The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2205: Amazing truth

As the man smiled, he secretly sighed in his heart that some women’s eyes are always quite blind. For example, seeing a handsome guy thinks that he is his destiny. For example, he is already skinny but still thinks he is fat. When I reach a beauty, I think she is far less attractive than herself.

If such a woman is an ugly daughter, what are you ugly bugs?


The woman seemed to be addicted, and slapped the man fiercely.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you go back and report the situation to Elder Tengla quickly, and then quickly go back and wash it up and wait for the old lady to be lucky for you?"

The man felt that the vomit had reached his throat, but he had to swallow it back, and forced a very happy smile on his face.

Rubbing his hands, he couldn't wait to say: "Sister Love, what you said is true? Let's go, let's go back here."

"Devil? What anxious? Isn't it not for you?" The woman's attitude changed suddenly, and a "very charming" wink passed.

As soon as the man's scalp hit, he felt that the vomit that had been swallowed hard to resist the nausea was about to come out again now.


"Yangdai...she is actually... the saint of Gujiang... saint." After a long silence, the skeleton spoke.

The voice seemed a lot sharper, but it was conceivable that he was not born with a stutter, but hadn't spoken for so long that he had forgotten how to speak.

After saying a few more words now, it naturally becomes agile.


Both Li Zedao and Nangong Meili's eyeballs widened, their minds roared violently, and there was a huge wave in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what their ears were hearing.

Nangong Meili's mother, Yang Dai, is actually the saint of this mysterious Gu Jiang?

On the way they came before, they also chatted about the rumors about the saint of Gujiang. Concubine Shui also said with a smile that he wanted to see what the saint of Gujiang looked like, whether she looked as good as her.

Li Zedao's still quite dog-legged watch would die, certainly not half as good as Sister Shui.

Looking at the pretty face of Nangong Meili, and adding the skull to say that Nangong Meili is very similar to her mother... Li Zedao felt that his old face was hot.

Immediately, there was another long silence.

Skull’s gray eyes were full of emotions, and it was obvious that his mood was extremely unstable.

After a long time, he continued to speak, and this time, his voice was even sharper.

"The saint is sacred. It was given to Gu by the Gu God, and is also the spiritual leader of our Gu people. At that time, when the old saint died, she released the Silver King Gu cultivated in her body and began to specify As a candidate for a saint, the Silver King Gu finally selected Yang Dai, and naturally, she became the next saint."

Li Zedao was a little confused, what is this Silver King Gu?

It is said that when Gu people raise Gu, they will let those Gu worms enter their bodies to **** their own blood. Is this true?

Obviously knowing that Li Zedao and Nangong Meili had doubts, Skull explained the Silver King Gu.

"Silver King Gu is the most powerful poison in our Gu Territory except for the Gu God. This kind of Gu worm has more than 20 embryos, then emerges from the cocoon and becomes a larva, and then begins to **** the blood of the saint, and Only by inhaling the essence and blood of the saints, and after that, after inhaling for twenty consecutive years, can you become the Silver King Gu in the true sense."

"This kind of gu poison is very powerful. It can invisible and kill people invisibly. Even a strong spirit mirror cannot withstand the poison of the Silver King Gu. Therefore, it can be said that the Silver King Gu is a Gu that lives in the frontier of Gu. People have the greatest support besides Gu people. This is why, the saint who is responsible for providing the essence and blood to the silver king Gu can command the Gu people in the entire Gu Territory. Naturally, it is not only because the saint is the reason that Gu God bestows on Gu Territory. ."

Li Zedao listened, his scalp was numb, and he couldn't even hold a strong spirit mirror. Wouldn't it be too scary?

The Silver King Gu that is ranked second is already so cruel, can't the Gu God that rank first be more cruel?

Can you kill a master at the level of Changsheng Zhenren with a single shot?

Skull’s gray eyes showed bitterness: “However, after being designated as the saint’s hair, Yang Dai was unwilling to become the saint of Gu Jiang. She begged the previous saint to re-select the most suitable for the Silver King Gu. Candidates."

"Why isn't she willing?" Li Zedao asked after looking at you Nangong Meili.

Li Zedao wondered why his mother-in-law refused to be a saint? Although it is said to consume her own essence and blood to feed the Silver King Gu, such a move will not kill her, will it?

Not to mention becoming a saint, that will become the leader of this Gu person.

Could it be that she knew Nangong Meili's father a long time ago and wanted to escape from Gu Territory?

But this is not right. According to Nangong Meili, her mother only met her father after arriving in the middle tribe and married her father.

