The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2229: Four big families

Three days later, early in the morning, the East Gate of Canghai City of the Chinese Tribe.

The Snake Bird’s goal was too big, so he didn’t follow into the city. Instead, he perched on a huge tree outside the city, waiting for Li Zedao and Shui Feiling to take the saint Nangong Meili’s mother, Yangdai, out of the city. It will bring it back to Gujiang safely to untie the curse.

Before entering the city, in order to avoid any disciple who does not have long eyes and sees his face of the country and the city, he does not know how to come to die, Shui Feiling chose to cover his eyes with a scarf, only showing a pair of eyes.

As for Li Zedao, he was covered with a black cloth and only showed his eyes.

The reason is the same as that of Concubine Shui Ling, in case any **** girl sees him as handsome, she is afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

Concubine Shui Ling nodded deeply, thinking that the little brother was right.

Even such a picky woman like herself can't escape the little brother's beauty, and other women are no exception.

In God’s Domain, this kind of dress with head and tail is not uncommon. Most people don’t want to show their true colors, so let alone cover their faces with a black cloth, even if they wear masks, they are not at all obtrusive. It's normal though.

After that, the two wandered into the city.

Canghai City is indeed the largest and most prosperous city in the Central Tribe, and the streets are several times wider than other cities.

The streets are full of people coming and going, and there is no such common scene of fighting and killing, it looks extremely peaceful.

"It really deserves to be one of the most prosperous cities to live in." Li Zedao said with emotion.

Concubine Shui Ling sneered, this kind of prosperity and harmony is nothing more than a false expression. I don't know how many dirty transactions and oppression fraud exist here.

"It is said that Canghai City has a population of tens of millions, and there are as many as 999 large and small forces in the city, among which the most powerful forces are naturally the four." Shui Fei Ling said with a smile.

It's just that neither the tone nor the expression pays much attention to the so-called four doors.

Li Zedao nodded. The so-called four families are the Dongfang family, the Ximen family, the Nangong family and the Beitang family. These four great families were entrenched in the four gates of Canghai City and divided the entire Canghai City into four parts.

The remaining forces either depended on these four big families or lingered and did not dare to see the light, so they only dared to do small business in the dead of night.

Moreover, unlike other places, this Canghai City also has the so-called city lord.

This so-called city lord was proposed by the four big families a long time ago. Every five years, the four big families will have a contest, and the party who wins will become the city lord of the sea in the next five years.

This is actually a false job, because even if you become the lord of Canghai City, you can't order the other three forces to do anything. There is no difference whether the two sides continue to fight openly or secretly.

But for these four big families, this is an extremely long-faced thing. After all, it is claimed that XX of my Nangong family is the city lord of Canghai City. It makes people feel that this Nangong family is the biggest force in Canghai City. .

It is for the sake of this fame that these four big families have to fight to the death every five years.

Nowadays, the lord of Canghai City is the patriarch of the Nangong family, that is, Nangong Meili's father, Nangong Lie.

It's just that it's now the fifth year, in other words, the next city lord's position is probably not him.

"Great hidden in the city, so this bustling city probably hides great people." Li Zedao said in a low voice.

"Little brother, are you talking about my sister or yourself?" Shui Fei Ling pursed her lips.

Li Zedao could not laugh or cry.

"Little brother, look." Shui Fei Ling's finger suddenly pointed to a notice posted on the wall in front.

Li Ze stared at it.

The content of the announcement is not long. In short, it is to inform you that tomorrow is the day when the four major families re-select the city lord of Canghai City. The location is in the martial arts field in the center of the city. Remember to go and watch it.

"Even if the Baili family doesn't take action against the Nangong family, the Baili Poisonous Wolf will definitely retaliate against the Nangong family in secret, but during this period of time, nothing happened to the Baili family," said Shui Feiling.

"Sister Shui means that in tomorrow's duel, the Baili family may be yin? Even afterwards, they will be suppressed by the other three families? Or even destroy the door?" Li Zedao frowned, healed The author thinks this possibility is extremely great.

How he said he was also the son-in-law of the Nangong family, he couldn't see this happen.

"Anyway, sister, if I were the Baili poison wolf, I would naturally tell the other three families to deal with the Baili family." Shui Feiling smiled, "not to mention, these four powers must all want to swallow each other, but they are just restraining each other. But they don’t trust each other, so they are in a state of absolute balance. Now that there are poisonous wolves in secret, this balance will surely be broken soon."

Li Zedao nodded, having to think that Shui Feiling's analysis was correct.

If the other three families really joined forces, then the Baili family would have no other way except to be destroyed.

"The reason she asked you to run to Canghai City again and asked you to pick up her mother is just one of the reasons. Her other purpose is to let you help the Nangong family survive this crisis." Pitched his lips and said.

