The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2262: Black needle

"That's the case." Li Zedao hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Miss Ji is polite, she's only sparse in her studies, but the eighth-rank alchemist, who is a mere eight-rank alchemist, never dare to behave.

"Prince Li is humble." Ji Bing smiled. He secretly scolded this guy for being too hypocritical.

"Oh, I don't know what gratitude Miss Ji said..."

"..." Ji Bing's eyes widened slightly.

"Ahem, I mean, I wonder if Miss Ji has brought medicinal herbs and other things? After all, practice is the best teacher?" Li Zedao coughed lightly and said quite seriously.

As if being irritated by Li Zedao’s obvious seduce, Ji Bing was even more shy, saying: "Young Master Li said it is very true. Please wait a while, the little girl will go back to get the pill furnace. ..."

Secretly cursing in my heart, this **** disciple, who is already dead, even dared to molest this lady.

As he said, Ji Bing slightly hesitated, but there was a "puff", her eyebrows frowned, her face became a little pale, and her scented shoulders were still trembling slightly.

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao saw this and quickly stood up and asked with concern.

"Thank you Young Master Li for your care, the little girl is okay, but... suddenly a little dizzy." Ji Bing shook his head and said, but his body swayed a few times and he was about to fall to the ground.

Li Zedao was quick with eyes and hands, holding on to her limp body, but the nerves were slightly tense, he knew that this woman was about to show her fangs and give himself a fatal blow.

"Much...Thank Li Young Master, the little girl is fine." Ji Bing wanted to refuse, and the limp body was close to Li Zedao's chest. The terrifying fierce light in the depths of the eyes flashed by.

At the same time, a black needle gleaming with gloomy light appeared between her jade fingers that looked like cutting green onion roots. The black needle pierced Li Zedao's arm as fast as lightning.

Ji Bing sneered inwardly, **** disciple, what about the eighth grade alchemist? What about the top-grade cultivation base of the spiritual god? Isn't it about to be killed by this lady?

At this moment, Ji Bing felt that a powerful hand had clasped his wrist at once, and his expression had changed drastically.

This disciple is actually defensive? how can that be?

"Miss Ji, what is this going to do? Help me sew up the clothes?" Li Zedao glanced at the black needle that was gleaming, and smiled faintly.

Ji Bing looked up at Li Zedao, showing a smile that was enough to eclipse the surroundings, and his red lips lightly opened.

While breathing, a cold light burst out of her mouth and pierced Li Zedao's right eye fiercely.

Li Zedao's pupils shrink slightly!

Danger! Rich danger!

Li Zedao originally thought that this woman would start to find a rather lame excuse, and continue to use beauty schemes or something, did not even think that there was a hidden weapon in her mouth, and the power of this hidden weapon was so terrible, a If you accidentally, you might really want her way.

At the same time, a golden light appeared without warning, and immediately blocked the cold light.

Hanmang landed, it was actually a small black needle!

"Kang Dang!"

The sound of landing was so harsh.

Although the hidden weapon was blocked, Li Zedao really had a lingering fear. If he hadn't possessed a golden cover, he was afraid that his eyes would be pierced by this black needle.

Ji Bing was directly dumbfounded, his mind roared fiercely, and there was a huge wave in his heart, and he couldn't believe it was true.

In fact, the black needle in her hand was not her real killer move. Her real killer move was the black needle hidden in her mouth. But what she never expected was that her wrist was buckled and it didn’t matter. The hidden weapon shot out didn't know what method he used to block it.

This is a big support!

She originally thought that she had the hidden weapon obtained from the public loser family, even if facing the spiritual **** realm high-grade cultivation level, she would suffer at all, but she did not expect that in the face of absolute strength, this hidden weapon was simply a display.

Ji Bing felt that the public losing family was too much. This hidden weapon was not so powerful, but it boasted that it was the number one hidden weapon in God's Domain. He also said that the public output must be a fine product.

At this moment, Ji Bing's wrist hurt, and the black needle in his hand fell again.

At the same time, she only felt that a very terrifying force was coming, and it hit her abdomen fiercely, and directly knocked her out.

Immediately, Ji Bing fell to the ground in embarrassment, with a mouth open, spouting a mouthful of blood, and his face was as pale as paper, as you can imagine, he had suffered serious injuries.

Raising his head with difficulty, looking at Li Zedao who was staring at him blankly, he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Even such a beautiful woman do you have such a heavy hand? A beast is not as good!"

Li Zedao squatted down slightly and looked at Ji Bing as if he was looking at an idiot: "Beauty? Compared with my sister Shui, you are just as normal."

