The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2233: Lamb to be slaughtered

The shopkeeper in the East smiled slightly and said, "Brother Zhou was joking. The reason why my Dongfang family participated in the search for Brother Zhou's traces was entirely because our patriarch had acted in order to sell Nangonglie's favor. I am afraid the same is true for the other two. Besides, apart from me and Lao Sun, and my confidant, no one knows that Brother Zhou you are in this restaurant at this time. So Brother Zhou can rest assured to stay with me, absolutely safe."

At the moment, the treasurer of the East poured a glass of wine for Li Zedao...Although he knew that this kid couldn't drink it.

This kid wouldn't choose to tear off the black cloth on his face just to drink a glass of wine, thus exposing his appearance.

The treasurer of the East still admired this kid in his heart. He started to be so cruel. He killed the dogs raised by the Nangong family as soon as he shot, and even treated the Nangong hill as a dog in humiliation, scaring his pants in the street. This is more pleasing than killing him, and the Nangong family's face is really lost.

Imagining Xia Nangonglie's dark old face, the shopkeeper in the east felt very comfortable.

"That's good." Li Zedao said with a sigh of relief, "Thank you, the treasurer of Dongfang, for your righteousness."

"Hey, taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others, this is what I should do." The shopkeeper in the East gave an expression that you should understand what I meant.

"Naturally, in terms of compensation, you won't be disappointed by the shopkeeper. There is still a concentration pill here, brother."

With that, Li Zedao took out a medicine bottle from his arms.

The treasurer of Dongfang looked at the medicine bottle, his eyes gleaming with hot gloom.

I thought there was still more! What is the origin of this kid, he can take out two Concentration Pills in one breath, he won't have a third or even a fourth one?

Or... kill him?

Immediately, this thought was like maggots attached to bones, constantly stimulating the nerves of Dongfang treasurer.

Greed makes it easy for people to lose their minds and not consider some consequences.

Obviously, now the treasurer of the East has lost his original judgment and fear.

Sun Lao, if he had obtained the most precious treasure, could not wait to reach out and take the medicine bottle in Li Zedao's hand, and then poured a pill from it.

Sure enough, this is another priceless Pill of Concentration, and its rank is the same as the previous one.

"No problem." Old Sun looked at the Dongfang shopkeeper and nodded, taking the Concentration Pill into his arms.

"That week, brother, you can rest here with peace of mind. I won't bother with Lao Sun anymore." The shopkeeper in Dongfang arched his hands, and then left the box with Lao Sun.

Li Zedao sneered slightly at the corners of his mouth hidden under the black cloth.

"People who are too greedy will not end well." Li Zedao muttered, "However, the development of things is basically expected."

"Lao Sun, what do you think?" After arriving in another box, the shopkeeper of the East asked in a low voice.

"What do you think?" Old Sun was taken aback.

"Although the entire Canghai City is in a state of restlessness and is looking for the whereabouts of that person, but you, me and Xiaosan, everyone knows that that person is in our ten thousand restaurants, and no one knows us except for the three of us. There are two Concentration Pills in both hands." The eyes of the Dongfang shopkeeper flashed with greedy and hot gloom.

Lao Sun was taken aback again, and his face changed slightly: "You mean, you didn't plan to hand over these two concentrating pills to the patriarch?"

For the Dongfang family, such two Concentration Pills are quite a fortune. Now the treasurer of the Dongfang wants to intercept this huge fortune and has no plan to hand it in...

Old Sun's heartbeat started to speed up and he became excited.

Does this mean that he can also have a concentration pill?

"In my opinion, there must be a concentration pill on that person. After he dies, the things on his body are going to give me a small share of the confidant. The rest is equally divided between you and me. What do you think?" Dongfang The voice of the shopkeeper was full of murderous aura.

Old Sun’s eyes have also become hot. Yes, this thing can be done without knowing it. No one knows that the person is in this ten thousand restaurants or even is about to die in the hands of the Eastern shopkeeper. No one knows that they have got the concentration pill from this kid.

Besides, tomorrow is a big day, the Four Gates will have a new round of duel to elect a new city lord, then everyone will leave this kid behind.

"How to do it? Even though the kid is a quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base, he can escape from Nangong Yan's sword. I'm afraid it's not easy. If he lets him escape, he will lose the flesh in his mouth." Old Sun frowned.

"I want to know what powerful self-defense armor he is wearing." The treasurer of the East said with a frown.

Even the sword in Nangong Yan's hand couldn't hurt him. This was indeed a trouble.

At the same time, the heart is extremely hot, and the self-defense armor that can withstand the powerhouse Yijian in the spiritual **** realm is also an absolute treasure.

This kid is really full of treasures, is he here to show off his wealth in Canghai City?

