The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2216: Worm Ball

Teng Lamu understood why that Yang Dai would be cursed in her body, that is, the poison of the Silver King Gu, she never expected that she would still be a saint.

Then the brows frowned, and the selection of the new saint was just around the corner. If Nangong Meili were lucky enough to become the new saint, it would be really hard to kill her.

Although this possibility is very small, after all, those Gu people would not agree.

But if Silver King Gu really likes her essence and blood, and there are no suitable candidates for the time being, then those Gu people will not disobey Silver King Gu's meaning.

This shows that Gu People is not the largest in Gujiang at all.

The biggest one is the high-ranking Gu God, the second is the Silver King Gu, and then the saint woman, the elders have other powerful Gu worms that are not alive.

Teng Lamu's eyes narrowed, it seems that he can only start first, but where can she hide?

Gu Territory is not large, and because it is not full of various Gu worms, there are really few places to hide.

Teng Lamu thought for a while, it seemed that only Gu Shenshan that Gu people regarded as the gods and dared not approach it was more suitable for hiding, right? So, they are on that Gu Shenshan right now?

Teng Lamu hesitated, whether to go to the Gu Shenshan to find out.

The reason for hesitation was not because he thought he was a Gu person, so he did not dare to approach the Gu Shenshan Mountain, lest he blasphemed the Gu Shenshan Mountain.

He has never considered himself as a Gu,

It was because he knew that the mountain was quite weird, just like the lost forest, it was easy to completely lose your way.

The reason why Teng Lamu was able to pass the Lost Forest smoothly was because of the pure Gu human blood flowing on his body, so even if he used flying birds such as goshawks to pass through the Lost Forest, the millipede mosquitoes would not attack the blue. eagle.

"Go and call Tamu and Aruhan." At this moment, Tenglar shouted at the servant on the side.

Not only did Yang Dai not die, but even the fetus in her belly was already so big, she was hitting Gu Jiang in the face, she was disrespectful to the Gu God, it was...too unimaginable.

Therefore, Tenglar decided to arrest Nangong Meili first, then summoned the other elders, and sent Nangong Meili to the forbidden place to be handled by the saint, and figured out what happened that year.

Soon, the dark and skinny Tamu and the fat and ugly Aruhan walked in quickly.

A flower bloomed on Aruhan's face and smiled at Teng Laer, "Elder Teng La, are you looking for me?"

Then he glanced at Teng Lamu who was standing there with a slightly surprised look, wondering who this man is, the other people in Gu Village? Why have you never seen it before?

It's no wonder that Teng Lamu left Gu Territory more than 30 years ago, and didn't come back until today, and his appearance has changed dramatically.

Even Teng Laer almost couldn't recognize this younger brother, only heard that he entered Yingzhou College, and later became a teacher at Yingzhou College, let alone A Ruhan, he didn't know who he was. .

However, even if he left Gu Territory a long time ago, Tenglamu naturally possessed the blood of Gu people, and his skills were there, so he was naturally not attacked by Gu worms, and entered the Gu Village very easily, instead of being regarded as being. Intruder.

"Two days ago, you and Tamu only found one intruder?" Tanlar's voice was a little harsh.

"Yes, Elder Tengla, there is only one intruder." A Ruhan nodded quickly and said, but his heart was awkward. Are there other intruders?

Then he said: "After I dropped the Spirit Devouring Gu on the woman, Tamu and I patrolled the surrounding area again, but were still uneasy, so we let Tamu patrol again, and found no other intrusions. By."

"Elder Tengla, that's the case."

Seeing Tenglar's gaze on him, the corner of Tamu's mouth twitched, and he quickly nodded with a smile.

I was so depressed, I wanted to slap A Ruhan to death.

This woman is really disgusting, the typical bug that she picks up her pants and doesn't recognize people when she is finished.

She was worried that something went wrong and was punished by Elder Tenglar, so she simply pulled herself into the water, and even gave him a backing.

Who is who has a face... It is disgusting to say that elder brother, you are so awesome, you are so handsome, you are so long-lasting, and they are so cool. They must love you for a lifetime, protect you for a lifetime and love you again for a lifetime... What? No energy...

Thinking of the tragic situation of being kicked out of bed by A Ruhan before, Tamu's heart was so dark that he didn't see any sunlight.

Tamu expressed considerable sadness, saying that the most fake in the world is the broken mouth of a woman.

"Which woman are you seeing?" Tanlar handed the two portraits to Tamu and Aruhan.

Tamu's eyes released a bright light, and the little heart trembled a few times. The two women looked so good, they really wanted to take these two portraits and hang them on the bed.

Of course, just think about this kind of thing. Once he dared to do it, the ugly woman A Ruhan dared to castrate him.

