The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2226: Guo God Adult

Shui Feiling swallowed hard, and looked at Li Ze with an incredulous expression.

So, the little brother didn't know when he used some kind of conspiracy or trickery or sweet words to instigate the snake bird? No wonder he is so determined.

Li Zedao also looked unbelievable, and shook his head stiffly, saying that he didn't know what was going on.

Concubine Shui Ling was taken aback, so it was not the little brother who instigated the snake bird? Who is that?

The only thing Li Zedao could think of was the little tortoise or the mysterious purple butterfly, what did they do in secret, otherwise there would be no way to explain what was happening before him.

And at this moment, the snake bird appeared in front of Tenglar, who was completely in a state of confusion and had not yet reacted. Then, with its huge wings, a terrifying heat wave burst out, crazy Roll towards Tenglar.

With Tenglar's cultivation base, he couldn't stop the snake bird's blow, let alone he hadn't reacted at this moment, and was still in a silly state, so he was hit by this terrifying heat wave all at once. A positive.


He flew upside down, vomiting several mouthfuls of blood, and then fell heavily into the muddy water.

This time, Snake Bird did not rescue Tenglar from the water, but allowed him to sink into the water without seeing him.

Immediately afterwards, the snake bird's mouth was wide open, but it was a scalp-numbing ghost cry. When the Gu worms hovering there heard this sound, they were all frightened, and they fled in a hurry without a trace.

"Why... why?"

Yijiang spoke with difficulty, blood permeating the corner of his mouth again.

His afterglow, who looked so puzzled and so terrified, fell **** the snake bird not far away, and couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment.

He doesn't understand why this is.

So he hoped that Snake Bird could give him an answer, a reasonable answer, otherwise he would die.

Snake Bird's eyes showed fierce bursts and glanced at Yijiang, then turned his head away without paying attention.

But looking at Li Zedao, the original ferocious eyes turned respectful. Then, its bird legs turned to Li Zedao and knelt down, and the snake's head was lowered to the ground, just like when such a servant saw his master. Kind of humble appearance.

Yijiang's eyes rounded suddenly, and his brain buzzed.

Li Zedao and Shui Feiling were stupid again, and a huge wave tens of thousands of times stronger than before was set off in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what their eyes were seeing.

"It...what is this doing? Bow down to you, little brother?" Shui Feiling swallowed hardly. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't dare to imagine this being true.

"I...I don't know either." Li Ze took a deep breath, only to feel that the scene that was happening before his eyes looked so frightening.

"Dear guest, welcome to the sacred Gujiang."

At this moment, the snake bird actually spoke, and the voice was still sharp and unpleasant, but it was full of respect.

Li Zedao, Shui Feiling and Yijiang were dumbfounded again. Tebi was Yijiang. He didn't expect anything, this bird that had lived with him for more than twenty years could even speak.

"You, you... can talk?" Li Zedao said with difficulty.

"It was only half an hour ago," said Snake Bird, with an inexplicable gloom in his eyes.

"..." Li Zedao thought this bird was quite humorous.

"Aren't you a good friend with him? Why?" Li Ze pointed to Yijiang.

"I only obey Master Gu's orders, Master Gu asked me to protect you, a distinguished guest." Snake Bird said.

"Gu...sir Gu God?"

Li Zedao felt that his heart was hurting. Each of these words was more explosive, one more unacceptable, and one more unimaginable. This made his little heart completely unbearable.

Shui Feiling's expression was so stiff that she didn't even feel it. She thought she already knew the little brother very well, but now, she felt that the little brother was quite strange.

Who is he, little brother? Why does the Gu God, who has disappeared for thousands of years, have something to do with him? Did you send this strange bird to be your little brother's bodyguard?

Yijiang has become a fool, and even forgot to throw up blood.

If this is true, wouldn't he have done something rather stupid? Didn't he chop off the thickest thigh but tried to hug a thin chopstick?

"Have you... met Gu God? When?" Li Zedao tried very hard to squeeze out these words.

"I am a pet raised by Master Gu. My name is Xiaomeng. Dear guests, you can call me Xiaomeng."

"..." Li Zedao really didn't have the courage to call out this name.

"Then, where is Lord Gu now?" Li Ze said dryly, his voice changed.

He didn't even remember when he "encountered" that Gu god. Besides, if he knew the words of a Gu god, how could he be so embarrassed by the bug ball before?

How could the water concubine be so helpless when she was in the Gu Spirit?

and many more……

There was a flash of lightning in Li Zedao's mind, and suddenly remembered that when he was trapped into a bug ball, the purple butterfly had inflamed its wings a few times, and the gu worms flew around in fright.

