Skeleton didn't know if Yangdai had successfully escaped from the lost forest and went to the outside world. He only knew that her hope of successfully escape was extremely slim.

This made him extremely frustrated, but he did not expect that now he not only got the news that she was still alive, but he even saw his own flesh and blood.

Gu God treats me not badly!

Nangong Meili looked at the ground blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Senior, what happened afterwards?" Li Zedao couldn't stand this depressed atmosphere, and broke the silence with a loud voice.

Skeleton glanced at Li Zedao and nodded slightly.

He was quite satisfied with this son-in-law. He had such a cultivation level at a young age, enough to become a leader among the younger generation of God's Domain.

Now he is so eye-sighted to ease the atmosphere, not bad.

"I clearly remember that the last saint, those elders, and Yang Dai's parents, most Gu people, they all accused Yang Dai loudly, called her a traitor to Gu Jiang, and accused her of discrediting Gu Jiang. Reputation, they strongly urged to throw her on the magic volcano and burn her to ashes..."

Li Zedao was secretly speechless, his scalp numb.

No matter what the others, but her parents did the same, thinking that their woman had lost their face, hoping that she would die quickly.

That kind of deep-rooted idea is really terrifying.

At the same time, Li Zedao could clearly feel the self-blame and helplessness and pain in the skull's voice, but there was no hatred, nothing at all.

I want to know that his thoughts are actually the same as other Gu people, the only difference is the person involved.

He didn’t think the previous saints, elders, Yang Dai’s parents and other Gu people’s actions were wrong. He believed that their accusations and actions were correct. After all, they did violate some of Gu Jiang’s taboos. Those taboos have long been deep in their bones.

Those taboos are unimaginable for Li Zedao, who comes from a modern civilized society, but he also knows that taboos are the law in plain terms, and whoever violates them will be severely punished.

Li Zedao sighed softly in his heart, and for a while, he really couldn't think that it was wrong that Skeleton had no hatred in his heart.

"The saint elders naturally did not do this right away, but forced Yang Dai to tell who the child's father was and to accept the punishment together." Skull said.

Li Zedao clearly saw that the skull's shoulders shook, and he seemed to be in lingering fear.

"Yangdai did not say, no matter how threatening the elders are, she just didn’t say, she just kept repeating that she was willing to accept any punishment. At that time, I was watching in the crowd, my heart was cut. But she didn't have the courage to take the initiative and admit that the child in her stomach is mine..."

"You... don't deserve to be a man!" Nangong Meili, who was always silent, said, interrupting Skeleton's words.

Of course, because of the colorless wall, Li Zedao could not hear her voice, but he understood her mouth, saw her gently trembling body, and even saw the Ling in her eyes. Palpitating anger.

Skeleton could hear Nangong Meili's voice, so his body halted directly, and the pain and self-blame in those gray eyes became more intense.

"I...I know, I know." His voice was extremely low.

"I really don't deserve to be a man, or even, I don't deserve to be a man."

Nangong Meili was silent, but her heart was like a needle prick, and she was actually quite uncomfortable when she blamed her biological father.

"Senior, you are right." Li Zedao rolled his eyes and said with certainty.

All of a sudden, Nangong Charm and Skull's eyes fell on Li Zedao.

Skeleton was quite surprised, thinking that even if this kid wanted to flatter his future husband, he shouldn't say such a thing.

He was stunned at first, and then too frightened, so he didn't have the courage to come forward and face the next disaster with Yang Dai.

How come this kid’s mouth is right?

Nangong Meili was even more surprised, staring at Li Zedao with wide-eyed eyes. It was really hard for her to imagine that Li Zedao would say such a thing.

Li Zedao looked at Nangong Meili and said, "The truth is, if the predecessor ran out and said that the child in her stomach was mine, what would happen? The only result is that both of you will be thrown on the magic volcano. , Accepting the punishment of burning, no one can live in the end."

"But if the senior didn't appear rashly, it was tantamount to creating an opportunity to secretly rescue his beloved and the flesh and blood of his beloved."

Nangong Meili paused when she heard the words, and then the palpitating anger in her eyes was gradually extinguished.

She had to think that Li Zedao was right. If he had come forward to admit that the child was hers, then death would be waiting for them.

But if he doesn't admit it, he has the opportunity to find a way to save his mother in secret.

After all, looking at the entire God Realm, he was the only one who didn't want to see his mother being tortured.