I was very upset, and I didn't want my little brother and asked my little brother to help her. Who? Are you really a goddess?

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and said, "Let's go, find an inn to rest first."

"Don't go directly to the Nangong family?" Concubine Shui Ling was taken aback.

"Go back later." Li Zedao said, somewhat embarrassed. Because he was not the Li Zedao at all, he didn't know the specific location of the Nangong family mansion, and he didn't know what the people of the Nangong family looked like, so he had to collect some information before going.

Of course, it is inconvenient for Shui Concubine to know about the fact that he is not familiar with the Nangong family.

Some things are currently unclear.

Just like Concubine Shui Ling asked when she encountered the Gu God, Li Zedao could only respond casually and said that Lord Gu was actually the senior who gave me the Golden Cover, but I didn't know it was a Gu God.

As for why it treats me like this...what can I do if I am handsome?

Concubine Shui Ling let him go, but he didn't doubt what Li Zedao said. He just wondered why this Gu God Lord should value Li Zedao so much. It can't be because he is handsome, right?

"Little brother, do you want to prepare a generous gift first? That's right, you want to see the future old man, you can't be rude. More importantly, sister should not show up, if you let the Nangong family know your future The son-in-law brought other women to visit. Horror wants to get rid of you, right?" Shui Fei Ling chuckled.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, but he also agreed with Shui Feiling's words.

If he really dared to visit with Concubine Shui Ling, he would really be cut off. After all, he was provoking the authority of the Nangong family.

For absolute safety, the two entered the same inn one after the other as if they did not know each other, and each spent a thousand gold coins for a superior guest room.

After spending some time in his room, Li Zedao quietly walked out of the room and entered the next door Shui Fei Ling's room.

At this moment Shui Feiling was standing in front of the window, looking at the bustling eldest sister not far below.

Li Zedao smiled, walked over, and gently hugged this Xiangrou body from behind.

"Sister Shui, you take a break, I'll go out to find out some news, and I will visit the Nangong family. If it goes well, let the snake bird take classmate Meili's mother back to Gujiang today." Li Zedao said.

Concubine Shui Ling turned around, looking at Li Zedao with her eyes as if she was holding water, her voice was extremely charming with a hint of grievance.

"Little brother, are you willing to leave sister?"

Li Zedao's body halted, and he felt that his breathing was rapid again, his face flushed.

This evildoer, why is she doing this? Didn't she know that her ability to resist is quite low?

Concubine Shui Ling giggled, her hands hooked Li Zedao's neck, and exhaled in his ears: "Damn brother, wanting to leave without leaving anything is a very immoral behavior."

"...What?" Li Zedao's breathing became even more rapid.

Concubine Shui Ling’s eyes were covered with mist, and she gasped for the fragrance: "Damn little brother, of course it's something that allows sister to conceive a baby."

This couldn't hold it, so Li Zedao exploded directly.

It took Li Zedao more than an hour to prove to Shui Feiling that he was a very moral person. Then, under the gaze of Shui Feiling's watery eyes, he covered his face with a black cloth again and left the room.

When he walked out of the inn and came to the bustling street, Li Zedao pondered, then walked into a restaurant with obviously good business and ordered a meal.

"Little Er, I want to ask you about the news."

When Deng Xiaoer delivered good wine and food to the table, Li Zedao said.

Xiao Er said with a smile: "Guest officer, I'm really sorry, the shop only has good wine and good food."

The meaning is clear, except for good wine and good food, don't think about anything else.

If you want to find someone to seek revenge, it's up to you. The shop doesn't care at all, and won't ask for trouble to provide you with any news.

If you want to make trouble, hehe, there are a few ghost dogs in this backyard, and their stomachs are still hungry.

Li Zedao smiled, took out a medicine bottle and put it on the table, and said lightly: "This bottle contains a Seven-Rank Medicine Pill Ninghun Pill."

"Soul Condensation Pill?" Xiaoer Dian's eyes went round all of a sudden, and a huge wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

You know, this soul pill is an extremely precious pill. No matter how badly you are injured or sick, a soul pill will not dare to heal your injury, but it can guarantee to keep your small Life!

This is why a soul condensing pill on the market is worth at least 500,000 gold coins, and it is still not available. That is because this soul condensing pill is too difficult to refine and the materials required are too harsh.

Before the Concubine Concubine’s Spirit Devouring Gu, Li Zedao also tried to make Concubine Concubine Shui Ling take Soul Condensing Pill, but it was of no use. Since Concubine Concubine Spirit was injured at the root, it was not sick, but a Gu. The worms swallowed her blood madly in her body, so this soul condensing pill was ineffective to her.

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