Tamu raised his brows, hey, how did you feel that this woman looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

A Ruhan pointed to the portrait of Concubine Shui Ling: "Elder Tengla, we found this woman."

I glanced at another portrait, and felt that the woman in the portrait was a bit familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Tenglar said angrily: "Two bastards, there are three intruders, not just one!"

Tamu and Aruhan shrank their heads, and they trembled a few times.

There are three interlopers? This is troublesome, they will definitely be severely punished by Elder Tenglar.

But they can't be blamed on them, only one intruder was found.

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't you hurry out and get out of the elder immediately, and bring more people to bring all these three people back to the elder? If you can't catch anyone, you can feed all your flesh and blood yourself. Apologize to the great Gu God!"

Pointing to the guide Gong Meili: "Especially this woman, please bring me back!"

After speaking, he smashed the three portraits in his hand on A Ruhan's head, and the three portraits fell to the ground.

"Yes, Elder Tengla, calm down your anger, and I'll take people over to arrest people." A Ruhan was shocked, quickly picked up the portrait on the ground, followed the Tamu and rolled out to arrest people.


Li Zedao rushed forward for less than a few feet, and his body stopped abruptly, his pupils were round, and he sucked in cold breath.

I just feel that my little heart is shaking extremely, and I feel that my scalp is about to explode.

But suddenly a large group of flying insects appeared in the surrounding area, and they buzzed overwhelmingly and rushed towards him.

At the same time, many insects appeared densely on the ground, and they surrounded him in all directions.

If a person with intensive phobia sees such a picture, they are designated to be stunned.

Li Zedao really understands why Yi Jiang said that he underestimated Gu Village. There are so many insects guarding here. Perhaps only the strong with the spiritual mirror cultivation base can get rid of these insects and arrive at that Gu Village, right?

Li Zedao knows very clearly that it is impossible to kill all these insects. If someone accidentally gets bitten, it will be really fucking, so he quickly showed the golden cover.

In an instant, the golden mask wrapped him and the Shui Fei Ling who had fallen asleep in them.

Immediately, Li Zedao felt that his eyes were so dark that he almost had to close his eyes, and he didn't have much courage to look around.

Not because of fear, but because it was disgusting.

insect! Insects are densely populated where you can see!

These insects seemed to be attracted by the golden light of the golden cover, and it seemed that they knew that the golden cover had delicious food, and they came over one by one.

One after another, then layer after layer, and soon the entire golden cover was wrapped tightly, without any sunlight.

From a distance, this is a "worm ball" superimposed by various insects.

Therefore, Li Zedao's eyes are all Gu worms, densely packed Gu worms.

In other words, he is now surrounded by a large group of Gu worms, and it can even be said to be immobile.

Because there are too many insects, the power of one insect is of course not a big deal, but how about tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands?

Therefore, Li Zedao has no way to control the forward movement of the golden cover.

Li Zedao's scalp was numb, and he only felt that his mouth was so dry, that he could hardly cry without tears.

Gritting his teeth slightly, took out a big idiot, and threw it out!

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, the big idiot exploded, and thick smoke rose.

Many insects were killed directly or poisoned, crashing to the ground, like the next insect rain.

However, the number of insects was too much, and as these insects died, more insects immediately rushed over and continued to wrap the entire golden cover.

"How to do?"

Li Zedao hugged Concubine Shui Ling in his arms, and didn't know what to do for a while.

As this continues, the aura in the body will be exhausted, and these insects will pounce on himself and Concubine Shui Ling, and will madly **** their flesh and blood... Li Zedao felt that kind of scene, and almost peeed his pants.

Keep throwing big idiots. This method is good. The key is that the number of big idiots is not much. If they are gone, then they are really gone. So if you don't have a last resort, you can't waste the big idiots.

"Master Gui, where are you? I miss you!" Li Zedao let out a heartbreaking cry.

Not far away, the little tortoise, who moved gracefully and watched the excitement, heard Li Zedao's voice, and his body paused. Li Zedao's "affectionateness" was really disgusting.

"He's so rubbish." The purple butterfly on the side is very contemptuous, isn't it just hundreds of thousands of insects? As for being scared like that?

But what happened to the explosion and the poisonous smoke? Rao Zi Butterfly thinks he is well-informed and doesn't understand what it is.

"Your sister's bitch, Xiaodaozi **** is also predicted by Panlong, Guan Guishishi?" Little Turtle said angrily, really wishing that a tortoise paw slapped Li Ze to death.

Call your sister!

Would you die if you didn't rely on the turtle?

Little tortoise thought about it seriously, one time he would really die if he didn't rely on it, so he was even more depressed.

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