In the end, the facts proved that he successfully rescued his mother, and kept her away from Gujiang, only then could he have the self.

Skeleton was stunned for a moment, so it turns out that things can still be explained like this?

In fact, he was really scared at first, and even saw that Yang Dai didn't recruit him, he was lucky, and he secretly breathed a few breaths of relief.

But in the end, he couldn't bear the torture of his conscience, and it seemed that he heard the voice of the flesh and blood still in the belly of Yang Dai.

It was that kind of beautiful voice that completely aroused the courage in his heart.

Skull was really satisfied with Li Zedao's words, thinking that this kid was worthy of his daughter.

Of course, even if he is not good enough, he is not qualified to object.

"Although, I do have the intention of saving your mother in secret, but my performance is still too cowardly, this is not something a man should do." Skull looked at Nangong Meili, and said quite painfully. .

Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, and the thickness of the face of his old man was as good as Master.

Judging from his reaction, Li Zedao naturally saw that he was indeed cowardly at first, and he dared not come out of his head at all, but in order not to make Nangong Meili too sad, Li Zedao quickly gave such a reason.

Besides, this skeleton is now a thick leg, and Li Zedao naturally hugged this thigh tightly.

But I didn't expect him to climb up the pole so shamelessly.

"If Ze Dao encounters such a thing, he will definitely not escape, but will bravely admit it." Skeleton glanced at Li Zedao and said.

"..." Li Zedao didn't feel that this guy was complimenting himself.

Your sister, do you think all men in the world are scumbags like you?

"I'm sorry." Nangong Meili said with a heartache.

"No... you're right, all... it's all my fault, all... it's all my fault." Skeleton waved his hand quickly, and the whole person became confused, which can be said to be ashamed.

Nangong Meili saw that there was nothing on his hands, just white bones, and her pupils suddenly enlarged.

Because the blood dissolves in water, it's even more heartache that I can't breathe.

The reason why he became like this must have been injured to save his mother, right?

"I'm sorry." Nangong Meili blamed herself even more. How could she blame him like this?

So the skull was at a loss, and his conscience was devastated.

I sighed that I was still a bit more upright. It was nothing more than telling a little lie following the boy's words, and I felt so sorry, as if it was something wicked.

"Senior, what happened then?"

Li Zedao didn't bother to see the father and daughter continue to blame themselves, and asked aloud.

"After that, cowardly, I watched the pregnant Yangdai's face was covered with a sack, and then was put in the pig cage. At that moment, my heart was like a knife cut, and I couldn't breathe from the pain. "The skeleton continued to blame himself.

Nangong Meili's eyes were red upon hearing this.

Li Zedao secretly pouted his lips, and didn't bother to complain.

He almost couldn't hold back and reminded the skeleton to say that you can actually say the point, and other things like "heart cut like a knife" need not be said.

Don't think I didn't know that your little heart was trembling and fainted from fear, and what was in your heart was a fluke.

"Yangdai was carried to the dungeon in this way, and she was sent to the demon volcano to be tortured by burning after she had finished paying her respects to the Gu God the next day.

"That night, my heart was like a knife cut, and my heart hurts so much that I can hardly breathe."

"..." Li Zedao really didn't know what to say, this guy couldn't change his line?

But I understand, after all, judging from his stammering before and now speaking neatly, he hasn't spoken for a long time, and his vocabulary will not be too rich.

"My heart is in a mess, my mind is very messy, I racked my brains to think, what should I do to rescue Yang Dai? Finally, I thought, Ali who guards the dungeon is my good brother, maybe he Can help me. So, I found out all the silverware in the house, and then secretly ran to look for Ali who was guarding the dungeon."

"At that time, Ali was frightened by my actions. He never expected that the child in Yangdai's belly was mine. I gave Ali all the silverware and begged him to secretly release Yangdai. Li refused, he said you go, brother, I can treat you as if you never came."

"I was in a hurry, I knelt down and begged him, I told him, I won't make you embarrassed, I just want you to let go of Yangdai, let go of the child in her belly, and then I pretend to be Yangdai and enter there. In the pig cage, this is all my fault, so I will accept the punishment..."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, he really didn't expect him to be so cowardly at the beginning to behave like such a man.

Nangong Meili's red eyes looked at the skull and the look changed again.

Hatred at first, and then apologized, but now it feels more warm.

Women are all sentimental, even if she is usually indifferent, Nangong Meili's heart is still touched at this time.

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