The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2250: Impermanence

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the woman on the ground and said coldly, "A member of the Baili family?"

"I...I promise, will die without a burial place!" The woman gritted her teeth, her eyes showing a terrifying and terrifying light.

If his eyes could kill people, Li Zedao would have died tens of thousands of times.

"And you, bitch! You must die miserably!" The woman stared at Concubine Shui Ling with a more vicious look.

Concubine Shui Ling looked at this woman condescendingly, with a thoughtful look.

The shorthand laughed gloomily, as if the big bad wolf was staring at the little sheep. He looked so unkind and said, "Little sister, how do you feel that you are with someone who has died so hard to die? How similar do people look?"

Li Zedao on the side raised his brows when he heard the words.

When the human skin on her face was stripped off, he felt that this woman seemed a bit familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember where she had seen it.

"You humble and ugly mystery fox, how dare you say that my mother is a slut?" The woman gritted her teeth and shouted, wishing to get up and fight the water concubine for three hundred rounds.

"Pop!" Shui Feiling slapped the woman's face.

" you dare to hit me?"


The woman didn't have the slightest doubt, this woman really dared to beat her.

"Not only will I call her a slut, I will also hit you, an old **** who is born to a hypocrite who is inferior to a beast, and I will use a knife on your ugly little face later. Paint, strip you naked and throw you on which street, what can you do to me?"

The gloomy smile on Shui Feiling's face was even hotter, and there was a palpitating hatred in her eyes.

Li Zedao heard this and suddenly remembered that this girl seemed to be somewhat similar to the Nangong family's mother Yi Yaochi, so she was the daughter of Yi Yaochi and Baili Wuchang, the patriarch of the Baili family?

Li Zedao couldn't help swallowing a few saliva, secretly crying out for luck.

Fortunately, I didn't hurt this woman, otherwise I was afraid that I would have to poke a big basket.

Although I killed the mother of the Baili family and several other people before, such as the Tenglamu who chased the Gu Territory, and the Baili poison wolf who appeared in Panlong City, to be honest, for the Baili family, This is a small mess.

The death of Yi Yaochi was a contest between the two colleges, and Yingzhou College naturally couldn't say anything.

As for Teng Lamu and Baili Poisonous Wolf, it is more of a personal behavior... If the Academy questioned them since they were young, the Baili family would definitely say so.

But if the most core member of the Baili family, the daughter of the patriarch Baili Wuchang is killed, then the Baili family will be completely offended to death, and there will be more powerful people coming over to find their own troubles. .

The woman's complexion changed, and her voice became a little flustered: " dare? Do you know who I am? I..."

Suddenly his eyes were round, and he gritted his teeth and roared: "Damn bitch, your face is ugly!"

Compared with being painted with a knife on the face, being said to be ugly makes women more unbearable.

"Pop!" Concubine Shui Ling seemed to be addicted to the fight, and it was a slap in the face.

"In your eyes, I'm just a bitch. How can a **** know who you are?" Shui Feiling said with a smile.


The woman felt that her blood was flooding. If possible, she would want to get up and fight this **** for three hundred rounds. She also wanted to take off her clothes and paint on her with a knife. She also wanted to find a hundred. Personally, point to this **** and say you are the ugliest woman in the world.

Concubine Shui Ling was joking: "Little sister, you said strip your clothes off and throw them into a group of beasts..."

The woman's face became even more flustered: " you dare?"

"Forget it, just your face, this figure..." Shui Fei Ling glanced at the woman's shriveled chest, and shook her head quite disdainfully. "When you see the hungry man, you won't have any reaction. of."

The woman was so angry that her nose was crooked, her blood surged again, and she spouted a mouthful of blood.

This **** woman, she dare to humiliate her skinny and beautiful body?

The woman feels that the humiliation she has suffered from childhood to adulthood is less than half of what she is now.

"Don't believe me, after waiting for my sister to strip you off for a while, see if my dear little brother will be interested in you at all." Shui Feiling turned her head and cast a wink at Li Zedao.


Li Zedao felt like he was shot while lying down.

"Little brother, do you expect it?" Shui Feiling asked.

The woman also looked at Li Ze, with a vicious expression that I would kill you if you dare to talk nonsense.

Li Zedao wanted to cooperate with Concubine Shui Ling and shook his head with disgust: "Sister Shui, even if you strip her naked, I won't take another look. My eyes are clean."

"I... I will kill you, I will... will..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the woman rolled her eyes and fainted.

Shui Feiling stood up, took out the shampoo and gently wiped her hand, as if touching something dirty.

"Damn little brother, don't think that sister doesn't know. Although you won't look at it more, you will look at two, three, several times." Shui Feiling's eyes smiled and said Li Ze.

