The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2234: Raccoon dog

Li Zedao smiled coldly and tore off the black cloth covering his face: "I think Dongfang treasurer should know me."

Li Zedao is quite confident about his fame.

Especially in this city of Canghai, the Nangong family needless to say, the other three families must firmly remember their looks and names.

Li Zedao fully believes that if God Domain has Weibo, his current fans are probably tens of millions.

The eyeballs of the Dongfang treasurer suddenly rounded, his mind roared violently, and an unprecedented huge wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

"Li... Li... Li Zedao? You... Are you Li Zedao?" His voice trembled extremely.

Isn't the person in front of Nangong Lie's daughter Nangong Meili's fiance?

Although the Nangong family did not publicize the matter, because Nangong Meili personally admitted that she already had a fiancé at Buzhou Academy, Li Zedao's name spread throughout the city of Canghai City and became countless men. Envy the object of jealousy.

If this Li Zedao is a kid with mediocre talent, that's fine, but after he entered Fuzhou Academy, he seemed to have suddenly regained his senses, and his cultivation talent turned out to be extremely terrifying, and he is now a low-grade cultivator at the spiritual **** realm. In order to become a teacher of Fuzhou Academy.

So the other three families had to start paying attention to this young man, because even if he grew up like this, perhaps the Nangong family would become the master of this sea city because of him in the future.

The treasurer of the East couldn't understand why people who shouldn't have appeared in Canghai City appeared here at this time? He even killed the Nangong family.

What's more, shouldn't his cultivation base be the pinnacle of the lower grade in the spirits and gods? Why is it a top grade in the spirit and spirit realm?

Or is it that in a short period of time, his cultivation base broke through again, from a low-level spiritual **** to a high-level spiritual god?

The treasurer of the East had a numb scalp.

If this is the case, then this kid would be too scary.

"You seem to be quite surprised to see me here." Li Zedao nodded thoughtfully, "Does this mean that someone has revealed to you that I can't be here, I will definitely die?"

The shopkeeper in the east spit out a mouthful of blood again, and he was so angry that he could hardly open his eyes.

Being attacked was already very seriously injured, and seeing Li Zedao really attacked his heart, he was already close to death.

Dao Li Ze stretched out his hand, took out the Concentration Pill from the arms of the Dongfang treasurer and stuffed it into his mouth.

This guy is also a strong spiritual spirit cultivation level, and his status in the Nangong family is not low, so he must know something.

That's why, Li Zedao was merciful just now, and at this time he was even more worried about his death and let him take the extremely precious Concentration Pill.

Otherwise, with his strength, it would be easy to kill people with a low level of cultivation in the Spirit and God Realm, let alone a sneak attack.

Li Zedao's idea is right. This Dongfang shopkeeper was not named Dongfang before, but he entered the Dongfang family and married the cousin of Dongfang Shenlong. This changed his surname.

Although he does not have the blood of the Eastern family, he is also the sister-in-law of the Eastern Dragon, and he has also entered the spiritual spirit cultivation base. Therefore, his status in the Eastern family is really not low. Usually the family has any major decisions that need to be voted. When voting, Dongfang Xiong was also the one with the right to vote.

"I know what you want to do, kill me, I won't say anything, I won't betray the Eastern family." The treasurer of the East said weakly.

Concentrating Danguo's true name is well-deserved, and after just a few breaths, the Dongfang treasurer felt that he could breathe again.

Li Zedao was speechless: "Your sister, you said it earlier, wasting my concentration pill."

"..." The Dongfang shopkeeper wanted to vomit blood again.

"In my opinion, there are three roads before you. First, you commit suicide yourself, and then I will have time to kill the lover you raised outside and the son you had with your lover!"

The eyeballs of the shopkeeper in the East were wide. How did this guy know that he secretly raised a lover and even a child?

In the Dongfang family, Dongfang Xiong was inferior to others, and he did not dare and couldn't take a concubine upright, so he could only secretly raise a mistress outside.

Li Zedao sneered: "So you really have a lover and a son."

I thought this guy is really simple-minded, no wonder he fell into such a fate.

"..." The shopkeeper in the east spouted a spout of old blood again, really wishing to smash the **** in front of him.

"The second way, I will kill you, and then I will have time to kill your lover and son later! Third, if you don't commit suicide, I will not kill your lover and son, but you have to cooperate with me."

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders: "Give you ten breath time, choose yourself! Ten, nine..."

The Dongfang shopkeeper's eyes flickered constantly, and his expression was ugly.

"three two……"

"I cooperate with you. I will do whatever you ask me to do. I am a dog you raised." The treasurer of the East said with difficulty, with humility and pleading in his voice.

