The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2211: Tortoise and saucer

Li Zedao thought, since he has come to God's Domain, the sequelae of infertility caused by the **** colorful stone should have disappeared, right?

When I was with Nangong Wan'er and Linglong, they actually took contraceptive measures. After all, they had no plans to have children.

Of course, God's Domain does not have such advanced gadgets as condoms, but there are some contraceptive pills, which are highly effective, safe and without side effects.

Shui Feiling's expression was sad, her nose was sour, and she wanted to cry inexplicably. This topic was too heavy, and she was too heavy to breathe.

Why didn't she want to give birth to a fat baby for her little brother? but……

"Little brother, are we talking too much nonsense? Shouldn't something be done at this time? For example, let my sister feel your persistence?" Shui Feiling decided to step into the subject immediately.

What do you want to do? Enjoy it first.

Li Zedao thought it was true. The spring night is worth a thousand dollars. It is a sin to neglect a beautiful woman in this way, and I will talk about it later.

The brain fills in the picture that is about to happen next, but Li Zedao is beginning to get nervous.

"Little brother, what are you waiting for? Don't you hurry up and undress your sister?" Shui Feiling's big eyes flickered, showing shame, a blush on her charming face.

"Sister Shui, you won't kill me with a whip?" Li Zedao swallowed, and said rather uncertainly.

Shui Feiling was very depressed and scolded: "Damn little brother, if you hurry up, sister will kill you now."

Li Zedao was a little aggrieved, and couldn't help but said: "Sister Shui, do you think Senior and that bird can peep..."

Li Zedao's mouth was blocked.

Spring is full.


At the same time, on the magic volcano covered by burning molten lava, a golden figure appeared in the sky, and it was the little tortoise in gold.

At this moment, Little Tortoise's soybean-sized eyes narrowed slightly and stared at the huge molten hole below, with an inexplicable sneer in his eyes.

"Your sister's bitch, you must have never expected that Master Turtle would come to you to settle the account so soon, right?" The little tortoise had a cold smile on his face, and the whole tortoise exuded a terrifying breath that was heart-pounding.

Immediately, its turtle head, turtle tail and turtle paws all retracted into the turtle shell.

Immediately after that, the shell of the tortoise began to fall rapidly, as fast as lightning, and then, like a cannonball, it shot at the huge crater fiercely.


While breathing, the entire turtle shell plunged into the crater fiercely. For a while, molten lava splashed, and then the turtle shell was completely submerged by the lava.

At the moment the golden shell of the tortoise began to sink, and the terrifying molten slurry around it could not hurt the tortoise shell at all.

I don't know how long it has been sinking, but the surrounding area is no longer a terrifying molten slurry, but a space with extremely cold air.

It is hard to imagine that there is a cave in that huge crater.

Surrounded by the polished smooth wall, there are also various strange symbols carved on the wall.

This is like a long-abandoned dungeon, and like the palace of the devil.

However, there is still a round stone platform full of primitive atmosphere in front of it. There is a huge cocoon above the stone platform. The cocoon is wrapped in layers of blue and purple silk threads, and it releases a forceful chill. It even seems weird to look weird.

Right now, the little tortoise stretched its head out of the tortoise shell, floating there gracefully.

It looked at the cocoon ahead, with a cold smile on its face.

"What? You **** knows that you are too ugly, so hide in that cocoon and dare not come out?" The little turtle yawned gracefully.

If it weren't really lazy, it would have thought that a tortoise's paw used to smash this annoying cocoon into pieces.

"I still know that Master Gui is too powerful, so I chose to be a sister!"

The little tortoise is very depressed. He is so wise and handsome, how can he belittle himself so wickedly?

Hmm, I must have been with Xiao Daozi for a long time and got his kind of meanness.

Now if Xiao Daozi was on the sidelines, Little Turtle would definitely want a tortoise paw to slap him to death.

At this moment, I only heard a series of muffled sounds of "Siss...", the cocoon started to split bit by bit, and then the cracks got bigger and bigger.

"Crack!" With a muffled sound, the cocoon split into two halves and scattered to the side. Then a butterfly about the size of a small turtle appeared in front of the small turtle with a weird purple and blue-violet phosphorescent light all over it. Those little eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the little tortoise.

"Unexpectedly, you dare to come to this god." Zi***'s voice turned out to be like the ding-dong of spring water, extremely sweet, but it was full of murderous aura.

The little tortoise was quite disdainful and sneered: "Bitch, what do you think your broken house is? What do you think you are? Do you think you are better than the tortoise? Why do you not dare to come? Up?"