Such tossing and humiliating that bitch's daughter made her feel very happy.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that everyone was naked, but you didn't even look at it. Isn't that insulting?

"How to deal with it?" Shui Feiling asked, her eyes cold and frightened again. She was more inclined to find all kinds of beasts, and then took turns to give her to let her experience the kind of inhuman torture that her mother had endured.

Li Zedao understood what Shui Concubine was thinking, and said with a wry smile: "Or..."

Shui Feiling's eyes became colder.

Li Zedao hurriedly changed his words: "Sister Shui can do whatever she wants. I will let the three big families find some beasts."

Concubine Shui Ling's expression eased slightly, and she was silent for a while and said: "Forget it, kill it with one sword."

It seems that because of her little brother's infection and pregnancy, Shui Feiling found that her heart was no longer as cold as before, so she killed decisively, excited when she saw blood, and didn't want to torture people with various vicious methods.

Seeing blood now made her nauseous.

"If you don't kill, my elder sister thinks she will bloodbath the Nangong family." Shui Feiling said again.

Li Zedao's heart shuddered slightly, yes, this woman knew she was accustomed to domineering at first sight, and now she was so humiliated that she wanted to vent.

And the Nangong family is undoubtedly the best target for venting. If it is let go, the Nangong family is afraid that the chickens and dogs will not be kept.

"Then kill it." Li Zedao said.

I thought that anyway, the Baili impermanence of the Baili family should not know that his daughter was killed by himself.


Li Zedao's long sword was out of its sheath, and he wanted to pierce the woman's heart with a sword.

At this moment, a voice that seemed so indifferent suddenly rang in Li Zedao's ears.

"Prince Li, stay under the sword."

Hearing this sound, Li Zedao felt his brain buzzed, his eyes were a little dark, and he almost fainted.

Looking at Shui Fei Ling, her face turned pale.

The two looked at each other, and both could see the solemnity that was revealed in each other's eyes.

Sonic Magic!

Li Zedao knew that they had been attacked by an extremely powerful sonic spirit skill.

Sonic Spirit Skills are not too special. At least they are not as special as pupils, but their power is huge. According to Li Zedao's understanding, this is similar to Shaolin's 72 stunts of the Lion's Roar Skill, which uses sound to attack the opponent.

The scary thing is that this person has such a terrible power just to say such a sentence at random. If he makes his power and whistle, his cultivation base is weaker, I am afraid that he will directly stop the heart.

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the room was gently pushed open, and five figures walked in and appeared in front of Li Zedao and Shui Concubine.

Li Zedao’s scalp was slightly numb, because in addition to the unfamiliar and unfathomable handsome uncle headed by him, the other four were all powerhouses at the peak of the spiritual **** realm. Judging from the terrifying aura released from his body, even if it is not as good as Shui Fei Ling, it is not much different.

Even more terrifying is the man whose cultivation base is unfathomable.

The man was dressed in a white coat like snow, spotlessly clean, and obviously had almost harsh requirements for cleanliness.

Jianmei Xingyu, with a face like a crown jade, looked so romantic and handsome, even Li Zedao had to admit that this guy was too handsome, and he was a little bit less handsome than the middle-aged himself decades later.

Shui Feiling's scarlet eyes stared at the handsome middle-aged uncle, but her body trembled slightly, her voice hoarsely squeezing out the words: "Hundred miles of impermanence!"


Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly. He is the patriarch of the Baili family, Baili Wuchang?

Li Zedao suddenly felt a little guilty. He and Shui Feiling were tossing his daughter so much, he couldn't blow it up?

Thinking of Li Zedao's wrist shaking, the sharp blade directly pierced the clothes on the chest of the woman who had passed out.

For Li Zedao, this is undoubtedly a pretty good hostage. Judging from the fact that Baili Wuchang personally ran to this sea city, he was quite concerned about the safety of his daughter.

"Boy, do you want to die?" When a young man standing behind Baili Wuchang saw this, the terrible murderous aura on his body became more intense.

Baili Wuchang waved his hand, and the young man's expression immediately became respectful and his head fell silent.

Baili Wuchang first glanced at Shui Feiling, which was plain, without any emotions, just like looking at a passerby with no characteristics.

He naturally knew that the woman in front of him was the daughter of a pretty fond of a woman and a mysterious fox, but what?

To him, women are nothing but daily necessities to embellish or vent!

Those are daily necessities, and they lose their freshness after using them a few times, so they are changing to new ones.

As for the so-called sweet words and each other... Which woman did he say differently? Even he said something similar to Yi Yaochi, who is most annoying behind him.

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