The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2210: Bridal chamber

At first, Li Zedao thought that she was injured by the strange bird, and that the injury was not so good. Shui Feiling himself thought so.

But over time, the two became more aware that something was wrong.

If it was caused by the injury, under the healing of his own spiritual energy and healing pills, there is absolutely no possibility of the injury getting worse, but now, the tiredness is obviously getting worse.

Besides, Li Zedao's own medical skills are not bad, but he is also shocked to find out what is wrong with Shui Feiling's body.

"Little brother, do you think the reason why my sister is dying like this? It is half a year, but the time is far shorter than half a year?" Shui Feiling looked at Li Ze and said.

At this moment they sat next to each other at the entrance of the cave, looking at the gray patches in front of them. They sat for most of the day.

When it comes to her own life and death, Shui Feiling has no fear or sorrow, only reluctance to follow.

She was already a **** person, but let her meet Li Zedao, which made her feel more worried.

"You think too much." Li Zedao looked helplessly at Concubine Shui Ling, "Sister Shui, haven't you heard the words about the scourge for a thousand years? How can a fairy like you live for tens of thousands of years?"

"Go away, **** little brother!" Shui Feiling scolded with a smile.

Li Zedao smiled relaxedly, but he felt pain and powerlessness in his heart.

He didn't even detect any injuries to Shui Feiling's body, but her physical function was losing bit by bit, so it is very likely that, as she herself said, her life expectancy will reach the end early. .

This is fate, fate! Destiny is hard to violate, no one can do it.

"Little brother, escaping is a shameful behavior." Shui Feiling said.

"I didn't escape." Li Zedao gently shook his head.

Li Zedao thought of a lyrics.

No matter how talented a person is, it is difficult to resist the unkindness of fate. This can't be simpler, accepting it is another matter.

Li Zedao didn't feel that he had escaped. He just didn't accept it. If she didn't accept Shui Feiling, she was about to come to the end of his life. If she didn't accept her, she disappeared into his life forever.

In the dark and windy nights before, Li Zedao would also stand in front of the window quite literally and look out. He has been thinking about starting from taking Shen Pills and now coming to God Realm, but only two or three In the past two or three years, he seems to have done many, many things, and it seems that most things are related to women...

Li Zedao sighed, this may be his life.

"Little brother, if you don't accept it, you just escape." Shui Feiling stared at Li Zedao with big eyes, obviously knowing what Li Zedao was thinking.

Although the disappearance of the essence and blood made her extremely sluggish, her eyes were still watery and extremely charming.

"I won't let you have anything." Li Zedao smiled bitterly.

Concubine Shui smiled charmingly: "Little brother, although I know that you are just playing tricks, my sister is still very happy when I hear it, and it's almost..."

Shui Feiling's attractive red lips approached, exhaling a few words in Li Zedao's ear.

Rao Li Zedao was extremely depressed, and was instantly irritated by Shui Feiling's words, and his breathing was short.

"I'm not playing tricks." Li Zedao forcedly endured the urge to punish the stunner under his body.

This woman, can't she not irritate herself once? Li Zedao was worried about whether his body was going to go wrong after being stimulated like this.

I thought that in a few days, the little tortoise that didn't know where it went would come back, and then I would know what was wrong with Shui Feiling's body, and there must be a way to control the current bad situation.

"Yes, yes." Shui Feiling embraced Li Zedao's neck with both hands, smiling charmingly.

If there is still half a year, she believes that little brother can find what he said can extend her lifespan, but now, it is obvious that there is not enough time.

She clearly feels that with the end of each breath, the blood on her body will decrease by a few points. At this rate of reduction, her blood will disappear and she will come to the end of life. .

Concubine Shui Ling accepted her death calmly, after all, she should have died long ago.

Just...reluctant, reluctant to let this little kid who broke into her little life suddenly.

He let her know what it means to be stunned and what it means to be fucked.

He also let her know what is shameless and shameless.

Concubine Shui Ling thought about it seriously. Although the little brother didn’t say where he would go to look for something that would extend her lifespan, he still wanted to know that such things must be quite remarkable, so the place must be extremely dangerous, otherwise The dean has long been able to help her extend her life.

Therefore, if he died earlier, the little brother would not have to go to such dangerous places for himself.

So fine.

"Little brother, for the sake of my elder sister's appearance, please do me a favor." Shui Feiling whispered in Li Zedao's ear, her small mouth was still slightly long, and she gently bit Li Zedao's earlobe.

Li Zedao's body trembled, and it became even more angry. He really wanted to cry without tears. How could she be like this, this evildoer? It's really suffocating now.

