"In the end, Ali couldn't help but begging for my bitter pleadings. It also depends on the silverware. He finally agreed. He said that he could only send Yangdai to the Lost Forest. After that, whether she died or alive, he would care. No more," said the hole.

Li Zedao felt more and more that the character of this skeleton is quite problematic. What does it mean to look at the silverware?

"I nodded in pain. I only hate myself for being too weak. I can only keep praying for Gu God to bless my Yangdai, my poor unborn child, and bless them to escape from the Lost Forest. "

"I don't want to let Yangdai know my plan, because she loves me so much, she will definitely not allow me to do so, so I decided to use ** to stun her first."

"After that, Ali secretly opened the dungeon. We first rescued Yangdai who had fallen into a coma from the pig cage, and then sent her to the lost forest. I cried and picked Yangdai and put her on the small wooden boat. Push her into the lost forest. At that time, my heart was cut like a knife. I was so confused. I don’t know whether I will push Yangdai to rebirth or push her from this **** into another hell, but I must To do this, I can only do this. I can only keep praying for Gu God to bless my Yangdai and protect the child in her belly..."

Nangong Meili's eyes turned redder, and immediately, a teardrop rolled down, heartache.

Li Ze said that Nangong Meili, who had always been cold and cold, felt very distressed when the pear blossoms were raining.

He believed that Skeleton did not lie, but he also knew that Skeleton had added fuel and jealousy, and was suspected of deliberately causing Nangong Meili to weep. Nangong Meili was in tears, and he was able to gain that position in this daughter's heart.

"In fact, I was able to escape with Adai at that time. After all, Ali couldn't stop me, but I knew that if I escape into the Lost Forest, I will definitely harm Ali and Ali’s family. So I resisted the grief and let Yangdai leave alone." Skull said again.

Li Zedao was unable to complain, thinking that this shameless guy began to put gold on his face again.

Li Zedao was more willing to believe that the reason why Ali would agree to Skeleton's plea was on the one hand out of friendship, and more importantly, he didn't think Skeleton had the ability to run away under his nose.

"Then I followed Ali back to the dungeon, I put on Yangdai's clothes, put the sack on my face, and got into the sack..."

Li Zedao knew it in his heart, and he wanted to understand that the headgear sack was the rule of Gujiang. He probably thought that Yangdai was pregnant when she was unmarried. In their opinion, this was quite shameless and dirty behavior, so she covered her face with a sack, of course. It is precisely because of such rules that this skeleton's flawed approach can be implemented.

"After daybreak, I was taken to the square. After worshipping the Gu God, I was carried under the demon volcano. Then, I was lifted up by the goshawk and flew to the top of the demon volcano. Throw it down."

"At the moment I threw it down, I clearly felt the sparking molten molten my body, but in my heart I was still silently praying to the Gu God, begging it to bless my Yang Dai, and bless me. Children who have not had an accident..."

"..." Li Zedao didn't know what to say, can this shameless guy be shameless? Will you die if you don't brag?

"Immediately I lost consciousness. I don’t know how long it took, but I woke up. I found that I was lying in this cave. There was a terrifying strange bird standing next to me. It was facing me. It makes a horrible weird cry, but its eyes are so joyful."

Li Ze dumbfounded and glanced at the entrance of the cave: "Senior, was that terrifying strange bird saved you?"

"Yes." Skeleton nodded, "It was the snake bird who saved me. The grandfather of my grandfather's grandfather accidentally saved the snake bird's life, so it repaid me."

"...That's the case." Li Zedao must not be ashamed. Compared with people, these poisonous insects and beasts know what it is to be grateful.

I wanted to find an opportunity to get a good understanding of the true origin of the strange bird.

Li Zedao raised his brows, wouldn't he be a descendant of Nuwa?

Immediately, Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much, and he needed to know the blood connection, so he would have some emotional reactions.

For example, when he saw the spirit rat being killed, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

For example, when the dragon python saw him, he grinned and showed a rather ugly smile.

But when facing the terrifying strange bird, Li Zedao wanted to kill it besides his scalp. At the same time, the strange bird obviously saw himself not so pleasing to his eyes.

"The snake bird who was not afraid of the lava took me away from the Fire Demon Mountain in time and saved my life, but I was so badly burned that there were only bones left on this hand and most of the body.

Li Ze said it was clear, probably he was taking some magical treasure, otherwise it would be impossible for the flesh and blood to be gone, but his hands could still move, and there would be no obstacles in his actions.

Skeleton said: "After that, the snake bird and I lived in this cave for more than 20 years. I thought I would stay here until the end of my life. Who would think, Gu God? Treating me not thinly, brought you to my front."

