The reason why the Nangong family can become one of the four big families is that there are strong people with the highest level of spiritual gods and peak cultivation bases. Therefore, when the Nangong endless cultivation base was completely abolished, and the other three families have joined forces. After the news of the news went out, it caused a great uproar.

Soon, those forces that originally depended on the Nangong family turned back to show their favor to the other three families.

Suddenly, the Nangong family collapsed. From now on, it will rely on the breath of the other three families to linger.

Their behavior is not limited, and the other three families have also ordered that they must not conflict with the Nangong family...Of course, the premise is that the Nangong family does not take the initiative to take the initiative.

Of course, the members of the Nangong family will not go out easily, because they simply can't stand the look of everyone who has turned from respectfulness to gloating or deliberate provocation.

Late at night, Nangong family mansion, Nangong Wuzhi study room.

Nangong Wuzhi curled up and sat in front of the window, staring at the blood-red waning moon hanging in the sky outside.

After returning to the mansion from the martial arts field in the center of the city, he shut himself in this study, and always maintained such a daze posture.

His eyes were extremely scarlet, scarier than the **** waning moon.

His heart is occupied by a strong hatred.

He hated himself for being stupid, and even destroyed the Nangong family with his own hands.

He even Li Ze said that he actually destroyed the foundation that the Nangong family had worked so hard for hundreds of miles.

At this moment, a figure that looked so thin as if appeared out of thin air, appeared behind Nangong Wuzhi, and then her hand slowly stretched out.

Under the shining of the blood-red waning moon, this hand looked so pale, and the long nails shone with terrifying fierce light.

Nangong Wuzhi had already lost all his cultivation base. At this time, he was an old man who was about to die with extreme suppression and extreme hatred. He didn't know that there was such a terrifying hand just getting close to his neck little by little.

After a few breaths, the sharp nails were about to pierce Nangong's endless skin.

Nangong Wuzhi suddenly felt a little cold, and the coldness came from behind.

He turned his head subconsciously.

Then, his eyes went round suddenly, his mind buzzed and became extremely numb, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

He never expected that there would be such a figure silently behind him.

Moreover, she was smiling, that smile was full of nervousness, and under the shroud of night, she looked so awkward.

If it hadn't been for Nangong Wuzhi who had seen strong winds and waves anyway, he was one of the strongest men in Canghai City in the past, otherwise he would have been so scared that his heart stopped beating at this time, but he was still shocked after all.

"Do you want to die?" Nangong Wuzhi's eyes burst into flames.

I wonder what exactly do people eat? How could this lunatic come out scary?

Immediately, my heart was filled with sorrow, thinking that I was a wizard of heaven, I had already stepped into the top level cultivation base of the spiritual **** realm at a young age, only one step away, I can enter the spiritual mirror, and then the Nangong family will definitely become a sea city. Even the overlord of the Chinese tribe.

But I didn't expect to take a wrong step and fall into this tragic situation, even this mad woman dared to sneak into her study to scare herself.

It's really a tiger falling to Pingyang and being bullied by a dog.

The woman smiled, her pale face matched her sullen smile, and she looked so awkward.

"It looks like you really want to die." Nangong said blankly. I just wanted to shout someone to come in and drag this crazy woman down... at least give her a severe lesson first, right? Let her know that it's wrong to come out and scare people in the middle of the night.


The woman's hand suddenly lit up, and she slapped her slap on Nangong Wuzhi's old face, and even because the nails were too long, she directly left a few shocking bloodstains on his old face.

Nangong Wuzhi was directly silly.

He never thought that this woman would dare to draw his old face, of course, even if he wanted to, he couldn't hide it.

"Haha, fun, fun..." the woman clapped and laughed with a nervous smile on her face.

Then, as if she had really found a funny thing that made her quite interested, she raised her slap and continued to smoke at the old face of Nangong Wuzhi.


Nangong Wuzhi couldn't hide at all, and was slapped again. In the end, the whole person was beaten and fell from the chair, and he was really embarrassed and directly spouted a mouthful of old blood.

"Nangong Lie, Nangong Yan..." he roared.

Someone hurried over after hearing a huge movement from the ancestor's study.

When I saw the old ancestor being ridden by a thin woman and slapped one after another next to the woman, they were all stupid and couldn't believe what their eyes were seeing.

"This crazy woman..."

Nangong Yan was the first to react, and she was really angry.

He rushed over in a flash, pulled the woman up with one hand, then slapped the woman's face severely, and then kicked the woman again. Kick to the ground.

The woman was holding her stomach, her red and swollen face was full of pain, and blood was constantly overflowing from the corners of her mouth, but she muttered to herself: " and fun..."

Several other people hurriedly helped Nangong Wuzhi up in a panic.

