The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2209: misunderstanding

In the forest, Shui Feiling, who was watching the surrounding movement while worrying about Li Zedao's safety, heard Li Zedao's voice, and her slightly nervous expression turned into surprise.

Hurrying to move the oar in her hand, moving forward in the single tree less than a few feet, she already saw Li Zedao standing on the shore of the water.

"Sister Shui..." Li Zedao saw Concubine Shui Ling and waved quickly, even more completely relieved.

Fortunately, she is fine.

"Little brother..."

The voice of Concubine Shui Ling stopped abruptly, the color of joy on her face solidified, her face pale as paper.

During the breath, an extremely terrifying and dangerous breath was released from his body.

It's because I saw the terrifying strange bird five or six feet away from Li Zedao.

Shui Fei Ling certainly didn't know that the strange bird brought Li Zedao here, and thought that the strange bird appeared behind Li Zedao quietly and planned to attack him.

Before it was too late to remind Li Zedao, she swept ashore at the fastest speed, and the whip appeared in her hand, slamming towards the strange bird fiercely.

"Uh... Sister Shui..."

Li Zedao stunned, and immediately realized that Shui Feiling had misunderstood something, but it was too late to stop it.

When the strange bird saw that this woman used the whip again to resemble herself without knowing it, she felt humiliated to death.

Ben Bird King, in the face of his friend, kindly came to take you to the cave, but you avenge your grievance?

What bullies the bird even more is that after seeing the bird king for a long time, shouldn’t you have to go far and far after seeing the bird king again? He even dared to take the initiative.

At the moment it made a scalp-numbing ghost cry, and the giant wings were lifted up, slapped fiercely at the whip drawn by Concubine Shui Ling.

While breathing, the terrifying cyclone released by the water concubine and the terrifying heat wave released by the strange bird slammed together.

Only a muffled sound of "Boom!" was heard, and the horrible aura exploded, and for a while, weeds and sands splashed everywhere, no less than a small storm.

After the storm, the strange bird trembled a few times, and several feathers fell to the ground.

Concubine Shui Ling flew out without any accident, his chest was stuffy, and a mouthful of blood came out.

Once again, she is not the opponent of Weird Bird after all.

"Sister Shui..." Li Zedao exclaimed, and hurriedly caught her body.

But there was an urge to cry, how could Sister Shui do it indiscriminately?

But he was a little touched, after all, the reason Shui Feiling did it was because he was worried about his safety.

"Little brother...hurry up, my sister stopped it..." Shui Feiling wanted to break free from Li Zedao's arms, planning to continue dealing with the strange bird.

Staring fiercely at the strange bird, **** it, really think I can't beat you? See if I won't blow you up!

Concubine Shui Ling had a dozen big fools on her body at this time, and she couldn't wait to let this **** bird taste the power of the big fools.

"No, Sister Shui..."

At the same time, the strange bird was even more angry, because it lost a few more feathers.

Too unreasonable! Too bully!

As a result, its huge body swayed, its giant wings spread out, and a terrifying heat wave swept out, blasting towards the water concubine spirit fiercely.

Seeing this, Li Zedao was so scared that his heart almost stopped beating, and quickly moved out the golden cover.


The terrible heat wave blasted fiercely in the golden cover, making a terrible muffled noise.

Although the golden hood completely resisted the terrifying heat wave, Li Zedao's little heart was still trembling. This bird was too cruel, and the shadow python, which ranked seventh among the top ten fierce beasts, seemed to be less cruel than it.

The strange bird seemed to know that he couldn't break this golden circle at all. Right now, he raised his hair and made a few "whoops..." ghost cry and wolf howling. Quan Dang vented his depression, and immediately stared at Concubine Shui with vicious eyes. Ling Jian looked like he wanted to swallow her alive.

"Little brother, you take the opportunity to escape, and my sister entangled it." Concubine Shui Ling bitterly wiped the trace of blood at the corner of her mouth with her sleeve.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Sister Shui, you have misunderstood, it is not an enemy."

Immediately, Li Zedao apologized and looked at the strange bird humbly.

The strange bird hummed a few times, and turned his head proudly, as if I didn't care about you little humans.

Concubine Shui Ling was a little dumbfounded: "Little brother, what's going on?"

"Say while walking."

Li Zedao looked at the snake bird with a smile that seemed so humble, and then removed the golden circle. Of course, he didn't dare to be too careful and was ready to show the golden circle at any time.

After all, who knows if this strange bird will suddenly attack again?

You can't expect how reasonable a strange bird is? If you don't attack, you really don't attack, right?


The impatient ghost crying wolf howled the snake bird a few times, and motioned Li Zedao and Shui Feiling to get on its back quickly so that they could go back quickly.

It's a little hungry and wants to go back to eat barbecue...Why do you want to eat this **** woman so much? No, no, she is his friend, she can't explain to him after eating.

The snake bird's heart is quite tangled.

The taste of human flesh is excellent, but unfortunately, human flesh is not eaten many times.

