stopped, those gray eyes looked at Nangong Meili, and asked: "You...your mother is called...Yangdai ?"

Nangong Meili nodded slightly, her mother's name was indeed Yangdai.

As early as when this strange man mentioned it to Li Zedao outside, Nangong Meili thought that this man must know his mother.

"Sure enough, look too much like your mother...too much, let alone her blood flowing through you." The gray eyes showed many emotions.

There is admiration, longing, and sadness and self-blame.

"You...your she okay?" Skeleton asked again.

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