The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2257: The last lot

The arrival of Li Zedao and Shui Feiling, who covered their faces and reduced their sharp edges, did not arouse too much attention from these people. For them, they do have strong competitors, but they will definitely not be in sight. These two.

"Prince Li, Miss Shui, you will queue up for a while to enter the venue, and then hand over the invitation card to the staff. Then someone will naturally take you to sit down there. The younger ones have to go back to guard to prevent emergencies. I'm with you two." Ahuang said respectfully.

In my heart, I was quite puzzled. I really didn't understand why Li Zedao and Shui Feiling wanted to do this.

I obviously gave them the VIP card yesterday, but this morning they asked for the most common invitation card.

The difference between the VIP card and the ordinary invitation card lies in the embodiment of the status. The position of the VIP card is the independent seat in the front.

As for the ordinary invitation cards, they are relatively backward, mainly for those minor personnel of the major forces and the lone personnel who are not from other forces but are attracted by this auction. These lone personnel are basically Come and join in the fun and long experience.

After learning about this, Huang Quan nodded his head with satisfaction, thinking that the hypocritical kid was really self-aware and knew that the broken picture was beyond his reach, so he planned to be the most ordinary spectator.

If he knew that Li Zedao and Concubine Shui were planning to move, I am afraid he would immediately appear in front of Li Zedao and slap him to death, right?

With the ordinary invitation card in his hand, Li Zedao and Shui Feiling successfully entered the auction venue.

The entire auction venue was huge, almost as Li Zedao had imagined.

At this time, there were already a lot of people sitting inside, making the entire auction venue in a state of hustle and bustle.

Many forces are whispering in secret, presumably they are discussing what kind of object must be photographed this time. After all, those who came to participate in this auction know that at this huge auction, Probably some treasure will appear.

Even some powerful forces have already reserved those treasures.

At the moment, Shui Feiling and Li Zedao followed the instructions of the personnel inside, and sat down in a dark corner relatively behind, quietly waiting for the start of this large-scale auction.

I don't know how long it took, a crisp bell ringing slowly echoed in this huge auction house.

While breathing, the original hustle and bustle fell into silence, and then a beautiful young woman walked out of it with a smile and appeared on the stage in front.

The auction is finally about to begin!

"Little brother, that girl looks pretty good, do you want my sister to tell Grandpa Huang to come and warm your bed?" Shui Concubine's beautiful eyes glanced at Li Zedao with a smile.

Li Zedao smiled shyly: "Thank you Sister Shui."

"Go! Damn little brother." Shui Feiling scolded, but her eyes were full of love. "Are you not afraid that your sister will cut you off?"

Li Zedao's body shivered.

On the stage, the beautiful eyes of the woman swept the audience with a smile, but without ink, she went directly to the theme: "Hello everyone, I am the auctioneer this time. I announce that the auction conference hosted by our Huangmen has officially begun. "

As the woman's voice fell, the eyes of many people in the audience suddenly brightened, and they were already a little excited.

"Please ask the staff to present the first treasure." The auctioneer laughed.

As soon as the voice fell, the first lot was sent to the stage. It looked like a long sword with a transparent body. What's even more amazing was that the sword released bursts of cold air, making the surrounding water mist envelop, which was obviously extremely cold. .

The appearance of this sword made many people's eyes brighten instantly, some admired, while others were full of greed.

"This is the cold ice sword. It was made by Master Ou Ye, the former No. 1 swordsmith in God's Domain, using the cold ice that has not changed for thousands of years. In order to make this sword, Master Ou Ye exhausted all his mental power. On the occasion, Master Ouye also fell." Shui Feiling clearly knew what sword it was and whispered.

"This sword is fully qualified to enter the ninth rank, but it has been missing for a thousand years. I did not expect it to appear here at this time, and it is the first treasure to be auctioned. It seems that the specifications of this auction conference are indeed very good. High." Shui Feiling expressed admiration.

Li Zedao also sighed: "Sister Shui really knows everything about the present."

"Little brother, you are so cute when you flatter." Shui Feiling giggled.

"My **** is more cute." Li Zedao lowered his head slightly, his face shy.

"Deng's disciple!" Concubine Shui's eyes were filled with water and Li Zedao gave Li Zedao a look, **** little brother, why is he thinking of such things all day long?

At the moment, the woman began to introduce the sword, and the content was similar to that of Shui Fei Ling.

"The low price of this Frost Sword is 100,000 gold coins, please clear it up," the woman said.

As soon as the woman's voice fell, many bidding voices came to mind in the auction room, and they were obviously very interested in this ice sword.

"Little brother, are you interested in this sword?" Shui Feiling asked.

