The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2246: Four Doors Together

Dongfang Guardian's expression changed: "Is there such a thing?"

Although the four major families usually fight openly and secretly, they have always stood on the united front on one thing, which is to completely eradicate the foreign forces that are trying to flourish in the city.

"Hey, my family is unfortunate."

Nangong Wuzhi shook his head, and said with a sad face: "Don't hide it from Dongfang brother, that ambitious man trying to rule Canghai City is my Nangong family, Nangong Meili's fiance, Li Zedao."

"Huh?" Dongfang Guards had a straight face, his eyes almost rolled from his eye sockets, his mouth opened wide enough to swallow his entire fist.

Nangong Wuzhi thought that Dongfang Guards had such a reaction because he felt that he was joking with him, and quickly said a lot of so-called unfortunate things about the family with a sincere expression.

Why Nangong Meili did not like the marriage arranged by the family, so she acted on Li Zedao, causing the two to have a complete affair, like strangers, and said that Li Zedao held a grudge and killed Nangong Hill in revenge. More than an hour ago, The Nangong family was rioted, and he expressed extremely arrogantly that he would drive out the four big families in Canghai City and remove the four big families from Canghai City!

Nangong Wuzhi said that he had already done something with him, but the strength of this son was quite good. He heard that there was a woman who was at the top of the spiritual **** realm behind him, so he could only watch him swagger out of the Nangong family.

When Nangong Lie heard the words, he couldn't admire his father any more.

Dongfang Guardian's expression became more and more weird, and he couldn't understand what the sect master was doing.

Of course, he still believed that the sect master did kill the Nangong Hill. After all, Nangong Wuzhi was so shameless that he would not tell such a lie that was easy to expose.

"Brother Dongfang, this is the autumn of life and death. For our common interests, please let go of your grievances and kill the adversary and his comrades together." Nangong Wuzhi stood up and confessed.

His expression and voice seemed to be about the safety of Canghai City, which was really moving.

Dongfang Guards just smashed his lips, and said in a somewhat vague tone: "This... Brother Nangong is polite, Brother Nangong will go home with these generous gifts, let me think about it."

This is speechless in my heart, is this old man's head caught by the door? You want to kill the sect master? Moreover, the sect master is clearly the biggest backer of your Nangong family, why do you treat it as an enemy?

Dongfang Guards didn't even think about what happened.

Is this to refuse? Nangong Wuzhi was a little anxious: "Brother Dongfang, if you don't care, the city of the sea is in danger, and the family of the Dongfang is in danger."

Dongfang Guardian was about to say something, but saw Dongfang Shenlong walk in quickly.

Seeing Nangong Wuzhi and Nangong Lie here, he hurriedly said, "Uncle Nangong, Brother Nangong."

Nangong nodded endlessly, and Nangong Lie retorted, "Brother Dongfang."

Then the Eastern Dragon whispered a few words in Dongfang Guardian's ear.

I don't know what Dongfang Shenlong said, but seeing Dongfang Guardian's eyes widened slightly, his expression became respectful, and he nodded repeatedly to show that he knew it.

Nangong's thoughts were surging endlessly. He didn't hear what the Eastern Dragon said, but from the expression of Dongfang Guardian, it seemed that something extraordinary was coming.

Just looking at the entire Canghai City, who else could make this old man take so seriously?

"Well, Brother Nangong, please wait a moment here. I'm a little bit anxious to go and come, and reply to your and my decision." Dongfang Nitian looked at Nangong Wuzhi and said.

"Thank you Dongfang brother." Nangong Wuzhi thanked him and sat back in the chair again.

"Shenlong, help entertain Nangong brother and Nangong nephew for my father." After Dongfang Guardian left these words, he hurriedly left the hall and returned to his study.

Nangong Wuzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and Dongfang Guardian's reaction seemed to confirm what he was thinking.

Soon, Dongfang Guards came to his study.

At this time, there were two figures sitting there in the study room where only Dongfang Guardian and Dongfang Shenlong were able to ***.

Li Zedao was grabbing Concubine Shui Ling and said, looking like a stick.

"Sister Shui, you see, this is the line of emotion. The appearance of this line shape means that you will find a handsome man in God's Domain as your husband."

Concubine Shui Ling smiled charmingly, her red lips lightly opened: "***, you are really shameless."

Li Zedao said he was quite innocent, he just told the truth, isn't he a handsome guy in God's Domain Invincible?

Even he is still a handsome guy in the world.

Regardless of how much space Pangu has opened up, he is the most handsome!

Dongfang Guardian, who walked in, was embarrassed when he heard this. He felt that the master's face was really too thick. There was no one before, and compared with him, these old guys were at a level of rubbish.

Li Zedao smiled, let go of Shui Feiling's hand, and looked back at Dongfang Guards.

"The master, the deputy master." Dongfang Nitian hurriedly looked respectful.

