The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2247: Change the pattern

Soon, the ancestors of the four major families gathered in the martial arts field in the center of the city.

Because gathering in this martial arts field this time is not to compete for a decisive decision to win the master selection of Canghai City, but for the benefit of their respective families, for the future of Canghai City, this is the gathering here... At least, Nangong is endless Think so.

Nangong Wuzhi seems to be foreseeable, and there is no need to wait until tomorrow morning, the brave woman and the woman who cultivated at the top of the spiritual **** realm will die without a burial place.

Therefore, not all the core members gathered here at this time, just the old patriarchs of the four major families, plus the patriarchs of the four major families, and the rest of the core children began to secretly search for the specific position of Li Zedao in the city.

The forces of the four great families spread across every corner of Canghai City, so Nangong Wuzhi knew that it would not take an hour at all, and they would be able to get the specific position of Li Zedao at this time.

Of course, what Nangong Wuzhi didn't know was that apart from the Nangong family, the other family members were just acting.

The East was against the sky, the West Madness and Bei Tangyu exchanged their eyes, and they could all see the sinister expression in each other's eyes.

Both of them have eyeliners on each other's territory, and some associations are added, so they probably know the reason why the sect master broke with the Nangong family.

It turned out that the stupid Nangongqiu tried to molest the deputy sect master without knowing it, but the result was predictable, and the deputy sect master was choked off his neck.

When Nangong Hill was killed, the Nangong family, who was usually accustomed to domineering, naturally quit.

While the deputy sect master was molested, the sect master also quit, and went directly to the Nangong family to reason, but the two sides were at war.

The three old men all felt that Nangong Wuzhi was really too stupid, and if he had such a thick leg in front of him, he didn't hurry to hug him. They even tried to remove this leg, really stupid.

"Brother Nangong, I don't know whether to say something inappropriate." Dongfang Guardian spoke first.

It's time to take action on this stupid old man.

Nangong Wuzhi smiled and said, "Brother Dongfang is polite, he should speak for himself."

"I think the situation in which Canghai City is jointly managed by the four major families has been going on for too long. It is time to break this pattern." Dongfang Nitian said.

Ximen Kuang and Bei Tangyu on the side touched their beards and nodded in agreement.

Nangong Wuzhi raised his brows slightly, and a slightly disturbed mood surged in his heart, mainly because the three surrounding old immortals all smiled too badly.

"Oh? I don't know how Brother Dongfang thinks we should break this pattern." Nangong asked Wu Zhi.

"It's very simple. The Nangong family is gone, and this original pattern will be broken." Dongfang Guardian said with a smile, "I think it will be enough for Canghai City to have my Dongfang family, Ximen family and Beitang family."

"That's true." While Ximen Kuang and Beitang Yu echoed, they took a few steps forward and surrounded Nangong Wuzhi.

At the same time, Nangong Lie, whose face changed drastically, was also surrounded by Dongfang Shenlong and the other three people.

"Brother Dongfang, Brother Ximen, and Cousin Bei, what do you mean?" Nangong Wuzhi's face became cold, and his voice was unpleasant. "This kind of joke is not funny."

Even if he had seen strong winds and waves, he felt frightened at this time, and didn't know what to do for a while.

Nangong Wuzhi discovered that he seemed to fall into a big pit stupidly. It seemed that the other three had already negotiated secretly and wanted to do something against his Nangong family.

"Brother Nangong, you and I have been fighting for hundreds of years. It should be clear that I have never joked." Dongfang Guardian said, "For the sake of years of familiarity, you can destroy the dantian yourself, saving the three of us personally. Do it. After that, our three major families will not embarrass you the younger Nangong family...Of course, the premise is that they honestly behave with their tails between their tails, and don't go to the streets to do that kind of ethical things like Nangong Hill."


The East Guards Longsword was unsheathed, and Ximen Kuang and Bei Tangyu were not slow in drawing their swords. Almost at the moment when the East Guards drew their swords, they also drew their swords.

Nangong Wuzhi's complexion was already extremely pale, her eyes turned scarlet, and she whispered: "Why? Without my Nangong family, I thought you could kill the lunatic who tried to encroach on the sea city with the three of you? Are you guys? I don’t know, you and I fight to death and life, is that a situation that fanatic would like to see?"

Dongfang Guards shook his head and said with a joking expression: "Brother Nangong, you still don’t understand what happened now? Why do you think Brother Ximen and Cousin Bei should cooperate with me against your Nangong brother? Not you both against me Dongfang Family? Is it because I look more handsome than your Nangong in the east? Your name is more domineering?"


After saying this, even if Dongfang Guardian's face is thicker, the old face is red at this time, and he feels that he is too shameless, how can he say such a thing?

I felt that the sect master's infectious power was too strong, and I just stayed with him for a few hours, and I was completely infected by his narcissism.

