The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2227: I am Gu God

"Dear guest, Master Gu is calling Xiao Xiao, let Xiao Xiao take you to find it in half an hour." At this moment, Snake Bird said respectfully.

"Where is Lord Gu at this time?" Li Zedao had to let go of the mouth of Concubine Shui Ling and looked back at the snake bird.

"Damn little brother!" Concubine Shui Ling looked at Li Ze with Sheng Shui, and the depression in her heart had long been replaced by sweet love.

She convinced herself once again, as long as she can be by his side, what does it matter if there are more women beside him?

"Gu Territory Forbidden Land." Snake Bird said.

Li Zedao nodded, looked at Yijiang on the ground and sighed slightly: "Send him to the cave first."



This is the place where the saints of the past lived, and it can also be said to be the power center of Gujiang.

The forbidden area is composed of two parts. The back is the rows of buildings, and the front is a huge stone platform. This stone platform is the holy altar and is used for the ceremony.

Directly in front of the altar is a stone stele that looks very dated. The stele is impressively carved with a cocoon pattern.

At this time, the old saints took the elders and many Gu people onto the stage, bowed down in front of the stone monument, each look pious, their index fingers painted strange patterns on their chests, and they were muttering words. They looked so solemn and solemn.

"Master Gu, Master Almighty Gu, Master Divine Gu, you are the true God who created everything in Gu Territory, thank you and praise you, because of your great power and love, we can find the best of the saints. Beautiful candidates..."

At the same time, in one of the buildings, Nangong Meili was sitting on a wicker chair. Her eyes could already see and her mouth could speak, but her body was still unable to move.

At this moment, she looked forward blankly, but her eyes didn't have the slightest focus, like a statue.

To describe Nangong Meili at this time with words like Great Compassion and Silent, she couldn't even cry anymore when it was suitable.

She knew very well that even if he hadn't died now, he was not far from death.

They will not let him go! He will not let him leave alive!

He killed him, is it different from killing him herself? No!

Nangong Meili felt that her heart was riddled with holes again with fine needles, making her breathing stop.

At this moment, a butterfly that released such a mysterious blue and purple light seemed to appear out of thin air, moving gracefully in front of Nangong Meili.

Nangong Meili's eyes still looked ahead without focus, as if she didn't know that there was already a butterfly in front of her.

At this moment, her heart was on the verge of death, and only he could make her heart come back again.

"Don't worry, that kid doesn't have a single strand of hair." Zi Butterfly said, and the sound, like a natural sound, passed into Nangong Meili's ears.

Sure enough, Nangong Meili's heart twitched directly, and the eyes that had no focal length suddenly showed a strange color.

She stared at the purple butterfly that suddenly appeared in front of her: "What...what did you say?"

"I don't like to repeat what the **** said." Zi Butterfly said, "that kid has not a single strand of hair..."

Well, this purple butterfly, like the little tortoise, always likes to say this kind of slap in the face.

"How do you know?" The colors in Nangong Meili's eyes were more intense, and her heartbeat was faster.

"Looking at the entire Divine Realm, there are very few people who can hurt the original God to protect." Purple Butterfly said proudly. I thought that the **** stinky tortoise would not work either!

Nangong Meili was silent, doubting in her heart.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Zi Butterfly was really dissatisfied with Nangong Meili's response that seemed so cold.


"..." Purple Butterfly was even more depressed, almost vomiting a mouthful of old blood. How could this woman say such things?

As a result, Purple Butterfly decided to reveal his identity. It glanced at Nangong Meili with a cold look, and said proudly: "If this **** tells you, this **** is the sacred and almighty Gu God in the heart of Gu people. Do you believe what the **** said?"

Nangong Meili's eyes rounded all at once, her breathing stopped, she couldn't believe what her ears were hearing.

It said it was... Gu God? Would such a lie be too absurd?

Nangong Meili would persuade herself to believe that this was a beautiful Gu worm, but she didn't believe that this was the God of Ten Thousand Gu, after all, it didn't look like it at all, and it didn't even look like a Gu worm.

As a result, Nangong Meili not only expressed suspicion in his heart, but also involuntarily showed suspicion in her eyes. Looking at Zi Butterfly's eyes was like looking at a liar.

Zi Butterfly felt that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were beginning to hurt, and she could not wait for her wings to incite this unreasonable woman to death.

How could she not believe it? Does this **** really look like a liar?

"This **** is really a Gu god." Purple Butterfly said very depressed.

"Oh, you said yes." Nangong Meili said. Whatever, it doesn't matter to me anyway.

The color in the eyes began to fade, and the frequency of the heartbeat began to slow down.

