The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2230: Inquire about news

This is also the most terrifying part of Gu poison. Unless it is detoxified, no medicine can suppress Gu poison.

This is why Nangong Meili's mother, Yang Dai, suffered from the curse, but no doctor or even a soulmaker could do anything about it.

"Really Soul Ning Pill?" Dian Xiaoer's voice was a little trembling, and his wide eyes showed greed and disbelief.

Seriously, he really didn't believe that this kid possessed such a precious pill of Soul Condensation Pill.

Besides, even if it is really a soul-condensing pill, he is willing to take out this kind of pill, presumably the news he wants to inquire is not that simple, right?

"If you don't know the goods, you can find someone to come over for inspection." Li Zedao said.

With his current level of alchemy, and there are a large number of treasures of heaven and earth required for refining soul-condensing pills in the pill pavilion of Buzhou Academy, so for Li Zedao, this kind of soul-condensing pill is hard to say There are still dozens of them.

"I don't know what kind of news the guest officer wants to inquire about?" Xiaoer Dian asked, blinking a few times.

"For some situations in Nanmen, it is better to have portraits of their core members." Li Zedao said.

The shop Xiaoer was shocked, then grinned.

"The guest officer has an enmity with that Nanmen?"

In this Dragon City, the Nangong family is one of the biggest forces, but the shop Xiaoer is not afraid of the Nangong family. After all, this restaurant is owned by the Eastern family, and he belongs to the Eastern family.

Of course, it was precisely because he knew this was the site of the Eastern family that Li Zedao came in to find out the news.

If you go to the site of the Nangong family to inquire about the Nangong family, I am afraid that you will be beaten to death.

"It has nothing to do with you, doesn't it?" Li Zedao's eyes suddenly became cold.

"It really doesn't matter." The shop Xiaoer smiled.

Seeing the hatred in Li Zedao's eyes flashed past, Xiao Er already had the answer in his heart. This kid obviously had an enemy with the Nangong family, and he wanted to do something against the Nangong family.

It has to be said that this is an act of hitting a stone with a pebble, and the cultivation of the quasi-spirit divine realm (under Li Zedao's deliberate, plus the little turtle used some means to suppress his breath, so the cultivation he currently shows It’s the quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base) just wanting trouble with the Nangong family, nothing but death.

But this is also a behavior that Eastern families like to see.

Even if a weak lice bit someone in the Nangong family, even if it killed a dog raised by the Nangong family, this is a happy thing for the Dongfang family.

"Guest officer, please wait a moment, the younger one will report to the shopkeeper." Xiaoer of the shop greedily glanced at the medicine bottle in Li Zedao's hand, then turned and left.

Soon, he came to Li Zedao again, and said respectfully: "Guest officer, our shopkeeper has prepared good drinks and food, waiting for you."

"Lead the way." Li Zedao grabbed the sword on the table and stood up.

"this way please."

Following the shop Xiaoer, Li Ze went up to the second floor and came to a box.

"Guest, please." Xiaoer opened the door and made a "please" action to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao strode in, but saw that there were two old men, one tall and one short, sitting in this box. Judging from the breath released from his body, the tall old man is a low-grade cultivation base in the spiritual and **** realm. As for the short old man, he is accurate. Spiritual God Realm cultivation base.

The tall old man stood up, smiled at Li Zedao and arched his hands.

"My surname is Dongfang. I am the shopkeeper of this ten thousand restaurants. This is Lao Sun, a sixth-grade alchemist. I don't know the name of the Hakka official Gao?"

"Next Zhou Yan, there will be an unknown soldier." Li Zedao replied with his hands, using Zhou Yan's name again.

"Please sit down." The shopkeeper in Dongfang didn't bother to speculate about what power Zhou Yan came from. After all, it was a pseudonym.

Li Zedao was not polite, and sat down in that chair openly.

"I heard from your subordinates, do you want to inquire about some news about Nanmen?" Dongfang shopkeeper asked.

He stared at Li Zedao's eyes with a smile, trying to get some information from his eyes.

"Exactly." Li Zedao smiled, "If I can't find any useful news here, I have to go to the North Gate or Ximen to see it."

"With me, you can inquire about the news about Nanmen you want, but this reward..."

Li Zedao took out the medicine bottle, put it on the table, and said, "One Seven-Rank Medicine Pill Condensing Soul Pill, I think this reward is not small.

The eyes of the Dongfang treasurer suddenly widened, and the breathing of the sixth-rank alchemy Master Sun stopped even more.

Although the shop Xiaoer had previously reported that there was a soul condensing pill, now seeing this medicine bottle, the hearts of both of them still waved a few times.

"I want to see if this soul condensing pill is real." Sun Lao said.

"Naturally." Li Zedao said with a smile, and passed the medicine bottle over without worrying that the other party would **** it away.