"What on earth are you trying to say?" Nangong Wuzhi's face was gloomy.

If you want to kill, kill or slash, why do you humiliate me?

Are you handsome than me? Your name is more domineering than mine? How did you say such shameless words so indifferently? You can't be so shameless, do you know?

Nangong Wuzhi's mind was running at high speed, but it was a powerless discovery. Unless there was a miracle, he would not be able to escape the palms of these three old guys.

"Brother Dongfang meant that you are too stupid. You are obviously a thigh, but you chose to draw your sword against a foolish grandson." Ximen sneered wildly, feeling too comfortable in his heart.

The last thing he didn't want to see was that the sect master made the Nangong family a member of the Taoist sect, and then the old thief of Nangong relied on his relationship with the sect master to override their heads.

Nangong Wuzhi's expression changed drastically. He couldn't believe what he was thinking. He couldn't help but speak, "Li Zedao?"

"Long immortal, be polite, Li Gongzi is the sect master of our Taoist sect." Bei Tangyu said that you dare to say the name of the sect master so unreasonably, be careful that I give you an anxious expression.

"Do Sect? Sect Master?"

Nangong's endless brain roared violently, and his scalp was so numb that he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

So what kind of sect had been established by that kid long ago, and he had brought all the Dongfang family, the Ximen family and the Beitang family under his command?

He...why? Is he so capable?

Not far away, Nangong Lie, who was surrounded by the Eastern Dragon and the others, turned into an idiot. They had imagined Li Zedao extremely powerful, but they didn’t expect him to stand at the place where their Nangong family dreamed of being. height.

"The sect master thought that he was the son-in-law of the Nangong family, and wanted to help the Nangong family grow stronger secretly. Who would have thought that the Nangong hill in your family unexpectedly tried to flirt with our deputy sect master. After that, your Nangong family did not reflect on the situation. Next, he drew swords to our sect master, and silly came to persuade us to deal with the sect master. It was really ridiculous." Dongfang Guardian directly made up the sword.

Nangong Wuzhi's body trembled a few times, and Nangong's words against the sky pierced his heart like a sharp sword.

Seeing Nangong Wuzhi looking like a bereaved concubine, the three old men felt as if they were bathed in the spring breeze, extremely comfortable.

If it weren't really out of date, they would all want to sing a song.

"Brother Nangong, after ten breaths, if you don't do it yourself, don't blame the three of us for being ruthless." Simon said coldly.

Nangong Wuzhi smiled, a rather sad smile.

He knew that he had lost, in arrogance, and in tolerance.

Thinking about it now, Li Zedao killed several servants of the Nangong family. This matter itself was a bit strange. He could have given Li Zedao a chance to explain and figure out the reason.

After Nangongqiu was killed, he could have come forward to apologize and try to turn the fighting into a jade silk because of the mistake that Nangongqiu found his own death and molested the woman who was the pinnacle of the spiritual god.

When Li Zedao proposed to take Yangdai away, he could have sold him a favor and let him take it away. After all, the letter was indeed okay.

However, instead of doing nothing, he put all the guilt on Li Zedao's head, which led to the current situation.

As for why he does not wait to see Li Zedao, in the final analysis, he did not regard Li Zedao as a member of the Nangong family. The stronger Li Zedao, the worse his mood will be.

At the moment, Nangong Wuzhi raised his hand and hit his dantian fiercely.

"Father..." Nangonglie's eyes turned scarlet, and his heart was extremely sad, and his hatred for Li Zedao reached its culmination.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Nangong Wuzhi spit out a mouthful of blood, his old face became extremely pale, and in an instant, he was a bit older.

Immediately, his body trembled violently, and then he sat down on the ground.

Having lost his cultivation base, this old man who has been arrogant for hundreds of years in Canghai City is nothing more than an ordinary old man.

"This body has been abolished, and I am already an old man on the verge of death. I hope you can also keep your promise and don't do anything to the descendants of my Nangong family." Nangong Wuzhi raised his head to look at the three old men who are looking at him. Say.

"As long as they obediently submit." Dongfang Guards sneered.

Had he not been a member of the Dao Sect now, he would have killed Nangong a long time ago.

Ximen Kuang and Beitangyu naturally have the same psychology.

The four big families have been fighting for hundreds of years, and they have accumulated a lot of resentment. If one of the families is about to collapse, the other three families will have to beat down the dog, or even cut the roots.

In a dark corner of the martial arts field, Li Zedao stood there, quietly watching what was happening, and couldn't tell what it felt like.

"Now, the Nangong family will hate you even more, little brother. When you return to Fuzhou Academy, Nangong Wan'er can't draw her sword against you?" The Shui Concubine on the side seemed a little gloating.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Whatever."

"But little brother, listen carefully. If you dare to let her hurt you, sister, I will kill her." Shui Feiling said murderously.

Li Zedao was startled and nodded quickly.

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