Tenglar was tall and strong, and the earrings he wore on both ears were so thick and big that almost all of his earlobes were torn apart.

A rather thick silver chain is also worn around the neck, with patterns of various insects carved on the chain.

The middle-aged man is tall and thin, with a firm complexion, holding a long sword in his hand, and his whole person looks like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

"Teng Lamu, you still have the face to come back?" Teng Laer shouted sharply, his face full of hatred for iron and steel.

What's wrong with Gujiang? Why does my younger brother want to go out? As a result, he was often ridiculed by other village owners in Gu Village.

Gu people would not regard the Gu people who left Gu Territory as traitors, but they would regard them as a shame, thinking that they had blasphemed the great Gu God.

I hate houses and blacks, so Gu people will also hate the family who left Gujiang people.

Therefore, Teng Laer felt quite upset about Teng Lamu. If it were not for his own brother, it was his mother who asked him to take good care of his brother before he died, he would have slapped him.

Teng Lamu smiled: "Brother, the outside world is very wide and wonderful. The food outside is delicious, and the women outside are very attractive. If you have the opportunity, you should go for a walk and you will know that I am right. "

"..." Tenglar almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!

How could he say such disrespectful words? Is he not afraid of the great Gu God condemning sin?

"Since the outside is wonderful, what are you doing when you come back? Do you think you are a great teacher to be a teacher at Yingzhou College? You are not worthy to be a Gu person! Get out, get out of here! You will no longer be my younger brother of Tenglar !"

Tenglar shouted angrily, almost kicking the table in front of him.

"Come back to kill." Teng Lamu smiled again.

Seriously, if it weren't for killing people, he wouldn't want to step into this misty place again, full of bugs.

He heard that there is a river outside called the sea. This sea is blue and endless. Even the most powerful birds can fly for a day and night without reaching the end.

So since he was a child, he has a special yearning for the sea.

That's why, after leaving Gu Territory, he went directly to the Litribe in the southernmost part of God's Domain, where he finally saw an endless expanse of ocean, and his knowledge and realm were instantly sublimated.

He felt that those Gu people were stupid, standing still, thinking that Gu Jiang was the best place, really stupid.

It was there that he had his own experience, he was given the opportunity to study at Yingzhou College, and finally became a teacher at Yingzhou College step by step.

Now, after receiving instructions from Yingzhou College or the Baili family, he has killed someone.

Several days passed, and Tenglamu still had a grudge. How could he miss the assassination that was so perfect?

Relying on the storm and thunder, he was able to approach, and after careful disguise, he became a part of the trunk of that big tree.

After that, as if even God wanted Li Zedao to die quickly, he got the best time to do it, and he stabbed it without reservation.

However, the sharp blade in his hand seemed to be blocked by something hard, and there was no way to pierce his chest.

I want to know that he must have some very powerful defensive artifact in his body, otherwise he would not be able to block his sword in such a perfect way.

That young man, not only got the golden pupil pupil, but also succeeded in choosing the master of the bloodline. Now he still has a defensive artifact that he can't even pierce him. This is really jealous.

Another thing that made Teng Lamu even more concerned about was that he saw the corpse of the shadow python floating on the muddy water.

It seems that with the strength of those three people, there is no way to kill the shadow python, right? Unless, relying on some powerful Horcrux.

Teng Lamu was even more interested in Li Zedao. In this way, he would not only have to take away his pupils and his life, he had to figure out what powerful defensive artifact he had.

"What? You still want to kill me?"

Tenglar would be wrong, his eyes widened, his old face was green with anger.

"Even if you want to kill me, Adi won't frown, so why would you want to kill you? I came back this time because I wanted to kill those who broke into Gu Territory." Teng Lamu said.

When Tenglar heard this, the anger that emerged was extinguished a lot.

Although this younger brother disregarded his obstruction and left Gujiang and became a shame to Gujiang, he still respected him as an older brother.

From the time he entered the room, he blamed him for half an hour, but he still kept smiling and didn't feel angry.

Not to mention that he brought back such a delicate piece of silver...

At this time, there was a head-sized silver product on the table. It was cast with silver juice in accordance with the shape of the Silver King Gu. The craftsmanship of the casting is quite high and it can be called a boutique.

According to Teng Lamu's statement, he specially invited skilled craftsmen to help casting.

When Tenglar saw this silver product, he really liked it.

Thanks to this silver product, Teng Lamu was not bombed out for the first time.

