The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2254: Hypocritical guy

After not waiting long, a voice that seemed so rough came.

"Haha, Shui girl, it really is you."

Before the words finished, a tall figure appeared in front of Li Zedao, looking at Concubine Shui Ling with a big grin and joy.

Li Zedao smashed his mouth, secretly surprised, thinking that this old man's height is too tall, right? It was about two meters tall by visual inspection. As for his old do you look like a gorilla in old age.

The figure of the real Changsheng who appeared so "sweet" appeared in his mind again, and I was really curious about how these two people, who had completely different appearances and seemed completely different personalities, became friends.

"Grandpa Huang." Concubine Shui said in a sweet voice.

Li Zedao was a little surprised, but he did not expect that Concubine Shui Ling had such a sweet side.

"Okay, okay...haha..." Huang Quan's mouth became more grinning... more like a gorilla.

"Who is this kid? Shui girl, don't tell me that this kid is your friend."

Before the introduction of Concubine Shui Ling, Huang Quan's bulging eyes rolled over Li Zedao, quite unkind.

Li Zedao was swept away by such eyes, and he only felt goose bumps all over his body, thinking that this was a not so serious old man.

"His name is Li Zedao and he is my husband." Shui Feiling glanced at Li Zedao, her eyes filled with love.

"Grandpa Huang..." Li Zedao hurriedly clasped his fists.

He was directly ignored by Huang Quan.

"Shui girl, it's not that Grandpa Huang said you, what kind of vision do you have, this kid is not worthy of you at all." Huang Quan looked like he hated iron and steel.

Concubine Shui Ling pursed her mouth and chuckled, but Li Zedao was quite depressed, thinking that this old man's vision was similar to that of the little turtle.

At this moment, Huang Quan said "Huh!", his brows frowned, and his tone was a little harsh: "You kid..."

"Grandpa Huang, the old man naturally knew about this, and even the old man enrolled him into the imperial academy himself." Shui Feiling explained quickly.

Concubine Shui Ling learned from the longevity real person that a person with the bloodline of Nuwa will release a breath that is indescribable in words, and this unique breath can only be felt by a strong person with a spiritual mirror cultivation base. Come out.

Therefore, Huang Quan knew that Li Zedao had the blood of Nuwa.

Huang Quan's brows frowned: "What the **** is the old immortal doing? Shouldn't the descendants who meet that person be killed with a single sword? Forget it, the old immortal is always, yes God talks about it, since he thinks this kid is okay, it won't be an undercover agent sent by those people, and you let Shuitou become a husband and wife with him, naturally Lao Tzu will not say anything more... from the most I think this kid Neither the appearance nor the inner character is worthy of you."

Li Zedao was even more depressed, but because the opponent was a terrifying spiritual **** realm powerhouse, he could only swallow the depression into his stomach, and even managed to squeeze out a smiling face.

"Boy, you can't even laugh when I look down on you so much?" Huang Quan curled his lips, "It can be seen that your kid is a hypocritical person."

"..." Li Zedao didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Shui Feiling chuckled and said, "Grandpa Huang, he is really hypocritical, but I just like him."

"..." Li Zedao felt that this place really couldn't stay, let's go.

"Girl, let me first let someone take you to live with this hypocritical kid, Grandpa Huang, I have something to do, and I will look for you when I look back to retell the past." Huang Quan said.

Then... no more, he just left without a trace.

Concubine Shui Ling said helplessly: "After so many years, Grandpa Huang's turbulent personality hasn't changed at all."

Li Zedao nodded in agreement: "It's not good to look at people's eyes."


Concubine Shui Ling glanced affectionately at Li Zedao, then chuckled and said, "Yeah, my little brother is the most handsome, more handsome than Grandpa Huang."

Li Zedao felt that he was seriously insulted, and felt that this place really couldn't stay longer, so let's go back.

The arrogant man in front of Li Zedao and Shui Feiling before carried a plate of clear water, accompanied by a smiling face to the front: "Miss Shui, Master Li, the villain is blind and stinky. Please don't blame it. Wash your hands. ... Don't worry, it is realgar fluid, which is used to distinguish snakes from people. It is not harmful, but it is a bit smelly."

"It's okay." Li Zedao nodded.

But he also knows the usefulness of this realgar fluid, but mortal snakes will be burned if their skin is stained with this realgar fluid, but other people will not, at most it will be disgusting.

Seeing that Li Zedao was not blaming him, the man was relieved and smiled: "The villain is called Huang Ping, and Li Gongzi is called the villain Ahuang."

Ahuang? Li Zedao smiled, this name is quite interesting, at least in the mortal domain, almost no one would call himself Ahuang.

Li Zedao first asked Shui Fei Ling to wash the hands with a lot of yellow sand and fine ash before he washed the realgar liquid on his hands.