"Origin..." Purple Butterfly's eyes were blank, and she only felt that her heart was extremely gloomy and she saw no sunlight.

The butterfly looked like it was seriously injured, and was about to fall to the ground at any time.

Zi Butterfly thought that as soon as it revealed its identity, this woman was bound to be so shocked that she couldn't even speak her words. Who knew she was treated as a liar, she was really humiliating!

"Forget it, when the kid arrives, you will know how ignorant you are." Zi Butterfly, a copy of the gods, disdain to care about you.

Nangong Meili's expression froze, and her heartbeat speeded up again. Didn't this butterfly lie? Is it really a Gu God?

"You are really Gu God?" Nangong Meili asked.

Purple Butterfly was so angry that she felt that this girl was almost annoying more than the **** turtle.

"Don't talk to the original god, the original **** is obsessed with cleanliness." Purple Butterfly said coldly.

"Yijiang is okay?" Nangong Meili's eyes darkened, and she ignored the words of Zi Butterfly.

After a short contact, she knew that this purple butterfly was a bit cheap.

I already believed that this butterfly was the mysterious Gu God Lord.

Because it can talk, and a butterfly can talk, which means its cultivation is quite terrifying.

Moreover, this is the forbidden area of ​​Gu Territory, and it can only be Gu God who can enter and leave here without causing any commotion, not to mention that it is so clear about Li Zedao.

Just that Li Zedao is okay means that something has happened to Yijiang.

For him, Nangong Meili was extremely disappointed. If she was someone else, she would definitely include him in the list of people to kill, but after all, it was her father. She could not kill him, nor could she accept him. death.

"The **** just let Xiaomeng smash his dantian and abolish his cultivation." Zi Butterfly glanced at Nangong Meili and said, continuing to slap her own face.

Nangong Meili secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and her life would be fine. As for the abolition of her cultivation base, it was his retribution.


Just when the old saint took the elders and a group of Gu people to kneel and praise the great Gu God Lord, she heard a series of ghosts crying and howling wolves from above.


Everyone looked up, but saw that the snake bird that had been peacefully with Gu people for thousands of years, but had never been close to which Gu village attacked which Gu people, was hovering above, and after a few breaths, it landed steadily.

Just as everyone looked surprised and didn't know what the strange bird wanted to do, they saw two figures swept down from its back. It was the two people who broke into Gu Territory!

As a result, these Gu people, headed by the old saint, were dumbfounded, and couldn't believe what their eyes saw.

Haven't these two been trapped in that colorless wall by Yijiang? Even if you don't die now, I'm afraid you are not far from death, right?

Why are they brought here by the snake bird?

More importantly, Yijiang also said that the snake bird is his good partner, so Yijiang is actually a double agent?

"Isn't he afraid of death?" The old saint was angry.

You must know that this altar is the most sacred place in Gu Jiang. Even if she is a saint, she can't climb this stone platform at will, but now there are foreigners who step on this altar. This is simply blasphemy. Lord Gu God.

"These two people, **** it!" The old saint's eyes looked at Li Zedao, extremely cold.

The snake bird's triangular eyes narrowed slightly, and it suddenly inflamed the giant wings, and instantly rolled up a terrifying red heat wave, and the heat wave swept forward.

While breathing, the heat wave seemed to be blocked by an invisible and colorless wall, and there was no way to move forward half an inch anymore.

Take a closer look and you will find that the heat wave was not blocked by an invisible and colorless wall at all, but by a tiny bug.

It is more accurate to say that the horrible heat wave released by the snake bird contained the behavior of this little bug and forced its current!

This is Silver King Gu!

Li Zedao and Shui Feiling naturally saw the tiny bug, and both of them were shocked.

If it weren't for the snake bird's timely response, they really didn't know for a while that this terrible Gu worm had quietly killed it, and now, it was so easy to block the snake bird's terrifying blow.

Except for Gu God, the most powerful Gu worm, Gu Jiang's strongest combat effectiveness, the strength is really not covered, even the snake bird is slightly inferior.

No wonder Yijiang would say that in this Gujiang Snake Bird, except for the Silver King Gu, it doesn't care about other Gu worms.

Immediately, I don't know what Silver King Gu did... Mainly, its size is too small, and its movements are too fast, so it is really difficult for you to catch its every move.

In short, the terrifying red heat wave was suddenly broken up by it, and then the snake bird's huge body took a step back, and a few feathers dropped from its body.

The snake bird was so angry that it made a whining sound, and wanted to fight this **** Silver King Gu, don't think the bird was really afraid of you.

Li Zedao saw that the snake bird couldn't stop the gu worm, his little heart trembled violently, and he wanted to show the golden cover when his thoughts moved.

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