"You said that the person you want to kill is a woman?" Tanlar frowned upon hearing this.

Someone actually broke into Gu Territory two days ago, the saint asked him to deal with the intruder, and then Tenglar sent his two subordinates, Tamu and Aruhan, to the edge of the lost forest to find out. A woman.

At present, the woman has been taken down by A Ruhan's Spirit Devouring Gu. Calculated by time, after a few hours, the essence and blood of that woman will be sucked by the Spirit Devouring Gu.

So that woman was trying to avoid her younger brother from chasing and killing her, and fled to Gu Territory in a panic?

"It's two women and a man." Teng Lamu frowned slightly.

Anyone who does not have the blood of a Gu person enters the Gu Territory, will be monitored by the large number of Gu worms, so that the saints and the elders can quickly know that outsiders have broken into the Gu Territory.

But now only one woman was found, which is undoubtedly strange. After all, the three said that they would not separate anything, right?

Could it be that Li Zedao and one of the women died in the lost forest? How can this be? Even the most powerful shadow pythons in the lost forest were killed by them, and other poisonous insects and beasts could not threaten them.


Tenglar suddenly jumped up from the chair, his eyes widened: "There are three people?"

If there were really three people, then he would be negligent.

After all, the saint asked him to deal with the intruder, but now only one person was dealt with, and the other two didn't even see the shadow.

In case the two men make something of a son at the ceremony of appointing the new saint two days later, it will be in trouble.

"There are indeed three people." Teng Lamu said.

Reached into his arms, took out three portraits, and handed them over: "Brother, these three people."

Tenglar reached out and took the three portraits, frowning and glanced at them.

When his eyes fell on the portrait of Nangong Meili, his brows were simply raised. How could he feel that this woman was quite familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

For a while, I can't remember where I saw it.

Immediately, Tenglar remembered the saint again and said that the Silver King Gu felt the essence and blood that made it interested, and the other party was likely to be the next saint.

However, Tamu and Aruhan did not find any choice for the next saint woman, only one intruder.

Wait, the next saint...

Suddenly thinking of something, Tenglar's eyes suddenly rounded, staring at the portrait of Nangong Meili.

After a few breaths, his voice was full of horror, as if he had seen a ghost: "Is... it's her? How is this... possible?"

There was a huge wave in Tenglar's heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Twenty years ago, he was not the village master of Gu Village, the elder of Gujiang. At that time, he was still the most loyal subordinate of the village master.

That year, when the last saint died, she began to select the saints. As a result, the quasi-saint Yangdai was not a virgin for a long time, she was even pregnant. This violated Gu Jiang’s taboo. The great Gu God was ashamed.

In the end, she was thrown on the magic volcano and tortured by burning.

Isn't this woman in the portrait just Yang Dai?

"Brother, who is this woman?" Tenglar looked up at his younger brother, and pointed to the portrait of Mizugong Mili rather calmly.

"Nangong Meili, a strong family from the Chinese tribe."

"The Middle Tribe Nangong Family? How is this possible? Is there such a similar person in the world?" Tenglar frowned and shook his head.

Teng Lamu knew how uncomfortable Teng Laer was at this time, and asked, "Brother, is there any problem with this woman?"

"This woman looks too much like the quasi-saint Yangdai who was thrown on the devil volcano twenty years ago to be burned." Teng Laer said with a calm expression.

This kind of thing is really hard to imagine. After all, he witnessed Yang Dai being thrown into the pig cage, and then dragged by the goshawk on the magic volcano. In that case, how could she still survive?

Teng Lamu frowned: "Yangdai? Nangong Meili's mother's name is indeed Yangdai. This time she came to Gujiang to find the Gu God to unlock the curse on her mother..."

"What? What you said is true?" Tenglar exclaimed.

Teng Lamu nodded affirmatively.

Regarding the purpose of Li Zedao's trip, the Baili family has made a clear investigation, and has already begun to take action against the Baili family.

Of course, the Baili family will not send any masters directly to the Baili family.

You can't have that kind of strength, but you can't.

Once this is done, the reputation of the Baili family is really going to be completely stinking, and the Academy will not watch the Baili family attack the Nangong family, which will inevitably lead to even greater conflicts.

Tenglar had an incredible expression on his face.

So, Yang Dai not only escaped from the Devil Volcano, but also escaped from Gu Territory, and even gave birth to the baby in her belly?

So, what Silver King Gu felt was actually Yang Dai's daughter Nangong Meili?

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