The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2255: Broken picture

Li Zedao swallowed and wanted to have a mandarin duck bath with Shui Fei Ling, but was rejected by Shui Fei Ling on the pretext that "you are too stinky and will stain your sister's water". He can only be quite "wrong" Go into another tub to soak in.

"Sister Shui, are you going to tell Huang Quan the purpose of our trip?" Li Zedao asked.

"I want to call Grandpa Huang." Shui Feiling gave Li Zedao a smile, knowing that being so belittled, the little brother started to be emotional, really like a child.

It happened to be such a shameless little kid, but it completely opened her heart, let her know what it's like to fall in love with someone, let her know how happy it is when a man and a woman are together.

"Yes, yes, grandpa Huang, grandpa Huang." Li Zedao quickly changed his words with a smile.

"I wouldn't tell him the purpose of our trip, even the old man and sister didn't tell him." Shui Feiling said.

Li Zedao nodded: "It's okay to say nothing."

It's not that they are afraid that they will stop, just that they will ask more.

Even I didn't know there was such a thing as **** fruit, how did you know? Even I don’t know the location of Infinite Hell, how did you know?

"Little brother, after entering the desert, do you know the direction? Or do you decide where you go?" After a period of silence, Concubine Shui Ling said.

On the way from the Middle Tribe to the Yellow City, Shui Feiling enjoyed the scenery of the journey to his heart's content, and did not ask Li Zedao about what happened after arriving in the desert. She didn't want to make the relaxed and ambiguous atmosphere too heavy. But now, it is clear that the time must be faced.

"Probably know the direction." Li Zedao's eyes flashed with inexplicable gloom.

According to Little Turtle, starting from Canghai City, go straight to the northwest, and finally you will reach the entrance of Infinite Hell.

Of course, the premise is, don't get lost.

As for how long to go, Little Turtle did not say in detail.

Li Zedao has long been accustomed to the urinary **** of the little tortoise, and he is too lazy to ask, anyway, if there is a little tortoise, he will definitely reach the **** in the end.

He didn't know why Little Tortoise valued himself so much, but he probably knew that Little Tortoise would not let himself die, unless, it really couldn't help it.

If even the little tortoise can't help it, then Li Zedao can only say that he is resigned.

"That's good." Shui Feiling said, she was worried that they would walk through the desert without any direction, no matter where they went. As for whether they could reach the Hell, it was a matter of fate.

"Little brother, you said that if our child is born in the future, what kind of name should be given to him?" Shui Feiling changed a light topic, gently stroking her stomach with her hand, already full of face again The brilliance of maternal love.

"The boy's name is Li Tianya? The girl's name is Li Mingyue?" Li Zedao pondered.

These two names come from Zhang Jiuling's "Mochizuki Huaiyuan", and they entrust Li Zedao's longing for his relatives in the mortal domain... Li Zedao sighed and felt that he was really **** literate.

"It doesn't sound good." Concubine Shui gave Li Zedao a blank look, with an expression that you can help to choose a name, but sister, I definitely won't agree.

"If it's a boy, you must be as cheap as your little brother, so call Li Gujian, and if it's a girl, you must be as beautiful as your sister and me, so it's called Li Qingcheng, what do you think, little brother?"

Li Zedao twitched the muscles on his face and said weakly, "Little brother thought it was quite bad."

The girl's name is okay, but the man's name... Li Zedao wants to ask her how you are a mother?

Concubine Shui Ling chuckled: "Dear little brother, that's how it is named."

"Whatever." Li Zedao was even weaker.

Soon after taking a comfortable bath, Ah Huang knocked gently on the door of the room and delivered two VIP cards that could enter the auction site.

At night, Huang Quan came to see Concubine Shui Ling.

Huang Quan first praised the Concubine Shui Ling, then recalled all the interesting things before, and then severely despised the real person of Changsheng, then despised Li Zedao for a while, and then asked what he had done in Huangcheng.

Concubine Shui Ling said that her experience has come, and she can see if she can make her cultivation even further.

Huang Quan didn't doubt that, after all, experience is indeed the best way to cultivate intensively.

Then he talked about the things at the auction tomorrow.

"The reason why this auction attracted so many forces, even the public loser family, is mainly because something extraordinary has emerged." Huang Quan's face of the gorilla showed a trace of movement.

It is conceivable that this kind of expression can be revealed in the strong man who can make the spirit mirror cultivation base.

Li Zedao thought, Sure enough, the public loser family that is known for its organ skills has also come. I don’t know who is from the public loser. Should I stop by and say hello to say hello. I am the public loser's friend... Will he be killed?

"Grandpa Huang, what is that incredible thing?" Shui Feiling asked extremely curiously.