"Nangong Wuzhi came with generous gifts?" Li Ze said straight to the point.

Dongfang Guards was taken aback, and quickly nodded: "Yes, the sect master, he still..."

"I know." Li Zedao nodded, "Accept the gifts he brought, don't be polite with him."

Dongfang Guardian thought that Li Zedao was telling the truth, and was so scared that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He quickly tentatively said: "Sect Master, I... just go over and blast that father and son out of the Dongfang family?"

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry and said: "I'm not telling you the irony, I really want you to accept the gifts that Nangong Guards brought...Don't do it for nothing?"

Dongfang Guardian still didn't quite understand what the sect master meant.

Li Zedao's expression became cold, and he continued: "After tomorrow, Canghai City will no longer have four big families, only three big families, only Daomen."

Dongfang Guards' expression was slightly stunned, so the sect master really broke up with the Nangong family? Is this going to work on the Nangong family?

"But don't kill people, just abolish Nangong's endless cultivation base. Let him be under your protection and take care of the old age." Li Zedao sighed and said again.

Concubine Shui said, ***You haven't done it thoroughly enough. This will make Nangong Wan'er quite painful. She has to leave instead of wanting to leave you.

Li Zedao thought for a while, and that's right, instead of that, it's better to do something absolutely, so that she has no nostalgia, only hate.

So then completely disintegrate the Nangong family, but since they can't kill them, let them be humans with their tails under the cover of the three major families.

"Yes, the master." Dongfang Guards hurriedly said.

Li Zedao talked about the plan again, which made Dongfang Guard to leave to return to Nangong Wuzhi.

After walking out of the study, Dongfang Guardian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, thinking to scare Lao Tzu to death.

He didn't feel any murderous aura or the aura of a strong man in Li Zedao, but the scene where Li Zedao killed Baili poison wolves while he breathed and beat them on the ground was really crazy. This can only be done by a strong person with a spiritual mirror cultivation base.

Therefore, he unswervingly believed that Li Zedao was a strong man of spiritual immortal mirror cultivation, and he had a deep-rooted fear of Li Zedao.

After Dongfang Guards returned to the hall, Nangong Wuzhi and Nangong Lie quickly stood up to greet them.

Dongfang Nitian looked at Nangong Wuzhi with a serious expression, and said, "Brother Nangong, I especially agree with what you said, this is the autumn of sincerity and death, we should unite and resist the foreign forces together."

Nangong Wuzhi heaved a sigh of relief. Although I don't know why the old immortal became so determined after going out, he has already agreed, hasn't he?

"Thank you, Brother Dongfang." Nangong kept poking.

"I'm just defending the interests of the Eastern family. It should not be too late, we are the Ximen family and the Beitang family." Dongfang Guards said.

Nangong was overwhelmed with joy. With the East Guards accompanying, the Ximen family and the Beitang family had to save face.

What made Nangong Wuzhi a little depressed was that the old immortal said so righteously, but he accepted the gift quite unambiguously.

At the moment, it is inevitable to drip blood in my heart, no matter the spiritual skills, anyway, this thing can be copied.

But the eighth-rank treasure sword, especially the seventh-rank pill, you can't buy it if you have money.

"Facts" are just as expected by Nangong Wuzhi. After being accompanied by the East, Ximen Kuang, the ancestor of the Ximen family and Beitang Yu, the ancestor of the Beitang family, both sent Nangong Wuzi with a serious expression. I received the gift from the above, and then expressed outrageously that this year of sincerity and critical survival, we should join hands to safeguard the interests of the four major families.

After that, Nangong Wuzhi invited the ancestors of the three major families to the Nangong family's residence to discuss together how to deal with the brave kid who deserved to be smashed and the woman behind him.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss about this kind of thing. After all, the process is quite simple, that is, first find the person, and then the four old guys at the top of the spiritual **** realm directly kill the pair of dogs and men. As for the other juniors Stay away to avoid accidental injury.

Four high-level spiritual masters at the top of the spiritual **** realm have an overwhelming advantage against the last high-level spiritual master, plus a high-level spiritual master, even if their spiritual skills are extremely high. .

Therefore, the so-called discussion together is just an excuse for Nangong's endlessness. He hopes that since the three old immortals have already accepted the money, they should start working.

From now on, the four of them will live and eat together until the dog and the man and woman are killed.

Dongfang Guardian naturally understood the meaning of Nangong Wuzhi and said, "Brother Nangong, it seems to me that instead of going to your Nangong family to wait, it is better to go to the martial arts field in the center of the city and wait, so that no matter the two people appear in the city. We can all rush to that position as fast as possible."

"Brother Dongfang said it is very true." Ximen Kuang and Bei Tangyu both nodded their heads, expressing reason.

Nangong can't stop thinking about it, the city center is indeed the best location, no matter where Li Zedao appears, they can rush to it as soon as possible.

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