The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2263: intuition

So, this pervert is deliberately saying that he has 20 concentrating pills to lure himself here? Even the reason why he entered the small black room was not to get the broken picture, but to learn the identity of the owner of the broken picture?

Li Zedao did not continue to press the woman, but stood up and pointed to the table: "Pen paper is already prepared on it, write down the answers to the questions I want to know."

Li Zedao didn't worry about whether this woman would take the opportunity to escape or tear off the cloth in her mouth to yell or scream. After all, this woman is not stupid, she would not make such a foolish act.

At best, she would find the chance to kill herself, but unfortunately, she couldn't find any chance.

Ji Bing stood up with difficulty. Sure enough, he didn't take out the cloth in his mouth and didn't have any plan to escape. Instead, he looked at Li Zedao with a rather unbelievable or terrifying look, as if Li Zedao was a devil. of.

"I don't have much patience, so you can start." Li Zedao waved his hand.

Ji Bing was still standing there, but her eyes were unsteady and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Immediately, she knelt to the ground at Li Zedao, looked at Li Zedao with pleading eyes, and then pointed to her swollen mouth, indicating that she had something to say.

Li Zedao frowned.

The pleading in Ji Bing's eyes was even worse.

"Take it away." Li Zedao said.

Although she didn't understand the meaning of this woman's kneeling behavior, she also knew that she had something to ask for herself.

"I don't know why you want to know the source of the broken picture, but you want me to say that it's okay, but I have one request." Ji Bing took off the banner in his mouth and looked at Li Ze and said.

"You are not qualified to make any request with me." Li Zedao said lightly.

"I want to beg you for one thing, now maybe only you can help me." Ji Bingbei bit his lower lip, his eyes full of pleading and misery.

This is intuitive!

Intuition told Ji Bing that the perverted and unpredictable metamorphosis in front of her might help her, so she tried to seize such an opportunity.

Li Zedao remained unmoved, his expression still cold: "I am not Mr. Lei."

Is this woman sick?

Ji Bing naturally did not understand these words, she did not know who Mr. Lei was.

She continued to look at Li Ze with pleading eyes: "As long as you promise to help me and help me investigate one thing clearly, I can say everything you want to know, and even I can be your servant. You want me to do it. Whatever I do."

Li Zedao shook his head: "I have no shortage of servants."

I wonder if this woman feels too good about herself? She thought that pretending to be pitiful would make a man feel relieved?

Ji Bing bit her lip again, this time with great strength, she bit her lips and bleeds all at once. Her eyes looked at Li Zedao with extremely complicated eyes, stood up and said: "Then I'm sorry, I can't Answer any questions you have."

Li Zedao raised his brows and his tone became harsh: "Do you think you have the right to choose?"

"Since I was young, I still have the right to choose to die." Ji Bing said, with dark blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Li Zedao's complexion changed slightly, he never thought that this woman had a poisonous needle hidden in her mouth, and even a poisonous pill was hidden!

The poison of the poison pellet was obviously extremely overbearing. Ji Bing's body quickly softened to the ground, vomiting black blood, angered like silk, and she couldn't live anymore.

"As for that?"

Li Zedao murmured a lot of headaches, but had to start saving people.

Seriously, if it weren't for Little Tortoise to ask him about the source of the broken picture, Li Zedao would just pat his **** and leave.

Ji Bing woke up with a stick of incense.

The place that caught the eye was Li Zedao's somewhat indifferent eyes.

The corners of Ji Bing's mouth curled up with an inexplicable range: "I knew that you would definitely save me."

"I will save you, but it doesn't mean I can save you." Li Zedao curled his lips.

"Intuition tells me that you can save me, just as intuition tells me that you can help me." Ji Bing said.

Li Zedao looked at this woman as if looking at an idiot: "What else does intuition tell you?"

"Although you cover your face, your instinct tells me that you are extremely handsome."

Of course, this is not all intuition. After all, to attract such a dazzling woman like Concubine Shui, this man must be extremely powerful, both in strength and appearance.

Li Zedao felt that this woman still had something remarkable, for example, her intuition was quite accurate.

No, it is quite accurate.

"I am indeed extremely handsome, and I am hailed as the most handsome man in God's Domain." Li Zedao nodded in agreement.

"..." Ji Bing felt that this perversion was really shameless.

"Just, why should I help you? Just because I want to get some answers from you? If I want to know the answers, I can use some methods." Li Zedao said lightly.