Old hand Sun couldn't wait to reach out to take the medicine bottle, his hand trembling slightly, and then opened the medicine bottle and poured the pill inside into his palm.

In an instant, his eyes went wide, and his face was moved.

"How is it?" The shopkeeper in the East quickly asked.

"It is indeed a soul condensing pill, and it has very few impurities, so it can enter the high-grade level." The expression on Sun Lao's face was even more moved.

It is already extremely difficult to be able to refine the Concentration Pill, but it is even more difficult to be able to refine so little impurities.

The alchemist who refines this soul pill is not easy.

The treasurer of the East also had a shocked look on his face. Of course, the reason he was shocked was not because a certain alchemist was so powerful that he could even refine the excellent soul pill, but because he didn't know where it came from. The kid who is willing to show his true colors is so generous, and when he shot it, he was a soul condensing pill.

What is even more incomprehensible is that he paid such a high price to only want to know some news about the Nangong family. He wants to get the portraits of the members of the Nangong family?

This is equivalent to spending a thousand gold coins, only to buy a very ordinary biscuits.

Li Zedao kept his lips secretly, isn't it just a good-grade soul condensing pill? Not to mention the best products, it is the best products, even the best products, I can refine them.

"Deal?" Li Zedao asked.

"Naturally." The shopkeeper in Dongfang turned around and nodded quickly. He is not a fool, so how could he not make a deal?

Besides, whether this kid is troublesome to find the Nangong family or what it is, the Dongfang family is very happy to comment, isn't it?

"Brother Zhou, please wait a moment, I'll let someone prepare what you want."

The shopkeeper of the East politely poured a glass of good wine for Li Zedao, and then got up and ordered the shop Xiaoer to quickly get what the guests wanted.

Of course, this glass of wine is going to be poured for nothing, because Li Zedao definitely won't tear off the black cloth on his face to drink this glass of wine.

After a stick of incense was not enough time, Xiao Er came in with a bag made of animal skins.

The treasurer of the East took it and handed it to Li Ze, "Guest officer, this is what you want."

Li Zedao nodded, and took out a stack of papers from his belt, but they were portraits with names on them. There was also a piece of paper with names written on them. There were detailed standards for each other. The relationship between them, even the character's cultivation base.

The portraits of Nangong Meili and Nangong Wan'er are naturally also here, let alone the coldness of Nangong Meili and the vigorous spirit of Nangong Wan'er are all very good. However, the masters of these portraits by Zhihua are good.

What made Li Zedao's eyes widened was that there was a portrait of himself in it, marked with the words "Nangong Meili Fiance".

To put it more accurately, this painting is the Li Zedao.

Because of the same body, they look exactly the same, but their eyes are not the same. The eyes in the portrait are obviously weak and apathetic.

Unlike Li Zedao, it is so bright, like the stars in the sky... At least Li Zedao himself thinks so.

It's hard to imagine that this Li Zedao was also a hybrid of the descendants of Nuwa hiding in God's Domain. After all, it is really not like it. You must know that those people are not only humans and ghosts, but also brutal and powerful. For example, the dragon python, or the spirit rat encountered that day.

But this Li Zedao was so thin and weak.

"Well, the gene has been mutated." Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

As for the above-mentioned cultivation base, I want to know that the children of the Eastern clan in the Fuzhou Academy must have reported everything about me to the family.

Putting these materials back into his leather bag, Li Zedao stood up and said, "It's not bad, so I will leave."

"Guest, please wait a moment." The Dongfang treasurer thought of something, and stopped Li Zedao again.

"Something?" Li Zedao turned around.

"In this city of the sea, the guest officer can come to this shop if there is anything he can't handle." The shopkeeper of the East said with a slight smile, "Of course, the guest officer needs to pay for some extras."

One shot is a concentration pill, it is conceivable that there must be other good things in him.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't know his origin or his depth, the treasurer of the East would want to keep this man in this restaurant forever.

"Including... killing?" Li Zedao asked.

"South Gate?" Dongfang shopkeeper asked.

Li Zedao smiled meaningfully and turned to leave.

"Guest officer, go slowly." The Dongfang shopkeeper looked at Li Zedao's back with a gloomy smile.

After walking out of the restaurant, Li Zedao entered a teahouse again, found a quiet corner, took out the information in the bag, and checked it carefully.

Next, I'm going to visit the Nangong family. If you don't know who is who, then it's quite embarrassing. At least you have to know what Nangong Meili's father, who is the patriarch of the Nangong family, looks like, right?

Li Zedao memorized these portraits one by one before the time of sticking incense sticks, and then put the portraits back in the bag.

Li Zedao got up and left, returning to the bustling street again.

He glanced behind him without any trace of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth hidden under the black cloth slightly lifted up with an inexplicable range.

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