The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2231: Rich playboy

From the moment he walked out of the restaurant, someone was tracking him in secret, but the tracking method was not so clever.

I want to know that it must be the shopkeeper in the restaurant who is tracking him secretly.

Li Zedao didn't care, and continued to wander around.

He really is not afraid of the other party following, just afraid that the other party will not follow.

Unconsciously, Li Zedao came to the South Gate area, which was also the sphere of influence that the Nangong family shrouded.

Just when Li Zedao became interested in some distinctive gadgets at a certain stall, an insulting voice came out: "Dog things, don't you have eyes? You dare to block this young master's way. , Do you know who this young master is?"

Li Zedao looked up, but saw a young man with an arrogant expression kicking an old man selling sesame cakes to the ground, and the fragrant sesame cakes rolled to the ground.

Li Zedao frowned.

He recognized the young man because he only saw his portrait and some of his information.

Nangongqiu, the son of Nangong Yan, the younger brother of Nangong Wan'er and the same mother, was fifteen years old, and he was cultivated in the Lingshan realm.

The fifteenth year cultivation base is only the cultivation base of the Lingshan realm. It is conceivable that this is the cultivation base of this life. Without any adventures, the cultivation base of the Lingyun realm is at most in a lifetime.

Such a person is undoubtedly a waste.

But Nangongqiu's greatest ability is to reincarnate, and because of the sweetness of the mouth, it is also deeply loved by the ancestors. Therefore, the status of this waste in the Nangong family is quite high.

Nangongqiu never wasted his ability to reincarnate, and took a group of thugs from the clan on the street to do the business of bullying men and women.

Of course, the scope of activity is limited to the scope of the Nangong family's influence. If you dare to run to other places and arrogantly, you will not die, but you are afraid that your legs will be broken.

"Sorry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the old man is leaving now, now he is leaving..."

The old man naturally knew who this arrogant and domineering young man was, and he curled up there with fear and cringe, apologizing again and again.

"Dog stuff, don't you leave this young master?" Nangongqiu cursed again.

I want to continue kicking the old man, but I hate that the old man's body is too greasy and is about to dirty his shoes. Therefore, he lifted his foot and stepped directly over the old man's body, looking so jealous in everyone's eyes. Watching, continue to swing forward.

Those doglegs who followed Nangongqiu laughed loudly, kicking the sesame seed on the ground with disgust, and then followed his master.

The old man's eyes were full of humiliation. Looking at the already dirty biscuits, it was even more sad, and he couldn't help but tears.

The son is still sick and waiting to see the sesame cake sold so that he can go to the doctor quickly. Who would have thought that he suffered such a disaster.

Li Zedao sighed softly, walked over, squatted in front of the old man and said: "Old man, I bought all these sesame cakes on the ground."

"Wh...what?" The old man stared at Li Ze with wide eyes, unable to believe what his ears heard.

"These are gold coins, you put them away." Li Zedao put a bag of gold coins into the old man's hands.

"This... can't be done, it can't be done, it's dirty, and it's not worth so much money..." The old man was terrified.

Not to mention that these biscuits are already dirty, and all these biscuits are not worth so many gold coins.

"I used to feed the pigs. The pigs only eat the sesame cakes you made. They have to be dirty, so they are worth these gold coins." Li Zedao smiled slightly, picking up the sesame cakes one by one and putting them into the small box, then picked them up. With those biscuits, got up and left.

The old man was in tears, how could he not know that this young man wanted to help him?

"thanks, thanks……"


"Master, look there, there is a beautiful Xiaojiabiyu." One of the dogs' eyes lit up.

Nangongqiu looked up and saw that there was a slender woman in front of her. Her appearance was not much better than his cold cousin. Of course, she was still not as good as her own sister.

Such a girl, well, is qualified to help this young master wash his feet!

Nangongqiu smiled wryly, strode forward, opened his hands and stopped the delicate little girl.

The little girl was startled, and stepped back subconsciously.

Such a move directly angered Nangongqiu, thinking that he was the young master of the dignified Nangong family, and his father, Nangongyan, was still the younger brother of Nan Gonglie, the lord of the sea city, and he was even more handsome and handsome.

When this woman sees a young talent like herself, shouldn't she immediately throw her arms in her arms with a look of worship? Is it desirable for her to show such an expression?

This is humiliating my son!

"Little girl, you are so courageous, you dare to steal my son's things?" Nangongqiu's face sank, and he must have buttoned his hat!

"My son, I...I don't..." The little girl was even more frightened, panicking for a while.