"Master Li, Miss Shui, I will take you to rest? Or do you want to stroll around the city?" Ahuang asked after waiting for the two of them to wash their hands.

"Go to a place to rest... By the way, can you take a bath?" Shui Feiling asked.

"Naturally, no problem." Huang quickly nodded in response, "Miss Li, don't look at the dry and hot here. There is very little rain, but there is an underground river here. The underground river has an inexhaustible source of water, so life is completely free. Affected."

"Lead the way." Shui Feiling said. She couldn't wait to take a good bath and wash off the annoying yellow sand.

The resting place is a tall ocher building in the center of the city.

Because of the wind and sand for many years, all the buildings here are earthy yellow. Even if the original color is not earthy yellow, after a period of time, they will be put on an earthy yellow coat.

According to Huang's introduction, this is an inn opened by Huangmen, covering a huge area of ​​five floors. This inn is regarded as a landmark in the Yellow City, and also the largest and most luxurious inn in the Yellow City.

Hearing this name, Li Zedao inexplicably thought of the famous red building in Phoenix City, which has now become a teahouse.

I was slightly melancholy, and I didn't know what happened to my mother and Li Mengchen.

After Ahuang walked in, Li Zedao found that the first floor of the yellow building was a wine shop.

What surprised Li Zedao was that at this time, in front of the table after another in the wine shop, there were all kinds of people sitting in front of them.

There are big men with naked arms, there are beautiful women who seem to be delicate but a poisonous rose, and there are old men who are very old, and even people who look like three-year-old children.

These people are undoubtedly not from the Yellow Door.

What makes Li Zedao and Concubine Shui Ling more surprised is that these people, without exception, are experts in the spiritual realm cultivation base. So many experts in the spiritual realm gather in Huangcheng, what is the matter? Is it possible that there is a huge treasure in the desert, and these people plan to **** the treasure?

At the same time, there are several masters of the Yellow Gate standing around, freely maintaining order, reminding these people that this is the Yellow Gate, don't mess around.

The arrival of Li Zedao and Concubine Shui Ling naturally attracted the attention of these dozens of spiritual and spiritual cultivation masters, but these people only paid attention, and did not care too much, only when the two people came from which force, to The purpose here is to be the same as them.

"Prince Li, Miss Shui, please here."

Ahuang led Li Zedao and Shui Feiling through the lobby of the wine shop, up the stairs, and came to the Tianzhao room on the fifth floor.

"Miss Shui, Young Master Li, please take a rest. The younger one is waiting outside. If you have any requirements, please order the younger one." After pushing the door of the house open, Ahuang looked at Li Zedao respectfully and said to Shui Feiling. .

"Trouble." Li Zedao nodded, "By the way, what happened to the people downstairs?"

"Oh, they are all major forces from the Gen tribe and the three major tribes bordering the Gen tribe. They are here to participate in the auction meeting." Ahuang reported truthfully.

"Auction meeting?" Li Zedao nodded thoughtfully.

This so-called auction conference is extremely common in God's Domain, and it is nothing more than a large scale or a small scale.

For example, the four major families in Canghai City all have their own auction houses, auctioning some precious medicines, swords and so on.

Today, the upcoming auction held in Huangcheng is undoubtedly very large, and I am afraid that something extraordinary will appear, otherwise it will not attract the forces of the three major tribes bordering the Gen tribe to participate.

And the tribe bordering the Gen tribe is the Na Zhen tribe where Gujiang is located, the middle tribe where Canghai City is located, and the Kan tribe where the Gong Yu clan behind Bu Zhou Academy and Gong Yu Linglong is located.

Of course, whether it is Gujiang or Canghai City, or the Fuzhou Academy and the public loser family, they just occupy such a small corner of this huge tribe.

In Li Zedao's view, Gu Jiang would definitely not participate, so it must have come from other forces away from the tribe. As for the middle tribe, the three major families would not participate... at least Li Zedao had not received any news.

The Kan tribe, such a special force as the Zhou Academy, can't even be regarded as a force, and naturally will not show up. It depends on whether the public loser family that he is barely familiar with will participate.

"The auction meeting will be tomorrow afternoon. If Li Gongzi and Miss Shui are interested, the younger one will get two VIP cards." Huang said.

"It's okay to go and have a look." Before Li Zedao could respond, Shui Feiling said.

"Then go take a look." Li Zedao looked at Concubine Shui Ling with a smile.

Next, I'm about to face an unknown but terrifying danger. It's okay to relax a little, and maybe, I can find some good things.

"Okay, let's do it for the small ones." Ahuang said respectfully.

Two large bathtubs were prepared in the room, filled with clear water, and even some petals were sprinkled on them.

This is undoubtedly more extravagant, after all, not to mention flowers in this ghost place, even weeds can hardly grow.

Under Li Zedao's hot gaze, Shui Feiling teasingly took off her clothes and entered the bathtub, exhaling gently, her expression was so charming and comfortable.

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