The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2249: Not yangdai

Before Li Zedao had time to think about it, suddenly, a knife flashing with cold light burst out of Yang Dai's sleeve, and stab Li Zedao fiercely in the chest.

The knife was as fast as lightning, and it was wrapped in extremely terrifying energy, and it was impossible to resist it at all.

Looking at Yang Dai, her gray eyes were actually shining with a ferocious and fierce light, and the strong aura on her body was even more exposed, and she was the peak cultivation level of the middle grade in the spiritual god!

"Go to hell!" There was an extremely vicious roar in her heart.

While breathing, the knife slammed into Li Zedao's chest as if he hadn't reacted yet.

In the next second, only a muffled sound was heard, and the knife that was supposed to be stuck in Li Zedao's heart fell to the ground, making the sound so harsh.

Yang Dai was like a duck that was suddenly pinched, and she was silly.

Her eyes were round and her head roared fiercely, and an unprecedented huge wave was set off in her heart, and she didn't want to believe what her eyes were seeing.

The core members of the Nangong family headed by Nangong Wuzhi were also stupid.

They never expected that Yang Dai would suddenly stabbed Li Zedao, and they didn't expect that this poor mad woman would actually be the peak cultivation base of the spirit **** realm... shouldn't she be the lower rank cultivation base of the spirit cloud realm?

Even more unexpectedly, the knife seemed to be blocked by something, and it couldn't pierce Li Zedao's chest, but fell to the ground.

"It's a pity, why can't I get in?" Nangong Wuzhi was full of unwillingness.

Others also hate the behavior of Yang Dai, which obviously brings hope to people, but suddenly it makes people more desperate. This behavior of playing with other people’s feelings is really immoral and is about to die. Contemptuously.

Li Zedao looked down at the one on the ground and knew at first sight that it was not an ordinary knife specially used to cut fruits, but a knife that could enter the eighth rank or higher. The sharp blade was shining with a weird blue light. Knowing that it is poisoned above.

"You are not Yang Dai."

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at Yang Dai, her eyes became cold all of a sudden, her expression ugly.

According to Nangong Meili's statement, her mother was only a low-level cultivation base in the Lingyun realm, and besides, she had been cursed for years, how could she have such a cultivation base?

Also, Yang Dai must be taken seriously by the members of the Nangong family. How could she have the opportunity to get a knife of this kind? Knives of this rank would definitely be stored in the treasure house by the Nangong family as treasures.

One last point, how could Yang Dai have such a strong murderous look on herself?

It can't be because a member of the Nangong family told her that she killed Nangong Meili, so she plans to avenge Nangong Meili, right?

But judging from the reactions of these people in the Nangong family, it was obvious that they didn't know about this, and they were quite puzzled about why Yangdai suddenly made such a move.

Of course, they are quite disappointed with this result.

Therefore, the woman in front of him is definitely not Yangdai, so there is probably only one result, and that is that the real Yangdai has been killed by her.


These people from the Nangong family were dumbfounded when they heard this, the woman in front of them turned out to be a fake Yangdai?

In other words, yesterday the ancestor was slapped several times by a fake Yang Dai?

After Nangong Wuzhi was silly for a while, suddenly felt more comfortable in his heart.

It is undoubtedly a shameful thing to be slapped by a mad woman who is not a mere low-grade cultivation level in the Lingyun realm, but if it is slapped by a person at the top of the middle-grade Lingyun realm, it seems not so shameful.

The woman reacted from the extreme shock and unwillingness, and she wanted to run in a flash.

The sword light flashed.

The woman's body stood still abruptly, and a long sword gleaming with cold light appeared on her neck, and a blood stain appeared on the neck, which was cut by the sharp sword energy. .

"Is Yang Dai dead?" Li Zedao was extremely upset.

He had already failed Nangong Wan'er, and now he would have failed Nangong Meili again.

He even remembered that he had encountered the so-called face-changing technique several times when he was in the mortal domain.

The face change operation is to peel off the face of Mr. A, after some treatment, and then stick it on Mr. B's face, so that Mr. B becomes close to perfection of Mr. A.

The reason why it is close to perfection is because there are still flaws, that is, the expression in the eyes and the appearance can be changed, but the heart cannot be changed. The eyes are the windows of the soul and naturally cannot be changed.

And when Mr. A's face was peeled off, he naturally couldn't survive.

Therefore, the woman in front of her naturally stripped off Yangdai's face and disguised herself as Yangdai. In this way, Yangdai should be dead.

