"Just your kid?"

Huang Quan expressed his disdain: "Let’s not say whether you have enough gold coins or other precious pill, even if you get this broken picture, with your cultivation base, as long as the front feet dare to leave this sand city, the back feet You will be chopped up. You can die if you want, but don't get tired of the water girl."

Li Zedao could only continue to laugh awkwardly and said, "Grandpa Huang, I just think about it."

Huang Quan snorted coldly: "It's best to do this, otherwise even me, I can't save you."

As the auctioneer, Huang Quan shouldn't do it, otherwise Huang Quan's reputation will be completely stinking, and I am afraid that there will be no way to gain a foothold in this realm of God.

Although you are a strong spirit fairy mirror, there are some rules that must be followed. After all, the spirit fairy mirror cultivation is not enough to make you a maker of new rules, so you can ignore other established rules.

The warning belongs to the warning. Huang Quan also felt that this kid was only worth thinking about. From the perspective of financial resources, he could not rob those super powers in any way.

"Okay, Shui girl, then you have a good rest." Huang Quan looked at Shui Feiling and immediately changed a smiling face, "Remember, be optimistic about this ignorant boy, don't mess around."

"I see, Grandpa Huang, I won't let him mess around." Shui Feiling smiled.

I don’t know why, seeing my little brother slumped like this, I seem to feel refreshed. Is it because my little brother is too cheap and narcissistic?

"In addition, quickly find time to kick this hypocritical kid. Grandpa Huang will help you reintroduce a real young talent to your satisfaction."

Li Zedao was very depressed.

"Thank you Grandpa Huang." Shui Feiling glanced at Li Zedao and said with a smile.

Li Zedao was even more depressed.

After Huang Quan left, Shui Feiling closed the door and walked to Li Zedao, who was extremely depressed, and smiled happily.

"Sister Shui, your little brother is so despised, can you still laugh?" Li Ze slapped her buttocks.

Concubine Shui Ling said with a "puzzle", her eyes were already showing a sense of spring, and she hugged Li Zedao's neck with her arms and giggled: "Damn brother, aren't you always pretty narcissistic? Look, or Someone doesn't like you."

"That old man...oh, Grandpa Huang is not a woman." Li Zedao retorted.

"Even women are old women."

"Uh, forget it." Li Ze said with goose bumps.

"But little brother, do you really want to get that broken picture?" After frolicking for a while, Shui Feiling frowned slightly.

She knew Li Zedao far better than Huang Quan, and she didn't think he was just thinking about it.

Li Zedao gently placed Concubine Shui Ling on the bed, his expression looked so mysterious, and said in a low voice, "Sister Shui, I will show you something."

"What is it?" Shui Feiling asked with interest, her eyes already showing an extremely charming look.

They often played this kind of ambiguous game recently, and she knew that the little brother was going to show her baby next time, and the **** little brother was always so impatient.

Li Zedao didn't do what Shui Concubine thought, but whispered in Shui Concubine's ear.

Concubine Shui Ling's face changed all of a sudden, her eyes rounded, she couldn't believe what her ears were hearing.

"Little brother...Where did your thing come from?" Shui Feiling said with difficulty, her voice changed.

"Remember the descendant of Nuwa we encountered next to the corpse? I didn't know what it was that fell from him, but now I hear Grandpa Huang say that it seems to be the stubborn axe. Picture." Li Zedao said.

"..." The muscles on Shui Feiling's face twitched. It is really hard to imagine that the little brother's luck would be so violent, just being in an ugly corpse, and getting such a broken picture.

After receiving the broken picture that Li Zedao handed over, Shui Feiling glanced at it with interest.

"Although there is indeed an axe mark on this broken map, it can't be concluded that this is the map about the sky-breaking axe, right?" Shui Feiling said.

Li Zedao thought that this was one of the fragments of the sky-breaking axe, but he nodded: "It is true. That's why I want to say if I can see that fragment at the auction tomorrow. I will know by comparison. Up."

Concubine Shui Ling frowned and shook her head: "Even so, our strength is definitely not able to compete with those strengths. If nothing else, you can't compete with them for your old friend's family and the family brother..."

Li Zedao nodded, with their financial resources, in front of these forces, it was as if Dio Si met Gao Fushuai.

Concubine Shui Ling's eyes rolled: "Little brother, why don't you go to the public loser's family? Just say that this handsome guy is a good friend of public losers, and that public losers Linglong doesn't want to be a handsome guy. If you don't help me shoot After downloading the broken picture, this handsome guy kicked Linglong from the public loser...what do you think of this method, little brother?"

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry: "I don't think this method is so good."

When did Sister Shui become so naive? Isn't the saying that you have been silly for three years is not just casual talk? Sister Shui is silly now?

"Then there is no way, I can only watch the remnant picture being taken away by others." Shui Feiling shrugged her shoulders.