"You..." Ji Bing was so angry that he spit out blood again.

I wanted to refute a few words, but what others said was the truth.

Regarding her appearance, Ji Bing has always been quite confident, but when Huang Quan encountered the Shui Fei Ling, she felt ashamed of herself, and immediately developed extremely strong jealousy in her heart. The face is ruined.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Ji Bing opened his mouth and wanted to call for help.

All you need to do is to attract other people, especially the people from the Yellow Door, and then you can be a thief shouting to catch the thief, and pour dirty water on Li Zedao's body. Yes, he desperately couldn't follow, he was so angry that he injured himself.

Li Zedao noticed the woman's thoughts all at once. He sat directly on the woman with his knees pressed tightly against her arms, and stretched out his hands to hold down her mouth. Her whole head was pressed heavily on the ground.

"Mmm..." Ji Bing stared at Li Ze with a rather fierce look.

Being controlled by such a posture, I felt ashamed and angry, and almost fainted.

I was really sad, how could he be like this? No matter how you say, he is also a beautiful woman, can't he be gentler?

"Heh, are you planning to be a thief and call to catch a thief?" Li Zedao sneered.

She really succeeded, and she couldn't tell for a while. The crux of the problem is that Huang Quan will definitely not believe his words.

"Hmm..." Ji Bing's eyes changed, and he looked at Li Ze pitifully, as though I was pitiful.

Li Zedao ignored him, and with the other hand tore a large piece of cloth from Ji Bing's clothes.

Ji Bing's eyes went round all of a sudden, showing a panic, so this disciple really planned to use her strong?

"Hmm..." Ji Bing desperately tried to struggle, but was desperate to find that he couldn't move at all.

Not to mention, at this time she has already suffered a serious injury. Even if she is not injured, she is far from this man's opponent. After all, she is only a mere quasi-spiritual **** cultivation base, but this man is a spiritual god-level cultivation base. .

The difference in strength between this is too far.

Ji Bing's heart was full of regret. He knew that he should leave this yellow city immediately instead of being greedy, and he planned to rob something from this man before leaving.

Li Zedao naturally did not tear up all the clothes on her body and do other animal things, as Ji Bing thought in his heart, and even let go of Ji Bing's mouth with his hands.

Ji Bing seized the opportunity and wanted to shout loudly when he opened his mouth.

It’s just that Li Zedao’s movements are faster. With a flick of his finger, an elixir prepared in advance was shot into Ji Bing’s mouth by him. At the same time, he would have taken Ji Bing’s clothes a long time ago. The torn strip of cloth kneaded into a ball, and then slammed it into Ji Bing's mouth.


Just as Ji Bing yelled out a word, his mouth was just sealed by the cloth strip, and at the same time, the pill rolled into her throat and into her body.

Ji Bing's eyes widened, and his heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

She didn't know what this **** guy had fed herself, but she wanted to know, it was definitely not a good thing.

"Don't worry, what you eat will not kill you."

Li Zedao gave Ji Bing a relieved look, but he smiled quite evilly, "It's just that this pill has some side effects. It will make your body become sensitive, become empty, and become lonely, even if it appears in There is a male dog in front of you, and you will not hesitate to pounce at it. Moreover, you will be quite awake, just unable to control your body...Do you understand what I mean?"

Not only did Ji Bing understand, but his face became quite ugly, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Hmm..." Ji Bing tried desperately to struggle, but couldn't move.

If possible, she wants to die with this beast!

"Now, there are two paths before you."

Li Zedao said: "First, cooperate with me obediently, and I will give you the antidote. Second, after the effects of the drug begin to work, I will throw you out of the window and throw you on the street... Okay, choose the first one. Nod, shake your head when you choose second."

Ji Bing hurriedly nodded. She would rather cooperate with this perversion than be thrown on the street and become a **** who can do her best.

"Very good." Li Zedao nodded his head quite satisfied, thinking that this woman was quite knowledgeable about current affairs.

"I have one question, where did the picture of the broken sky axe in your hand come from." Li Ze said.

"..." Ji Bing's eyes widened suddenly, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

Why does this guy know that the broken picture came from his own hand? Huang Quan told him?

No, it's impossible. Huang Quan is famous for his rules, and he will not do such things that damage his reputation.

"When I entered the small dark room, you who should have been in that room were nowhere to be seen, so I want to know that you are the master of the broken picture hiding behind the black curtain." Li Zedao said lightly.

Ji Bing's eyes widened.

Suddenly thinking of something, his face changed again, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was like seeing a ghost.

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