"Since it's here, just stay, it just so happens that the **** hasn't drank tortoise soup for a long time." Zi*** said murderously.

The purple wings flapped a few more times, and in an instant, the space became gloomy again.

"Haha, it's a coincidence, Master Gui hasn't drank butterfly soup for a long time." Little Turtle cast his mouth in disdain.

Immediately, the entire space fell into an inexplicable silence.

While breathing, the purple horns released a more dazzling purple light, and at the same time, the golden light on the little tortoise was also more dazzling.

"Damn tortoise, be it." Zi***'s extremely cold voice broke the weird silence, and his eyes showed a little dignity.

It knows this **** turtle too much, if it weren't sure, it would never dare to come to this place.

"Master Turtle thinks so too!" Little Turtle sneered, but didn't dare to have the slightest carelessness.

This **** is cheap and cheap, and only a small Daozi can be a little bit cheaper than her, but the strength is still quite terrifying.

Immediately, the space fell into an inexplicable silence again.

As time went by, the purple light on the butterfly body became brighter, and at the same time, the golden light on the little turtle became brighter.

Gradually, the dazzling light completely enveloped the purple butterfly and little turtle.

At the same time, the entire space was completely divided into two halves, half filled with golden light, and half with blue-violet light.

These two lights are like two terrifying giants, and they have launched a fierce confrontation, but for a while, no one can do anything.

I don't know how long it has passed, "Ka Ka Ka..." The sound of cracking continued.

But there were cracks in the golden space. At the same time, the blue-purple space was the same, and there were even more cracks in it.

While breathing, only a muffled sound was heard, and the purple space exploded completely and shattered into pieces.

As if the flood broke the dam, the golden light that had already appeared many cracks invaded the past.

For a time, the huge space was shining with golden light, instead of presenting a bizarre picture of half golden and half blue-purple as before.

Gradually, the golden light gradually dissipated, and finally the entire space returned to the original gloom again.

However, on the stone platform, the purple *** fell there, and the blue-violet phosphorescence released from his body was much dim.

As for the little tortoise, it was floating there, staring condescendingly at the purple butterfly, but with a triumphant look. At the same time, the golden light on its body was dimmed.

The little tortoise gasped and said, "Should... **** bitch... bitch, this time you know how powerful the turtle is... awesome, right?"

Little tortoise shook his head, feeling too lonely, feeling so cold, not because the temperature here is too low, but the kind of cold that is extremely cold, looking at the entire God Realm, there is really no opponent, what should I do? I really want to vomit blood, what should I do?

impossible! Never vomit blood in front of this **** butterfly!

A mouth of the tortoise spouted a mouthful of old blood.

The little tortoise is so angry, how can he do such a nasty thing in front of this slut?

Damn little Daozi, it's because of your master tortoise that you are so cheap.

The purple butterfly's eyes showed an unacceptable look. It knew that this **** turtle was very powerful, and this time it was even more prepared, but it never expected it to be so powerful.

It can be said that this showdown completely fell short.

This is undoubtedly quite unusual, after all, at their level, how difficult is it to continue to move forward?

The little tortoise has taken a small step forward. How is this possible? Why can't he even move forward?

"How did you do it?" Zi Butterfly said, her voice full of grief and anger.

It should have been hurt by both sides, and no one can please. Why is the injury he suffered more serious than it?


"Want to know?" Little Turtle smiled like a man, "Master Turtle won't tell you."


The little tortoise was so proud that he didn't say anything, and he was panicked, so he said, "If you want to do it, you can do it."

"With your talent, if you don't have any adventures, it is impossible to go one step further." Zi Butterfly sneered, and she was really envy and hatred in her heart.

"Dead bitch, my sister, can you speak, what's wrong with Master Gui's talent? Except Panlong, who dares to point to Master Gui's nose and say that your talent is not good?"

Little tortoise is so angry, how can this **** **** tell the truth?

Could it be that you have been in this ghost place for a long time and derailed from the outside world, causing both your EQ and IQ to decline. I wonder if the last thing you can't tell this year is the truth...your sister's.

"Others dare not say, because they are afraid of being shot to death, not because of your high talent." Zi Butterfly sneered.

"Your sister's slut, so you are not afraid of being slapped to death by the tortoise's paw?" The little tortoise glared, was despised and couldn't bear it.

"Do you think you have the ability to slap me to death?" Zi Butterfly sneered again, her wings were weak and incited a few times, her body barely left the stone platform, floating there, and continued to confront the little turtle.

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