"There is another way." Li Zedao narrowed his eyes with a wise expression on his face.

"What way?" Shui Fei Ling was taken aback.


"Fuck?" Shui Feiling gave Li Zedao angrily, thinking that he was joking.

Seeing that Li Zedao's expression had not changed, he looked at himself quite seriously, his already big eyes became bigger: "Little brother, don't tell your sister you are serious."

"I'm serious." Li Zedao said.

The muscles on Shui Feiling's face twitched, and then said earnestly: "Little brother, it's not right to **** someone else's stuff."

Li Zedao stared at Concubine Shui with wide eyes, and said, "Sister Shui, I thought you wouldn't say such things."

"Damn little brother." Shui Feiling scolded with a smile.

"Even if the remnant picture is taken from the public loser family, do you still grab it?" Shui Fei Ling asked.

"Grab!" Li Zedao said without hesitation.

Concubine Shui Ling giggled, her jade finger raised Li Zedao's chin teasingly, her eyes were full of love and obsession, and she said, "Little brother, do you know that you look so charming with such a domineering man?" "

"This, I am quite self-aware." Li Zedao nodded.


The next day, Ahuang led Li Zedao and Shui Feiling to stroll around the yellow city at the request of Shui Feiling, and then walked out of another gate.

Looking around, it was golden.

Li Zedao and Concubine Shui Ling both had extreme desires. After all, there would be a place where Concubine Shui Ling could continue his life, and a place where the child in Concubine Shui Ling could be born safely.

"Young Master Li, Miss Shui, that is the Great Desert, one of the ten most fierce places."

"I heard that there are a group of snake people led by a gorgeous beauty snake in that desert?" Concubine Lingrao asked interestedly.

"Miss Shui, it is true." Ahuang said.

"Have you seen that beautiful snake?" Shui Feiling glanced at Ah Huang, "Otherwise how do you know that beautiful snake is gorgeous?"

As a proud woman, Concubine Shui was quite unconvinced, thinking that the beauty of the snake must be a little worse than herself.

Ahuang smiled awkwardly: "Miss Shui, don't make fun of the little ones. The little ones are only heard. It is said that the beautiful snake is named Bo Ya, the female emperor of the snake-man clan, and she is extremely powerful and extremely ruthless. Beautiful women. And it is said that the empress likes to raise handsome men very much, treating them as pets as well as food."

Speaking, Ahuang couldn't help but glanced at Li Zedao, thinking that his appearance... shouldn't be remembered by the beauty snake.

But he is dangerous.

Ahuang is a little nervous, so he should go back to the city as soon as possible. This place is really not suitable for staying longer.

If Li Zedao knew that this kid would dare to be so shameless, he would have to kick him into the desert.

"Snake people have appeared in this yellow city?" Li Ze asked.


Ah Huang nodded and said, his expression revealing a trace of jealousy. One can imagine the terrible thing about that snake man.

"From time to time, the snake people will send snake people or people under their control to sneak into this yellow city, or assassinate or looting. This kind of thing has been happening since ancient times. Just like a few days ago, there were Two snake-men of the highest grade peak cultivation in the Spirit and God Realm sneaked into the Yellow City, killed our seven brothers, and finally took away one of our handsome-looking brothers."

Feeling ashamed to say this, Huang added: "Of course, one of the snake men was killed by me on the spot."

Li Zedao nodded, feeling clear.

Li Zedao also read a lot of books in the library of Buzhou Academy. He probably knew how the snake people were isolated, spurned, and even hunted down. It was actually quite innocent.

It is said that this race originally lived in a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers, but was forced to flee into the big desert. With the natural danger of the big desert, it barely escaped the scourge of genocide and hated the outside world. Those people.

"The auction meeting will be held in the next few days, so the guards in the city are more stringent. On the one hand, they are to monitor the major forces who come to participate in the auction. On the other hand, they are also to prevent snakes from sneaking in and waiting for opportunities to destroy. "Ahuang said again.

Li Zedao nodded: "Oh, yes, Miss Shui and I are both very low-key people, and we don't plan to take any photos, so just help us change to a humble seat."

Ahuang stunned, then nodded: "Okay, Li Gongzi."

Afterwards, Li Zedao and Shui Feiling returned to the yellow building to rest for a while, and under the guidance of Ahuang, they came to another huge loess-colored building in the city.

Here is the site of the upcoming auction.

At this time, there are already many people gathered around here. These people come from the major forces that came to participate in the auction, and without exception, they are all spiritual and spiritual cultivation bases, and most of them are spiritual and spiritual realms. The cultivation base above the mid-level peak,

These forces can be regarded as sending out the elite, so as to ensure that the things they photographed will not be robbed.

Of course, it is relatively safe in Huangcheng. After all, Huang Quan does not allow such things as plundering on his own territory, but after leaving Huangcheng, then I am embarrassed, and be careful.

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