"What's busy?" Li Zedao forced to endure this kind of huge temptation and said, his voice was unsatisfactory.

"Sister Sister suddenly wants to experience what it's like to be a bride. Could you please be a bridegroom for the little brother?" Shui Feiling's big eyes flickered.

As soon as the voice fell, Shui Feiling's originally pale smile turned blush. It is conceivable that her heart is not as coquettish as she has shown at this time, and there is still a lot of shyness in her heart.

Li Ze dumbfounded. He never expected that Concubine Shui would say such a thing. He was quite dirty at one time thinking that Concubine Shui Ling was on fire and asked him to help extinguish the fire.

Immediately, as if a piece of the heart had been dug out, there was a throbbing pain, and breathing seemed to stop.

He knew very clearly that Shui Fei Ling was prepared to make the fragrance of jade disappear, and she wanted to give herself the best.

Refuse? Li Zedao's heart is not so hard, and he is not a fool.

"Of course, my elder sister will not let you work in vain. After becoming your bride, my elder sister will naturally help you put out the fire." Shui Feiling said with a smile, and her hands were dishonestly messing with Li Zedao.

Li Zedao felt very sad, but he quickly nodded and said: "Let's go, let's find Senior Yijiang and classmate Meili now, and invite them to be witnesses to our marriage."

When I heard that Li Zedao and Shui Concubine wanted to hold a wedding, Nangong Meili's expression turned weird, and she immediately felt sad, and sighed softly in her heart.

She had already learned from Li Zedao that the current situation of Concubine Shui was a little uncomfortable, and she might have died just like this. It was false that she felt uncomfortable.

She doesn't like this woman who is so proud, but she has to admit that this woman is actually very righteous. After she recognizes you, she will be devoted to you and sacrifice her life.

For example, when they witnessed Li Zedao being swallowed by the shadow python and thought he was dead, this woman did not let her go, but was still willing to accompany her to continue to Gujiang.

As for Yijiang, there was no particular reaction.

Although Li Zedao is his prospective son-in-law, in a place like God's Domain, powerful men are surrounded by several women. Those elders in Gujiang, which one is not three wives and four concubines?

Besides, even though he didn't understand medical skills, he could see that the vitality of this woman was gradually disappearing, and she might die soon.

More importantly, his daughter did not object, so he would not say anything.

"Congratulations." Nangong Meili said, looking at Concubine Shui Ling.

Being in a colorless wall, Shui Feiling could not hear what she said, but Shui Feiling naturally understood her mouth shape and expression, knowing that this woman was congratulating her from the heart.

"Do you want to be together?" Shui Feiling said.


Later, under the witness of Yijiang River, Nangong Charm, and Snake Bird, Li Zedao and Shui Fei Ling worshipped the heaven and the earth in the same way. After the worship, Li Zedao hugged Shui Fei Ling and walked into this cave. In a small space.

Here, it will be their bridal chamber.

Concubine Shui Ling looked at Li Zedao with big eyes and watery eyes, her face was peach blossom, and her voice was a lot more shy than before: "Little brother, thanks to Tiandi, sister is now yours. If you want to sleep, sister will sleep. Sister, you want to beat your sister...unless you want to die."

"..." Li Zedao quickly put out the dangerous thought of wanting to slap her ass.

"Your dream of sleeping sister has been realized at this time, is it very excited?" Shui Fei Ling chuckled.

"Excited." Li Zedao nodded seriously, "Not only do I want to sleep with you now, but in the next year, two, three, ten years, or even a hundred years, a thousand and ten thousand years, I want to Sleep with you, I still want you to give me a son, oh, a daughter is even better, I like a daughter."

"..." Concubine Shui Ling was slightly dumbfounded, she never expected that the little brother could say such sturdy words so fearlessly.

Hey, it's really a sin to be weak. If there is no problem with his body and the body is weak, the little brother will definitely not dare to "bully" himself like this.

Immediately, the heart hurt, and he sighed softly: "Little brother, you are too greedy."

"This is not greedy. If I can't sleep with you every day, what do I do with you?" Li Ze said.


Li Zedao's eyes fell on the ceiling, looking at the strangely shaped stalactites above, faintly said: "I am greedy for life and fear of death, and also lustful and shameless. I just talk about many things, even if I want to practice but I don't have it Matching strength..."

"Little brother, don't you need to emphasize this ironclad fact again?" Shui Feiling said.

"..." Li Zedao has an impulse to pump the concubine's ass. They are already married. Can't you give your husband a little face?

"Anyway, no matter what, I will work hard, work hard, work hard. Therefore, I will try my best to let you give birth to a child." Li Zedao said.

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