Right now, Li Zedao and Nangong Meili swept the snake bird's back together, and the snake bird spread its wings and swept forward.

"Little brother, what the **** is going on?" Concubine Shui couldn't wait to speak.

Standing on the back of this strange bird, it really gave her the feeling of dreaming.

She didn't expect to say anything. The little brother just went out for a while and got into a ball with this terrifying bird or reached an agreement.

At least this bird is no longer their enemy.

That being the case, she must be fine, right?

"That's fine." Shui Feiling breathed a sigh of relief.

Nangong Meili was safe and sound, and Shui Concubine was quite happy in her heart.

"I just don't want to see my little brother sad." Shui Feiling helped herself find such a reason.

Li Zedao simply told the story of the matter, and Shui Feiling's eyes were round when he heard the words. He really did not expect that the story of the matter would be like blood!

Nangong Meili's mother turned out to be a former saint...Oh, saint candidate?

What made her extremely surprised was that Nangong Meili's father was not Nangong Lie from the Nangong family, but a Gu person! Even if she is willing, she is very likely to become the saint of Gu Jiang?

At the same time, Shui Feiling also simply explained his own experience.

Li Zedao heard that Shui Feiling was almost swallowed by a large group of flying insects, and his scalp inevitably became numb.

Fortunately, Concubine Shui Ling escaped into the lost forest in time, otherwise, who knows if something terrible will happen?

After the two briefly told each other about their passing, the snake bird's huge body had landed steadily on the entrance of the cave.

The snake bird did not stop and let Li Zedao and Shui Feiling get off its back. Instead, it strode into the cave and came to the fire. The snake’s mouth was wide open and it was not afraid of being scalded. The meat grilled on the fire was bitten in.

Li Zedao's scalp numb, and Shui Feiling swept the snake bird's back.

"It's okay," said the skeleton who was approaching.

"Predecessor." Li Ze said, his heart filled with gratitude.

If it weren't for him to persuade Snake Bird to help, naturally he and Shui Feiling would not be able to come back so quickly, who would even know if they would encounter any danger?

"Senior." Shui Feiling also said, her attitude is not respectful, but it is also rare.

In fact, in terms of age, Skeleton should honestly call Shui Feiling "senior". After all, Shui Feiling looks young, but she is already more than two hundred years old.

Moreover, the power of God's Domain is respected. Both of them are powers of the same level. Naturally, Skeleton cannot bear the claim of Concubine Shui Ling.

Concubine Shui Ling's beautiful eyes fell on Nangong Meili, who was trapped in the colorless wall, and nodded lightly, saying hello.

Nangong Meili nodded in response.

In the next period of time, Li Zedao and Concubine Shui Ling naturally lived in this cave, and only waited for those Gu people to select a new saint before leaving.

Later, Li Zedao also knew the name of Skeleton, his name was Yijiang.

Although Nangong Meili had admitted in her heart that he was her father, she had no idea of ​​changing her surname in the slightest.

Although I haven't felt any temperature in the Nangong family for many years, in any case, Nangong Lie finally provided her mother and daughter with a shelter from the wind and rain, so that she could land safely and grow up.

At this point, she couldn't think she was not from the Nangong family.

Yijiang also communicated with Snake Bird, saying that he will leave here in a few days, and the Snake Bird Guilang howled several times to make it clear.

Li Zedao on the side understood the friendship between this person and bird.

He does not affect it, nor does it affect him.

He is here, it is good, he leaves, it will not miss it.

Of course, he did the same with it.

One day later, the sound of gongs and drums was faintly heard.

"This is the elders informing the important figures in each stockade to gather in the forbidden area of ​​Gujiang on time and prepare to start the selection of a new saint." Yijiang said.

The so-called Gu Territory Forbidden Land, to put it bluntly, is the place where the saint lives.

Without being summoned by the Saintess, other Gu people are not allowed to enter the Holy Land at will, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Most of the other Gu people lived in another eighteen Gu Villages, which were built around the forbidden land, and they were surrounded. Each village has a village owner, who is also the elder of Gujiang.

There are probably three to four hundred people living in each village, so the number of Gu people with pure blood is actually not many, nothing more than seven to eight thousand people. Among them, the highest cultivation level is the highest level of spiritual gods. There is no spiritual fairyland powerhouse.

However, because of being surrounded by the lost forest and adding Gu poison, even those who are strong in the spirit fairyland do not have much courage to step into the Gu realm, or even cannot enter at all.

Li Zedao heard a lot about the real inside of Gujiang from Yijiang, and he really felt that this place was really terrifying, so terrible that he hadn't slept well for these two or three nights.

Another reason why Li Zedao could not sleep well was that he always felt that the situation of Concubine Shui was something wrong.

With the cultivation base of Shui Fei Ling, her complexion is usually ruddy, but now she is a little pale, and her spirit is extremely poor. The frequency of yawning is getting faster and faster, and she even has dark circles under her eyes, and she did not sleep well. Feeling like.

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