Li Zedao smiled and shook his head: "Now I use this sword very smoothly, I didn't want to change the sword, and we said that we should keep a low profile?"

"My sister means, if you are interested, please take a few more glances, otherwise you will be photographed away soon." Shui Feiling looked at Li Zedao's eyes as if she was looking at an idiot.

"..." Li Zedao now wants to shoot the **** of Concubine Shui Ling.

Not long after, this ice cold sword was sold for nine hundred and fifty thousand gold coins.

At the beginning, it was a rare high-grade ninth-grade sword, which made everyone look forward to the next treasure to be auctioned.

Sure enough, the next treasure after another did not disappoint.

There are pill of 7th rank or above, there are middle-rank spiritual arts and spiritual skills, and even the third-rank Horcruxes are available, and the auction prices are higher than once, and they are even a little ridiculously high, making the entire auction The atmosphere at the meeting has always been in the busiest state.

Of course, this kind of noise has nothing to do with Li Zedao and Concubine Shui Ling, and even the two of them have entered the state of cultivation early.

What lay before them was not just the fragmented pictures taken by the forces that moved them, but also the terrifying desert and the more terrifying hell.

If you want everything to go smoothly, you can even say that you can save your life. The higher your cultivation base, the better.

"Dear guests, the treasure that will appear next time will also be the last treasure of this auction. I believe this treasure is also the purpose of many people coming here."

The auctioneer Ji Bingmei glanced at the audience and said.

"That's..." Ji Bing's eyes flashed with strange colors, and he said in a deep voice, "Heaven Breaking Axe!"

Even though it has long been known that the last treasure to be auctioned is the one that only exists in the legend, it is the Heavenly Shaking Axe that even the Ninth Grade Horcrux has to be eclipsed in front of it, but at this time, as Ji Bing said After falling, the scene was in an uproar, and countless exclamations sounded.

Without exception, the eyes of these people were shining with extremely greedy hot gloom.

Li Zedao and Shui Feiling also opened their eyes, and the two looked at each other, and both could see the sly in each other's eyes.

"I don't know which force is so unlucky, and can finally take the broken picture." Shui Fei Ling said gleefully.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry: "It's quite unlucky."

"Of course, this is only a broken map where you can find the Sky Shaking Axe, but even so, one of the broken pictures has appeared, and the other broken pictures must be coming soon too." Ji Bing's voice was full. It is temptation.

As a result, the scene was even more chaotic.

Of course, excitement goes to excitement, greed goes to greed, no one dares to do excessive things here, just because this is Huangcheng, Huang Quan’s site, and even more because Huang Quan is a strong spiritual mirror. By!

No force would offend a strong person with a spiritual immortal mirror cultivation base at will. It is better than the Baili family, nor can it be because the price paid is too great.

As soon as Ji Bing's voice fell, everyone's eyes flashed, and a huge figure appeared in front of everyone.

The one who appeared was Huang Quan, and at the same time, Huang Quan had another box that looked extremely primitive.

After all, he was still worried that someone could not restrain his greed, so Huang Quan showed up in person to ensure the smooth progress of the auction.

Huang Quan's big copper bell-like eyes scanned the audience coldly, and while breathing, the boiling hall was like a large chunk of ice suddenly thrown into the boiling water, quickly quieting down.

Li Zedao was secretly speechless, but he was yearning for him. This is a strong spirit mirror. A random coercion is enough to make a small heart tremble and breath almost stagnates.

"Just as everyone thought in their hearts, what was in this box was the broken picture of the sky-breaking axe. Those with the highest price could take this box from Laozi." Huang Quan said loudly.

"Of course, at the request of the owner of this broken picture, the auction method is also slightly different." Huang Quan said again.

As soon as these words came out, none of the people below held their breath, all wondering what the so-called difference was.

"The auction rules are like this. This auction does not need to use gold coins, but exchanges for goods!"

Those people underneath heard the words, they were all stunned, and then began to whisper, it was the first time they heard of this rule.

But after thinking about it carefully, they felt that the original owner of this broken picture was too shrewd.

Presumably the original owner of the broken map is weak, and there is no way to protect the broken map, which can be said to be unusable, and does not need such a large amount of gold coins. Instead of this, it is better to exchange for some satisfactory spiritual skills. Jue pill medicine is also more realistic.

"Lao Tzu will be waiting in that room for a while. Whoever wants to get this broken picture, bring the treasures you think into that room. After that, the owner of this broken picture will choose the one he likes the most. Baby, complete the transaction with it."

"Okay, I'll wait for everyone in that room." Huang Quan said again, turning around and striding into the room behind him.

Ji Bing nodded and smiled at everyone, and then turned to enter.

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