"Bold mad thief, how dare you quibble? This son said that you are a thief, it is your honor, do you know?" Nangongqiu sneered, "What are you still doing in a daze? Don't bring her back to the mansion, so that Ben Master, do a good search?"

His doglegs all laughed so lewdly and walked towards the woman.

"What...what are you going to" The woman backed away again and again, her face was extremely pale, and she made a cry for help that seemed so weak and powerless.

"Bah, this **** Nangong Hill is going to harm the little girl again..." He cursed slightly.

"He doesn't do this kind of thing less, so nobody cares about him?"

"Who dares to control, his father is Nangong Lie... Fuck! Is there really someone doing something unconsciously?"

Li Zedao, holding a half basket of sesame seeds in his hand, strode forward, protecting the frightened little girl behind him, and then he kicked over again, kicking the dog leg that was walking in the front to the ground.

This kick is really heavy, but the dog leg of the lower grade cultivation base in the Lingshan realm directly vomits blood, but he can't get up again.

The other doglegs were all startled, looking at Li Zedao with horror, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

You know, this is the territory of the Nangong family, and Nangongqiu is the son of Nangong Lie. Even people from the other three sects don't dare to be too presumptuous in this place.

But this kid who didn't know where he came from not only dared to intervene in the affairs of Nangong Hill, he almost beat the minions of the Nangong family.

This is simply...too lawless.

Those who watched the excitement were also full of thoughts. They felt relieved and secretly worried for Li Zedao. They dared to "mouse" the Nangong family like this, for fear that they would not be far from death.

"My... my son, go quickly..." The little girl who was protected by Li Zedao behind her was grateful and afraid.

She didn't want to see this young man cause trouble for her, or even lose his life.

Li Zedao turned around and gave the little girl a relieved look.

The little girl was stared at by Li Zedao's so bright and energetic eyes, her heartbeat speeded up, and her little face was inexplicably hot.

"Who... who are you? The sesame seed seller? You... do you know who I am?" Nangongqiu was also taken aback.

I am used to being arrogant and domineering, but suddenly someone intervenes, which is really unaccustomed.

Although this kid was carrying a small half basket of sesame seed cakes, like the one who bought the sesame seed cakes, judging from the breath released from his body, this was a quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base.

The quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base is nothing, dad can slap to death with a slap, the key is that dad is not by his side now, he can't beat him.

"I know that you are an idiot who wants talent but no talent, and a character with no character." Li Zedao turned his head and looked at Nangong Hill as if looking at an idiot.

Of course, only in terms of cultivation talent, this Nangong Hill was indeed an idiot.

After all, the Nangong family has training resources, but he has such a virtue, not to mention comparing with Nangong Meili, even compared with his sister Nangong Wan'er, it is also a far cry.

"..." Nangong Hill was so angry that he grew up so big, and it was the first time anyone dared to expose his shortness in front of him. It was too much!

"Master Ben... tell you, you have something, you have something big! There is a kind of thing, you wait and don't leave!" Nangong Qiu left a few words and wanted to leave.

Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, and go home to rescue soldiers.

Before Nangong Hill had time to take a step back, his body was abruptly fixed there, becoming extremely stiff, and the pink face was even more pale and bloodless.

Because, a sword that appeared so sharp was actually on his neck at this time, and the sharp blade even made a blood mark on his neck.

"Did I let you go?" Li Zedao said coldly.

Those doglegs were terrified when they saw this, and they were stunned.

" are looking for death!"

"Quickly let go of our young master, otherwise you will be guaranteed no place to bury you..."

"It's noisy!"

Li Zedao shook his head, the long sword that reached Nangong Hill's neck shook slightly.

During the breath, the eyes of those doglegs were widened, their expressions showed extreme horror, and their mouths were wide open, but they couldn't make any sound.

Because, there was a hatred on their necks. At first, the blood stain was very slender, like a red line, but after a breath, the blood stain burst open and blood spurted out.

Immediately, these dog-legs fell softly to the ground, their bodies twitched a few times, and they couldn't catch their eyes.


Nangong Hill made a scream simply.

His face turned pale again, his eyes staring like copper bells, his mind roared violently, and he set off a huge wave ten thousand times stronger than when the dog leg was kicked to the ground.

Immediately, his legs softened and he knelt down on the ground, followed by a tremor under his crotch... He was scared to pee!

The people around were also dumbfounded, and their faces paled in fright.

What if this brave person dared to fight the Nangong family's dog legs, he even dared to kill the Nangong family?

Killing a few dogs of the Nangong family may not be a big deal, but the point is that this is the territory of the Nangong family, so he is really not afraid of death?

The little girl who was saved by Li Zedao trembled even more when she saw this.

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