The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2204: Flying insects

Nangong Meili shook her head. If she was fine, she would not have come to such a dangerous place.

But there are many hopes in the heart.

This person may be the key to helping his mother lift the curse, he may know where Gu God is.

She glanced at Li Zedao and said, "I can talk, but you can't hear me."

Naturally, Li Zedao did not hear her voice, but he understood her mouth and what she meant.

He nodded and said, "Senior, my future mother-in-law is not good at all right now. She is suffering from curses and she is not ready to live. Therefore, we came to this Gu Territory for the purpose of finding the Gu God and removing her from her. That curse."

Skeleton's body visibly paused, and endless pain was revealed in his gray eyes, and his low voice became hoarse.

"Yes... yeah, curse, **** curse... I... I should have thought about it, how could they... so easily... let her relax all night? They can't wait to... Let her feel the...that endless pain."

Li Zedao and Nangong Mili glanced at each other, and they knew it clearly. Sure enough, their previous guess was correct. The curse on Nangong Mili's mother really came from Gujiang and was related to her leaving Gujiang.

"Senior, what happened to this?" Li Zedao asked.

Skeleton was silent, his eyes became deep and his thoughts drifted away. After a long time, he sighed softly.


Shui Feiling looked at the volcano ahead and couldn't help cursing: "Damn it!"

But there was a deep worry in his eyes, and he didn't know how the little brother was doing? Even though he has the golden shield, the defensive Horcrux against the sky, his face is the terrifying volcano, the strange bird whose strength is above her, who even knows if there is any danger hidden around him?

At this moment, a constant "buzz..." voice came over.

Concubine Shui Ling raised her eyebrows and looked up, but saw that a large group of unknown flying insects appeared in the distance, overwhelming the sky, like black clouds pressing down on the city, and at the same time, there was a pungent fishy smell. The smell hits.

The flying insect was extremely fast, and after a few breaths, it was less than a hundred feet away from the Shui Fei Ling.

"What is this?" Shui Feiling's scalp numb.

It is because she has a strong cultivation base, and has also killed many poisonous insects and beasts, but at this time, seeing such a dense group of flying insects, the scalp inevitably trembled and took a few breaths of cold air.

The flying insects are not terrible, the terrible thing is that their numbers are too terrifying, and they can't be killed at all.

Judging from the pungent smell, this group of flying insects like to feed on flesh and blood. If they are entangled in them, shouldn't even the bones and scum be gnawed away?

Without any hesitation, Shui Feiling turned around and fled, and a terrible breath was released from her body.


As if smelling delicious flesh and blood, this group of unknown flying insects seemed to speed up again, and rushed towards Shui Feiling frantically.

"Damn it!" Concubine Shui Ling cursed with a gloomy expression.

Even if she didn't look back, she knew that these **** bugs were already very close to her, and their strange speed made people feel powerless.

After a few breaths, Shui Feiling felt cold sweat on her forehead, and if this went on, sooner or later, she would be entangled by this group of **** bugs, and she would probably be gnawed away by the time.

She doesn't even remember the last time she fled in such a panic.

"What to do?" Concubine Shui's mind turned sharply.

It was discovered that she currently only has one way to go, and that is to return to the Lost Forest.

Lost forest lives in millipede mosquitoes that like to feed on flying animals, beasts, or insects. It can be said that as long as they have wings to fly, it is a delicacy for millipedes.

This is why I walked all the way, and I didn't encounter any flying poisonous beasts. There were many other poisonous beasts living on the trees and in the muddy water.

As for the strange bird... in all likelihood, it was because that strange bird relied on its strength to get close to the lost forest and forcibly took away Nangong Meili.

Moreover, she flew away immediately after taking away Nangong Meili, and she was also afraid of being entangled by the millipede mosquito.

After making up his mind, Shui Feiling changed her direction slightly and ran towards the lost forest.

Coming to the front, Concubine Shui's body flashed, she slid on the canoe left there, and quickly picked up the oars, and after sliding forward for a short distance, she heard the buzzing sound that was originally close at hand. The son is far away.

Concubine Shui Ling looked back, and while exhaling softly, she cursed with a gloomy expression: "Damn it!"

As she expected, the swarms of bugs did not have the guts to approach this lost forest.

At the moment, Shui Feiling stopped moving forward. After all, if she goes too deep into the lost forest, it is not a joke if she loses her way completely.

Although the bowl and the iron wire brought by the little brother are on her body, but the little brother is not aside, she is not at ease in her heart and feels unreliable.