The woman seemed to admit her fate, or believed that Li Zedao did not dare to kill herself, she was not afraid. She looked at Li Zedao viciously and said, "You are really right, that poor mad woman has been killed by me! It's a pity that the knife didn't stabb you to death!"

This voice...

Those members of the Nangong family's eyes widened. This woman is really not Yangdai, and Yangdai's voice is not like that at all.

They felt terrified, but there was a hint of happiness.

What's horrifying is that someone actually sneaked into the Nangong family without knowing it, and even transformed into the core figure of the family...Although he was a torn madman, he was also the mother of the Nangong family in name. what.

Fortunately, this woman seems to be directed against Li Zedao, not against their Nangong family. Otherwise, their Nangong family is afraid that many people will die for unknown reasons?

After all, who can imagine that a lunatic who is only a mere low-grade cultivation base in Lingyun Realm would be a murderer?

With a movement of Li Zedao's wrist, the sword body wrapped in the blue air ring slapped the woman's chest directly.

The woman fell directly to the ground, her mouth opened, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

If it weren't for wearing a **** silk armor next to her body, this shot would have killed her.

She raised her head and looked at Li Chedao rather unwillingly, her eyes full of palpitating hatred.

"Where is the corpse?" Li Zedao's eyes were cold, and his heart was full of violence.

"I have chopped it up and fed the ghost dog." The woman sneered. Seeing Li Zedao this way, her depressed heart felt a lot more comfortable.

Li Zedao stepped heavily on the woman's chest.

The hatred in the woman's eyes was replaced by anger and pain, her mouth opened, and several mouthfuls of blood were spit out.

" you dare to humiliate me? I...killed you...I killed you, I swear I will kill you..." the woman roared with exhaustion, her eyes scarlet scarlet, like Crazy.

The woman was so angry that she almost fainted. This **** could kick his stomach, he could even step on his face, but how could she step on his chest.

This should be a disciple!

Li Zedao didn't pay attention to the woman, and looked back at Nangong Wuzhi blankly.

Nangong Wuzhi was shocked by Li Zedao's murderous aura, and the other members of the Nangong family also had their little hearts pumped a few times.

They realized that Li Zedao's performance in front of them before was so gentle, and he did not show his terrible side.

"Li Gongzi, this matter has nothing to do with my Nangong family. I still don't know what happened until now." Nangong Wuzhi bit his head.

"I know it has nothing to do with you. I mean, I hope you can tell the truth, otherwise I can't guarantee that the Nangong family still has such a small habitat in this city." Li Zedao said.

Nangong couldn't stop his heart, knowing what Li Zedao meant.

Nangong Lie twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and swept the expressionless third brother Nangong Yan with the corner of his eye, only to feel that the whole person was not good.

Because as early as last night, Nangong Yan wrote a letter to Nangong Wan'er, daughter of Buzhou Academy.

Nangongyan said in the letter that Li Zedao allowed a **** to kill Nangong Hill, and even joined the other three sects, threatening the lives of the Nangong clan, and forcing the ancestors to abolish his cultivation, etc...

Moreover, this letter was sent out last night, and it is too late to get it back.

Li Zedao didn't say anything, stretched out his hand, grabbed the clothes on the woman's chest, and dragged her out of the Nangong family as if dragging trash.

"Asshole, do you dare to humiliate me? You let me go... let go... I killed you, I swear I will kill you..."

Soon, Li Zedao took the woman back to Wanjia Restaurant.

Li Zedao threw the woman heavily on the ground. The woman became weak because of the serious injury, but she tried to open her eyes wide and stared at Li Zedao with extremely vicious eyes.

At this time, Li Zedao had already pulled off the skin that had been cut from Yang Dai's face on the woman's face, revealing the woman's original face.

Not to mention, this woman is still pretty good-looking, and her face is not under Nangong Wan'er, but her complexion is too ugly, her figure is too thin, but she gives another skinny beauty.

"Damn little brother, why did you bring a little sister back... if you want to, you should bring a better-looking one." Shui Feiling glanced at the embarrassed woman with big eyes.

"Bitch, you..." The muscles on the woman's face trembled with anger, almost fainting.

Don't you look good?

Li Zedao is extremely helpless, and will briefly explain.

"I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen." Shui Feiling smiled bitterly, now the little brother is not easy to explain to Nangong Meili.

Even if someone talks nonsense in the middle, it will only cause more serious misunderstandings.

With my knees thinking and knowing, when Nangong Meili asks, those people in the Nangong family will definitely add fuel and jealousy.

Li Zedao also smiled bitterly. One thing that was originally very simple has produced so many things.

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