More teardrops fell from Nangong Mili's eyes.

Skeleton's eyes looked at Nangong Meili extremely softly, and he knelt down on one knee, his eyes were pious, and the skeleton hand made a strange gesture and muttered to himself: "God Gu, you are the true **** who created all things in Gu Territory. Thank you and praise you, because of your power and love, I can see my blood again, thank you!"

Right now, after the skeleton index finger drew a rather strange symbol on the chest, he stood up and continued, "I should have guessed it a long time ago. Although they wanted to send Yangdai to the Movolcano to receive the fire the next day. Xing, but won’t let her stay comfortably all night, they want to torture her."

"What did the predecessor mean... curse?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, curse." Skeleton's eyes showed a trace of horror, obviously extremely afraid of the curse.

"Senior, what is the curse?" Li Zedao asked again.

Li Zedao probably understands now that the so-called curse should actually be poisoned by some kind of gu.

That's why, Gu God was able to break the curse.

After all, Gu God is the King of Ten Thousand Gus, he can kill any Gu worm in seconds, and he can detoxify any Gu poison.

"The so-called curse is actually poisoned by the Silver King Gu."

Skeleton’s statement confirms Li Zedao’s guess: "However, because of the special way of injecting Gu, the poison of Silver King Gu will not kill you, but it will make you suffer the pain that seems to come from hell. Make you lose your mind."

Thinking of Yang Dai's constant curses and punishments over the past two decades, he couldn't breathe with heartache.

"Senior, I heard that Gu God can break the curse?" Li Zedao frowned and nodded.

Nangong Meili also looked at the skeleton with hope.

"It is true. After all, Gu God is the King of Ten Thousand Gus. It can decipher any poison, including Silver King Gu's poison. However, Gu God has disappeared for thousands of years, and it has become a legend. No one knows it. whereabouts."

Skeleton shook his head, his eyes full of bitterness.

Twenty years ago, he could only watch his beloved woman being put in a sack and stuffed into the pig cage, and then the **** Silver King Gu was dropped by the saint.

But now, he could only watch her suffer from the curse, and he could not help her relieve the Silver King Gu's poison.

Nangong Meili's face turned pale, her expression pained and helpless.

She came to Gu Jiang with hope, but she didn't expect to get such an answer... Although she had thought of this result a long time ago, but because she didn't give up, she still wanted to come over.

What if after all?

Of course, this trip was not completely fruitless, at least, she could say that she met her father somehow.

"However, even though I can't help Yangdai remove the Silver King Gu's poison, I can help her reduce a little pain when her curse strikes." Skeleton said again.

This is the only thing he can do right now.

But how much pain can he relieve her? Probably only a little bit, right?

After hearing this, Nangong Meili nodded and said, "You will go back to the Central Tribe with us to find my mother?"

"Naturally..." Skeleton said, "As long as you don't resent me, despise me."

Nangong Meili wanted to say how I would resent you and despise you, but when it came to my lips, she didn't say it.

Li Zedao secretly sighed, this old guy was also very thoughtful, and deliberately saying such words made Nangong Meili feel uncomfortable in her heart.

"Senior, what is the colorless wall? What do you mean by protecting the magic glass?" Li Ze asked, pointing to the empty but real wall in front of him.

He stretched out his hand just now, and it was obvious that he touched a cold wall, and he was very surprised. He didn't expect God's Domain to have such a magical thing.

And that coldness is so familiar, I think it should be an extremely powerful Horcrux.

"The colorless wall is the same as your golden hood. It is a Horcrux created by a soulmaker, but its rank is not as high as the golden hood. It is an eighth-grade Horcrux. These horcruxes can imprison people in it, even if the spirit The strong fairy mirror is trapped in it, and it takes a lot of spiritual energy to break through the wall." Skeleton said simply.

Li Ze knew it, and sure enough, this was also a Horcrux.

"This Horcrux is what I obtained in this cave. Together with this Horcrux, I also get the top-ranking spiritual arts and spiritual skills and some other treasures of heaven, material and earth. By virtue of those treasures of heaven, material and earth, and that spiritual skills, I just have the current cultivation base. As for who the owner of these things is, I don't know." Skull said again.

Li Zedao nodded, thinking and knowing that these things were left by the peerless strong man who originally lived in this cave. As for the strange bird, it has any connection with that peerless strong man, maybe he kept it. pet.

"Senior, this mountain is not very high. Didn't anyone find this cave before?" Li Zedao asked with some incomprehension.

This is the edge of Gujiang, but it is also Gujiang. Li Zedao really didn't believe that no one had ever been to this mountain before.

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