I don’t know that the famous insects are obviously extremely afraid of something in this forest, so they don’t dare to get too close, but they seem to be unwilling to let the delicious taste slip away, so they buzzed there again for a while, this Just dispersed.

Concubine Shui Ling breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she should stay in the forest for the time being. Although there are many dangers hidden here, she should be able to deal with it with her own cultivation base. There is no need to face the group. Like the horrible flying insects, his heart felt a great sense of powerlessness.

I'm not worried that Li Zedao will not be able to find her after he comes back. With Li Zedao's IQ and shamelessness, he will think of something, and he will return to the forest soon.

At this moment, a slight tingling sensation stimulated Shui Fei Ling.

This indescribable tingling sensation comes from the ring finger of the left hand.

Shui Feiling raised her hand to take a look, but saw a red dot appeared on her left ring finger. The red dot was very small, only a few hairs thick.

"damn it!"

Concubine Shui Ling was very depressed and cursed, thinking that she was bitten by some poisonous insect, maybe she was bitten by a flying insect that was just safe and unknowing, although she was not entangled by the crowd that was overwhelming. , But there are always one or two flying faster than the others and then falling on themselves and taking the opportunity to bite themselves, right?

It's just that I was busy running for life before, so I ignored it. And now the whole person relaxed a little, and a tingling sensation appeared.

Although there is only a small red spot, and the tingling sensation seems to be gradually disappearing, and the body does not show any discomfort, Shui Feiling did not dare to be too careless. Instead, he took out a detoxification pill and stuffed it into his mouth. Only then did he relax his vigilance slightly.

At the same time, behind a big tree dozens of feet away, a man and a woman showed a gloomy and proud look on their faces.

The man was thin and dark, and the big silver earrings on his ears were particularly dazzling.

The female is obese and ugly, with a thick silver bracelet on her chubby wrist.

Both of them were dressed in gray linen clothes, gray headscarves wrapped around their heads, and straw sandals on their feet. They were dressed in typical Gu people.

Gu people like silver products the most. Men wear pierced ears and large silver earrings, while women wear silver bracelets.

It is said that in Gujiang, the higher the status, the thicker the silver products worn on the body, and the pictures and texts on the silver jewelry will be different.

Judging from the thickness of the silver jewelry worn by the two people, it is obvious that they still have a bit of status in this Gujiang.

"It's done." The woman smiled sinisterly, "I can clearly feel that my child is happily absorbing the blood of that woman over there."

The man nodded, his eyes showed a lustful look that a man knew.

Just now, he hurriedly glanced at Shui Feiling in the dark, and he was shocked as a heavenly man, drooling, and almost never recovered.

Perhaps only the old saint Yangdai who was thrown on the devil volcano to be burned and punished could her beauty be comparable to that woman, right?

The man couldn't understand, what did such a charming woman come to their Gujiang? You can't come to find a lover, right?


The man slapped the woman hard and woke up completely from some fantasy.

"Mei, why are you hitting me?" The man clutched his red and swollen face and looked at the woman with grievances and panic in his eyes.

"What's wrong with hitting you?" The woman looked sullen, gritted her teeth, raised her big chubby hand again, and drew towards the man's other face.

The man did not dare to evade, and even moved his face forward, so that the woman's hand could be drawn more accurately on his face.

"Slap!" Another slap.

The man's face was completely swollen, and what was alive was two black steamed buns inlaid there.

"Dirty things, hit you lightly."

After the fight, the woman akimbo her hands and sprayed the star on the man's face, just like a shrew.

"Do you think my old lady didn't notice your nasty eyes? How dare you fantasize about going overboard with other women in front of your old lady? Do you want to die?"

The man is stubborn and dare not speak, but he feels wronged in his heart. If he doesn't fantasize about going over and over with other women, don't I still dream of going over and over with you, an extremely ugly woman...

The man's stomach began to twist, and he had an urge to vomit.

"Hmph, after the old lady's child absorbs the blood of your bitch, my old lady will cut your skin into hundreds!" The woman looked towards the lost forest, her voice full of viciousness.

"However, Elder Tengla has also said that Silver King Gu felt the breath of the next saint. Where is it? It's not the woman who broke in?"

Fearing that he would be slapped by the woman again, the man quickly changed the subject.

As soon as the words were spoken, the man felt that he was quite stupid.

"Slap!" Another slap.

"You are a worm that has been eaten up?"

The woman cursed: "That **** doesn't have the blood of our Gu people at all. How to become a saint? This is an ugly woman who broke into our Gu territory with some ulterior motives!"

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