For his lover and son, he must live bravely and humblely, and he must become a traitor.

If he died, the lives of their mother and son would become extremely difficult... The treasurer of the East was deeply moved by his love.

"I don't keep dogs." Li Zedao said.

"..." The shopkeeper in the East felt that all the insults he had received in this life did not add up to as much as he has now.

I am so humble, why do you still humiliate me? You are quite unkind in doing this, you know?

"Before, the Baili poison wolf of the Baili family came to this Canghai City to visit the Eastern family?" Li Zedao asked straightforwardly.

"Yes." Although he hated the **** in his heart, Dongfang Xiong didn't dare to hide anything for the sake of his wife and son's life.

Li Zedao nodded: "Tell what you know."

"About ten days ago, the Baili poisonous wolf of the Baili family secretly visited the Eastern family. After all, the Baili family is one of the most powerful families in God's Domain. However, the peak cultivation of the top grade of the spirits and gods is really unattainable, so the Eastern family dare not be careless. Our ancestors personally come forward to receive them."

"Later I learned that the only son of Baili Poisonous Wolf was killed by Nangong Meili at the Buzhou Academy. Therefore, Baili Poisonous Wolf wanted the Nangong family to bury his son, but he did not show up to deal with the Nangong family. Therefore, Baili Poison Wolf hopes that our Eastern Family will take action to destroy the Nangong Family."

Li Zedao thought it was similar to what he had guessed.

Of course, Baili Poison Wolf would not take the action personally, let alone make any inappropriate actions in the name of Baili Family or Yingzhou Academy.

"The ancestors did not agree at the first time. Although everyone in the four sects wanted to kill anyone, they are all of the same strength. No one can do nothing, let alone you, an uncertain factor..." Dongfang Xiong Looked at Li Zedao and said.

The heart is bitter, they still look down on this kid too much, he is actually a strong person with the highest level of spiritual cultivation!

That's the top grade cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm!

Looking at the entire Canghai City, only the patriarchs of the four major families have the highest level of spiritual cultivation, and the ancestors of the four major families are the highest level of spiritual cultivation.

In other words, this kid is enough to be on an equal footing with the patriarchs of the four major families.

His joining will also break a certain balance that exists between the four major families.

"I think Baili Poisonous Wolf tells you that I am on my way to Gu Territory, and it is impossible to even leave Gu Territory alive. Then Baili Poisonous Wolf also prepared a gift that your Eastern Clan could not refuse, and also said that he turned his head. It will also persuade the Ximen family and the Beitang family to let them fight against the Nangong family together... Am I right?" Li Zedao asked.

The healing effect of the Concentration Pill is as good as the sky, so although Bai Lixiong is almost about to be killed by Li Zedao, he feels a lot better at this time.

Sit up with difficulty, looked at Li Zedao and nodded.

The feeling of being stared at from above was really uncomfortable, it seemed so humble, that he could hardly lift his head.

Li Zedao nodded and asked, "Now, your three big families have already worked out a plan to deal with the Nangong family? Do it tomorrow?"

"Yes, tomorrow." Dongfang Xiong said.

"Tomorrow, the Nangong family, including the ancestors of the Nangong family, and the patriarch Nangong Lie, and all the core personnel will gather in the martial arts field in the center of the city. At that time, the other three people will work together to encircle the Nangong family."

Dongfang Xiong sneered, thinking what if you ran to tell the Nangong family? Sanmen has now sworn a poisonous oath and is bound to remove the Nangong family from Canghai City.

So tomorrow, even if the Nangong family does not go to the martial arts field in the center of the city, Sanmen will act on the Nangong family as soon as possible.

what? Be prepared?

Please, in the face of absolute strength, any defenses are papery, OK? It's nothing more than procrastination.

Li Zedao frowned and nodded, there is a real lingering fear. If he arrives at this sea city a day or two late, the Nangong family probably won't stay.

The scum like Nangongqiu died, but Nangong Meili and Nangong Wan'er's parents shouldn't be involved.

It's just that although I already know that the other three families are already in the same category, Li Zedao can't think of a way to break the situation for a while.

Even if he ran to the Nangong family and told Nangong Lie that the other three families had united to strangle the Nangong family, it would not help.

He glanced at Dongfang Xiong and saw that his eyes were full of sneers, Li Zedao was depressed.

What are you laughing laughing? what's so funny.

Seeing Li Zedao's eyes cold, Dongfang Xiong quickly reduced the expression on his face.

"The Baili Poison Wolf is still in Canghai City now?" Li Ze asked.

"In the Eastern family, the ancestors will personally accompany him." Dongfang Xiong said, wondering if you still want to sneak into the Eastern family through me to find the trouble of Baili poison wolf?

If so, that would be great.

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