Afterwards, the little turtle said that there was a purple butterfly, and no gu worm within a mile would dare to step into...

Li Zedao's eyes were round, and he couldn't believe it was true.

So, that purple butterfly is...Gu god?

"Dear guest, I don't know where the Lord Gu is at this time." Snake Bird lowered his head and said, both his eyes and his tone were so humble, one could imagine the weight of Gu God in his heart.

"Then... Lord Gu is a purple butterfly?" Li Ze said with difficulty.

"Yes." The snake bird said respectfully.

Sure enough!

Li Zedao really couldn't find any words to describe his feelings at this moment, and he wanted to scold the little tortoise severely. Your sister's relationship with the Gu God is quite close to you. You said it earlier.

But she also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, so Nangong Meili would naturally not be forced to become the saint of Gujiang, and her future mother-in-law would also not need to endure the pain caused by the curse.

"Did Master Gu tell you anything?" Li Zedao asked after calming his mind.

"Master Gu only told Xiaomeng to ensure your safety. Other than that, there is no more order, but any instructions it has will be conveyed to Xiaomeng." Snake Bird said.

Li Zedao nodded, his eyes fell on Yi Jiang, and asked with some worry: "He won't die, right?"

"No, I just smashed his dantian and abolished his cultivation base, and it won't kill his life." Snake Bird said.

"That's good." Li Zedao said. If Yijiang died like this, there is really no way to explain to Nangong Meili.

As for becoming a waste person... Li Zedao knows that such a person doesn't care if he has become a waste person, he only cares about his own life.

Staying alive is more important than anything else.

"Who are you... on earth?" Yi Jiang said weakly, unable to accept the facts before him.

He couldn't believe what was happening before him, he had ten thousand reasons to suspect that he was dreaming.

Snake birds are Gu God's pets... Although this is unbelievable, it is still acceptable.

But this kid actually knew Gu God, and the relationship seemed to be quite good, how could this be possible?

The big eyes of Concubine Shui also fell on Li Zedao, and what Yi Jiang asked was exactly what she wanted to ask.

She wanted to grab Li Zedao by the collar and asked him how many secrets I didn't know about you?

She thought she knew enough about Li Zedao, her background, and her personality, but the energy displayed by Li Zedao refreshed her perception of him time and time again.

I am afraid that even the real longevity person does not have such a great face to let the Gu God, who had disappeared thousands of years ago and appeared so mysterious, to shoot his pet as a bodyguard?

But the little brother is fine! The Gu God actually let his pet come over to be the little brother's bodyguard to ensure the safety of the little brother. What is this concept?

This shows that he has a very close relationship with Gu God, and Gu God cares about him!

Li Zedao didn't answer Yi Jiang's question, but looked at the Shui Concubine with such a stiff expression.

"Damn little brother." Concubine Shui Ling's voice was filled with resentment.

Li Zedao couldn't help swallowing, the Shui Concubine with such an expression was really too enchanting, it was simply seduce people to commit crimes.

"I will explain to you clearly when I look back." Li Zedao said.


"This... is not the time yet." Li Zedao smiled bitterly.

"Damn little brother." Concubine Shui's spirit teeth tickled, wishing to smoke Li Ze. The relationship is so close, what else can you hide from me?

"What is the time?"

"When I am strong enough, I have the ability to protect you."

Concubine Shui Ling's eyes softened all of a sudden, and she said, "The elder sister wants to know now, is there a woman waiting for you to go back somewhere?"

"this is."


"There are more than a dozen." Li Zedao bite the bullet and said.

Shui Feiling's already wide-eyed eyes widened. She thought it would be one or two at most, but she didn't expect that there would be a dozen... Damn little brother, how could he be such a beast? Isn't he afraid of being killed by thunder?

"Sharing" a man with Linglong and the others has already made Shui Feiling quite aggrieved and feel that she has been seriously insulted.

Now there are a dozen more women coming out...

Concubine Shui wanted to cry without tears, and her heart was gloomy, thinking that the little brother was a big liar!

He stared at Li Zedao fiercely, really wishing to beat him up.

Li Zedao said quite aggrieved: "This is handsome, excellent, and lasting. There is no way."

"Get out!" Concubine Shui is so angry, can this **** be shameless?

Li Zedao immediately let Shui Concubine know that he could indeed be shameless.

He hugged Concubine Shui Ling in his arms, and then blocked her mouth. This is the best way to shut up a woman.

Concubine Shui Ling's eyes widened, and then her angry eyes were gradually replaced by watery eyes.

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