"It's fun? I killed you!"

Nangong Yan was so angry that his nostrils were smoking, and he drew out the long sword to chop the woman on the ground.

"Stop it!" Nangong Wuzhi stopped in a weak voice.

Why didn't he want to chop up this woman and feed the dog? But this woman must not die, at least not in the hands of the Nangong family.

"Damn it!" Nangong Yan took the long sword bitterly, unforgivable, and kicked the woman's belly.

At the same time, a thin maid standing in the doorway watched what was happening in the room, and the corners of her mouth were already curled up with a very evil range.

"Hey, it seems fun to do this." The maid thought.


A day later, Li Zedao once again came to the house of the Nangong family whose doors were closed.

At this time the mansion had lost the hustle and bustle of yesterday, and became lifeless and lifeless.

The fallen leaves at the entrance of the mansion undoubtedly added a bit of depression.

Li Ze reached out his hand and knocked on the door.

Not long after that, the heavy door was opened, and the servant saw Li Zedao standing outside. His expression changed suddenly. He hurriedly bowed his head and said respectfully, "It turned out to be Li Gongzi, please come in. Our ancestors and patriarchs have already Waiting for a long time."

Li Zedao nodded and walked in. After seeing the scene in front of him, the muscles on his face twitched slightly.

But I saw that the courtyard ahead was densely packed with people, and all the children of the Nangong family were there, as if welcoming some important guests.

Nangong Wuzhi was also there, and he stood tremblingly under the support of Nangonglie.

What surprised Li Zedao was that there were several shocking bloodstains on this old man's face, which were obviously caught with his fingernails.

"It's not that the mood is extremely depressed, so I smoke my face to vent my anger?" Li Zedao thought, after all, although this old man has lost his cultivation, his majesty is still there. Who dares to slap him in the face?

"Welcome Li Gongzi!"

Nangong couldn't stop breaking away from Nangonglie's hand, her trembling hands moaned, and respectfully shouted such a word.

"Welcome Li Gongzi!"

Therefore, the children of the Nangong clan are all arrogant, and they must be more humble and humble.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched again, wondering why this is the problem? Is this looking for ways to make yourself bear more humiliation and accumulate more hatred?

"Thank you Li Gongzi for not killing." Nangong Wuzhi said again.

"Thank you Li Gongzi for not killing." The others echoed.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, and felt that his body was a little bit cold. This feeling was undoubtedly quite uncomfortable.

Although these people sounded so respectful, the monstrous hatred in their eyes, the viciousness of wanting to drink your blood, eat your flesh, and chew your bones could not be concealed.

"I want to take Meili's mother to leave." Li Zedao said.

Since Nangong Wuzhi expected that he would come, and set up such a battle, naturally he definitely knew the purpose of his coming.

"I would like to follow Li Gongzi's intention, and I also ask Li Gongzi to wait a moment." Nangong Wuzhi said tremblingly, looking back at Nangong Lie and said, "Don't you hurry up and take Yangdai out for Li Gongzi?"

"Yes, father." Nangong Lie Zuoyi turned and left.

Soon, Nangong Lie brought a woman to Li Zedao.

The women dress gorgeously, but they are extremely thin. It seems that except for the outermost fart, there is only a skeleton inside.

Her cheeks were so red and swollen that she was obviously greeted by a slap in the face.

Her eyes are even more gray, with no color at all.

It is hard for Li Zedao to believe that this woman would actually be the mother of Nangong Meili, who was once known as the first beauty in Gujiang.

It seems that the suffering of the curse had already destroyed her beautiful body.

While Li Zedao looked at this woman, the woman also looked at Li Zedao with a somewhat hollow look, somewhat timid.

Li Zedao learned from Nangong Meili that the woman's spirit seemed to collapse because of the curse torture her body. In other words, her spirit was not too normal.

"Don't be afraid, this is Young Master Li, he will take you to see Meili." Nangonglie said softly, his eyes filled with reluctance.

"Mei Li..." Yang Dai's hollow eyes were a little stranger.

"Gongzi Li, I will hand over my beloved wife to you. Please take the trouble that Young Master Li will send her to Gujiang and send her to my woman to relieve her from the curse." Nangong Lie looked at Li Ze. , Said emotionally, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Li Zedao was almost disgusted by the hypocritical expression of Nangong Lie's words, so that the breakfast he had eaten a year ago was vomited, and he nodded and said nothing.

He looked at Yang Dai and said, "Auntie, I will take you to find Meili."

"Mei Li...My daughter...Mei Li..." The color in Yang Dai's gray eyes was even more intense. At the same time, she approached Li Ze little by little.

At this moment, Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he clearly caught the sudden rise of the corner of Yang Dai's mouth that seemed so vicious.

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