Ji Bing stood up, pulled his hand, and the jade belt fell off his waist. Soon, the snow-white fragrant shoulders, the pink bellyband, the slender waist, and the sleeve-length thighs appeared in front of Li Zedao completely exposed.

Li Zedao frowned: "What are you doing?"

Does this woman want to say that she can let herself have this proud body?

Really stupid! Lack of women? Li Zedao felt that he was insulted.

"I don't need to get your medicine to work, I can run to the street now and become that person's best bitch!" Ji Bing said seriously.

Li Zedao's expression moved slightly, so she was telling herself that no matter what method she used, she would not reveal the least bit of information about the source of the broken picture?

Unless, I agree to her so-called request?

Ji Bing smiled charmingly and looked at Li Zedao's eyes so hot, and his voice was fascinating: "Young Master Li, before the little girl becomes a bitch-bitch, do you want to serve you first? Once."

With that said, you must tear off the belly pocket when you pose.

Li Zedao didn't have the slightest greed in his eyes, but he seemed to be watching a clown performing an ugly performance: "Do you think people with high-grade spiritual skills of the heavens will appreciate the spiritual skills that are not even low-rank? "

"..." All the charming smiles on Ji Bing's face solidified, and he was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words.

I just feel ashamed and angry, and want to spit out some old blood.

She felt that all the insults she had suffered since she was a child added up, not more than half of what she is now.

"Give you half a stick of incense, put on your clothes, and tell your intentions, otherwise you will go naked and run." Li Zedao finally compromised.

Ji Bing gave Li Zedao a blank look, quickly picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on. Then he walked to Li Zedao, took a deep breath and said, "I hope, Master Li, you can come home with me and help me investigate. One thing is clear."

Li Zedao's expression remained unchanged, even without blinking his eyelids, as if he hadn't heard Ji Bing's words.

Ji Bing could only curse in his heart while continuing to say: "That's it, I suspect that my father is not my father."

Li Zedao's complexion remained unchanged, without any reaction.

Ji Bing had an urge to kill this bastard. I should have said such horrible things. Shouldn't you be surprised?

"The broken picture was given to me by my father." Ji Bing said again.

Li Zedao finally had a reaction. He raised his brows and looked at Ji Bing: "The broken picture came from your father?"

Ji Bingbei bit his lip slightly, and his expression was full of worries: "He did give me the remnant picture, and he asked me to bring it to this yellow city to find the master of the Yellow Sect, and let him auction it out... It's just that he didn't make it clear where this broken picture came from."

"Why do you think he is not your father?" Li Zedao asked.

"After he went out, he seemed to have changed another person."

Ji Bing was full of worry: "Before he rarely approached female sex, but now, he brings back different women to the house all day long; before, he didn't like to eat meat food, but now, he is edible. That **** meat. Before he had a good temper and treated people with a gracious and gentle temper, but now he is extremely prone to anger. Within half a month of his return, five servants were beaten to death by him. Those five servants just made a small mistake...In short, some of his behaviors were too weird and abnormal, so I wondered if something happened to my father, and now this person is simply fake."

Li Zedao frowned, his personality changed drastically, not necessarily because of a change of individuals, after all, after some people suffered some shocks, their personalities would also change dramatically.

But anyway, since this broken picture came from this woman's father, I can only ask him to make it clear.

Li Zedao couldn't help taking a look at Ji Bing, thinking that this woman's mind was really terrifying. She was sure that she was eager to know the source of the broken picture, so she made such a request.

A little tortoise’s voice came in his ears: "Xiao Daozi, I will meet him when I go to her house. Maybe there is something to gain."

Li Zedao is helpless, shouldn't the most important thing now go to Hell?

Rebelling against nature is incapable of resisting. After all, if he wants to reach Infinite Hell, he has to rely on the little turtle, so he has to execute all its instructions at this time.

"If he is real, you help me kill him! If he is real... then help me heal him." Ji Bing said deeply, "I beg you."

"Where is your home?" Li Zedao asked.

Ji Bing was overjoyed and said quickly: "Heiyin City, Jijiabao."

"Black Seal City?" Li Zedao nodded.

Heiyin City is not too far away from the Yellow City. Before he and Shui Feiling resisted the Yellow City, he passed through Heiyin City. This is a small town built on the hillside, and the power in the city is the same as other places , It can be said to be intricate, but taken together, it is not too strong.

Presumably this Ji Jiabao is one of the forces that is not too strong.

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