"Because the saint must remain as a virgin until she dies, and she must not tamper with any affection, otherwise she will be strongly swallowed by the Silver King Gu and eventually die."

The skeleton's voice became more and more sharp, but the voice was getting deeper and deeper, seeming to be full of endless pain.

"But at that time, Yangdai had long been secretly promised to me, and in the previous nights when the black wind was high, we talked to each other about our love for each other until dawn, so Yangdai was no longer a virgin body. Up."


Li Zedao and Nangong Meili glanced at each other, and both could see the other side's face slightly pulling away.

It seems that the situation is completely different from what they imagined.

Especially Nangong Meili, when she heard this strange guy say that her mother had a mutual relationship with him and even the two broke through that relationship, she felt weird and weird in her heart.

"The last saint and the elders were furious when they heard Yang Dai say this. Yang Dai's parents were even more disappointed. They repeatedly said that they did not have such a daughter. After all, it was a great honor to be selected by the Silver King Gu. The saints of Gujiang are something that Gu people dream of. Their family members will follow the tide and become the most powerful person in Gujiang, but Yangdai refused."

"After that, the last saint and the elders were shocked to find that she was no longer a virgin, and she was extremely angry."

The skeleton's voice was full of abnormal self-blame and pain.

"You know, in Gujiang, the woman broke her body before she was married. That is a very serious matter. She was to be thrown away on the magic volcano to be tortured... blame me, after all, she didn’t hold it. She herself, otherwise Yang Dai won't have to face such terrorist punishments. She will become the saint of Gu Jiang and accept the respect and praise of Gu people."

Li Zedao looked at Nangong Meili’s delicate face and tall figure, thinking that he was truly invincible in terms of endurance. In the face of Nangong Meili, he could actually control the desires in his heart very well. It was so awesome. Not working.

Seeing Li Zedao's eyes, Nangong Meili had a proud and proud look. She knew what he was thinking of you, and the corners of her mouth twitched, really wishing to beat him up.

Let’s not mention that it’s untimely to show such an expression in this atmosphere, and the reason why he resisted not touching himself...I didn’t even want him to touch him, OK? This bastard!

"What makes them even more ashamed is that they also discovered that Yang Dai is not only no longer a virgin, but she is even pregnant!"

Skull's gray eyes looking at Nangong Mili suddenly became full of color.


Li Zedao and Nangong Meili's body both had a meal, their minds roared fiercely, and a huge wave tens of thousands of times stronger than before was set off in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what their ears heard.

She is still pregnant?

Thinking of what, Nangong Meili's face was completely pale, without the slightest blood.

She stared at Skeleton's gray eyes, trying to get some exact information from him, but she was extremely frightened that the guess in her heart would be true.

Skeleton's eyes showed the radiance of father's love, and the low voice became lighter.

He said: "Child, you are the daughter of Yangdai and mine. My blood is flowing through you. I can feel your breath from the moment you set foot on Gujiang."


Nangong Meili's body paused again, her face turned pale again, her eyes widened, and her whole person was in a state of confusion.

Li Zedao's mind roared even more fiercely. Although he seemed to have thought of something before after a few breaths, now that the skeleton said it himself, he was still confused.

You know, the Nangong family can be regarded as a superpower in God's Domain, especially in the middle tribe, it is even more powerful.

The current patriarch of the Nangong family married a pregnant woman and helped her raise the child... This is too unimaginable.

After all, if this kind of thing were to spread out, the Nangong family would become a laughingstock.

It is conceivable that this is true love. The mother who lives as Nangong Mili is so beautiful. Nangong Lie, who is so beautiful as the Nangong family, can ignore her past and treat other people’s daughters as his own. Adult.

"Baby...child, I know you are hard to accept, but this is a fact, indeed your father, you...if you don't believe me, I...I can ask...wei...great Gu God swears..."

Seeing Nangong Meili like this, Skull became confused, and he stammer again.

Nangong Meili was silent and confused.

She didn't believe it, after all, the emotions in his eyes didn't seem to be pretending, and there was no need for him to lie about this kind of thing, right? Not to mention the bloodline issues, as soon as you verify it.

But believe it and believe it, she couldn't accept it at all.

Her father should be the Nangong family, one of the biggest forces in Canghai City of the Central Tribe, and the lord of Canghai City, Nangong Lie, how could he be the weird person who only dared to show a pair of eyes in front of him?

There was another long silence.

Skeleton looked at Nangong Mili with pain, self-blame, love, hope, and more excitement in his eyes.

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