"Well, let Xiao San send him some good wine and food. Although I think he can't eat it, but he can smell it, that's enough." After some indulgence, the shopkeeper of Dongfang said, his face already appeared. Such a sinister expression.

In his opinion, this method can be regarded as foolproof.

"This method is good." Old Sun also smiled.

A lot of poison will evaporate and mix with the air, and it is colorless and tasteless. Just a little bit is enough to fascinate a strong person below the spiritual level. The kid is not a quasi-spiritual level. More than rubbing.

"I'll let Xiaosan do it." Dongfang's shopkeeper said, he couldn't wait to see how many treasures the kid had hidden.

Two sticks of incense time passed, and Xiao San, who was holding several delicious dishes in his hand, gently knocked on the door of the box where Li Zedao was located.

"Come in." Li Zedao glanced at the door, his eyes were full of sneers.

It's hard to say who is the lamb to be slaughtered.

Xiao San pushed the door open and walked in, put the good food on the table, and looked at Li Zedao respectfully and said, "Guest, our shopkeeper specially ordered Xiaoli to bring you some signature dishes from our restaurant. "

"Thank you Dongfang treasurer for me." Li Zedao smiled.

Xiao San put the steaming wine and food on the table, but he sneered in his heart, thinking that this kid was really too stupid, he was dead, but he didn't feel at all.

Huh? It's strange, but Sun Lao said, this kid will fall to the ground within ten breaths. Why does it seem that nothing is happening now?

"Is there anything else?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, please take your time, guest officer." Xiao San said respectfully.

"Are you particularly wondering why I shouldn't faint?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"Yes, how did you..."

The voice stopped abruptly, Xiao San's eyes widened, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was as if he had seen a ghost. How could he know what he was thinking?

While breathing, Xiao San felt black before his eyes, and then fell softly to the ground, completely losing consciousness.

"The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately you don't." Li Zedao shook his head.

Li Zedao got up and closed the door, and then took off the clothes from Xiao San and put it on himself.

While the corners of his mouth curled up with an extremely cold range, Li Zedao walked out of this box and walked towards the box not far away.

He knew that Dongfang shopkeeper and the old grandson were waiting in that box.

When he came to the front, Li Zedao knocked on the door lightly, imitating Xiao San's voice in ventriloquism and said, "The shopkeeper, it's me."

The shopkeeper in Dongfang who was drinking with Lao Sun heard the voice of Xiao San, overjoyed, quickly got up and opened the door, and was about to go to the box where Li Zedao was.

At the moment when the door was opened, Li Zedao, with his head down, violently exerted force on the hand that was originally down.

While breathing, a terrible breath burst out, directly on the chest of the treasurer of the East.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

The unsuspecting Dongfang shopkeeper was like a kite with a broken line and flew out directly.

Immediately, his mouth opened wide, vomiting blood, and that face was enveloped in pain and extreme consternation.

Immediately, Li Zedao appeared like a ghost next to the Dongfang shopkeeper who flew out, grabbing the collar of the Dongfang shopkeeper's already sunken chest with a hand.

The Dongfang shopkeeper's already limp body changed from moving to still again, and then it was thrown on the ground by Li Zedao like garbage.

From the sneak attack from Li Zedao to the throwing of the Dongfang treasurer's body on the ground, it only happened between two or three breaths, so that Lao Sun, who was not a mere quasi-spiritual god, did not react at all.

When the reaction came, the shopkeeper in the east had already lost most of his life.

"you you……"

Old Sun looked at Li Zedao as if he had seen a ghost, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Shouldn't this young man become a lamb to be slaughtered? Why did you come to this box wearing Xiaosan's clothes? Even, he hit the Dongfang shopkeeper as soon as he shot it?

He couldn't say a word anymore, because Li Zedao had already pinched his neck.

Old Sun's eyes widened, his face extremely pale.

This kid, such a terrifying aura burst out of his body, he was not a strong person with a quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base.


Sun Lao tried very hard to ask for mercy, but Li Zedao didn't have the slightest pity in his eyes, and the hand that pinched Sun Lao directly used force.


Old Sun's neck crooked to one side, lifeless.

Li Zedao casually threw the corpse aside, then walked over to cover the door of the box, and then looked at the Dongfang treasurer who was vomiting blood.

"You... who are you... on earth?"

Dongfang shopkeeper's eyes were full of horror, and it was really difficult to accept all this. This kid was not a quasi-spiritual **** cultivation base at all. Judging from the breath that he broke out at that moment, he was a spiritual **** realm top-grade cultivation base!

Such a terrifying young man with such a cultivation base, why should he hide his clumsiness, and even deliberately suffered a sword from Nangong Yan? After all, with such a cultivation base, it could have easily killed Nangong Yan.

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