"Breaking Axe!" Huang Quan did not sell Guanzi, his expression even more moved.


Li Zedao and Shui Feiling glanced at each other, both looked confused, especially Shui Feiling, because she thought she was very knowledgeable, and she had never heard of such a name.

"This Heaven-Breaking Axe was in the mortal realm's Nuwa..."

As he said, Huang Quan glanced at Li Zedao with a rather strange look, and said, "That is, your mother's mother..."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, but it didn't happen or couldn't happen. He could only squeeze out a smile, saying that Grandpa Huang, I have been so respectful, so don't ridicule me.

"False!" Huang Quan pouted.

Li Zedao had to suppress the squeezed smile on his face, feeling that people really can't be too handsome. Just like me, I was hated by this old man because I was too handsome.

"In short, it is said that this sky-breaking axe was lost before Nuwa and our god's domain's patron saint Panlong, so later generations know very little about this axe. They only know the power of this axe. It is huge, and one axe is enough to open up the world, even the Ninth-Rank Horcrux, in front of this axe, will have to be overshadowed."

"So, such an axe will appear in the auction tomorrow?" Shui Feiling asked with wide eyes.

I was skeptical in my heart. If this is the case, I am afraid that all the super powers in the entire God's Domain will be alarmed, not just the powers of the four tribes.

"Naturally not."

Huang Quan shook his head and said, "What will appear at the auction tomorrow is a map, a map that can guide you to find the whereabouts of the Heavenly Axe. Of course, this map is not complete, it's just a fragment of it, but this is it. The film doesn’t even know the true and false pictures, which is enough to cause these forces to go crazy."

Li Zedao heard this, his eyes widened slightly, but a huge wave was set off in his heart.

He suddenly remembered that he also had a broken map on his body. There was an axe on the map. Even the little tortoise said that the difference between the golden pupil pupil and the things hidden behind the broken map. It's as big as the difference between his own and Little Turtle's strength.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, so what he got unintentionally was one of the broken pictures that could lead you to find the broken axe?

"Of course, such a broken picture is really annoying. Whoever gets it will definitely be worried about. Since then, the trouble will continue. It is not an exaggeration to say that it will cause killing or even annihilation. This is why it was accidentally Those who get the broken picture want to auction the broken picture.” Huang Quan said again.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed another mouthful of saliva, wondering if he would take part in the broken picture tomorrow?

Li Zedao immediately dispelled this idea of ​​his own, because once his temperament participates, he is bound to get the broken picture.

And once you get the broken picture, it is bound to bring many dangers to yourself and Shui Feiling.

If in the past, just hit it, but it's always okay if you can't beat it? But the most important thing at the moment is to go to the Infinite Hell to get the fruit of hell. It is indeed not allowed to grow out of knots.

At this moment, the voice of a little turtle suddenly came from my ear.

"Small Daozi, take the broken picture, grab it if you don't win it, or you can't win it...Your sister's little Daozi, in the face of the rubbish, is there anything that Master Gui can't grab?"

Li Zedao's eyeballs widened slightly. He really did not expect that the little tortoise, who had always had an outsider around and shucked its head, would bubbling at this time. It is not afraid of being repaired by Shui Fei Ling or even Huang Quan, the fairy mirror. Has the super power spotted?

However, seeing the expressions of the two of them did not change, it is conceivable that Little Turtle could only hear what she said, but Shui Feiling and Huang Quan could not hear them.

"In short, you must grab the remnant picture, otherwise God's Domain will have to die a lot of garbage that may be somewhat useful in the end." The little turtle's tone became a little weird, as if he was feeling something.

"Xiao Daozi, the broken picture on his body is exactly one of the broken pictures looking for the sky-breaking axe." The little turtle's voice came into his ears, "Anyway, all the broken pictures can only fall into the hands of Xiaodaozi, broken The Sky Axe can only fall into your hands."

Li Zedao's eyes widened again, and he secretly took a breath, and sure enough, what the broken picture in his hand was actually referring to was the Heavenly Shaking Axe.

"Because Xiaodaozi, you are the chosen one, and you have a great mission on your shoulders." Little Turtle said again.

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and his heart suddenly became bold. Since even the vicious little tortoise said he was the chosen one, then he is indeed the chosen one, the established master of the heavenly axe, those forces trying to get the broken picture... …That is to come over and grab your own things in an open mind.

Li Zedao's eyes revealed that he must protect his things...Anyway, something happened and a little tortoise was holding it.

"Boy, it seems that you are quite interested in the broken picture?" Huang Quan, a person like a human being, could see that Li Zedao's expression had become wrong.

"Such a treasure, I want to fight for it." Li Zedao smiled awkwardly.

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